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And army will get rid off mi35? Or they will kep it or transfer to another branch like marine maybe?
From US Embassy Jakarta
If any members or silent readers here take interest
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C-17 production line is ended and AFAIK Ministry of State Enterprises is pressing on A-400
True AFAIK is not like our force dont want A-400, its just not on their priority list. Their priority is pushing hercules fleet readyness and replace/add more Hercules airframe. On the other hand there are seems to be a "business deal" going on with the A-400 purchased and PT.DI. Maybe its one of the "syarat" to get business from them. Tho to be honest idk if it can go thru, from what I know it needs 5 A-400 purchase. 1 is already on PT.PPI, the other 2 are to be purchased by Pertamina/Anak usaha (status unclear) and the remaining 2 are still yet to be seen.
True AFAIK is not like our force dont want A-400, its just not on their priority list. Their priority is pushing hercules fleet readyness and replace/add more Hercules airframe. On the other hand there are seems to be a "business deal" going on with the A-400 purchased and PT.DI. Maybe its one of the "syarat" to get business from them. Tho to be honest idk if it can go thru, from what I know it needs 5 A-400 purchase. 1 is already on PT.PPI, the other 2 are to be purchased by Pertamina/Anak usaha (status unclear) and the remaining 2 are still yet to be seen.
AFAIK,we pushed A400 contract to "memurnikan" hak produksi pesawat rancangan alm. Pak Habibie

OOT dikit,kok demo jadi out of topic sih? Pertama minta putus ruu2 "gak jelas" sekarang minta turunin presiden dan nyambung2in ke karhutla&pemindahan ibukota? Excuse me wtf?
Is it possible to be banned from a Facebook page? cause apparently i am banned from MaxDefense FB page.
Ini pada mau beli sam dari paman sam ya?
Patriot gk bisa menghalau suicide drone milik iran, houthi attack
OOT dikit,kok demo jadi out of topic sih? Pertama minta putus ruu2 "gak jelas" sekarang minta turunin presiden dan nyambung2in ke karhutla&pemindahan ibukota? Excuse me wtf?
Yg di luar tuntutan resmi mahasiswa misal turun presiden, itu numpang doang. Apalagi demo nomor cantik ga jelas itu. Yang lain serang DPR mereka serang presiden sendiri -_-"

Ujung2 mereka minta mia khalifah *facepalm*
Is it possible to be banned from a Facebook page? cause apparently i am banned from MaxDefense FB page.

Are you sure your not experiencing login related problem? It is extremely unlikely Facebook banning anyone, and I don't think max def is in the habit of banning commentator either.

Ini pada mau beli sam dari paman sam ya?
Patriot gk bisa menghalau suicide drone milik iran, houthi attack

PAC khan intended role nya utk anti rudal ballistic & anti pesawat bukan anti drone. Lagian ga mungin juga kalau nyalain early warning radar 24 jam non-stop
Are you sure your not experiencing login related problem? It is extremely unlikely Facebook banning anyone, and I don't think max def is in the habit of banning commentator either.

PAC khan intended role nya utk anti rudal ballistic & anti pesawat bukan anti drone. Lagian ga mungin juga kalau nyalain early warning radar 24 jam non-stop
I'll check again later, but it's indeed maybe related to network problem more than not, as i'm currently using proxy.
AFAIK,we pushed A400 contract to "memurnikan" hak produksi pesawat rancangan alm. Pak Habibie

OOT dikit,kok demo jadi out of topic sih? Pertama minta putus ruu2 "gak jelas" sekarang minta turunin presiden dan nyambung2in ke karhutla&pemindahan ibukota? Excuse me wtf?
What is mean memurnikan hak produksi? We have share for a400 production? It is alm habibie design??

Karhutla dri dlu sepaket gtu nah ibukota bru tau gw

Ini pada mau beli sam dari paman sam ya?
Patriot gk bisa menghalau suicide drone milik iran, houthi atta

Iya si KSA pke pertahanan udara crotale yang lama si PAC gagal kalo ga salah gara2 penempatan radarnya ga bener

Di formil kaskus ad tritnya sih gatau dsini ad yg bahas pac ksa atau ga
Ini pada mau beli sam dari paman sam ya?
Patriot gk bisa menghalau suicide drone milik iran, houthi attack
Ada pembahasan nya di lonji kaskus , itu juga bukan drone , murni cruise missile itu , patriot nya menghadap kemana , sementara ini cruise missile datang dari arah yang gak di duga saudi bakalan dari situ
Read this slide in detail then you'll find something peculiar.
Honestly i felt like the majority was the work of previous President, but the claim is somehow his in 4years... Or is it really?
no matter who signed the contract , still useless if the program not getting supported by the next administration (especially with the long term soft loan agreement) so you could say they were both SBY and JKW work.
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