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Some projects we are up to

This is a very interesting article about the US Marine Corps response about the proliferation of AShM's/ASCM's.

The point I'm making here it is that in my opinion it would be better for us to procure more corvette/frigate/LCS sized ships rather than ships with bigger displacements like the Iver-Huidtfelt class.

For the most part we're a very littoral country populated by by islands and shallow waters which prevents bigger ships from operating. A combined force of fast, agile, AShM/ASCM equipped littoral combat ships with a sufficient self defense suite networked together with land based launchers would provide a larger deterrent and greater offensive capability than having 6 destroyer-sized vessels that would have to be strategically placed in our waters. Not to mention it would be cheaper to operate as well.

Tl;Dr I propose we fight smarter not harder.
I know there will be many questions raised upon the projects. We are kind of implementing " triple helix " triangle between Government, Research Universities ( those projects some are being studied by Defsec ITB for example ), and Defense Industries ( Though we are still far away implementing the correct version of Triple Helix the way Sweden or developed nations doing, we're kind of into that way though the road is far )
wow they really pushed that PT.PAL and thorcon thorium MSR nuclear reactor project ??

and what was that USV ? pt.lundin bonefish ?

This Thorium Nuclear powerplant project really interests me.. a quick google study seems to indicate that it's actually more efficient and safer in power generation compared to uranium plant and it's already in tahap 3..! I wonder what that means and how many more steps are required to be hardware ready...

The only shortcoming of Thorium is that it's very difficult / dangerous to weaponize, and that's the main reason why it's not as popular as uranium..
Some projects we are up to
View attachment 577958
That is awesome!! Last 5 years the plan seems to be in line and consistant, kudos for the team. That rhan 450 looks promising, I only wish there is additional zero at the back of each number :D Nevertheless we are moving with what we can afford and what we have, thats more important for now. Keep our bright scientist busy!! :bounce:


This is a very interesting article about the US Marine Corps response about the proliferation of AShM's/ASCM's.

The point I'm making here it is that in my opinion it would be better for us to procure more corvette/frigate/LCS sized ships rather than ships with bigger displacements like the Iver-Huidtfelt class.

For the most part we're a very littoral country populated by by islands and shallow waters which prevents bigger ships from operating. A combined force of fast, agile, AShM/ASCM equipped littoral combat ships with a sufficient self defense suite networked together with land based launchers would provide a larger deterrent and greater offensive capability than having 6 destroyer-sized vessels that would have to be strategically placed in our waters. Not to mention it would be cheaper to operate as well.

Tl;Dr I propose we fight smarter not harder.
I have different perspective regarding Iver. Iver its an AAW frigate, and therefor we can say its a somewhat moving SAM/Air Support. We need it to cover our lack of air support land base and naval fleet operation. I am guessing this is the reason they want it aside from the affordable price. So far our naval only have mica which is not enough. With the pre-emptive strike doctrine implented this iver is a great asset for us to have as well.
Some projects we are up to
View attachment 577958

That Thorium based power, any info as what type of reactor that is being develop..?
Nuclear power is key for our country power need decade to come because I don't see solar + wind, or hydro will be able to provide the necessary energy need all year long. And the choice of Thorium based is interesting, but than again it depend on what type of reactor that will be.

BTW for those of you (if any) tree-worshipper out there who might thinking that a mix of solar + wind could provide the necessary energy, I strongly suggest you try installing solar panel at your house and see it yourself whether or not they will provide the amount of power you need at least 10 hours a day all year long. But if you so sure they will provide the power then I suggest using mono-crystalline panel with 20° Northward inclination for best result and see it yourself.

This Thorium Nuclear powerplant project really interests me.. a quick google study seems to indicate that it's actually more efficient and safer in power generation compared to uranium plant and it's already in tahap 3..! I wonder what that means and how many more steps are required to be hardware ready...

The only shortcoming of Thorium is that it's very difficult / dangerous to weaponize, and that's the main reason why it's not as popular as uranium..

It's came down to the type of reactor and most importantly whether or not it has passive safety. Reactor safety is more about the design and the actual operation of the reactor rather than the type of fuel it using.
Drama? Too busy with upcoming latgab? Interesting news indeed :D

Latihan bersama AS-ASEAN, Indonesia kirim 1 personel TNI
TNI mengatakan Indonesia tidak mengerahkan armadanya dalam latihan bersama itu

  • 05 Eylül 2019 Perşembe 11:00
  • 25
  • Agung
Indonesia hanya mengirimkan satu personel TNI Angkatan Laut dalam latihan perang bersama antara Amerika Serikat (AS) dengan negara anggota ASEAN di Laut Cina Selatan pada 2 September 2019.

Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana Pertama TNI Mohammad Zaenal mengatakan satu personel TNI AL tersebut hanya bertugas untuk mengamati atau observer.

Dia menegaskan Indonesia tidak mengerahkan alat utama sistem pertahanan (Alutsista) dalam latihan bersama itu.

Sejak Senin lalu berdasarkan siaran pers kedutaan Amerika Serikat di Bangkok, ASEAN dan AS melakukan latihan maritim bersama.

Latihan yang direncanakan akan berlangsung lima hari itu akan dilakukan di perairan internasional yakni di Teluk Thailand dan Laut Cina Selatan.

That Thorium based power, any info as what type of reactor that is being develop..?
Nuclear power is key for our country power need decade to come because I don't see solar + wind, or hydro will be able to provide the necessary energy need all year long. And the choice of Thorium based is interesting, but than again it depend on what type of reactor that will be.


if i remember correctly according to my lecturer , the plant would be ship based , and PAL would do Cooperation with Daewoo again to build the platform for the reactor

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