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I understand your point, but we really should stop treating Akmil as some kind of rehab facilities, because it's not. Akmil is there to produce Indonesia's finest, and people without sound ideologies should not belong in the first place. Recently a member of Kodim in Papua, if I read it right? Got caught selling ammunitions to the KKB/OPM, the ammunition that later would be used against his own fellow soldiers, and we're talking about simple financial incentives here not some radicalized ideologies. The questions that should be asked is when push comes to shove which one will he (Enzo) choose to defend, Pancasila or the ideology that has been indoctrinated by his mother since he was young? I really hope I'm wrong in this because the kid seems bright and it would be a shame for him to be misled into the wrong path in life.
Military Academy, Pesantren, University are all "rehab center" in a way. Each one of them has its on systems and goal, it is there to influence our way of thinking whether its logical, spiritual, analytical, etc. Being young as enzo there is still plenty of room to shape him. Ask young Indonesian people around his age if they want to defend Pancasila, some might just laugh and being "sinis", some say Pancasila but have no clue what it stands for nor the real value of Pancasila, some might say they will defend God. The point is you can not judge unsharpen knife and said that once its sharpen it wont be good untill it proves otherwise.

Pancasila/Bhineka Tunggal Ika were made to acommodate differences. What we are trying to do now is simply the opposite way. Litsus for instance is orba product, now imagine PKI grandson who born in 2000 and barely know his/her grandfather is then labelled as PKI. He/she might not even know what komunis ideology really is and we punish them for things he/she never do. Now his mom might be a fans of HTI, being young before I can recall many things I disagree with my mom but do it anyway just because respect etc. I have to accept Islam eventho I have no clue what Islam really is, I did Ngaji but being young I just follow what ordered by parents. Back then if I wear Palu Arit shirt just to be cool and different does it means I am komunis? In short dont punish people for the things they havent do. Prejudice, stereo typing isnt healthy for us. Pictures can say thousand words but to know someone is to sit and talk to them personally.
Well idk much information on Klewang II Class whether this one still retains Saab CMS, radar, weapons and subsystems or they substitute them with something from other vendors.


PT Pindad (Persero) bekerja sama dengan CMI Defence S.A menggelar pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 berlangsung pada 12 Juni - 21 Juli 2019 dan berlokasi di John Cockerill Defence, Belgium. Pelatihan ToT Turret CSE 90 didasari oleh Surat Kontrak Kerjasama antara PT Pindad (Persero) dengan CMI Defence S.A. dengan nomor SJAN 13/P/BD/LN/IV/2017 tertanggal 19 April 2017. Dengan adanya pelatihan alih teknologi terutama pada sektor armament, membuktikan PT Pindad (Persero) selalu berupaya untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan menciptakan inovasi produk alutsista berkualitas kebanggaaan Indonesia.

PT Pindad (Persero) mengirimkan 6 staf unggulan yang diberi tanggung jawab untuk mempelajari alih teknologi Turret CSE 90 di John Cockerill Defence Belgia, yaitu; Gito Suwarno, Febiantara Juanda,A.Md., Rudi Setya Budi, Ginanjar Widhaswara, Dika Wardani,A.Md, Aji Roswaji. Pelatihan alih teknologi yang didapatkan dimulai dari perakitan (assembling) Turret CSE 90 yang terdiri dari 18 tahap, integration hingga finishing perakitan.

Melalui pelatihan alih teknologi ini, PT Pindad (Persero) dapat merakit, mengoperasikan dan mengembangkan Turret CSE 90 secara mandiri. Turret CSE 90 sudah dipercaya untuk menjadi senjata utama yang diinstal pada Kendaraan Tempur Badak. Panser Badak adalah kendaraan tempur 6x6 roda buatan PT Pindad (Persero). Selain Turret CSE 90, Badak dilengkapi juga dengan senapan mesin caliber 7.62 mm, ballistic protection - bulletproof steel plate, dan memiliki mesin diesel 340 HP yang mampu menunjang daya jelajah Badak.

Saat ini, Badak sudah armada tempur milik TNI dan dipergunakan dalam berbagai misi militer. Dengan pengembangan kemampuan melalui alih teknologi Turret CSE 90, maka PT Pindad (Persero) juga memiliki peran untuk mendukung sector pertahanan dalam negeri.

Selanjutnya, pelatihan lanjutan akan dilakukan di PT Pindad (Persero), Bandung.
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What needs to be highlighted here, that we got TOT in form of PERAKITAN (assembly), that means we will know which part goes where, where a part should be plugged in, which parts comes first, etc. I hope in the future we can make our own gun barrel. Even gun barrel for some SS series model is still imported.
What needs to be highlighted here, that we got TOT in form of PERAKITAN (assembly), that means we will know which part goes where, where a part should be plugged in, which parts comes first, etc. I hope in the future we can make our own gun barrel. Even gun barrel for some SS series model is still imported.
Do we know what prevents us to make gun barrels domestically?
The title is made by the writer himself, nothing said by Minister of Defense that Enzo will be fired if he carried Tauhid flag. LOL Muslim will be mad if we are forbidden to carry Tauhid flag, it is just like some one forbid Christian to carry Salib (cross), is it OK for Christian ?

Tauhid flag is not forbidden, HTI flag is.
I accidentally stumbled upon a video on youtube a while ago, about Gus Muwafiq explaining this flag thing, the explanation is easy to understand.
Komunis dilarang di Indonesia lambangnya juga, tapi kita boleh memakai palu dan arit untuk kebutuhan sehari hari.
Bendera HTI dilarang, tapi kalimat tauhid yang ada didalamnya tidak dilarang, dan boleh dipakai.
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Embarkation Training of BTR-50 Yonranratfib 2 Mar , credit : @lembagakeris

that turqoise coloured tent on forward deck of i gusti ngurah rai still there since month ago , still waiting for millenium and mica to come ?
nice , could badak be categorized as light armored reconnaissance vehicle like brazilian EE-9 Cascavel or the french EBRC Jaguar ? we could also maybe try to applied that turret to our current PT-76 arsenal
I know PT-76B were upgraded with Cockerill 90mm gun turret but idk. I thought they were to be replaced with BMP-3F.
The title is made by the writer himself, nothing said by Minister of Defense that Enzo will be fired if he carried Tauhid flag. LOL Muslim will be mad if we are forbidden to carry Tauhid flag, it is just like some one forbid Christian to carry Salib (cross), is it OK for Christian ?

Well, even saudi forbid it, so...
As I know tank boat use 105 mm cmiiw
Also pindad already make some pandur in here called cobra cmiiw
During last HUT TNI parade the pandur that join the event using 105 mm, MMWT also using 105 mm, and tankboat also gonna use 105 mm, but somehow we get tot for 90mm, ?_?
Afaik 90 mm only used by badak, unless...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The title is made by the writer himself, nothing said by Minister of Defense that Enzo will be fired if he carried Tauhid flag. LOL Muslim will be mad if we are forbidden to carry Tauhid flag, it is just like some one forbid Christian to carry Salib (cross), is it OK for Christian ?
Why you suka melibatkan pihak yg tak terlibat, kalau negara melarang alasannya jelas yg dilarang HTI, bukan Islam, situ membandingkan sama pihak yg nga ada urusannya kalau situ simpatisan HTI sekalipun, nga ada yg nglarang situ join grup sinikan... Padahal pakistan juga nglarang HT
Why you suka melibatkan pihak yg tak terlibat, kalau negara melarang alasannya jelas yg dilarang HTI, bukan Islam, situ membandingkan sama pihak yg nga ada urusannya kalau situ simpatisan HTI sekalipun, nga ada yg nglarang situ join grup sinikan... Padahal pakistan juga nglarang HT

agree with this , they would just a spread a bad persepective in the name of islam , waving ar-rayah banner flag like that , let see , HTI is just another "ormas kroco" that the police and our law enforcement can actually contained their action , what about the political powerhouse that act behind the screen and had a lot of resource for their campaign in this case i would just say it in abbreviation , the "MB" , they are probably the reason HTI and caliphate movement can get mobilized and exist here too , our neighbouring country malaysia even starting to reject that "MB" affiliation in their political realm . but is it too late for indonesia ?

most of our people in this country wanting to have that "islamic" identity of that Mid east , they didn't even realized how f*cked up the geopolitical situation in mid east , sect againts sect , royal family that trying to overthrow each other and etc etc etc
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During last HUT TNI parade the pandur that join the event using 105 mm, MMWT also using 105 mm, and tankboat also gonna use 105 mm, but somehow we get tot for 90mm, ?_?
Afaik 90 mm only used by badak, unless...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Are badak still produced or not? Or it will replaced by 105mm pandur?
As i read from many source it say that badak unstabble to fire 90mm.....

PT 76 upgraded to 90mm with israel help (i have read it also by elbit )cmiiw
Are badak still produced or not? Or it will replaced by 105mm pandur?
As i read from many source it say that badak unstabble to fire 90mm.....

PT 76 upgraded to 90mm with israel help (i have read it also by elbit )cmiiw
Not Elbit but Israeli NIMDA, if you backtrack my postings you'll see mine with NIMDA PT-76 & BTR-50.
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