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Hehehe supposely Kongsberg but several months ago i read and saw the CMS. Well that's the rumour which i don't want to say several weeks ago
then it's probably looks something like this ?

well .... if it was Korean subsytem i think that's okay , they just need to update it more so it can integrate well with current and future datalink like link16 . but that's probably also can be a good news , since sub launched harpoon fired from changbogo were tested with korean CMS in rimpac (i don't know if MSI-90U MK2 can support sub launched SSM too) maybe we can have a plan to procure LIG NEX1 C-Star SSM for our changbogo (ngarep though)

Need at least 14 years to developed and reverse engineering Grad type 122 mm MLRS, at least they got it with minimum budget and least priority. 30 km range is very acceptable compared to other products in which only ranged between dozen kilos to twenty something.

View attachment 573593
Setelah melewati serangkaian proses sertifikasi, PT Pindad (Persero) akhirnya telah berhasil mengantongi seritifikat tipe senjata udara militer Roket RHan - 122B Kategori Senjata Udara Artillery Ground to Ground Rocket dengan nomor: IMMA TC AW/ROKET 001-2019.

Sertifikat tipe diberikan oleh Kapuslaik Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono dan diterima secara langsung oleh Direktur Teknik dan Pengembangan Ade Bagdja di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan RI, Jakarta, Selasa (24/7/2019).

Kapuslaik TNI Teguh Sugiono dalam sambutannya mengatakan semoga proses sertifikasi yang telah dikerjakan dapat sesuai harapan dan dapat menjadi acuan dalam pengembangannya jika ada.

"Harapannya untuk apa yang sudah dikerjakan dapat sesuai harapan dari konsorsium yang ada," ujarnya.

Teguh mengharapkan program RHan 122 B ini harus terus berkembang. Sementara itu, dikatakan Ade Bagdja program ini harus dan akan tetap berkembang. "Pindad berkomitmen program ini masih perlu kami kembangkan, kita akan upayakan." Ujarnya. Menurut Ade Bagdja, adapun beberapa yang belum sempurna akan dilakukan peningkatan produk konsorsium.

RHan 122B ini merupakan salahsatu program yang berhasil diselesaikan PT Pindad bersama anggota konsorsium lainnya yaitu PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT Dahana dan Lapan. Program yang telah dimulai sejak 2005 ini adalah wujud dari komitmen PT Pindad untuk melakukan penguasaan teknologi dan pengembangan industri pertahanan nasional.

Adapun Spesifikasi RHan122B, sebagai berikut;

Rocket Type : Ballistic, Ground to Ground

Launcher Type : Compatible with GRAD 122mm, Launching from MLRS RM-70 GRAD

Fin Type : Wrapped Around Folded Aerial Fin

Proppelant type : Composite Propellant

Caliber : 122mm

Propellant length : 2000mm

Propellant Star : 400mm

Propellant Hollow : 1,600 mm

Motor Tube Length : 2,903 mm

Rocket length : 2,810 mm

Propellant Weight : 24,6 kg

Motor Rocket Weight : 45.8 ± 0.20 kg

Rocket Weight : 60.8 ± 0.20 kg

Average Thrust : 1,437 kg

Burning Time : 3.3 sec

Total Impulse : 4,809 kgf.sec

Warhead : 15kg

Range : 30.5 km

Nozzle Type : Single


i see the video test for this rocket , they somehow looks like more slower and have less thrust than the previous imported 122mm rocket , but manage to extend it's firing range become 30km+ , do they used liquid propellant ?
Hmmm Pindad can made around 300 000 LPG tube a month, mean they can switch those tools to produce something like Artillery tube munition or mortar at very large number if needed






Pada tahun 2015, PT Pindad (Persero) telah berpengalaman memproduksi tabung Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3 kg, 5,5 kg dan 12 kg bersubsidi dan converter kit yang dipesan oleh Pertamina sebanyak 1,2 juta tabung.
Sinergi dengan Pertamina ini diharapkan akan berlanjut dengan target mendapatkan order minimal 1 juta tabung gas 3 kg di awal tahun ini. Untuk itu dalam rangka sinergi pemesanan tabung gas tersebut, Tim verifikasi dari Pertamina Pusat melakukan kunjungan fasilitas produksi yang diterima langsung Direktut Bisnis Produk Industrial, Heri Heriswan di Kantor Pusat PT Pindad, Rabu - Kamis (31/7 - 1/8/2019).
Heri Heriswan mengatakan saat ini seluruh BUMN harus melakukan sinergi dalam beberapa hal termasuk dengan Pertamina terkait produksi tab dan PT Pindad pun telah menunjukkan kesiapannya untuk produksi tabung LPG. Ia pun berharap akan mendapat saran-saran dari tim untuk mendukung produksi yang lebih baik.
“Seperti yang telah dicanangkan oleh bu menteri BUMN, memang semua BUMN harus melakukan sinergi, semua peralatan dan fasilitas produksi yang ada di PT Pindad saat ini sudah siap untuk lembali peroduksi tabung LPG,” Ujar Heri Heriswan.
Sementara itu, Manager Stakeholder Management Dit. Pemasaran Retail Pertamina, Pierre J. mengatakan memang menjadi keharusan untuk menjalin sinergi antar BUMN. Dalam proses pengadaan barang pun ini nantinya akan dilaksanakan tanpa harus mengurangi proses yang ada. “Terkait verifikasi ini, kami berharap terjalin sinergi dan kerjsama yang baik,” ujar Pierre.
Pertemuan dihadiri dengan mengunjungi beberapa fasilitas produksi. Kapasitas produksi seluruh tabung Pindad sendiri hingga saat ini sebanyak 300 ribu tabung per bulan.

Need at least 14 years to developed and reverse engineering Grad type 122 mm MLRS, at least they got it with minimum budget and least priority. 30 km range is very acceptable compared to other products in which only ranged between dozen kilos to twenty something.

View attachment 573593
Setelah melewati serangkaian proses sertifikasi, PT Pindad (Persero) akhirnya telah berhasil mengantongi seritifikat tipe senjata udara militer Roket RHan - 122B Kategori Senjata Udara Artillery Ground to Ground Rocket dengan nomor: IMMA TC AW/ROKET 001-2019.

Sertifikat tipe diberikan oleh Kapuslaik Laksma TNI Teguh Sugiono dan diterima secara langsung oleh Direktur Teknik dan Pengembangan Ade Bagdja di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan RI, Jakarta, Selasa (24/7/2019).

Kapuslaik TNI Teguh Sugiono dalam sambutannya mengatakan semoga proses sertifikasi yang telah dikerjakan dapat sesuai harapan dan dapat menjadi acuan dalam pengembangannya jika ada.

"Harapannya untuk apa yang sudah dikerjakan dapat sesuai harapan dari konsorsium yang ada," ujarnya.

Teguh mengharapkan program RHan 122 B ini harus terus berkembang. Sementara itu, dikatakan Ade Bagdja program ini harus dan akan tetap berkembang. "Pindad berkomitmen program ini masih perlu kami kembangkan, kita akan upayakan." Ujarnya. Menurut Ade Bagdja, adapun beberapa yang belum sempurna akan dilakukan peningkatan produk konsorsium.

RHan 122B ini merupakan salahsatu program yang berhasil diselesaikan PT Pindad bersama anggota konsorsium lainnya yaitu PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT Dahana dan Lapan. Program yang telah dimulai sejak 2005 ini adalah wujud dari komitmen PT Pindad untuk melakukan penguasaan teknologi dan pengembangan industri pertahanan nasional.

Adapun Spesifikasi RHan122B, sebagai berikut;

Rocket Type : Ballistic, Ground to Ground

Launcher Type : Compatible with GRAD 122mm, Launching from MLRS RM-70 GRAD

Fin Type : Wrapped Around Folded Aerial Fin

Proppelant type : Composite Propellant

Caliber : 122mm

Propellant length : 2000mm

Propellant Star : 400mm

Propellant Hollow : 1,600 mm

Motor Tube Length : 2,903 mm

Rocket length : 2,810 mm

Propellant Weight : 24,6 kg

Motor Rocket Weight : 45.8 ± 0.20 kg

Rocket Weight : 60.8 ± 0.20 kg

Average Thrust : 1,437 kg

Burning Time : 3.3 sec

Total Impulse : 4,809 kgf.sec

Warhead : 15kg

Range : 30.5 km

Nozzle Type : Single


Yup, 30 km is a very acceptable range for 122 m rocket. It is a great news. I hope TNI start stock piling the rocket.

Kayaknya tadi dari AURI coba ngasih teka-teki silang kepadaku, di depan hidungku tadi pagi mereka ngasih angka 1687 dan siang ini mereka lewat di depan mataku sambil mencoba membunyikan sesuatu agar angka 1687 itu jadi perhatianku.

So let's begin with numbers :

I've said a view days ago that we need interceptors to watch our three sea lanes.

87 / 3 = 29

It means every sealane (ALKI) will be protected by 29 unit of interceptors. There are three sealanes, thus 29 x 3 = 87 unit of interceptors.

Let's check to other perspective :

Our F16 fighters are usually assigned to intercept black flight.

F16 has combat radius 550 km.
If they are equipped with CFT, the combat radius will arise 40% or to be 1,4 times.

550 x 1,4 = 770

Thus the combat radius will be 770 km.

If they are equipped with AMRAAM C latest edition, this AMRAAM will have estimate range 150 km.

770 + 150 = 920

Thus the combat radius will be 920 km.

920 x 920 x 3,14 = 2.657.696 km2.

Our teritorry plus EEZ = 8.237.792 km2

8.237.792 / 2.657.696 = 3,0995990512

Large squadron is 28 unit

28 x 3,0995990512 = 86,78877 rounded to 87 unit.

Let's check to another perspective :

In Suharto's era we got 12 unit block 15 OCU.

2 unit written-off due to accidents.

12 - 2 = 10

Our block 52ID is 24 unit

10 + 24 = 34

Together with these 24 unit, we also got 4 unit block 25 plus 2 unit block 15.

34 + 4 + 2 = 40

1 to be written-off due to total loss in fire.

40 - 1 = 39

1 unit of block 15 OCU was slipped away but can be repaired.

Thus our F16 still 39 unit.

We are planning to have more 48 unit of F16 / Vipers.

39 + 48 = 87

After digging in three perspectives, we are led into one conclusion.

Conclusion : we will have 87 unit of F16s.

Jadi angka 1687 itu maksudnya 87 unit F16 yang bakal dimiliki oleh angkatan udara kita.

Wah tukang itung mantap ya....

Weapon of mass destruction

LPG 3 kg.........:chilli:
(Maybe dark )
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Yup, 30 km is a very acceptable range for 122 m rocket. It is a great news. I hope TNI start stock piling the rocket.
Grad projectiles ranges from 20-40km (longest one is serbian made projectiles https://www.yugoimport.com/en/proizvodi/122-mm-rocket-g-2000

so i agree 30km is ok. What we need is to figure out how to diversify manufacturing process for those 122mm's maybe even outsource it to private companies.
Buangan dari jakgreat. Jakgreat sepi jadinya mampir dimari.

CN 235 for flying test bed (that is, testing new configuration, system, and avionics)
Warnanya keren, jadi inget warna/logo pesawat Garuda jaman dulu :D

Small squadron 12 - 14 unit
Standard squadron 16 - 18 unit
Big squadron 24 unit
Large squadron 28 - 32 unit

Aussy and Sweden use big squadrons
Our army will use large squadron of 32 unit helicopters.


Our air force usually have small squadron of 12-14 unit and standard squadron of 16 unit.

Large squadron to be implemented for disperse base squadron.

8 on duty/patrol
8 on alert
8 in maintenance
4 as back-up.

8 + 8 + 8 + 4 = 28
I havent heard we changed the number of fighters in 1 ska. 16 Fighters per Ska; the reason behind it as former KASAU before pak Hadi (Forgot his name)said is 4 in maintenance ; 4 for training ; 4 to be stationed outside the base (other base) ; 4 is on standby at home base.

Interesting "calculation" and generalization tho, I wish creating a defence force can be that simple :D

Yup, 30 km is a very acceptable range for 122 m rocket. It is a great news. I hope TNI start stock piling the rocket.
YES!! TNI specially Marinir need to "borong" this rocket asap. They can use local bank credit as well, more multiplier effect to our economy. BTW thumbs up for all the team (like sis Rouge said) for job well done dispite low budget allocation and length it took to complete it :enjoy:
then it's probably looks something like this ?

well .... if it was Korean subsytem i think that's okay , they just need to update it more so it can integrate well with current and future datalink like link16 . but that's probably also can be a good news , since sub launched harpoon fired from changbogo were tested with korean CMS in rimpac (i don't know if MSI-90U MK2 can support sub launched SSM too) maybe we can have a plan to procure LIG NEX1 C-Star SSM for our changbogo (ngarep though)

i see the video test for this rocket , they somehow looks like more slower and have less thrust than the previous imported 122mm rocket , but manage to extend it's firing range become 30km+ , do they used liquid propellant ?
If they were South Korean Navalshield CMS, i wouldn't have been so embarrased however it was something else and i won't bring the issue here.
Leopard 2 MBT, Marder IFV, AH-64E Apache Guardian, Mi-35P Hind, Fennec, ASTROS MLRS, CAESAR 155mm SPH, Starstreak & Mistral Missile, Javelin ATGM and NLAW will take part in the Indonesian Army Kartika Yudha 2019 Exercise.

Latancab TNI AD Kartika Yudha 2019 Kerahkan Alutsista Tercanggih

Senin, 12 Agustus 2019 - 16:36 WIB


Alutsista terbaru TNI AD dikerahkan dalam latihan antar kecabangan (Latancab) TNI AD Kartika Yudha 2019. Foto/SINDOnews

SUMSEL - Berbagai alat utama sistem persenjataan (Alutsista) terbaru dan tercanggih milik TNI AD dikerahkan dalam latihan antar kecabangan (Latancab) TNI AD Kartika Yudha 2019, Brigade Infanteri (Brigif) Para Raider-17/1 Kostrad, yang digelar sejak 4 hingga 21 Agustus 2019 mendatang, di daerah latihan Pusat Latihan Tempur (Puslatpur) Kodiklatad, Martapura, Sumatera Selatan.

Kepala Dinas Penerangan Angkatan Darat (Kadispenad) Brigjen TNI Candra Wijaya menjelaskan, alutsista TNI AD terbaru yang dikerahkan antara lain adalah Tank Leopard dan Tank Marder dari kecabangan Kavaleri, roket Astros dan Meriam 155 dari kecabangan Armed, rudal Mistral dan rudal Startreak dari kecabangan Arhanud, Helly Apache, MI-35 dan Fennec dari kecabangan Penerbad dan ATGM Javelin dan Nlaw dari kecabangan Infanteri serta berbagai jenis alutsista TNI AD lainnya.

"Dalam latihan materi pertahanan hari ini, sejumlah alutsista telah dioperasionalkan, bermanuver dan melakukan tembakan dengan peluru tajam, seperti helly Fennec melaksanakan bantuan tembakan Penerbad, tembakan MBT Leopard untuk menghancurkan tank musuh, tembakan senjata Astros, ATGM Javelin dan tembakan kesenjataan lainnya," jelas Candra dalam keterangannya yang diterima SINDOnews Senin (12/8/2019).

Where do you even get this 1687 from ? Are you reading what @ayamjago said in indo××××××× ?

Dear Cromwell,

May be you will not believe what I will say.

1687 i took it not from the rooster but I took the numbers as a riddle from the street.

Even last time when I make a wish for our navy quantity of ships, I took it from the street the riddle combination numbers of 17+51+X+94+73+13+94.

Saat saya melihat angka di jalan, pikiran saya menyeleksi apakah itu hanya angka biasa atau teka-teki angka dari yang berwenang. Biasanya yang berwenang bicara kepada saya melalui teka-teki angka. Salah siji saka sing berwenang itu sing pernah berkomunikasi lumanyar teka-teki angka adalah lembaga dengan lambang lingkaran bunder sing ana latar belakange warna abang lan putihe. Yang berwenang tahu saya itu siapa dan di mana saya berada. Jelas ya mas Cromwell ?

Oh ya, tadi siang saya lihat lagi teka-teki angka 9624. Berdasar lamanya kapal dibuat, maka :

I wish latest on 2044, our coast guard will have :

6 opv / cutter kn tanjung datu class 110 meter or bigger.
18 opv / cutter 80 meter kn pulau nipah class.
42 patrol ships / cutter 48 meter kn 48xx.
18 patrol ships / cutter 60 meter kn 60xx.
36 patrol ships 30 meter kn 30xx.
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Small squadron 12 - 14 unit
Standard squadron 16 - 18 unit
Big squadron 24 unit
Large squadron 28 - 32 unit

Aussy and Sweden use big squadrons
Our army will use large squadron of 32 unit helicopters.


Our air force usually have small squadron of 12-14 unit and standard squadron of 16 unit.

Large squadron to be implemented for disperse base squadron.

8 on duty/patrol
8 on alert
8 in maintenance
4 as back-up.

8 + 8 + 8 + 4 = 28
Ok now suddenly we have big and large squadron term too. Tell me again where and how do you get this?

I understand army fully helo squadron has 32 units. But never heard AF using that too.
Last time I checked, 'skadron minimal' for AF consist 8-12 unit of a/c.
1 full squadron = 16 a/c.

Uthak athik gathuk kah?
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