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credit to Peliasaurus@kaskus.co.id




Indonesian Navy CN-212 MPA
Are there any plans off getting rid off these Tanks

no, after all they are still useful in our archipelago country. Easy to accommodate and to be moved, even with C-130 Hercules
Are there any plans off getting rid off these Tanks

Only when our Leopard/MBT meet the desired number and when our medium tank project complete. I guess.

But even then, as long as these tanks are good to run there's no reason for us to scrap them. Their light weight is advantageous for operation in our territory.

Don't let the appearance fooled you. We've been modified and upgraded/retrofitted our old tanks to modern standard. Just recently, our defense company PINDAD has successfully upgrading 10 of our AMX-13 tanks. Except the body, everything else are new and modernized. New more powerful machine, new fire control system, and bigger cannon are among the upgraded items. Our DoD has satisfied with the result and has lit the green light for PINDAD to continue upgrading the rest as we have about 400 of them.
Only when our Leopard/MBT meet the desired number and when our medium tank project complete. I guess.

But even then, as long as these tanks are good to run there's no reason for us to scrap them. Their light weight is advantageous for operation in our territory.

Don't let the appearance fooled you. We've been modified and upgraded/retrofitted our old tanks to modern standard. Just recently, our defense company PINDAD has successfully upgrading 10 of our AMX-13 tanks. Except the body, everything else are new and modernized. New more powerful machine, new fire control system, and bigger cannon are among the upgraded items. Our DoD has satisfied with the result and has lit the green light for PINDAD to continue upgrading the rest as we have about 400 of them.
Any pictures to tell How medium Tank would look like and what is desired number off leapord
TNI Add 700 military personnel in the Indonesia-Malaysia border
Placed in Malinau and Nunukan.

Jum'at, 22 Agustus 2014, 10:56 Arief Hidayat


TNI berjaga di Pos Perbatasan.
(Antara/ Dian Kandipi)
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VIVAnews - Tentaran Nasional Indonesia menambah 700 personel untuk memperkuat pengamanan di perbatasan Indonesia dengan Malaysia. Mereka ditempatkan di pos perbatasan di Kabupaten Malinau dan Kabupaten Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara.

Ke-700 personel TNI itu dari dua batalion, yakni Batalion Infanteri Lintas Udara 433 Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat dan Batalion Infanteri Lintas Udara 405 Komando Daerah Militer IV/Diponegoro. Mereka tiba di Tarakan, Kalimantan Utara, Jumat, 22 Agustus 2014.

Pasukan tiba dengan menggunakan Kapal Republik Indonesia Nusa Nive 973 di Pelabuhan Malundung, Kota Tarakan. Mereka akan mengantikan pasukan pengaman perbatasan Indonesia dengan Malaysia yang telah lebih dahulu bertugas di sana.

Komandan Pasukan Perbatasan dari Batalion Infanteri Lintas Udara 433 Letnan Kolonel Infanteri Agus Tatius Sitepu mengatakan bahwa dua Batalion Infanteri akan dibedakan lokasi penjagaannya, yaitu di Kabupaten Malinau dan Kabupaten Nunukan.

Prioritas pengamanan adalah menjaga patok batas yang sering bergeser, mencegah perbatasan digunakan sebagai lalu lintas perdagangan narkotika, dan menjaga kedaulatan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. (Muhammad Tahir, TVOne Tarakan/ita)

TNI Tambah 700 Personel di Perbatasan Indonesia-Malaysia
Any pictures to tell How medium Tank would look like and what is desired number off leapord

AFAIK. Up until now there's still no official disclosure of what PINDAD new medium tank will look like.

The following is just artistic impression of it. Still 50/50 on its authenticity.


As for the desired number, that is decided by the Army and DoD. For MBT, we have bought 114 Leopard tanks from Germany. Our DoD has planned to buy more in the future but no details on numbers yet. That also depends on the budget we have.
But if you ask me my desired number then I desire 5000 tanks. LOL Yeah. :woot: :yahoo:
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As for the desired number, that is decided by the Army and DoD. For MBT, we have bought 114 Leopard tanks from Germany. Our DoD has planned to buy more in the future but no details on numbers yet. That also depends on the budget we have.
But if you ask me my desired number then I desire 5000 tanks. LOL Yeah. :woot: :yahoo:
lol yeah 5000 thousand is good number, but it wont be Leopards, since future ministry of defense are left-winged. so, 5000 T-64's? :welcome::woot::woot:
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AFAIK. Up until now there's still no official disclosure of what PINDAD new medium tank will look like.

The following is just artistic impression of it. Still 50/50 on its authenticity.


As for the desired number, that is decided by the Army and DoD. For MBT, we have bought 114 Leopard tanks from Germany. Our DoD has planned to buy more in the future but no details on numbers yet. That also depends on the budget we have.
But if you ask me my desired number then I desire 5000 tanks. LOL Yeah. :woot: :yahoo:
5000 is too much you need to have 2500 to 3000 Tanks and 3000 + towed and self propelled Artillery and an Army with 400000 personal at least
As for the desired number, that is decided by the Army and DoD. For MBT, we have bought 114 Leopard tanks from Germany. Our DoD has planned to buy more in the future but no details on numbers yet. That also depends on the budget we have.
But if you ask me my desired number then I desire 5000 tanks. LOL Yeah. :woot: :yahoo:

Im not sure about that, If TBH be the next defense minister. :coffee: Andi Widjajanto also said it will be reconsidered.
inside of PT PINDAD August 23, 2014

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Modifikasi atau retrofit tank AMX-13 milik TNI di Unit Produksi PT Pindad, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 23 Agustus 2014. TEMPO/Aditya Herlambang Putra

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Perakitan kendaraan tempur lapis baja APC 6x6 Anoa 2 di Unit Produksi PT Pindad, Bandung, Jawa Barat, 23 Agustus 2014. TEMPO/Aditya Herlambang Putra

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Masyarakat menyaksikan dua KRI melintas saat gladi bersih Sail Raja Ampat 2014 di perairan Waisai, Raja Ampat, Papua Barat, 22 Agustus 2014. ANTARA/Prasetyo Utomo

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tigaratussribhu views... wew..
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