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I know i just i wonder why private sectors got less exposure to the medias while their contributions are equally great.
"Gov connection"
Back view years ago when many kinds defence private company boom, it just to many unplanned buy then planed development for defence industry, the most ironic is the hovercraft program back years ago, its almost a robbery for me

Just like planning to buy a big ship without calculate for future indiginious industry, tech that we got now is welding tech not the building tech. Like we want a hardware platform but never plan a mission platform. Coz till now we still concern about a number not the threat
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"Gov connection"
Back view years ago when many kinds defence private company boom, it just to many unplanned buy then planed development for defence industry, the most ironic is the hovercraft program back years ago, its almost a robbery for me

Just like planning to buy a big ship without calculate for future indiginious industry, tech that we got now is welding tech not the building tech. Like we want a hardware platform but never plan a mission platform. Coz till now we still concern about a number not the threat
I remember the stories of UI students regarding Kartika project hoovercraft around 2005 - 2006. The programme was screwed by chronic severe corrupt officials within the military backthen. The thing is we are still confuse at our directions of military industries, catching something based on what we want instead of what we actually need also no long term planning for support systems

Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
I remember the stories of UI students regarding Kartika project hoovercraft around 2005 - 2006. The programme was screwed by chronic severe corrupt officials within the military backthen. The thing is we are still confuse at our directions of military industries, catching something based on what we want instead of what we actually need also no long term planning for support systems
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Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan

Sejak kapan PT Len punya produck buat illuminator ????
Walau pun masih Optical base/ Short-range Base tapi itu saja sudah sangat improvement "clap clap"
I remember the stories of UI students regarding Kartika project hoovercraft around 2005 - 2006. The programme was screwed by chronic severe corrupt officials within the military backthen. The thing is we are still confuse at our directions of military industries, catching something based on what we want instead of what we actually need also no long term planning for support systems
View attachment 573495 View attachment 573496 View attachment 573497 View attachment 573498 View attachment 573499 View attachment 573500 View attachment 573501 View attachment 573502 View attachment 573503 View attachment 573504 View attachment 573505
Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
Kemenhan should consider arming another batch of KCR 60 with Len products. As such we could increase "kandungan lokal" on the ship and brag about creating a truly national warship :yahoo:(apart from the actual weapons.
Reintegration of TL? Do you think AU won't have a say about that?
It's very beneficial for them to have independent TL as additional buffer zone, not to mention natural resources in timor gap.
I don't know how far AU will go for TL but I think AU won't just sit quietly if we try something funny with PNG.

By 1986, Australia’s Defence Minister, Kim Beazley, told Indonesia’s military chief, Benny Murdani, that Australia would certainly go to war for PNG, ‘but we wouldn’t tell them that!’

I used to say to Benny Murdani and to other officials, because they were not being big on Australia, it has to be said, and I used to say now we do have issues with you on human rights particularly in East Timor. We do have argument over the character and the relationship that is manifested in the Defence Cooperation Program. But the thing I appreciate about you, Benny, is that you serve Australian interest and he was taken aback by that and he said how do I serve Australian interests?
I said it is in our interest that this archipelago, which contains four choke points within it, which are the avenues by which Australia would be attacked, should be in stable and friendly hands. We don't think enough any longer about the structure of the strategy of Australia – the geographic structure of Australian defence.
It used to be focus in Billy Hughes days on Papua New Guinea, but in fact it's broader than that – it's the totality of the archipelago and that is the ability to deny those points of access is a critical part of the Australian [force] structure and it's against all-comers, whether it be Japan in the day, China or whatever. So the Indonesian archipelago is the Australian front door and, were Indonesia to fall apart into sort of warring island nations or whatever, Australian security would be materially affected – we understand that.

AU need PNG and ID as buffer zone from northern forces, at the same time AU need TL and PNG as buffer zone against ID.
Our unique neighbour in the south, I expect our relationship with them become stronger again then free fall rock bottom before getting stronger again and repeat.

I'm not disputing that AU uses TL and PNG as buffer states and would very much oppose losing influence.

As it stands though, they are already losing influence and are being forced into a position where they would have very little choice but to pick between allowing Indonesia expand its influence or allow China do it.

PNG is destabilising, Peter O'Neill had been good at political manoeuvring but utter crap at setting national policy. The new PM is attempting to reform the mess he inherited but the damage is already done. As it stands, PNG is sliding inexplicably into a failed state, one that will be dealt another blow if the November Bougainvillean Referendum choses "Independence". The Western nations can send all the aid they want, but if the PNG government continues to be as incompetent as it has been for the last 4 decades, it won't have any lasting effect.

TL on the other hand, has very little goodwill left for AU. It's been found out that AU hid known information from TL during oil sharing negotiations and even had TL negotiators wire-tapped. Furthermore, most TL just consider that the AU only helped TL for the oil.

If the Greater Sunrise project fails, TL will swiftly plunge into bankruptcy, one that AU (& USA) is increasingly unable to spare money to assist with. As it stands, AU already slashing aid everywhere to focus aid in TL, PNG, and Oceania. (But still decreasing the overall aid budget by more than 25% compared to 5.2 Billion high in 2016).

As it stands, I'm confident this is something Indonesia already knows... and doesn't want. Thats why we've been pushing for TL inclusion into ASEAN, so that TL can get assistance from ASEAN instead of relying fully on Indo, AU, or China. Despite that, ASEAN isn't willing to fully support the bid because ASEAN isn't convinced that TL is a sustainable state.

As such, I'm not advocating Indonesia invade TL all over gain, but should TL plunge into chaos and AU is unwilling to send peacekeepers in... well, you know whose doorstep the problem will land on. It might be a good chance to Indonesia to do it right next time.
I remember the stories of UI students regarding Kartika project hoovercraft around 2005 - 2006. The programme was screwed by chronic severe corrupt officials within the military backthen. The thing is we are still confuse at our directions of military industries, catching something based on what we want instead of what we actually need also no long term planning for support systems
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Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
Does we have vehicles that uses BMS?
Awesome right ? Yesterday i watched NDP 2019 live in Channel Asia well the message they try to deliver to their neighbours seems understood.

Recently added digital defence aspect, I like their defence pillar like military,civilian,social,ecinomic and psycological defence.

Yes because in early SG founded they know they are vurnerable in many aspect, and the planner steghten the military, and civil defense, also they streghten their economy, their society is multicuture so very vurenrable, they must minimize friction

Singapore realy use meaning of "Pertahanan Semesta" every one take part in defence

Like our UUD "Setiap warga negara berhak dan wajib ikut serta dalam pertahanan negara"

(What civilian like us to take part in defense? :-))

I always watch ndp (since 2016 as i reconnect) becoz i watch singapore movie ah boy to men :yahoo:

One I can assure, that every singaporran man is trained to combat unlike Indonesian boy never trained in combat but.... highly militant and have "semangat 45"
Btw are their citizen army militan enough?
Sejak kapan PT Len punya produck buat illuminator ????
Walau pun masih Optical base/ Short-range Base tapi itu saja sudah sangat improvement "clap clap"
Well same with you i only found this out recently

Kemenhan should consider arming another batch of KCR 60 with Len products. As such we could increase "kandungan lokal" on the ship and brag about creating a truly national warship :yahoo:(apart from the actual weapons.
Yup, except for currently we still use the subsystems from C-Flex

Does we have vehicles that uses BMS?
Well you are too late by years if you haven't figured out Army military platforms which use BMS. Search the articles in Indomiliter there you can answer your question.

Recently added digital defence aspect, I like their defence pillar like military,civilian,social,ecinomic and psycological defence.

Yes because in early SG founded they know they are vurnerable in many aspect, and the planner steghten the military, and civil defense, also they streghten their economy, their society is multicuture so very vurenrable, they must minimize friction

Singapore realy use meaning of "Pertahanan Semesta" every one take part in defence

Like our UUD "Setiap warga negara berhak dan wajib ikut serta dalam pertahanan negara"

(What civilian like us to take part in defense? :-))

I always watch ndp (since 2016 as i reconnect) becoz i watch singapore movie ah boy to men :yahoo:

One I can assure, that every singaporran man is trained to combat unlike Indonesian boy never trained in combat but.... highly militant and have "semangat 45"
Btw are their citizen army militan enough?
They have military cumpolsury service for their citizens, they have the genuine " militant " citizens and yes i think we can study their concept of NDP and implement them here


PT Sembada Karya Mandiri
Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
Well same with you i only found this out recently

Yup, except for currently we still use the subsystems from C-Flex

Well you are too late by years if you haven't figured out Army military platforms which use BMS. Search the articles in Indomiliter there you can answer your question.

They have military cumpolsury service for their citizens, they have the genuine " militant " citizens and yes i think we can study their concept of NDP and implement them here

View attachment 573535 View attachment 573536 View attachment 573537
PT Sembada Karya Mandiri
Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
Wow impressive, this is the first time I know about sembada karya mandiri. We should integrate this products and LEN products at least on PC/Kal, Bakamla, or other older corvette models just to see how they perform then develop it further. Good info :enjoy:

I'm not disputing that AU uses TL and PNG as buffer states and would very much oppose losing influence.

As it stands though, they are already losing influence and are being forced into a position where they would have very little choice but to pick between allowing Indonesia expand its influence or allow China do it.

PNG is destabilising, Peter O'Neill had been good at political manoeuvring but utter crap at setting national policy. The new PM is attempting to reform the mess he inherited but the damage is already done. As it stands, PNG is sliding inexplicably into a failed state, one that will be dealt another blow if the November Bougainvillean Referendum choses "Independence". The Western nations can send all the aid they want, but if the PNG government continues to be as incompetent as it has been for the last 4 decades, it won't have any lasting effect.

TL on the other hand, has very little goodwill left for AU. It's been found out that AU hid known information from TL during oil sharing negotiations and even had TL negotiators wire-tapped. Furthermore, most TL just consider that the AU only helped TL for the oil.

If the Greater Sunrise project fails, TL will swiftly plunge into bankruptcy, one that AU (& USA) is increasingly unable to spare money to assist with. As it stands, AU already slashing aid everywhere to focus aid in TL, PNG, and Oceania. (But still decreasing the overall aid budget by more than 25% compared to 5.2 Billion high in 2016).

As it stands, I'm confident this is something Indonesia already knows... and doesn't want. Thats why we've been pushing for TL inclusion into ASEAN, so that TL can get assistance from ASEAN instead of relying fully on Indo, AU, or China. Despite that, ASEAN isn't willing to fully support the bid because ASEAN isn't convinced that TL is a sustainable state.

As such, I'm not advocating Indonesia invade TL all over gain, but should TL plunge into chaos and AU is unwilling to send peacekeepers in... well, you know whose doorstep the problem will land on. It might be a good chance to Indonesia to do it right next time.
Yea I think we already calculate whats going to happen and prepare some precautionay steps. Like I said earlier the placement of leopards and future Viper Ska is one of the security approached. One thing that we dont want is for TL to be unstable and creating headache to us. There are alot of uncertainty when one country become unstable, it can be used as proxy, insecurity around its shipping route (piracy), refugee, etc. So yea, we should monitor the development and act accordingly. In a mean time strengthening the border area with enough military power as prevention if worst scenario happen.
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