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Indonesia Defence Forum

Its right bro..they use that symbol only for political issue..
Tauhid is in our heart and mind..you rise that flag but you never do a good thing..such help each other..thats not tauhid..there is an ustad says to me "ber Islam itu dengan hati dan fikiran bukan dengan emosi dan nafsu"
Be Islam with youre heart and mind,not with youre emotion and passion

If you ask can we to Install 90mm turret on comodo...the answer is yes.. but to use it it..its another problem... bisa ngejengkang ke belakang tu komodo..

There should be only one flag : The Red and White Flag. Other flags (religion and political party flags) make our NKRI divided into pieces.When our forefathers fought for our nation freedom, they only brought one kind of flag only - The Red and White Flags.
Neither religion flags nor political party flags they brought. Only The Red and White Flags.

About 90 mm turet installment on our Komodos, it can if the Komodos also be installed with a tool like forks or "mata bajak".

There are still many platform could be installed with 90 mm like our amx-13 75 mm could be replace with this 90 mm, m113 also could be installed with this turet.

UAV Rajawali 720 (KKIP)

Pesawat terbang tanpa awak (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) atau disingkat UAV adalah sebuah pesawat terbang yang berfungsi dengan kendali jarak jauh oleh pilot atau mampu mengendalikan dirinya sendiri, menggunakan hukum aerodinamika untuk mengangkat dirinya, bisa digunakan kembali dan mampu membawa muatan baik senjata maupun muatan lainnya . Penggunaan terbesar dari pesawat tanpa awak ini adalah dibidang militer.

Dilansir dari laman Kemhan (6/ 8/ 2019), Rapat koordinasi membahas Progress PTTA Rajawali 720 dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa 6/8/2019 dipimpin oleh Dirtekindhan Ditjen Pothan Kemhan Lakma TNI Sri Yanto. ST bertempat di rupat Lt-1 Gedung Soeprapto.

Adapun undangan yang hadir diantaranya: Perwakilan Itjen Kemhan, Perwakilan Balitbang Kemhan, Perwakilam Puslaik Kemhan, Perwakilan Tim Waspro dan Tim PPHP, Perwakilan Diskomlekau, Perwakilan Dislitbangau Para Tim Ahli serta dari Industri PT. Bhinneka Dwi Persada.

Hasil dari kegiatan rapat ini bahwa final flight testakan dilaksanakan pada akhir tahun 2019.
View attachment 573243 View attachment 573244
Tactical Mission System
By PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta
Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan

i do feel like private domestic company actually perform better than our BUMN (like the case with teluk bintuni class by PT DRU) , government really need to invest and also give push to our domestic private company who also take part on defence sector , not just the BUMN
I suspect that it is hard to get tot for 105 mm from CMI, and CMI give us tot for 90 mm because of marketing strategy.
The MMWT is planned to replace older scorpion and amx, so we need hundreds of these 105 mm, and there is possibility of using 105 mm on pandur and tank boat, overall that's not a small number.
The 90 mm only used in small number in our badak, so why the tot for 90 mm?
Maybe CMI want us to buy a lot of this 90 mm and not only the 105 mm, and they are baiting us with tot.
90 mm is enough to take out sniper / machine gun nest, in Marawi PH lacking armoured vehicle with sufficient fire power plus lack of air support for COIN, IIRC they accidentally killed 10 or so friendlies from aerial attack, lucky for us we have decent COIN capabilities be it from fixed or rotary wing platform and have precision guided munition too. Still waiting Dirgantara Indonesia to unveil the gunship plane, i hope that they can add bigger gun like modified version of this 90 mm from CMI after all we are gonna assembly the turret and canon here so just remove the turret and put the gun system on the gunship, the airframe will receive so much stress. :v

Sudah pasti kita bakal beli banyak 105 mm jadi CMI gak perlu kasih umpan tambahan, tapi kalau 90 mm kurang laku keras jadi ya dikasih promo spesial. We can expect more of this 90 mm joining TNI in the future.
Just my receh.
90 mils on a CN 235 platform I think is too big. I'll settle for 40 mils.

And as for the 90 cannons being widely fielded, as long as the receiving vehicles/platforms aren't used as backbone cavalry element, I think it's fine. Just give such vics/platforms to IFMEK.

The thing is, many YONKAV still lack firepower because they have less-biting AFVs as their main composition.

View attachment 573243 View attachment 573244
Tactical Mission System
By PT Infoglobal Teknologi Semesta
Credit to Komite Kebijakan Industri Pertahanan
Any info regarding the application of this?
i do feel like private domestic company actually perform better than our BUMN (like the case with teluk bintuni class by PT DRU) , government really need to invest and also give push to our domestic private company who also take part on defence sector , not just the BUMN
That indeed

90 mils on a CN 235 platform I think is too big. I'll settle for 40 mils.

And as for the 90 cannons being widely fielded, as long as the receiving vehicles/platforms aren't used as backbone cavalry element, I think it's fine. Just give such vics/platforms to IFMEK.

The thing is, many YONKAV still lack firepower because they have less-biting AFVs as their main composition.

Any info regarding the application of this?
It's being applied in NC-212 MSA, idk in future if we get to apply them in larger platform like CN-235 MPA

Nice!!! Looking at the pict I assume they aim it for the future N219 Maritime Patrol. :crazy_pilot:
Idk future use of this in N-219 but for now they're being applied in some NC-212

First Indonesian-Built Submarine To Soon Reinforce TNI AL Fleet

Indonesian National Armed Forces Joint Chief of Staff, Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, declared this week that KRI Alugoro (405) will soon reinforce the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) fleet.

Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto made this statement while visiting the submarine at the PT PAL shipyard in Surabaya this week, accompanied by Deputy Navy Chief of Staff (Wakasal) Vice Admiral Wuspo Lukito.

Alugoro-405 will soon strengthen the ranks of the Indonesian Navy’s Fleet

Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Joint Chief of Staff


KRI Alugoro is the third Nagapasa-class submarine (also known as the DSME 1400 design or Improved Chang Bogo-class) and the first one built locally in Indonesia (and the first submarine ever built in South East Asia).

For the record, following an international tender, DSME signed on December 20, 2011 a contract worth $ 1.1 billion to build three DSME 1400 submarines for the Indonesian fleet. They are an evolution of the German Type 209/1200 which was built for the Republic of Korea Navy in the 1980-1990 years (Chang Bogo-class).


The DSME 1400 project is an upgrade of the built-under-license Type 209/1200 with increased length (up to 61.2 m) and displacement (about 1,400 tons underwater). Under the terms of the contract, the first two boats for Indonesia were to be built by DSME in South Korea with delivery in 2016–2017, and the third submarine was to be built locally (actually assembled from sections) by PT PAL with technical assistance from South Korea with planned completion in 2018.

The first submarine for Indonesia, Nagapasa (403) launch ceremony took place on March 24, 2016. The submarine arrived in Indonesia on August 28, 2017. The second boat Ardadedali (404) was launched in Okpo on October 24, 2016 and transferred to the Indonesian Navy on April 25, 2018, arriving in Indonesia in June 2018. Indonesian state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL launched Alugoro, the first diesel-electric submarine built in Indonesia, on April 11, 2019 in Surabaya.

One day later (April 12), Indonesia signed a US$1.02 billion contract for the procurement of three more 1,400-ton submarines (DSME 1400 type) from DSME.


According to TNI AL, Alugoro has a length of 61.3 meters with a speed of ± 21 knots below the surface of the water, capable of sailing more than 50 days and can accommodate more than 40 crew members plus a team of elite Navy forces to support its operational functions. The names comes from a holy weapon owned by the puppet character Prabu Baladewa. The weapon is a mace used by knights that could crush heads with just one hit.

90 mils on a CN 235 platform I think is too big. I'll settle for 40 mils.
The DEFA 30 mm is enough to mow down soft target on the ground just like in the CoD game, but to deal with hardened target you need a bigger gun, 40 mm like the one used in Spooky(L60 Bofors 40 mm)?, that would somewhat enough.
Using GAU-12/U Equalizer, L60 Bofors 40 mm on CN-235 then we will have mini Spooky, having a gatling type rotary canon can deliver more freedom per-minute, sadly we don't have that.
Our old A-4 and F-5 only have revolver canon, so we can only use the good old ex A-4 gun.
Idk future use of this in N-219 but for now they're being applied in some NC-212
I bet they are. Its a logical business decision to aim at future N219 and current NC212. Its affordable marine patrol plane, should be easier to market.
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