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Pls do elaborate more. Some worms are good for our health and some dont hehehe, joke aside I would love to see the stand of our relation with Germany. At least the overview of it, since I see the Germans are somewhat distant it self from US this last couple of years. Last Merkel visit to China showed another sign of how they going to apply their political move toward US dispite trade war going on between US-China. I would like to see how its going to effect us politcally and defensely in a future :D

Even all the way back in the heyday of VOC at least half of what we known today as "Londo" aren't actually Dutch. Remember the Javanese word "Londo" is a generic term to describe anyone of European descent regardless of their origin / citizenship.
Skip forward to interwar period between WWI and WWII there are also plenty of Europeans who came for variety of reason (business, adventure, veterans, escapee / convict, etc) and when they settle here they adopt local culture and language, thus they also spoke Nederlands which is the lingua franca of the Europeans in Nusantara at the time. Some of them who are business savvy enough to profiting during WWII by supplying anyone who has the money (ada uang, ada barang), or in the most extreme case there are also those whose... (can't find the word), well suffice to say there are those who doesn't return to Europe after the surrender of German, and scuttle anything that could be use to trace back their origin but also not forget to scavenging any war supplies & equipments, and afterward declaring themself as Dutch when the Allied force came. Those Germans eeech... sorry I mean "Londo" eventually settle mostly in Java with some of them even goes all the way to change their name to sound less German or adopt Javanese name altogether (all they need to do is declaring, no need for complicated paperwork either).

Something to keep in mind, that those folks are the one who joined the fight against the Brit during the Battle of Surabaya.

Current days German is a different kind of animal compare to the good ol Prussian dominated German of old (sadly those days are gone). Personally I don't see anything significant between Indonesia - German relation in any foreseeable future.
Government to enhance border parallel road construction in Kalimantan
6 minutes ago


The Illustration of a border parallel road in West Kalimantan. (HO/Documentation of the Ministry of PUPR/Sw)

Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Public Works and People Housing (PUPR) has been progressively working on and enhancing the construction of a parallel road bordering Kalimantan Island that spans nearly 1,920 kilometers.

"The construction of a border road was part of the implementation of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla's Nawa Cita (nine development priorities) to build the nation, starting from the frontiers in order to protect national sovereignty," PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono noted in a statement received here on Monday.

Hadimuljono highlighted the strategic value of this construction since it was not merely to apply protection and security functions but also to open isolation of the border area and drive economic growth.

According to the PUPR data, in West Kalimantan Province, the border parallel road from Temajuk to East Kalimantan's border spans 827.97 kilometers, of which 317.05 kilometers, or 38 percent, was paved; 253.29 kilometers, or 31 percent, of subbase; while the other 257.63 kilometers, or 31 percent, of still subgrade.

The construction of a seven-meter-wide roadway and 25-meter-wide road reserve area is processed by the Ministry of PUPR's Directorate General of Highways and assisted by Army's Directorate of Engineering.

Some Rp4.5 trillion of budget has been estimated for the entire process that will end in 2024 comprising 12 segments and bridges.
Related news: Ministry to call for tenders for seven toll road sections

Related news: Hutama Karya awaits govt scheme to build new capital city

Related news: Jokowi undertakes work visit to West Kalimantan



Editor: Fardah Assegaf


yea sis, but in the end politics will win most of the time. To be honest Im kinda concern about when we would have additional airframe. 2020 budget doesnt look good for AU, global economic prediction isnt in favor for spending spree. Aside from SU35 uncertainty and its corelation with Viper purchase with some foreign politics spices we are experiencing today it creates additional clouds over our head. Hopefully govt will short it out and find a comprehensive solution soon.

Pls do elaborate more. Some worms are good for our health and some dont hehehe, joke aside I would love to see the stand of our relation with Germany. At least the overview of it, since I see the Germans are somewhat distant it self from US this last couple of years. Last Merkel visit to China showed another sign of how they going to apply their political move toward US dispite trade war going on between US-China. I would like to see how its going to effect us politcally and defensely in a future :D
Procurement can use PLN ( Pinjaman Luar Negeri ), issue i heard the problem is from Ministry of Finance which witholds major military equipments acquisition. Most of state credits are due to expire within this late year including funding for frigates project. Actually i've been reading many rumours like this from Army Internal Magazine

Some rumours speak of 4.4 Billions US$ for complete version ( spare parts, full specs, training cost, and armaments ) for 32 F-16 V others speak of 16 F-16 V & 16 C-130 J. Honestly rumours are everywhere only time will tell.
But i'm a guy lol
Sorry man LOL, I thought it was sis Rouge post :D

issue i heard the problem is from Ministry of Finance which witholds major military equipments acquisition
Yea, it makes sense and thats what I thought. State current account deficit (CAD), 30% loan ratio to gdp, etc will push her to hold the purchase. Specially with the latest world bank release/suggestion that only foreign direct investment can really cure our CAD which is sadly one of our weakest link in term of regional competition. Singapore is one of our biggest investor yet their projected growth is only zero point something. It really doesnt look good for future military assets acquisition for now.

What prolly can be done is ToT in form of economy additional value such as making F16 parts for DI to do. Our 32 Purchase, 66 for Taiwan and other future order can reduce the cost to our economy. So the project that will most likely to come in our near future is prolly the one with high local content/work part such as Iver but sadly will most likely be FFBNW :hitwall: As for the rest of the project, like you said "only time will tell" :unsure:
Saat Sukhoi dan F16 TNI AU Membombardir Pertahanan Udara Musuh
Hari pertama Latihan Gabungan TNI dengan sandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019), diwarnai demonstrasi kecanggihan dua pesawat tempur andalan TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon

9 September 2019 12:39 WIB·3 menit baca

Wilayah pertahanan udara musuh dibombardir dua pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon, pada hari pertama latihan gabungan TNI bersandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo, Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Hari pertama Latihan Gabungan TNI dengan sandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019), diwarnai demonstrasi kecanggihan dua pesawat tempur andalan TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon melakukan demonstrasi paket penyerangan komposit atau composit striker ke pertahanan udara musuh. Composit strike berupa manuver serangan dadakan ke pertahanan udara musuh atau suppression enemy’s air defence (SEAD).

Composit strike di awali dengan operasi pengamatan udara pada ketinggian 18000 kaki oleh pesawat Boeing B737 Intai Maritim dari Skadron Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar. Setelah mendapatkan informasi tentang sasaran pertahanan udara musuh, Komando Tugas Udara Gabungan (Kogasudgab) TNI AU segera menganalisis sasaran dan mengerahkan satu paket penyerang komposit untuk membombardir kekuatan pertahanan udara musuh.

Pesawat tempur strategis Sukhoi Su27/30 dengan tanda panggilan (callsign) Thunder berfungsi sebagai penyerang pendadakan menggunakan bom jenis OFAB-250. Sukhoi berada di belakang 4 F16 Fighting Falcon dengan callsignFalcon yang berfungsi sebagai sweeper.


Salah satu pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU Sukhoi Su 27/30 tengah melakukan manuver dalam penyerangan komposit ke wilayah pertahanan udara musuh, pada hari pertama latihan gabungan TNI 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019).

Setelah itu disusul dengan serangan gelombang kedua, oleh 4 Sukhoi Su27/30 Flanker yang membawa bom jenis OFAB-250 dan 4 pesawat T50i Golden membawa bom jenis Mk-82. Sebagai pengawal serangan gelombang kedua adalah empat pesawat Hawk 109/209 Elang.

Rangkaian serangan udara yang dilakukan Kogasudgab menggunakan doktrin Operasi Serangan Udara Strategis (OSUS) dan Operasi Lawan Udara Ofensif (OLUO) TNI AU. Tujuan serangan udara menggunakan pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU ini adalah untuk merebut keunggulan udara dari pihak lawan. Setelah itu, operasi lanjutan di darat dan di laut dapat dilakukan dengan aman.

Singapore is one of our biggest investor yet their projected growth is only zero point something.

Actually Singapore banks merely act as transit point for the funding and place to setup the SPE (special-purpose entity). So those numbers you see that indicate that Singapore is the biggest investor in Indonesia is eehm... kinda misleading.
Actually Singapore banks merely act as transit point for the funding and place to setup the SPE (special-purpose entity). So those numbers you see that indicate that Singapore is the biggest investor in Indonesia is eehm... kinda misleading.
Good point to counter these smug-*** Sings' shallow arguments, it's basically the same as Singapore being "the largest oil exporter to Indonesia", misleading statement.
Actually Singapore banks merely act as transit point for the funding and place to setup the SPE (special-purpose entity). So those numbers you see that indicate that Singapore is the biggest investor in Indonesia is eehm... kinda misleading.
then from whom?
which one is the largest?
Saat Sukhoi dan F16 TNI AU Membombardir Pertahanan Udara Musuh
Hari pertama Latihan Gabungan TNI dengan sandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019), diwarnai demonstrasi kecanggihan dua pesawat tempur andalan TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon

9 September 2019 12:39 WIB·3 menit baca

Wilayah pertahanan udara musuh dibombardir dua pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon, pada hari pertama latihan gabungan TNI bersandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo, Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019).

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Hari pertama Latihan Gabungan TNI dengan sandi Dharma Yudha 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019), diwarnai demonstrasi kecanggihan dua pesawat tempur andalan TNI AU, Sukhoi Su27/30 dan F16 Fighting Falcon melakukan demonstrasi paket penyerangan komposit atau composit striker ke pertahanan udara musuh. Composit strike berupa manuver serangan dadakan ke pertahanan udara musuh atau suppression enemy’s air defence (SEAD).

Composit strike di awali dengan operasi pengamatan udara pada ketinggian 18000 kaki oleh pesawat Boeing B737 Intai Maritim dari Skadron Udara 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Makassar. Setelah mendapatkan informasi tentang sasaran pertahanan udara musuh, Komando Tugas Udara Gabungan (Kogasudgab) TNI AU segera menganalisis sasaran dan mengerahkan satu paket penyerang komposit untuk membombardir kekuatan pertahanan udara musuh.

Pesawat tempur strategis Sukhoi Su27/30 dengan tanda panggilan (callsign) Thunder berfungsi sebagai penyerang pendadakan menggunakan bom jenis OFAB-250. Sukhoi berada di belakang 4 F16 Fighting Falcon dengan callsignFalcon yang berfungsi sebagai sweeper.


Salah satu pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU Sukhoi Su 27/30 tengah melakukan manuver dalam penyerangan komposit ke wilayah pertahanan udara musuh, pada hari pertama latihan gabungan TNI 2019 di Situbondo Jawa Timur, Senin (9/9/2019).

Setelah itu disusul dengan serangan gelombang kedua, oleh 4 Sukhoi Su27/30 Flanker yang membawa bom jenis OFAB-250 dan 4 pesawat T50i Golden membawa bom jenis Mk-82. Sebagai pengawal serangan gelombang kedua adalah empat pesawat Hawk 109/209 Elang.

Rangkaian serangan udara yang dilakukan Kogasudgab menggunakan doktrin Operasi Serangan Udara Strategis (OSUS) dan Operasi Lawan Udara Ofensif (OLUO) TNI AU. Tujuan serangan udara menggunakan pesawat tempur strategis TNI AU ini adalah untuk merebut keunggulan udara dari pihak lawan. Setelah itu, operasi lanjutan di darat dan di laut dapat dilakukan dengan aman.

Nice OSUS. Escort, Striker, Sweeper, common formation for ground attack. If only that SU35+F16Viper are here already then the composition would be much nicer, and we shoulda replace those hawks soon. Those hawks seems out of place here. I dont mind the T-50i tho :D

Actually Singapore banks merely act as transit point for the funding and place to setup the SPE (special-purpose entity). So those numbers you see that indicate that Singapore is the biggest investor in Indonesia is eehm... kinda misleading
Hehehe true, 1st.Sing-2nd.Japan-3rd.China-4th.Hongkong-5th.Malaysia (First quarter 2019 report). Now Sing & Hongkong is usually acting as hub. So where the actual money came from? We can only guess but I bet most of it comes from no.3 :D

Skrng tarik benang merahnya. Angka investasi panda naik terus (jalur sutra makin mulus?)-Om sam ngomel?-papua rame-jkw kesel-kapolri/pangab nginep di papua=statement keras?-latihan asean om sam kita kirim observer 1 doang. Kayaknya ada yg baper, gossipin politik emang maknyus :lol:

Good point to counter these smug-*** Sings' shallow arguments, it's basically the same as Singapore being "the largest oil exporter to Indonesia", misleading statement.
Yea, trader to be exact. But the reality most of the stock is owned by china company, at least thats what I know first hand last year or so.
then from whom?
which one is the largest?

Not sure about the largest, but I knew for certain that significant amount are actually from INDONESIA. For example I also have miniscule amount of investment in HK finance sector which luckily I've managed to pullout in light of the current ongoing riot / looting.
The main reason for it is to provide "safety net" for the investor (everybody wan't their money back eventually).

BTW there are also bunch of investments from "certain country in middle east"
Cassoary exercise 2019


F 16 sweeper


Day 2


Free fall of Dalpur


Suppression of Hawk


Btw, kok ga ada simulasi pertahanan udara pas malam hari ya? Pake tracer plus lampu sorot
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