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Are badak still produced or not? Or it will replaced by 105mm pandur?
As i read from many source it say that badak unstabble to fire 90mm.....

PT 76 upgraded to 90mm with israel help (i have read it also by elbit )cmiiw
dont forget tarantula 6x6 , they got dual waterjet propeller in the back and wave breaker panel but i've never seen one tarantula do swimming test
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Official decree to abolish Koningrijk Nederlansche Indische Leger & Unie van Nederlansche en Republiek Indonesia

1938 KNIL exercise using heavy anti-aircraft gun ( Bofor 105mm L44 M 1931 )
Credit to Fb page Dutch Docu Channel
dont forget tarantula 6x6 , they got dual waterjet propeller in the back and wave breaker panel but i've never seen one tarantula do swimming test

Answer in bahasa
Pernah liat tarantula katanya karena bobtonya yg gede nyungsep pas lagi latihan

Iya tarantula gede trus ad baling2nya d blakang. Gw pas msh bocah naik ke atasnya dan ternyata tinggi juga ya kwkkw
During last HUT TNI parade the pandur that join the event using 105 mm, MMWT also using 105 mm, and tankboat also gonna use 105 mm, but somehow we get tot for 90mm, ?_?
Afaik 90 mm only used by badak, unless...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bisakah turet 90 mm dipasang di Komodo ?
Answer in bahasa
Pernah liat tarantula katanya karena bobtonya yg gede nyungsep pas lagi latihan

Iya tarantula gede trus ad baling2nya d blakang. Gw pas msh bocah naik ke atasnya dan ternyata tinggi juga ya kwkkw
Tarantula came around 2013, how old are you tong?
Bisakah turet 90 mm dipasang di Komodo ?
Yeah sure instal it on four wheeled vechile that is quite tall and have weak structural strength to handle the recoil, what could possibly go wrong right?
But if there is a will there is a way.
Better to use the 90 mm on badak / pandur.
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Di defense pk gapapa ya pke bhs Indonesia? Di forum ini? Yaudah klo gtu kalo saya males pke bahasa aja dah. Makasih bang sarannya

Don't make it a habit though, one or two is fine but not for always, please revert back to English before Mod catches you. After all this is an English language forum and our primary purpose being here is to share with non-Indonesians. And please never use the word "bahasa" only, always use full "Bahasa Indonesia".

Oh, BTW.. Welcome aboard. 8-)


The title is made by the writer himself, nothing said by Minister of Defense that Enzo will be fired if he carried Tauhid flag. LOL Muslim will be mad if we are forbidden to carry Tauhid flag, it is just like some one forbid Christian to carry Salib (cross), is it OK for Christian ?

Brother... Tauhid is supposed to stay in the heart of muslims not be placed on flag nor on any other "sablonan" and exploited for earthly/political matters.

The problem here is not the flag itself but the political movement it represent. In this case the Khawarij group - Hizbut Tahrir, a banned organization in Indonesia who want to replace Pancasila with Shariah version of their own and abolish NKRI.

Netizens have investigated on their own and found that Enzo and his mother (despite not a member) are HTI sympathizers. His mother in particular has "jejak digital" of hate speech against government and posted HTI related materials on her social media. Who knows how far she influenced her son's mind?

Don't take this as rejection of Kalimat Tauhid because that's not the case.

Kalimat Tauhid is found everywhere, in the Al-Quran, mosques, schools, in paintings on the wall and it is written in many form and styles. If government are against the Kalimat Tauhid they would ban and destroy all of it already, but they aren't and never will.

HTI is quite successful in propagating their flag as Bendera Tauhid, the flag of Islam, the flag of the Holy Prophet, etc.. therefore rejecting it means rejecting Tauhid, murtad from Islam.

My question is.. if that flag is truly is as what they claimed... Why do they treat it like this :?


Sat on, stepped on.


Is this how they respect Kalimat Tauhid? Tilted like that?


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Don't make it a habit though, one or two is fine but not for always, please revert back to English before Mod catches you. After all this is an English language forum and our primary purpose being here is to share with non-Indonesians. And please never use the word "bahasa" only, always use full "Bahasa Indonesia".

Oh, BTW.. Welcome aboard. 8-)


Brother... Tauhid is supposed to stay in the heart of muslims not be placed on flag nor on any other "sablonan" and exploited for earthly/political matters.

The problem here is not the flag itself but the political movement it represent. In this case the Khawarij group - Hizbut Tahrir, a banned organization in Indonesia who want to replace Pancasila with Shariah version of their own and abolish NKRI.

Netizens have investigated on their own and found that Enzo and his mother (despite not a member) are HTI sympathizers. His mother in particular has "jejak digital" of hate speech against government and posted HTI related materials on her social media. Who knows how far she influenced her son's mind?

Don't take this as rejection of Kalimat Tauhid because that's not the case.

Kalimat Tauhid is found everywhere, in the Al-Quran, mosques, schools, in paintings on the wall and it is written in many form and styles. If government are against the Kalimat Tauhid they would ban and destroy all of it already, but they aren't and never will.

HTI is quite successful in propagating their flag as Bendera Tauhid, the flag of Islam, the flag of the Holy Prophet, etc.. therefore rejecting it means rejecting Tauhid, murtad from Islam.

My question is.. if that flag is truly is as what they claimed... Why do they treat it like this :?


Sat on, stepped on.


Is this how they respect Kalimat Tauhid? Tilted like that?


My teachers in pesantren in Banten says that historically, color and symbols which represent Islam the most is green color and moon and star symbol. Islam army at the time popularly known by their green clothes/flag.

That made me thinking if that's the case, why recently the most popular use of color for Islam is black? Like in burqa used by women or the background color of HTI & ISIS flag. Also, some women chose black color because in their opinion it's the color islam and that other colors is a no no.

Like, WTH? Really? Islam can't be represented by one color. The same as human can't be represented by one color.

Oh well, it's human I'm talking about. They'll be called robot, not human, if they didn't do those things.

Rants end.
Tarantula came around 2013, how old are you tong?

Yeah sure instal it on four wheeled vechile that is quite tall and have weak structural strength to handle the recoil, what could possibly go wrong right?
But if there is a will there is a way.
Better to use the 90 mm on badak / pandur.
Better NOT to use 90 mm at all. Aim higher, we'll field 105 turret en-masse, soon. With Harimau and maybe Pandur. So why keep the lesser.
What needs to be highlighted here, that we got TOT in form of PERAKITAN (assembly), that means we will know which part goes where, where a part should be plugged in, which parts comes first, etc. I hope in the future we can make our own gun barrel. Even gun barrel for some SS series model is still imported.

Damn... Practically have to start from scratch...

Worse than scracth though, when we even cant made barrel for our rifles and must import them from UK and certain country in middle east in the name of Germany based company, thus barrel tech related closely with metalurgi discipline and how far our research in metalurgi and our needs
Don't make it a habit though, one or two is fine but not for always, please revert back to English before Mod catches you. After all this is an English language forum and our primary purpose being here is to share with non-Indonesians. And please never use the word "bahasa" only, always use full "Bahasa Indonesia".

Oh, BTW.. Welcome aboard. 8-)


Brother... Tauhid is supposed to stay in the heart of muslims not be placed on flag nor on any other "sablonan" and exploited for earthly/political matters.

The problem here is not the flag itself but the political movement it represent. In this case the Khawarij group - Hizbut Tahrir, a banned organization in Indonesia who want to replace Pancasila with Shariah version of their own and abolish NKRI.

Netizens have investigated on their own and found that Enzo and his mother (despite not a member) are HTI sympathizers. His mother in particular has "jejak digital" of hate speech against government and posted HTI related materials on her social media. Who knows how far she influenced her son's mind?

Don't take this as rejection of Kalimat Tauhid because that's not the case.

Kalimat Tauhid is found everywhere, in the Al-Quran, mosques, schools, in paintings on the wall and it is written in many form and styles. If government are against the Kalimat Tauhid they would ban and destroy all of it already, but they aren't and never will.

HTI is quite successful in propagating their flag as Bendera Tauhid, the flag of Islam, the flag of the Holy Prophet, etc.. therefore rejecting it means rejecting Tauhid, murtad from Islam.

My question is.. if that flag is truly is as what they claimed... Why do they treat it like this :?


Sat on, stepped on.


Is this how they respect Kalimat Tauhid? Tilted like that?


Its right bro..they use that symbol only for political issue..
Tauhid is in our heart and mind..you rise that flag but you never do a good thing..such help each other..thats not tauhid..there is an ustad says to me "ber Islam itu dengan hati dan fikiran bukan dengan emosi dan nafsu"
Be Islam with youre heart and mind,not with youre emotion and passion

Bisakah turet 90 mm dipasang di Komodo ?
If you ask can we to Install 90mm turret on comodo...the answer is yes.. but to use it it..its another problem... bisa ngejengkang ke belakang tu komodo..
Better NOT to use 90 mm at all. Aim higher, we'll field 105 turret en-masse, soon. With Harimau and maybe Pandur. So why keep the lesser.
I suspect that it is hard to get tot for 105 mm from CMI, and CMI give us tot for 90 mm because of marketing strategy.
The MMWT is planned to replace older scorpion and amx, so we need hundreds of these 105 mm, and there is possibility of using 105 mm on pandur and tank boat, overall that's not a small number.
The 90 mm only used in small number in our badak, so why the tot for 90 mm?
Maybe CMI want us to buy a lot of this 90 mm and not only the 105 mm, and they are baiting us with tot.
90 mm is enough to take out sniper / machine gun nest, in Marawi PH lacking armoured vehicle with sufficient fire power plus lack of air support for COIN, IIRC they accidentally killed 10 or so friendlies from aerial attack, lucky for us we have decent COIN capabilities be it from fixed or rotary wing platform and have precision guided munition too. Still waiting Dirgantara Indonesia to unveil the gunship plane, i hope that they can add bigger gun like modified version of this 90 mm from CMI after all we are gonna assembly the turret and canon here so just remove the turret and put the gun system on the gunship, the airframe will receive so much stress. :v

Sudah pasti kita bakal beli banyak 105 mm jadi CMI gak perlu kasih umpan tambahan, tapi kalau 90 mm kurang laku keras jadi ya dikasih promo spesial. We can expect more of this 90 mm joining TNI in the future.
Just my receh.
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