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New Air defense and ground artillery units is being build in East Nusatenggara

TNI Tengah Bangun Markas Arhanud dan Armed di NTT

Penembakan rudal Mistral Arhanud [def.pk]

anglima Kodam IX Udayana Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto mengatakan TNI AD sedang membangun markas Satuan Artileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) dan satuan Artileri Medan (Armed) guna mengoptimalkan pengamanan di wilayah Nusa Tenggara Timur yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara Australia dan Timor Leste.

TNI AD melakukan pengembangan beberapa satuan baru di NTT yaitu satuan Armed dan Arhanud,” kata Panglima Kodam IX Udayana Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto kepada wartawan usai serah terima jabatan Komandan Brigadir Infanteri 21-Komodo, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Jumat.

Menurut Panhgdam IX Udayana, dalam konsep gelar kekuatan TNI AD khususnya Kodam IX Udayana di wilayah NTT akan dibangun beberapa satuan baru dalam menghadapi ancaman dan tantangan yang dihadapi TNI kedepan.

Salah satu satuan yang segera dibangun menurut jenderal bintang dua itu yaitu Satuan Artelileri Pertahanan Udara (Arhanud) yang sudah hampir rampung dikerjakan dan satuan Artileri Medan (Armed).

Pangkalan Armed mulai dikerjakan dan direncanakan pada tahun 2020 sudah bisa diresmikan,” tegasnya.

Selain itu TNI AD juga akan membangun beberapa satuan lainnya dalam mendukung tugas pokok TNI AD dalam mengamankan wilayah provinsi NTT.

Keberadaan berbagai satuan TNI AD itu untuk mengamankan wilayah NTT ini,” tegasnya.

Ia mengatakan, guna mendukung tugas operasi TNI terus meningkatan kualitas alutsista bagi satuan di daerah ini sehingga lebih optimal dalam melaksanakan tugas operasi pengamanan wilayah di NTT.

Kami inginkan dukungan fasilitas operasi yang berkualitas sehingga tugas yang diemban para prajurit TNI AD di NTT bisa lebih optimal,” tegas Mayjen (TNI) Benny Susianto.

Everything is vice versa if US insisted, so do Russia..
So dont wory when the time to come they will coming

Salah satu jenis pesawat tempur Sukhoi yang diproduksi Rusia.
Rusia Tetap Komit Produksi Sukhoi Buat Indonesia
Editor Novita Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019 - 08:35


indopos.co.id – Rusia menegaskan komitmennya soal kontrak pengadaan 11 unit pesawat tempur Sukhoi Su-35 Super Flanker kepada Indonesia walau pada sisi lain mereka mengakui mereka terdampak atas sanksi dari Amerika Serikat.

Dampak dari sanksi ini, menurut Rusia, juga berlaku untuk negara-negara lain dalam hal pembelian berbagai peralatan perang lain dari negara bekas pemimpin Pakta Warsawa itu.

“Kontrak pembelian Su-35 untuk Indonesia masih berlaku. Kami sedang bekerja bersama untuk merumuskan hal itu. Kami sedang membahas beberapa rincian kecil yang tercantum di dalam kontrak,” ujar Direktur Dinas Federal untuk Kerja Sama Teknis dan Militer Rusia, Dmitriy Shugaev, di sela pameran kedirgantaraan MAKS 2019, di Bandara Internasional Zhukovskyi, Moskwa, Jumat (30/8/2019).

Dia menyatakan, mereka berharap akan ada perkembangan dalam waktu dekat sehingga kontrak tersebut bisa terwujud. “Itu yang bisa saya katakan,” katanya.

Selain menjelaskan hal itu, pejabat di Rusia yang bertanggung jawab terhadap penjualan internasional berbagai produk dan sistem militer dan kerja sama teknis di bidang ini juga menyatakan hal lain yang tengah mereka hadapi.

Dmitriy menyatakan hal itu untuk menjawab pertanyaan banyak wartawan di seluruh dunia terhadap apa yang terjadi hari ini pada mereka dari sisi kebijakan internasional Amerika Serikat.

Amerika Serikat, menyusul krisis bersenjata di Krimea pada 1994 mengeluarkan sanksi perdagangan internasional atas produk-produk militer dan sistem kesenjataan buatan Rusia. Sanksi yang dikeluarkan pada 2016 itu juga berlaku pada individu Rusia dan Ukraina yang terlibat dalam aneksasi Semenanjung Krimea oleh Rusia itu.

Sanksi itu dikenal sebagai Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act alias CATSA dan juga berimbas serius pada Indonesia yang sejak awal 2015 berencana akan membeli Sukhoi Su-35 Super Flanker sebagai calon pengganti F-5E/F Tiger II di Skuadron Udara 14 TNI AU.

Tanpa mengungkap kepada pers, Indonesia dan Rusia telah menandatangani pengadaan 11 unit Su-35 dari Rusia senilai Rp1,14 triliun. Hal yang juga sangat mengait pada kontrak pembelian ini adalah pemberlakuan pasal-pasal dalam UU Nomor 16/2012 tentang Industri Pertahanan Nasional.

Di antaranya adalah mewajibkan imbal beli hingga 50 persen nilai kontrak, alih teknologi-alih pengetahuan, off set dalam nilai dan jumlah yang bertingkat-berjenjang, pelibatan industri dalam negeri, dan lain-lain.

“Maksud saya, terkait dari sisi mereka dan sebagainya. Jelas sekali bahwa ini merupakan kompetisi yang tidak adil,” kata Shugaev tentang dampak dari CATSA itu. Raut mukanya menjadi lebih serius saat dia menyatakan hal itu dalam bahasa Rusia yang diterjemahkan penerjemah.

Menurut dia, Amerika Serikat ingin menyingkirkan Rusia dari pasar persenjataan dunia dan menciptakan keadaan di mana Rusia tidak dapat menanggung maupun meraih pasar-pasar yang baru.

“Tekanan kepada mitra-mitra (pelanggan) kami dari negara manapun, terjadi dengan cara yang tidak terhormat. Tekanan terjadi setiap hari dan ini bukan rahasia lagi,” katanya.

Beberapa negara yang akan membeli sistem kesenjataan strategis dari Rusia, katanya, juga terkena sanksi CATSA ini. Yang paling jelas adalah Turki, yang sejak awal menyatakan ketertarikan dan menunjukkan komitmen pembiayaan pada proyek pembangunan pesawat tempur multi peran generasi 5+, yaitu F-35 Lighting II.

Turki secara sepihak dikeluarkan Amerika Serikat dari konsorsium itu karena berkeras membeli sistem peluru kendali anti serangan udara generasi terkini dari Rusia, yaitu S-400 Triumph. Pada MAKS 2019, Presiden Turki, Recep Erdogan, hadir membuka MAKS 2019 bersama koleganya, Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin.

Erdogan tetap kukuh pada pendiriannya membeli S-400 yang digadang-gadang lebih canggih dan mematikan ketimbang sistem MIM-104 Patriotbuatan Raytheon, Amerika Serikat.

Bahkan pemberitaan menyatakan seloroh Erdogan kepada Putin akan membeli Sukhoi Su-57E dari Rusia saat meninjau langsung kokpit pesawat tempur dengan teknologi stealth yang disebut-sebut mampu menjawab perlawanan F-22 Raptor buatan Lockheed Martin. Sukhoi Su-57E (versi eksport yang belum memiliki nama julukan alias nickname) muncul dan terbang perdana secara solo atau dalam formasi di muka publik pada MAKS 2019 ini.

Penjualan S-400 dari Rusia kepada Turki, kata Shugaev, merupakan contoh yang paling bagus sebagaimana halnya dengan pengadaan S-400 Triumph kepada India yang tetap berjalan sesuai kontrak. Lalu penjualan Su-35 Super Flanker kepada China serta pendirian pabrik Kalashnikov di India, salah satu negara yang “paling royal” dalam pembelian arsenal dan sistem kesenjataan dari Rusia.

“Jadi, kerja sama teknis dan militer dengan negara-negara mitra tetap berjalan walau ada sanksi yang diterapkan dari Amerika Serikat,” kata dia.

Meskipun demikian, ia melanjutkan, Rusia tetap ada bersama mereka dan tidak akan meninggalkan negara-negara mitranya ini.

Untuk menegaskan komitmennya ini, dia menyatakan, “Kami tetap berjalan sekaligus menjamin posisi kami dan tidak akan mengurangi volume penjualan kami. Dan, porto folio kami malah tidak berkurang karena terus bermunculan komitmen dari kedua pihak.”

Ia menekankan, hal ini lebih penting daripada yang ia sebut sebagai tren tahunan penjualan senjata. Ia pun memastikan, Rusia akan tetap hadir memenuhi komitmennya. “Rusia tetap hadir dan memenuhi komitmen sesuai dengan perjanjian internasional,” katanya. (ant)
There's already talks in my line of work about integrating our radars with the Jindalee network in Australia through Link-16

The US has MASSIVE interests in our country; Freeport, the Malacca Strait, the Singapore Strait, the fact we're literally Australia's shield. Any attack on our country is an attack against US interests, and do not not doubt because they WILL respond.
I am not sure about Jindalee link. Im ok with using link16 but connecting it live with Jindalee would be a silly move regardless the thread we have up north. Jindalee being OTHR is lacking accuracy, detail. The information/data need to be processed and compile with other radar to give clearer picture. By linking if with our radar and allow them to process the data is like having CCTV that can be seen by other people inside our own home which again is another form of penjajahan or at the least its a "tepok jidad" silly move.

F35 with its ALIS and cloud system is not that much different. There is a reason why Israeli refuse to use it or perhaps German even refuse to even get the F35. That system is gathering information of the mission data and any other data the radar gather during mission and put it up in the cloud system which others/US can see and record. It will be silly if we decided to get the F35 but allow this ALIS system to be in place and record all of our hanud system and radar isnt it? There is even a theory that it can shut down/control the fighter using this network system. I hope our military can see this and refuse the have ALIS system open if we decided to get F35. Mighty defense system is a must, but kedaulatan is simply priceless.

We are at conflict exactly when China draws " Nine Dash Line " overlaps our EEZ; the quiet moment we have now because they still solidify their holdings within WPS and EVS once they finish off with Philippines and Vietnam they'll go south; the next question should be asked when China starts being more assertive and unchecked when it regards to their ambitions implementing 1st, 2nd and later 3rd island chain, Why US should sacrifice itself for the sake of Asia ?
On another perspective this is where the nutral diplomacy can shine if we are smart enough. All China move is simply "follow the money line" with its belt and road initiative, in short to control world trade route. They are not interested in foreign military occupation (at least for now). Indonesia is playing vital pivot point but not the only option they have. The plan of "Terusan Thailand" that open up access to Indian Ocean can be another alternative for them and it will simply kill Singapore economy but wont effect much on us, some even think that it could benefit us with Medan seaport. These are only some facts on how we are going to dance our diplomacy around. Again it will be a stupid move to China to challange us directly, the fact that we no longer see the arrest of Chinese fishing vessel around Natuna island is one of the things we should be considering as avoidance on their part.
I am not sure about Jindalee link. Im ok with using link16 but connecting it live with Jindalee would be a silly move regardless the thread we have up north. Jindalee being OTHR is lacking accuracy, detail. The information/data need to be processed and compile with other radar to give clearer picture. By linking if with our radar and allow them to process the data is like having CCTV that can be seen by other people inside our own home which again is another form of penjajahan or at the least its a "tepok jidad" silly move.

F35 with its ALIS and cloud system is not that much different. There is a reason why Israeli refuse to use it or perhaps German even refuse to even get the F35. That system is gathering information of the mission data and any other data the radar gather during mission and put it up in the cloud system which others/US can see and record. It will be silly if we decided to get the F35 but allow this ALIS system to be in place and record all of our hanud system and radar isnt it? There is even a theory that it can shut down/control the fighter using this network system. I hope our military can see this and refuse the have ALIS system open if we decided to get F35. Mighty defense system is a must, but kedaulatan is simply priceless.

On another perspective this is where the nutral diplomacy can shine if we are smart enough. All China move is simply "follow the money line" with its belt and road initiative, in short to control world trade route. They are not interested in foreign military occupation (at least for now). Indonesia is playing vital pivot point but not the only option they have. The plan of "Terusan Thailand" that open up access to Indian Ocean can be another alternative for them and it will simply kill Singapore economy but wont effect much on us, some even think that it could benefit us with Medan seaport. These are only some facts on how we are going to dance our diplomacy around. Again it will be a stupid move to China to challange us directly, the fact that we no longer see the arrest of Chinese fishing vessel around Natuna island is one of the things we should be considering as avoidance on their part.

Dont think we are not already sharing data with them. Even US Poseidon and our CN 235 patmar already using data link to sharing many vital data on time when they are patroling area around South China Sea and Malacca strait. Not to mention our eyes initiative by Ryamizard is much more than what our member here mentioned. We are already became a connective links between allies in the region. It is not all about to contain China though, it was for the greater good for us and our National interest. If not why we keep alternatively trying to purchase Chinese made weapons but with greater chance to connect to our system control, much like how Saudi using Chinese made UAV, artillery systems and even combat system management on some their ground and air units and connect them toward their already established Western made combat solutions systems.

Chinese made weapons already open to western solution because their extensive relationship with Pakistan, Israel and France
It is interesting to see tha Karma of Wiranto....East Timor was declared as a new independent state after referendum during Wiranto era as Minister of Defence . so, can we predict the West Papua Will also to be declared as an independent state also with assistance of Wiranto?

We have a well known proverb .."keledai pun tak akan masuk ke lubang yang sama untok kedua kalinya" . But, Will Indonesia do like keledai above or not?
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It is interesting to see tha Karma of Wiranto....East Timor was declared as a new independent state after referendum during Wiranto era as Minister of Defence . so, can we predict the West Papua Will also to be declared as an independent state also with assistance of Wiranto?

We have a well known proverb .."keledai pun tak akan masuk ke lubang yang sama untok kedua kalinya" . But, Will Indonesia do like keledai above or not?
Your line of questioning is not even relevant to the post you are quoting... -_-.

That, or your question is already answered by said quote...

Try again, matey...
Dont think we are not already sharing data with them. Even US Poseidon and our CN 235 patmar already using data link to sharing many vital data on time when they are patroling area around South China Sea and Malacca strait. Not to mention our eyes initiative by Ryamizard is much more than what our member here mentioned. We are already became a connective links between allies in the region. It is not all about to contain China though, it was for the greater good for us and our National interest. If not why we keep alternatively trying to purchase Chinese made weapons but with greater chance to connect to our system control, much like how Saudi using Chinese made UAV, artillery systems and even combat system management on some their ground and air units and connect them toward their already established Western made combat solutions systems.

Chinese made weapons already open to western solution because their extensive relationship with Pakistan, Israel and France
Having MPA data sharing and other mobile radar link is one thing, having 24/7 ground/naval/air radar data link to other countries such as Jindalee is totally different thing. That our eyes initiative is a request base system afaik, not sharing live information. I understand its for our own greater good but not for us to become totally "naked" 24/7 for others to see.
Depends which one is the attacker

Read up on the Suez Crisis. The US was willing to destroy Britain's economy be selling it's Pound Sterling bonds if Britain didn't withdraw from the Suez Canal.

Even now with Turkey, a long standing ally, the US is willing to act upon anything that threatens her interests.

Having MPA data sharing and other mobile radar link is one thing, having 24/7 ground/naval/air radar data link to other countries such as Jindalee is totally different thing. That our eyes initiative is a request base system afaik, not sharing live information. I understand its for our own greater good but not for us to become totally "naked" 24/7 for others to see.
Considering the trade of is for Australia to also be totally naked to us I would call it a quid pro quo. It's honestly better for us and Australia to be transparent to one another and focus on fighting a common enemy.
Read up on the Suez Crisis. The US was willing to destroy Britain's economy be selling it's Pound Sterling bonds if Britain didn't withdraw from the Suez Canal.

Even now with Turkey, a long standing ally, the US is willing to act upon anything that threatens her interests.

Considering the trade of is for Australia to also be totally naked to us I would call it a quid pro quo. It's honestly better for us and Australia to be transparent to one another and focus on fighting a common enemy.
If british not willing to give the piece of suez cannal, there's no point why US should land to fight the desert fox

So do the pasific act and potsdam accord

No such charity upon blod, do democarcy save the kuwait and iraq? Or oil in midle east? Why arabian never be attacked and consider as ally, what so different them with Iran and Iraq, or ARAMCO is all about

Do you read Monroe doctrine, and why US not willing to fight in europe in early phase of war?
They act quick only in the early 90 and 2000 coz there are no USSR to oppos their move no with unprepared Russia or China

Look at Syria or Iran now. Why they dont make straight move like before? What is the difer in the batlefield
TNI AU's C-130H Will be the First Military Aircraft to Undergo Maintenance at GMF
Ery_Aug 30, 20190


TNI AU's C-130H Hercules/ A-1327. Image source: AVTEN/ Ery.
avten.asia - Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF) AeroAsia (Garuda Indonesia Group affiliate) is increasingly developing its business sector. Not only did it strengthen the domestic commercial aircraft maintenance market and increasingly developed trust in the global market, but now it is starting to expand into the military transport aircraft sector.

GMF Director, I Wayan Susena said that currently GMF has won the trust from the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) to carry out the maintenance of C-130 Hercules aircraft. The plan, the maiden maintenance of that military aircraft will be carried out in August 2020.

"We have now obtained (the trust to carry out maintenance) C-130 Hercules from the military (TNI AU). We will carry out (maintenance) activities in August 2020, namely modernizing the H serie of C-130 Hercules," told Wayan to avten.asia, Thursday (8/29/2019).

He detailed, the modernization that will be carried out encompasses the replacement of the center wingbox and avionics upgrade program.

He also mentioned, in addition to the C-130, the other types of military aircraft that would be maintenance at GMF were Boeing 737 series 200, 400 and 500.

"In addition to the C-130, there are other businesses. We are also currently conducting supervision and spare parts inventory for Boeing 737-200 aircraft which are currently being overhauled at the 10th Maintenance Depot at Husein Sastranegara Air Force Base, Bandung, "he said.

"The other types of aircraft are propeller aircraft other than Hercules. CASA C-212 and C-295 are also included, we will also develop them. What is an aircraft owned by the military, we will develop for its capabilities as well," he closed.

If british not willing to give the piece of suez cannal, there's no point why US should land to fight the desert fox

So do the pasific act and potsdam accord

No such charity upon blod, do democarcy save the kuwait and iraq? Or oil in midle east? Why arabian never be attacked and consider as ally, what so different them with Iran and Iraq, or ARAMCO is all about

Do you read Monroe doctrine, and why US not willing to fight in europe in early phase of war?
They act quick only in the early 90 and 2000 coz there are no USSR to oppos their move no with unprepared Russia or China

Look at Syria or Iran now. Why they dont make straight move like before? What is the difer in the batlefield
Because the only point for the US being there was to eliminate ISIS and disrupt the Russian foothold in the region, which is what they're doing right now.

Right now the US considers Indonesia a strategic asset and an economical interest. Hence why any threat towards us would reasonably entail a US response.
Because the only point for the US being there was to eliminate ISIS and disrupt the Russian foothold in the region, which is what they're doing right now.

Right now the US considers Indonesia a strategic asset and an economical interest. Hence why any threat towards us would reasonably entail a US response.
Umm... i would object to the idea of them directly involve in our matters (in case of incursions from the North) as a "strategic" option, this it the seed of an unhealthy dependency that would put us into US' focus way too much (cause anytime they put interest in anything, it's always both good and bad, more to the bad like ME for example), this reminds me of that defeatist neighbor's mindset.
Because the only point for the US being there was to eliminate ISIS and disrupt the Russian foothold in the region, which is what they're doing right now.

Right now the US considers Indonesia a strategic asset and an economical interest. Hence why any threat towards us would reasonably entail a US response.
And Who will attack us, considered US also have strategic interest on us? Do their also consider as potential one, in 60's they flied U2 spy plane and suport PRRI/Permesta againts us

And dont forget how mant times
ATTEMPS of MURDER to Soekarno by CIA
And Who will attack us, considered US also have strategic interest on us? Do their also consider as potential one, in 60's they flied U2 spy plane and suport PRRI/Permesta againts us

Then they give us their LST fleets, Hercules, some warships and so on. Even they backing us in Papua case (they are the strongest backer of Indonesia win votes in Papua case ).

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