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Indonesia Defence Forum

There are an advertisment on info cegatan jogja too about it.. lol
those guys is genius
Barjo, i'm not trying to offend you or anything...but i think you need to improve your English a little bit, or just use B.Indo to express something.
There are an advertisment on info cegatan jogja too about it.. lol
those guys is genius
In the end like always, State is going to forget of these students' works and end up being just prototypes. Not being synical but after all we've seen on previous similar works
'Battleship' Killers: The Best 5 Anti-Ship Missiles on the Planet
Let's rank these bad boys.

by Kyle Mizokami


My favourite (politics aside);
Club (3M-54E1 anti-ship variant)

"An anti-ship missile used by the Russian Navy, Club is actually a family of weapons sharing the same airframe. It is a versatile weapons system with variants capable of anti-ship (3M-54E1), land attack, and anti-submarine missions. Club has been exported to Algeria, China, and India.

There are four versions. Club-S is designed to be launched from 533mm torpedo tubes, a standard diameter for submarines worldwide. Club-N is designed to be launched from surface ships, Club M is launched from land, and Club K is fired from camouflaged shipping containers.

Club has a solid-fueled first stage, which clears the missile of the launcher and boosts it to cruising altitude. After the first stage burns out, the missile’s turbofan engine kicks in. The latest anti-ship version, 3M-54E1, is directed to the target by an active radar seeker, GLONASS global positioning system targeting, and internal navigation systems. The 3M-54E1’s warhead weighs 881 pounds.

Technically a cruise missile, 3M-54E1 typically cruises at 0.8 Mach at an altitude of 10-15 meters. Some versions accelerate to 2.9 Mach supersonic flight during the terminal stage shorten the reaction time of enemy anti-missile defenses.

The maximum range of the 3M-54E1 is 300 kilometers, or 186 miles."

Whats your favourite? :D
'Battleship' Killers: The Best 5 Anti-Ship Missiles on the Planet
Let's rank these bad boys.

by Kyle Mizokami


My favourite (politics aside);
Club (3M-54E1 anti-ship variant)

"An anti-ship missile used by the Russian Navy, Club is actually a family of weapons sharing the same airframe. It is a versatile weapons system with variants capable of anti-ship (3M-54E1), land attack, and anti-submarine missions. Club has been exported to Algeria, China, and India.

There are four versions. Club-S is designed to be launched from 533mm torpedo tubes, a standard diameter for submarines worldwide. Club-N is designed to be launched from surface ships, Club M is launched from land, and Club K is fired from camouflaged shipping containers.

Club has a solid-fueled first stage, which clears the missile of the launcher and boosts it to cruising altitude. After the first stage burns out, the missile’s turbofan engine kicks in. The latest anti-ship version, 3M-54E1, is directed to the target by an active radar seeker, GLONASS global positioning system targeting, and internal navigation systems. The 3M-54E1’s warhead weighs 881 pounds.

Technically a cruise missile, 3M-54E1 typically cruises at 0.8 Mach at an altitude of 10-15 meters. Some versions accelerate to 2.9 Mach supersonic flight during the terminal stage shorten the reaction time of enemy anti-missile defenses.

The maximum range of the 3M-54E1 is 300 kilometers, or 186 miles."

Whats your favourite? :D
What's the point of Top List?
Top 5 strongest country
Top 10 best rifle
Top 5 best fighter jets ever made
Top 5 best special forces
It's just someone's else perspective, we don't even know his judgment capability.
In the end everyone chose what they need.
Esensinya apa?
What's the point of Top List?
Top 5 strongest country
Top 10 best rifle
Top 5 best fighter jets ever made
Top 5 best special forces
It's just someone's else perspective, we don't even know his judgment capability.
In the end everyone chose what they need.
Esensinya apa?
We can always learn something from it right? Regardless judgement capability, perspective, background, etc. As long as we take it with grain of salt. Not everyone choose what they need, most often less then more. Specially in relation to defence capability. And have you checked the under developement Japan XASM-3 on the link? It can be carried by F16. Interesting assest to get for our future reference :D
'Battleship' Killers: The Best 5 Anti-Ship Missiles on the Planet
Let's rank these bad boys.

by Kyle Mizokami


My favourite (politics aside);
Club (3M-54E1 anti-ship variant)

"An anti-ship missile used by the Russian Navy, Club is actually a family of weapons sharing the same airframe. It is a versatile weapons system with variants capable of anti-ship (3M-54E1), land attack, and anti-submarine missions. Club has been exported to Algeria, China, and India.

There are four versions. Club-S is designed to be launched from 533mm torpedo tubes, a standard diameter for submarines worldwide. Club-N is designed to be launched from surface ships, Club M is launched from land, and Club K is fired from camouflaged shipping containers.

Club has a solid-fueled first stage, which clears the missile of the launcher and boosts it to cruising altitude. After the first stage burns out, the missile’s turbofan engine kicks in. The latest anti-ship version, 3M-54E1, is directed to the target by an active radar seeker, GLONASS global positioning system targeting, and internal navigation systems. The 3M-54E1’s warhead weighs 881 pounds.

Technically a cruise missile, 3M-54E1 typically cruises at 0.8 Mach at an altitude of 10-15 meters. Some versions accelerate to 2.9 Mach supersonic flight during the terminal stage shorten the reaction time of enemy anti-missile defenses.

The maximum range of the 3M-54E1 is 300 kilometers, or 186 miles."

Whats your favourite? :D
Exocet, cause this flying baguette killed British ships.
Exocet was great in 1982, but now it's basically what every AShM defense system in the world considers as its baseline threat.

Naval Strike Missile is the new black.
I know, i was simply joking lol. It seems like we have limited choice for future AShM systems, apparently subsonic ones are the go-to options, so that will narrow down to the most advanced non-US AShM, namely the Kongsberg NSM.
Whatever, even we are not capable to made the basic exocet like ashm locally. The deal with China actually giving lot of benefit to us. But some people only looking at "ah its a dud missile ", ah China is cheapo, ah its oldies tech, ah they want to cheat us, now its club,nsm, and so on era ah whatever. When they give you chance to learn about seeker production method and rocket engines techs, thats a whole new world for us right now and you can count with your finger not many wanna to share such critical technology even when you had oil sheikh like money.

Even Turks got their missile tech from China
Whatever, even we are not capable to made the basic exocet like ashm locally. The deal with China actually giving lot of benefit to us. But some people only looking at "ah its a dud missile ", ah China is cheapo, ah its oldies tech, ah they want to cheat us, now its club,nsm, and so on era ah whatever. When they give you chance to learn about seeker production method and rocket engines techs, thats a whole new world for us right now and you can count with your finger not many wanna to share such critical technology even when you had oil sheikh like money.

Even Turks got their missile tech from China
I'd rather we get them for Israel but that's just my opinion.
Whatever, even we are not capable to made the basic exocet like ashm locally. The deal with China actually giving lot of benefit to us. But some people only looking at "ah its a dud missile ", ah China is cheapo, ah its oldies tech, ah they want to cheat us, now its club,nsm, and so on era ah whatever. When they give you chance to learn about seeker production method and rocket engines techs, thats a whole new world for us right now and you can count with your finger not many wanna to share such critical technology even when you had oil sheikh like money.

Even Turks got their missile tech from China
*Laugh in C705

I thought it have been discussed here earlier, the Chinese doesn't give us any missile ToT even after all the C802 and C705 deal, that's why we're looking towards reverse-engineering the shit ourself. Generally, China and Made in China have bad reputation here (and also to the large portion of the world tbh), that's also because they don't exactly export their best quality stuff to countries who are not their "ally", and the last time we deal with chinese shit, it failed to fire, or it explodes when it does (Zu 23?)

China is not a a dependable arms supplier, their newlyfound ambition in Asia is an additional reason not to deal with them, they just don't care, they only want to reclaim their glory, that's all, and in the process they could only trust their to-be "underlings" like P, S and M which they ironically used as a buffer state to contain I, when they condemned Europeans and the US for doing the same thing (to China), anti-imperialis imperialis-club i must say.

They.....look like they wanted to be another US or Soviet Union. Talking to the worse spectrum of their "netizens" hinting their self-centeredness in ambition and worldview, they think that all of eastern asian countries not following their example is just US/Western slaves, judging from how i was talking about their claim and incursion into the SCS, of how it disturbs ASEAN's peace, yet they proceed to talk rhetoric shit about how the US is this and that, how they should've been allowed to do the same (???).
Whoa! The discussions still going strong here! :laugh::raise:

Depends on how the Patriot system is set up and used... If it's a stand alone system (only integrated to our own AD system), 100% under our own control, and is used only to defend our own skies, then it's not much different than using any other LR SAM system like the S400 or HQ-9... However if the Patriot system is also linked / integrated to the US AD system (perhaps as part of THAAD) and/or is also used as part of a collective defense (ex to defend Australia) then of course it's no longer 'Bebas Aktif'.. That level of cooperation and integration requires formal alliance between the participants with a clear treaty... which (AFAIK) we are not (..yet or ever..).

Well... at least with regards to their alutsista, they probably truly are the most Non block country in the world..! :laugh::laugh: For example, they have hardware from Europe (Rafale, Mirage, Jaguar, Hawks), Russia (Migs, Sukhois, Ilyushins), US (Poseidon, Apache, C-17s), Self-made (Tejas, Ballistic Missiles, Nuclear), Israel (UCAVs/UAVs, radars, missiles), etc... They have working military relations (and weapons) with all, but allied to none..

No one is asking the US to sacrifice itself for Asia, and the US won't have to either.. The obligations the US have is to their treaty allies in Asia (such as Japan, Sokor, Taiwan, Phil, Sing, Aus, NZ).. Those are the countries the US have to be prepared to 'sacrifice' for (and vice versa)... If the US wants to assist a non-ally, say Vietnam or RI or Myanmar, then it's not because they are willing to 'sacrifice', but simply to protect its own interests (economic, security, influence, other allies, etc).. We can be friendly with the US of course and also cooperate if it conforms with our strategic interest... but to sacrifice ourselves as missile fodder, or to link our defense solely with the US without any formal defense treaty is a big NO!

I still believe the best way for a country like us (non-aligned, bebas-aktif, no ally) is to diversify our weapons system from multiple suppliers/countries... can't risk putting all in one basket... Unless we can go all the way and become formal allies with someone, only then can we consider single source for all our defense needs... but then there's a real possibility we will become lax and neglect our TNI just like Phil..

Thanks for the pencerahan bro. Also love to read and agree to your standpoint and point of view
Now it's only my thinking ok; but is it possible?... that there is a relation between gold&copper mine ownership to the recent condition in west papua? We know they used to swallow 99% of that richness since Mr.Suharto came to power right? And we used to have the sharing of only 1% or so, than increased in SBY era, than at last 51%, & the worst thing is that the company who bought the share at last sold it's share to China(i red somewhere on the surf...please correct me if i'm wrong). How is that not a slap on the face to the US. Anybody can comment on this? And if there is a relation, how we may take advantage of this (short of) asimetrical attack? Thanks b4
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