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Russia keen to share its cyber-technology with Indonesia
10th Sep 2019 23:12


Head of Association for Exports of Technological Sovereignty (ASSETS) Andrey Bezrukoz talked to a participant at the workshop of "Exports of Technological Sovereignty" in Jakarta, Tuesday (Sept 10, 2019). (ANTARA/Genta Tenri Mawangi)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - A Russian association of cyber-tech companies has shown interest in sharing knowledge and supporting the Indonesian government’s plan to improve the country's human capital on cyber-technology.

On the sidelines of an "Exports of Technological Sovereignty" workshop in Jakarta, the head of the Association for Exports of Technological Sovereignty (ASSETS), Andrey Bezrukoz, said here Tuesday that a large number of the workforce in Indonesia has potential when it comes to developing the cyber-technology sectors.

On the other hand, Russia has been widely acknowledged as one of the few states in the world with the most advanced cyber-technology sector, he added.

"The meeting is just a start as what we would like to do is to create a permanent base of cooperation of technology between leading companies and universities of the two countries. Today's event is a start for technology exchanges, and of course, it also means training people," Bezrukoz explained.

Related news: Indonesia-Russia business forum yields 13 trade agreements

Meanwhile, a non-governmental body Indonesia Cyber Security Forum (ICSF) explained that the number of cyber-technology graduates and experts in the country remained low, although the need for cyber experts was relatively high.

"I was greatly concerned about our human capital's capacity when it comes to cyber-technology as it was not determined by the machine or the tools, but the man who creates and develops it. However, now, graduates of cyber-technology appear to be a rarity in the country," Ardi Sutedja, the chairman of ICSF, said.

Therefore, a collaboration to train people remained crucial to develop the cyber-technology sector in Indonesia, according to Sutedja.

Russia was one of few countries with most advanced cyber-technology development in the world beside US and China, Sutedja said.

Therefore, the offer from ASSETS was a fine opportunity for Indonesia to enhance its knowledge on cyber-technology, he believed.

"Russia had protected its technology for years, but now it is reaching out to other countries. The main purpose of this workshop is, of course, business, but I see the Russian companies are also keen to collaborate with us on developing a new platform," he added.

Related news: Putin to pay scheduled visit to Indonesia in 2020

Related news: Indonesia intensifies business, investment promotion in Russian far east

Editor: Gusti Nur Cahya Aryani



Well if its means Indonesian can breach US security wall and getting data on anti indonesia senator to get rid of them its a worthy Trade
One of lightning programme, to produce type certificate only need less than two year timeline thus starting the low rate initial production phase for the next year. Not even Badak as fast as this one

PT Pindad (Persero) berhasil mengantongi Seritifikat Tipe Medium Tank Harimau kategori Kendaraan Tempur Nomor: IMLA/TC/RANPUR/010/2019 yang telah melalui serangkaian uji dengan baik. Sertifikat Tipe ditandatangani dan diserahkan oleh Kepala Pusat Kelaikan (Kapuslaik) Kementerian Pertahanan, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono dan diterima secara langsung oleh Direktur Teknik dan Pengembangan Ade Bagdja di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan RI, Jakarta, Rabu (4/9/2019).

Kapuslaik Kemhan, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono menyatakan bahwa rancang tipe kendaraan tempur ini dengan batasan operasi serta kondisi yang tercantum dalam lembaran data sertifikat tipe, telah memenuhi ketentuan/aturan kelaikan darat berdasarkan Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Kepala Badan Sarana Pertahanan Nomor: JUKLAK/544/XII/2014.

Kapuslaik Kemhan, Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono juga mengatakan semoga Sertifikat Tipe yang telah dikeluarkan dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik.

“Sertifikat Tipe Medium Tank Harimau telah dikeluarkan berdasarkan kontrak yang ada. Apa yang telah dikeluarkan agar dapat dimanfaatkan sesuai peruntukannya,” ujar Teguh Sugiono.

Medium Tank Harimau telah melalui mine blast test, firing test, uji statis, uji dinamis dan uji lainnya. Medium Tank hasil Pengembangan bersama antara PT Pindad (Persero) dan FNSS Turki merupakan salah satu dari 7 program nasional pemerintah yang sudah terealisasi.

Kehadiran tank ini merupakan bukti kemampuan industri pertahanan dalam negeri menghasilkan produk inovatif berteknologi tinggi dalam mendukung kemandirian alutsista menjaga kedaulatan NKRI (Ryan).


can this become an excuse for TNI to ask PT PAL , Daewoo and Administration for 200metre + LPD design ? this is going to be the heaviest LPD in ASEAN
LPD makes more sense for thailand rather than quasi aircraft carrier/LHD, aswell most ASEAN countries,
slight cue here,why would we need 200m class lpd's?? we have dozens of new lst's for troop transport (not to mention the existing class of frosch and makssar/semarang/banda aceh class) most of our naval sealift command isn't for long range ocean going mission's but rather inter island transport.

Yeah i noticed it,but the price gak bakel jauh dari iver lah apalagi odense offered us to build this ship in pal shipyard with local content,btw i still dont get it the purpose of jajakin brahmos for yakhont replacer,i mean van speijk is going to retired very soon there's no ship that can carry brahmos in our Navy inventory they should looking for more exocet and take the license+coastal battery or if they want new ashm NSM would be good since it have land attack capabilities.

As for air defence im not suprised if we get thaad/pac 3 mse tho apalagi waktu kongres senior AS dateng mereka foto sama menhan dah kayak close friend "ketawa-ketiwi":D,but i i suggested meads because the flexibility and plug& fight that system have. Well at last its tni decision tho
if im not mistaken sometimes ago we sent representative to inspect russian shore based yakhont missile system,so i'm still open for the possibility that the navy still operates yakhont albeit this time operated by the marines for coastal defence.
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Marine always love russ, so maybe they use yakhont and compatible with others system
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kinda confused on where to put this news, LIPI (indonesia research agency) proposed 110 million US dollar for two new research ships. Well for a country as small as Singkies, they dont have to spend millions US dollar to explore their own country nor they need it, but for country as large as us, as diverse as us in geography challenge , it is a must so we must secure billion US dollar just for research and exploration alone, not to mention repairing thousands kilos border area and build up so many industrial center and must contend with logistick and government affair issue.

LIPI: Indonesia akan kelola 12 kapal riset untuk eksplorasi kelautan
Selasa, 10 September 2019 23:52 WIB


Kepala Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) Laksana Tri Handoko (kiri) saat ditemui di Gedung Mina Bahari Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Jakarta, Selasa. (Mentari Dwi Gayati)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) menargetkan Indonesia akan mengelola 10-12 armada kapal riset yang akan digunakan untuk mengeksplorasi seluruh perairan nasional.

Kepala LIPI Laksana Tri Handoko menjelaskan pengadaan kapal riset nasional ini merupakan salah satu infrastruktur mendasar setelah LIPI diminta menjadi pemimpin untuk Konsorsium Riset Samudra.

"Kita akan mengelola armada kapal riset Nasional kurang lebih 10-12 kapal sehingga kita memiliki kapasitas untuk mengeksplorasi seluruh perairan, termasuk di luar zona ekonomi eksklusif," kata Kepala LIPI Laksana Tri Handoko di Gedung Mina Bahari Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Jakarta, Selasa.

Baca juga: LIPI targetkan dua jenis kapal riset dengan 110 juta dolar AS

Tri Handoko memaparkan bahwa Indonesia memang telah memiliki banyak kapal riset, namun tersebar di sejumlah kementerian/lembaga pemerintah. Selain itu, umumnya kapal riset tersebut memiliki waktu layar yang terlalu pendek. Idealnya, kapal riset berlayar minimal 300 hari dalam setahun.

Selain itu, kapal riset yang ada belum mampu memetakan seluruh perairan Nasional. Hal itu menyebabkan peletakan sensor untuk mitigasi bencana tsunami sulit dilakukan karena data perairan yang belum lengkap.

Baca juga: BPPT usulkan revitalisasi pelabuhan khusus kapal riset

Ada pun pengadaan kapal pada fase pertama sebanyak dua kapal riset yang ditargetkan mulai tender pada 2020. Pengadaan kapal riset ini memakan biaya sebesar 110 juta dolar AS dengan dua sumber dana, yakni pendanaan skema Kerja Sama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (KPBU), dan pinjaman luar negeri.

Nantinya, kapal riset ini tidak akan dikelola oleh LIPI, melainkan oleh pihak swasta agar tetap menjaga mutu dan kualitas sesuai standar global, tanpa membebani APBN.

"Kapal Riset Samudra ini akan dikelola secara profesional, bukan lagi oleh LIPI, sehingga tidak membebani APBN untuk biaya operasional dan perawatan, tapi di sisi lain juga menjaga mutu dan kualitas kapal sesuai standar global," kata dia.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) juga menggandeng LIPI untuk peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan memperkuat riset kelautan.

Nota kesepahaman tersebut mencakup penelitian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan ilmu pengetahuan serta teknologi; pertukaran dan pemanfaatan data serta informasi; serta pemanfaatan sarana dan prasarana.


LIPI targetkan dua jenis kapal riset dengan 110 juta dolar AS
Senin, 22 April 2019 23:21 WIB


Ketua LIPI Laksana Tri Handoko (kiri) berbicara dalam pertemuan dengan awak media "Riset untuk optimalisasi Potensi Laut Indonesia" di Kapal Baruna Jaya, Zachman Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara, Senin (22/04/2019). (ANTARA News/Martha Herlinawati Simanjuntak)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) menargetkan minimal dua jenis kapal riset dengan dana sebesar 110 juta dolar Amerika Serikat yakni kapal riset samudera (ocean-going vessel) sepanjang 70-an meter dan kapal untuk menjelajah pesisir dan pulau-pulau dengan yang lebih kecil.

"Kita akan mengadakan kapal baru yang sudah 'secure' (aman) anggarannya. Insya Allah kita akan tanda tangani tahun ini juga dan bisa dilelang di akhir tahun ini juga sehingga bisa dibangun mulai tahun depan, diharapkan 2022 sudah bisa didatangkan," kata Ketua LIPI Laksana Tri Handoko dalam pertemuan dengan awak media "Riset untuk optimalisasi Potensi Laut Indonesia" di Kapal Baruna Jaya, Zachman Muara Baru, Jakarta Utara, Senin (22/4).

Handoko menuturkan melalui Konsorsium Riset Samudera yang dibentuk pada 2017, maka salah satu sasarannya adalah pembangunan infrastruktur riset yang utamanya pengadaan kapal riset dan fasilitas pendukungnya.

Fasilitas pendukung tersebut antara lain dermaga khusus kapal riset di daerah Banjir Kanal Timur, gudang penyimpanan dan perawatan kapal.

Rencananya dermaga kapal riset dan fasilitasnya bisa menjadi eduwisata berbasis riset maritim, dan ada semacam museum visual, serta menghidupkan taman mangrove.

Dia menuturkan pihaknya menggunakan pinjaman (soft loan) dari bank pembangunan Perancis untuk mendanai pembangunan kapal.

Selain itu, untuk sejumlah fasilitas pendukung seperti dermaga kapal riset, maka dana akan diperoleh melalui Kerjasama Pemerintah dengan Badan Usaha (KPBU). Dia berharap dari KPBU tersebut, ada tambahan dana Rp1-2 triliun untuk membangun fasilitas pendukung sehingga pendanaan infrastruktur riset tidak murni seluruhnya dari Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Negara.

Saat ini, pihaknya sedang melakukan negosiasi dengan pihak Perancis agar dengan dana 110 juta dolar AS setidaknya dapat memproduksi tiga kapal.

"Jadi kita akan merencanakan memiliki kapal riset sepanjang 75 meter," ujarnya.

Selain pembangunan kapal riset dan instrumen pendukung, pengembangan sumber daya manusia juga didorong.

Dia mengatakan kerja sama pengadaan kapal riset dengan pihak Perancis juga diharapkan meliputi pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam setiap tahapan produksi kapal, manajemen bisnis, pengoperasian kapal, pengelolaan kapal dan fasilitas pendukungnya.

"Kita akan mulai pengembangan sumber daya manusia tahun depan," tuturnya.

Dengan adanya kapal riset tersebut, maka Indonesia semakin mampu untuk bersaing dengan negara-negara lain.

Kapal riset itu akan digunakan untuk berbagai tujuan misalnya penilaian stok biota laut seperti ikan, riset laut dalam, dan pemetaan batimetri dan eksplorasi tambang.

"Indonesia belum mempunyai peta batimetri secara utuh," ujarnya.

Kapal riset juga akan dilengkapi dengan instrumen permanen dan fasilitas lain yang dapat digunakan oleh berbagai kementerian dan lembaga.

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Now that there's a serious intention on Indonesia acquiring heavier combatant ships, as well as the growing number of LPD & LST, are there talk on acquiring medium-sized helo for the naval aviation arm? (i.e. Romeo, NHF90, EC-725, etc) or at least perhaps adding more Bell 412 into the service? Or the is the focus right now lies on outfitting the rest of the Panther fleet with proper ASW equipment?
Now that there's a serious intention on Indonesia acquiring heavier combatant ships, as well as the growing number of LPD & LST, are there talk on acquiring medium-sized helo for the naval aviation arm? (i.e. Romeo, NHF90, EC-725, etc) or at least perhaps adding more Bell 412 into the service? Or the is the focus right now lies on outfitting the rest of the Panther fleet with proper ASW equipment?

More helos platform needed for Navy, the urgency is to increasing the number of platform. Why? Simple, the expansion of number of Koarmada, along with their aviation support unit made the Navy had to increase the number of helicopter squadron.

Days 3 , before the assault

Damn look like Tora Bora attack and carpet bombing, rain of steel.
LPD makes more sense for thailand rather than quasi aircraft carrier/LHD, aswell most ASEAN countries,
slight cue here,why would we need 200m class lpd's?? we have dozens of new lst's for troop transport (not to mention the existing class of frosch and makssar/semarang/banda aceh class) most of our naval sealift command isn't for long range ocean going mission's but rather inter island transport.

if im not mistaken sometimes ago we sent representative to inspect russian shore based yakhont missile system,so i'm still open for the possibility that the navy still operates yakhont albeit this time operated by the marines for coastal defence.
Ya i know thats why im asking apa akan beli sistem sejenis as far as i i know i think its not marines that will operates the coastal battery,navy will do that and i think we will purchase more exocet probably >100 to get the license since we really want exocet technology dulu probably with coastal battery too,NSM also is a great choice


  • MM40Coastal-640x360.jpg
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So you have seen also the brochure?

The hull should the same but maybe there is some new design of the ship itself from the original Iver like this recent Arrowhead 140 promotional video.

Itu modifikasi copyright Babcock bro, masih di meja soal final design yg mungkin mau kita terapkan di modifikasinya

Terutama aklimatisasi cuaca tropis di design hull
LOL yea interesting indeed. I thought I saw pt.pal submarine scale model here somewhere with hull number 212. Remind me of wiro sableng not to mention how sacred, controversial and "doesnt exist" type of things for a submarine to have hull number starting from 2 instead of 4 :D

Lol China moving fast, swaying our neighbors to their side one by one. My concern is that ASEAN's political influence will be severely challenged by China's own interest, not good for neutrality's sake.
Indeed man, good move from them trying to do it in economy and military sale manners. Opposite of US Thrump administration which shouted america first and his policy on forcing american company only to invest in US soil only. I would say US is shooting itselves on her own foot. Trying to gain on foreign political influence but draged by its own economy policy. Nevertheless it might put us in a hot zone on having to balance both giants influences. In my own personal view our key is Russia, its like a wild card for us to play with in political manners :D

Well if its means Indonesian can breach US security wall and getting data on anti indonesia senator to get rid of them its a worthy Trade
Im with you here sis :chilli:

if im not mistaken sometimes ago we sent representative to inspect russian shore based yakhont missile system,so i'm still open for the possibility that the navy still operates yakhont albeit this time operated by the marines for coastal defence.
I am a strong believer that coastal defence is to be put in alutsista strategis box. So yea, its existance (whether we have it or not) is to be put in secrecy. Yakhont is still has great detterence effect, modified yakhont can travel more than 400km'ish and not to mention we have successfully integrated her in one of our VS class. So Im with you on this one man :D

Great post man!! really make my day!! Today's morning is crappy one for me (work wise lol), seeing this progam going and looking at the fact that this project is strategically important for our AU (time table wise) has put a smile on my face. At least we can be sure for now that the time table is still going as planned :D
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