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IMHO we need able to produce RPG locally, RPG add squad firepower to next level, then we need produce ATGM no need advanced like have "top attack mode" or "fire forget" start with wire guided like malyutka, then we need local manpads but hey we already make progress reversed engineering strela sam called AL-1M

Yes we must have ability to produce RPG
Give it to "regu" so it is increased fire power.
Btw as i read pindad produce carl gistav recoiless?

Other subsystems Germany provided in 80s. SINBAD CMS everything from the sensors to torpedo interface. Everything stored forgotten. He claimed we could've built TACTICOS like CMS

Everything we unprepared for C-705 ToT which PT.DI and NTP ( subsidiary ) lacking that he mentioned
1) Electron beam welding ( broken for years unrepaired )
2) Precision casting capabillity ( for nose assembly )
3) Missile fuselage capabillity
4) Many more, the thing is we are unprepared moreover to guidance & microjets engine.
The deal was supposed to provide us nose assembly, fuselage assembly into production, wing, assembly and testing for guidance and motor. PT.DI requested full documentation ToT and technical training free of charge yet from China they countered offer with minimum procurement 100 missiles ( Phase I ) annually and local contents to be provided on Phase II ( 50 missiles annually ). We couldn't fulfill their requirements also LAPAN wanted directly skip to guidance & seeker tech yet China wanted us to step from fuselage, nose and wing because we have 0 experience in missile manufacturing.
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The deal is real if we goes according to the technical arrangement and planning contract , well i am talking about technical aspect not political shit stuff,( you know first hand i am leaned toward anti Chicom strong crew here in this forum and being berserk from time to time against them. It just now i am at my leisure time to watch two chicom crew from annam and Mainland at each other throat) . Dependable or not, if the deal goes through, it will made us conveniently able to manipulating seeker tech and rocket engines tech albeit we will not sourced them from China anymore, we can do that from other supplier just like China manipulating tech from French at first (in which after some reasons they limiting their missile core tech transfer after the Chinese successfully manipulating their missile technology) .
I thought the rocket engine is still French made? No?

Other subsystems Germany provided in 80s. SINBAD CMS everything from the sensors to torpedo interface. Everything stored forgotten. He claimed we could've built TACTICOS like CMS
Dang man, its like "mencari api di goa yg gelap pake obor ditangan" :eek:
Just as I predicted, no continuation on tech/tot that we already paid for. It all ended up in a shelf/soft copy, no grand design plan, AD/AU/AL doing their own research & spreading the already thin budget into nano size budget, oh boy I really hope that our future submarine tech and IFX tech dont end up like that :hitwall:
I thought the rocket engine is still French made? No?

Dang man, its like "mencari api di goa yg gelap pake obor ditangan" :eek:
Just as I predicted, no continuation on tech/tot that we already paid for. It all ended up in a shelf/soft copy, no grand design plan, AD/AU/AL doing their own research & spreading the already thin budget into nano size budget, oh boy I really hope that our future submarine tech and IFX tech dont end up like that :hitwall:
The more you know the more you surprise just like knowing the reality of all UAV made by college students.
The more you know the more you surprise just like knowing the reality of all UAV made by college students.
It caught me by surprise knowing the magnitude of tech assests we have acquired yet fail to implement. It doesnt surprise me much knowing the rest to be honest (Ive seen to much I guess hehe), thats why in my previous post I would like to ask our little community to see the reality on hand regarding the tot of our future FX and submarine. Specially the fx due to the whooping fund we have to provide vs the knowledge we would have and future implementation plan that we dont have. Reality check is a must, so we can go on with what we have and afford the project continuation without having to break our bank or worst break other people bank :lol::lol:
Israel is very feasible technically, but politically suicide for every politician involved

I'm aware it's political suicide, but really all of the things TNI wants ToT for (IRST, FLIR, optronics, seeker tech, etc.) is stuff that Israel is more than willing to give to people for the right price; their entire economy relies on their defense industry.

Even China gets most of their missile technology from them.
I thought the rocket engine is still French made? No?

Dang man, its like "mencari api di goa yg gelap pake obor ditangan" :eek:
Just as I predicted, no continuation on tech/tot that we already paid for. It all ended up in a shelf/soft copy, no grand design plan, AD/AU/AL doing their own research & spreading the already thin budget into nano size budget, oh boy I really hope that our future submarine tech and IFX tech dont end up like that :hitwall:
Kesel sumpah jadi kaya yang gak komit sama sekali, apapun wacana dan narasi nya...
I'm aware it's political suicide, but really all of the things TNI wants ToT for (IRST, FLIR, optronics, seeker tech, etc.) is stuff that Israel is more than willing to give to people for the right price; their entire economy relies on their defense industry.

Even China gets most of their missile technology from them.
Nah, no matter how many TOT we got, we can only implement a tiny fraction of it.
With the current situation at hand, buying something for the sake of TOT is almost useless.
Situation could change, and currently headed for the better, there's no point of worrying excessively about this.
No wonder we ask sokor to reduce the participation for FX , its probably because we couldn't bear or really support the production phase for that fighters . that TAT TIT TOT scheme is just another "corruption" scapegoating as "demi kemandirian bangsa" context .
Opini nggawur kebetulan sesuai apa yg gw tangkep
Jika user tni dalam masalah ini blm tentu mau make barang buatan sndiri
Apa baiknya kita jualan d pasar gelap aja ya?.ke negara2 miskin atau negara yg butuh barang murah macem filipina dll?

Oh we have "knowledge" but we dont know how "to do and implement that know how"
No wonder we ask sokor to reduce the participation for FX , its probably because we couldn't bear or really support the production phase for that fighters . that TAT TIT TOT scheme is just another "corruption" scapegoating as "demi kemandirian bangsa" context .
Meh still much better than begging donations. We made progress, that's very apparent, unless you are looking for a perfect-everything work (which doesn't exist anywhere), your cynicism and prejudice are unfounded.
Situation could change, and currently headed for the better, there's no point of worrying excessively about this.
Sure we headed for the better, but the pace is slow.

This is why I'm waiting for holding BUMN industri pertahanan. Hopefully it will make the pace much faster.
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