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Where do you even get this 1687 from ? Are you reading what @ayamjago said in indo××××××× ?

Dear Cromwell,

May be you will not believe what I will say.

1687 i took it not from the rooster but I took the numbers as a riddle from the street.

Even last time when I make a wish for our navy quantity of ships, I took it from the street the riddle combination numbers of 17+51+X+94+73+13+94.

Saat saya melihat angka di jalan, pikiran saya menyeleksi apakah itu hanya angka biasa atau teka-teki angka dari yang berwenang. Biasanya yang berwenang bicara kepada saya melalui teka-teki angka. Salah satu dari yang berwenang itu yang pernah berkomunikasi melalui teka-teki angka adalah lembaga dengan lambang lingkaran yang ada latar belakang warna merah dan putihnya. Yang berwenang tahu saya itu siapa dan di mana saya berada. Jelas ya mas Cromwell ?

Oh ya, tadi siang saya lihat lagi teka-teki angka 9624. Berdasar lamanya kapal dibuat, maka :

I wish latest on 2044, our coast guard will have :

6 opv / cutter kn tanjung datu class 110 meter or bigger.
18 opv / cutter 80 meter kn pulau nipah class.
42 patrol ships / cutter 48 meter kn 48xx.
18 patrol ships / cutter 60 meter kn 60xx.
36 patrol ships 30 meter kn 30xx.
Comment like this is why people don't take you seriously, i'll just laugh it off with your imaginations on numbers. Like i said weeks ago knowing you're " Tukang Ngitung, Ph.D " i don't really care on how you get those numbers.
Ok now suddenly we have big and large squadron term too. Tell me again where and how do you get this?

I understand army fully helo squadron has 32 units. But never heard AF using that too.
Last time I checked, 'skadron minimal' for AF consist 8-12 unit of a/c.
1 full squadron = 16 a/c.

Uthak athik gathuk kah?
It depends on your point of view.
I've just realized that only 2 kcr 40 are equipped with sensors and radars already, the other 6 are now "kosongan" and the first kcr 60m (630) havent been fitted with associated elctronics too. Is this because of unsatisfactory performance by chinese made electronics installed?
Its last month news, but its nice to know our troops train with on hand experience using GPS jammer. It will be great training for the jammer operator and to the one playing as Red Force. I guess TNI-AU really mean business in Angkasa Yudha 2019 :enjoy:


Madiun, 18 Juli 2019. TNI AU menggelar latihan bersama untuk menjaga keamanan wilayah udara. Latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019 mempraktikkan perang pernika menggunakan peralatan Jammer GPS yang sudah 5 tahun hanya tersimpan di gudang.

“Angkasa Yudha 2019 ini adalah latihan dilaksanakan setiap tahun. Sudah lima tahun salah satu alat Jammer GPS ngendon di gudang,” terang Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna dalam sambutan makan siang di Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun, Rabu (18/07/2019), sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Detik (18/ 07/ 2019).

Menurut Yuyu, alat Jammer GPS yang ngendon (tersimpan) di gudang itu berjumlah tiga buah dan belum pernah dipakai latihan. Selama ini tiga Jammer itu hanya sebatas dibawa ke Istana Negara saat momen tertentu.

“Sampai saat ini kita mempunyai tiga Jammer, tiga itu sudah 5 tahun ngendon di gudang. Paling dibawa karena keluar ke istana waktu kegiatan,” terangnya.

Yuyu menyampaikan, latihan bersama perang pernika melibatkan dua ribu lebih personel dari 18 skuadron udara. Ada 67 pesawat tempur mengikuti latihan di tiga lokasi. Yakni lanud Iswahjudi Madiun, Lanud Abdurrahman Saleh Malang dan di AWR (Air Waipon Range) Lumajang.

“Saya meninjau hari kedua latihan dan masih ada besok. Pasukan yang terlibat sebanyak dua ribu lebih kemudian skuadron ada 18. Pesawatnya kurang lebih 67 pesawat yang dilibatkan,” imbuhnya.

Dari 67 pesawat yang digunakan dalam latihan, terdiri dari pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat heli serta pesawat intai. Latihan itu bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan pengamanan wilayah udara dengan memutus rantai sinyal musuh dengan Jammer GPS.

“Yang jelas semua kemampuan Angkatan Udara baik itu kemampuan personel, kemampuan alutsista dan peralatan pendukung kita turunkan. Pada hari ini kita betul-betul menguji kemampuannya. Sehingga kita akan mengetahui kemampuan dalam melaksanakan operasi. Saya berharap bisa terus kita tingkatkan,” lanjutnya.

Dalam kunjungan ke Lanud Iswahjudi, Kasau juga menyempatkan diri untuk menengok dapur darurat dan makan bersama personel di tenda komplek Lanud Iswahjudi. Latihan perang pernika tahun ini merupakan yang pertama dalam 33 tahun terakhir.

“Setelah 33 tahun baru kali ini ada latihan seperti ini,” ujar Kepala Penerangan dan Perpustakaan (Kapentak) Lanud Iswahyudi Madiun, Mayor Sus Hamdi Londong Allo.

I've just realized that only 2 kcr 40 are equipped with sensors and radars already, the other 6 are now "kosongan" and the first kcr 60m (630) havent been fitted with associated elctronics too. Is this because of unsatisfactory performance by chinese made electronics installed?
or maybe budget

Its last month news, but its nice to know our troops train with on hand experience using GPS jammer. It will be great training for the jammer operator and to the one playing as Red Force. I guess TNI-AU really mean business in Angkasa Yudha 2019 :enjoy:


Madiun, 18 Juli 2019. TNI AU menggelar latihan bersama untuk menjaga keamanan wilayah udara. Latihan Angkasa Yudha 2019 mempraktikkan perang pernika menggunakan peralatan Jammer GPS yang sudah 5 tahun hanya tersimpan di gudang.

“Angkasa Yudha 2019 ini adalah latihan dilaksanakan setiap tahun. Sudah lima tahun salah satu alat Jammer GPS ngendon di gudang,” terang Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna dalam sambutan makan siang di Lanud Iswahjudi, Madiun, Rabu (18/07/2019), sebagaimana dilansir dari laman Detik (18/ 07/ 2019).

Menurut Yuyu, alat Jammer GPS yang ngendon (tersimpan) di gudang itu berjumlah tiga buah dan belum pernah dipakai latihan. Selama ini tiga Jammer itu hanya sebatas dibawa ke Istana Negara saat momen tertentu.

“Sampai saat ini kita mempunyai tiga Jammer, tiga itu sudah 5 tahun ngendon di gudang. Paling dibawa karena keluar ke istana waktu kegiatan,” terangnya.

Yuyu menyampaikan, latihan bersama perang pernika melibatkan dua ribu lebih personel dari 18 skuadron udara. Ada 67 pesawat tempur mengikuti latihan di tiga lokasi. Yakni lanud Iswahjudi Madiun, Lanud Abdurrahman Saleh Malang dan di AWR (Air Waipon Range) Lumajang.

“Saya meninjau hari kedua latihan dan masih ada besok. Pasukan yang terlibat sebanyak dua ribu lebih kemudian skuadron ada 18. Pesawatnya kurang lebih 67 pesawat yang dilibatkan,” imbuhnya.

Dari 67 pesawat yang digunakan dalam latihan, terdiri dari pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat heli serta pesawat intai. Latihan itu bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan pengamanan wilayah udara dengan memutus rantai sinyal musuh dengan Jammer GPS.

“Yang jelas semua kemampuan Angkatan Udara baik itu kemampuan personel, kemampuan alutsista dan peralatan pendukung kita turunkan. Pada hari ini kita betul-betul menguji kemampuannya. Sehingga kita akan mengetahui kemampuan dalam melaksanakan operasi. Saya berharap bisa terus kita tingkatkan,” lanjutnya.

Dalam kunjungan ke Lanud Iswahjudi, Kasau juga menyempatkan diri untuk menengok dapur darurat dan makan bersama personel di tenda komplek Lanud Iswahjudi. Latihan perang pernika tahun ini merupakan yang pertama dalam 33 tahun terakhir.

“Setelah 33 tahun baru kali ini ada latihan seperti ini,” ujar Kepala Penerangan dan Perpustakaan (Kapentak) Lanud Iswahyudi Madiun, Mayor Sus Hamdi Londong Allo.


nice , i would love too see more electronic and network centric warfare scenario for future drills

by the way the jammer in pict was LMADIS , also the one who took down iranian drone in persian gulf by US recently , so a battle proven stuff over there

is that really a jammer that we had , or just a thumbnail/reference picture used for news post ?
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Hehehe supposely Kongsberg but several months ago i read and saw the CMS. Well that's the rumour which i don't want to say several weeks ago

If they were South Korean Navalshield CMS, i wouldn't have been so embarrased however it was something else and i won't bring the issue here.

Nothing to worry about. The Kongsberg's CMS has be includes in submarine deal with DSME also with other sub-systems, even the signing contract with Kongsberg has been carried out since 2012. So it cant be changed or even canceled.

Just adding information, the MSI-90U mk.2 along with Subtics and ISUS-90 CMS are the only known for the already proven integration with Blackshark torpedo. Other than those three, I think it will gives more troublesome and need more times for its integration.

Saat saya melihat angka di jalan, pikiran saya menyeleksi apakah itu hanya angka biasa atau teka-teki angka dari yang berwenang. Biasanya yang berwenang bicara kepada saya melalui teka-teki angka. Salah siji saka sing berwenang itu sing pernah berkomunikasi lumanyar teka-teki angka adalah lembaga dengan lambang lingkaran bunder sing ana latar belakange warna abang lan putihe. Yang berwenang tahu saya itu siapa dan di mana saya berada. Jelas ya mas Cromwell ?

Klo boleh saya tau yg ente maksud "yang berwenang" itu dari lembaga/institusi apa mas???

I think this is the latest news of kaplan mt
Btw we only buy 20?
Ah so few....
"Now that the LOI is signed, the MoD will make a formal request for funds [for the Kaplan acquisition] in the next defence budget," said the source, adding that delivery of the tanks is expected to take place within three years of the contract being signed.

does that mean we would sign contract in 2020 ? and start delivering it to army within 2023 - 2024 range , that's rather took long .
Btw are turkish s400 have impact in this project like this?

(Btw i see turkish forumers i see likely they are didnt worry anything about caatsa etc and keep optmist about their missile tech development like som,umtas, siper hisa series etc.....)
The current regime "AKP Party" who's really pain in the *** for US government is losing political momentum on turkey right now , so the US still gave trust to turkey for their cooperation in reverse engineering and TOT program .
Nothing to worry about. The Kongsberg's CMS has be includes in submarine deal with DSME also with other sub-systems, even the signing contract with Kongsberg has been carried out since 2012. So it cant be changed or even canceled.

Just adding information, the MSI-90U mk.2 along with Subtics and ISUS-90 CMS are the only known for the already proven integration with Blackshark torpedo. Other than those three, I think it will gives more troublesome and need more times for its integration.

if it was true , then im very glad to hear that .
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Where do you even get this 1687 from ? Are you reading what @ayamjago said in indo××××××× ?

Dear Cromwell,

May be you will not believe what I will say.

1687 i took it not from the rooster but I took the numbers as a riddle from the street.

Even last time when I make a wish for our navy quantity of ships, I took it from the street the riddle combination numbers of 17+51+X+94+73+13+94.

Saat saya melihat angka di jalan, pikiran saya menyeleksi apakah itu hanya angka biasa atau teka-teki angka dari yang berwenang. Biasanya yang berwenang bicara kepada saya melalui teka-teki angka. Salah siji saka sing berwenang itu sing pernah berkomunikasi lumanyar teka-teki angka adalah lembaga dengan lambang lingkaran bunder sing ana latar belakange warna abang lan putihe. Yang berwenang tahu saya itu siapa dan di mana saya berada. Jelas ya mas Cromwell ?

Oh ya, tadi siang saya lihat lagi teka-teki angka 9624. Berdasar lamanya kapal dibuat, maka :

I wish latest on 2044, our coast guard will have :

6 opv / cutter kn tanjung datu class 110 meter or bigger.
18 opv / cutter 80 meter kn pulau nipah class.
42 patrol ships / cutter 48 meter kn 48xx.
18 patrol ships / cutter 60 meter kn 60xx.
36 patrol ships 30 meter kn 30xx.
Can you not trolling your fellow countryman threat? Why dont you make your own threat and see what happent. We have enough to see this, try to walk around the forum or piknik sometime for your own health dude

Well same with you i only found this out recently

Yup, except for currently we still use the subsystems from C-Flex

Well you are too late by years if you haven't figured out Army military platforms which use BMS. Search the articles in Indomiliter there you can answer your question.

They have military cumpolsury service for their citizens, they have the genuine " militant " citizens and yes i think we can study their concept of NDP and implement them here

View attachment 573535 View attachment 573536 View attachment 573537
PT Sembada Karya Mandiri
Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
The ESM and LPI radar is already instaled on parchim betwen 2006-2009 their development phase is about 2004 if i'm not mistaken i have the old pdf somewhere the release on somewhere around 2011, first time it was design to equiped our 'small and medium' naval ship from lokal shipyard, its come in the time of krait class the KCR predecessor
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is that really a jammer that we had , or just a thumbnail/reference picture used for news post ?
Idk, but I think its just a reference picture. TNI AU has rantis GPS jammer, but looking at KASAU explanation that its been sitting in "Gudang" for a while ( I assume he is not talk about rantis perhaps something that is not that easy to move around/bigger). He said 5 years been sitting in gudang, so it came in 2014 and prolly using 2012/2013 tni budget. I try to find what kind of jammer he is talking about but no luck so far, perhaps others have more info about it.
Nothing to worry about. The Kongsberg's CMS has be includes in submarine deal with DSME also with other sub-systems, even the signing contract with Kongsberg has been carried out since 2012. So it cant be changed or even canceled.

Just adding information, the MSI-90U mk.2 along with Subtics and ISUS-90 CMS are the only known for the already proven integration with Blackshark torpedo. Other than those three, I think it will gives more troublesome and need more times for its integration.

Klo boleh saya tau yg ente maksud "yang berwenang" itu dari lembaga/institusi apa mas???
This is kind of comforting informations i need out of dark cloud of rumours

Can you not trolling your fellow countryman threat? Why dont you make your own threat and see what happent. We have enough to see this, try to walk around the forum or piknik sometime for your own health dude

The ESM and LPI radar is already instaled on parchim betwen 2006-2009 their development phase is about 2004 if i'm not mistaken i have the old pdf somewhere the release on somewhere around 2011, first time it was design to equiped our 'small and medium' naval ship from lokal shipyard, its come in the time of krait class the KCR predecessor
That's nice informations increasing local contents on our home made naval platforms

No konde install on Guardian
Oh well i'm still looking forward on any infos about that.
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