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Menhan Ryamizard-Kongres AS bahas peningkatan kerja sama pertahanan
Rabu, 31 Juli 2019 15:22 WIB

Pewarta: Syaiful Hakim


Menteri Pertahanan RI, Ryamizard Ryacudu (tengah kiri) dan delegasi Kongres Amerika Serikat sedang melakukan pertemuan yang membahas peningkatan kerja sama di bidang pertahanan, di Kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta, Rabu (31/7/2019). (Biro Humas Kemhan)
Kami sangat mengapresiasi dukungan AS dalam mengatasi ancaman terorisme kerja sama intelijen dan pertukaran informasi negara-negara ASEAN melalui kerja sama Our Eyes Initiative

Menteri Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Ryamizard Ryacudu menerima kunjungan Delegasi Kongres Amerika Serikat House Democracy Partnership (HDP), di kantor Kementerian Pertahanan, Jakarta, Rabu, yang membahas peningkatan kerja sama di bidang pertahanan.

Delegasi HDP itu dipimpin oleh Anggota Kongres Senior Amerika Serikat, David Price.

Siaran pers dari Biro Humas Kemhan, menyebutkan, beberapa hal yang dibicarakan dalam pertemuan itu diantaranya terkait upaya peningkatan kerja sama pertahanan dan juga kerja sama antara Angkatan Bersenjata kedua negara yang telah terjalin erat selama ini.

Menhan Ryamizard mengatakan, kerja sama pertahanan antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat telah berada pada level yang strategis, mengingat semakin tingginya kesamaan dan cara pandang di dalam upaya untuk mewujudkan kepentingan nasional kedua negara di tengah kompleksitas dinamika lingkungan strategis di kawasan yang semakin berkembang.

Beberapa kesamaan cara pandang tersebut diantaranya adalah kesamaan dalam menilai dan mengantisipasi beberapa isu strategis yang berpotensi menjadi ancaman pertahanan dan keamanan bersama di kawasan.

Ia menyebutkan Indonesia mengapresiasi atas dukungan Amerika Serikat dan membantu sepenuhnya inisiatif Indonesia di dalam mengatasi potensi ancaman terorisme dan radikalisme melalui pendekatan kerja sama trilateral Indonesia, Malaysia dan Filipina, serta kerja sama intelijen dan pertukaran informasi negara-negara ASEAN melalui kerja sama Our Eyes Initiative dan upaya-upaya lainnya guna terciptanya stabilitas keamanan di kawasan.

"Kami sangat mengapresiasi dukungan AS dalam mengatasi ancaman terorisme kerja sama intelijen dan pertukaran informasi negara-negara ASEAN melalui kerja sama Our Eyes Initiative," kata mantan Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Darat (KSAD) ini.

Beberapa kerangka kesepakatan kerja sama yang berhasil dicapai Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat di bidang pertahanan diantaranya mengenai peningkatan saling kunjung pejabat tinggi Angkatan Bersenjata, penambahan Siswa TNI untuk mengikuti pendidikan di Amerika Serikat, kerja sama pertukaran informasi strategis, pendidikan intelijen, penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan latihan bagi pasukan Ranger dan Pasukan Khusus Indonesia.

Selain itu, adanya kemajuan kerja sama dalam bidang industri pertahanan dengan telah ditandatanganinya MoU kerja sama antara Boeing Amerika Serikat dengan PT Dirgantara Indonesia yang berisi kerja sama pengembangan teknologi, manufaktur, perawatan, dukungan pelatihan dan sertifikasi serta peningkatan kemampuan industri penerbangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan TNI AU.

Sementara itu, Ketua Delegasi Kongres Amerika Serikat David Price menyampaikan bahwa kunjungan Delegasi Parlemen Amerika Serikat ke Indonesia ini sebagai bagian dari perayaan 70 tahun hubungan bilateral antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat.

Terkait kerja sama pertahanan, Kongres Amerika Serikat mengapresiasi atas terus meningkatnya kerja sama yang telah dilakukan kedua negara.

"Kami bangga sekali dengan kerja sama yang sudah kita lakukan, saya catat disini sudah ada 230 kerja sama tahunan yang sudah dilakukan kedua negara," tuturnya.

Kongres Amerika Serikat juga akan terus mendukung upaya-upaya yang dilakukan Kemhan RI dan Dephan AS serta Angkatan Bersenjata kedua negara seperti dalam hal peningkatan kerja sama latihan bersama dan peningkatan profesionalisme Angkatan Bersenjata kedua negara, pelatihan pasukan pemelihara perdamaian dan juga kerja sama penanggulangan bencana alam.

Turut mendampingi Menhan dalam kesempatan tersebut, Sekjen Kemhan Laksdya TNI Agus Setiadji dan beberapa pejabat Eselon I dan II Kemhan. Sementara itu, Delegasi dari Kongres AS yang turut dalam kunjungan antara lain Congressman Vern Buchanan, Congressman Susan Davis, Congressman Gerry Connolly, Congressman Neal Dunn, Congressman John Rutherford dan Congressman David Cicilline. Turut pula mendampingi Dubes AS untuk Indonesia, Joseph R Donovan.


Indonesia and US relationship progress on defence.

Sometimes it is getting old and annoying when some pinoy said they got ultimate Armed forces among Asian countries in the past, well they dont see this kind of forces threaten their country in the past
The same Pinoys who claimed PH Military was the strongest ASEAN military in the past, are probably also the same persons who would happily claim that Philippines was the second most developed Asian countries after Japan in the past, and claim that Manila was the most beautiful Asian capital city and so on.

At least they are not THAT delusional like the other neighbor, and less likely to confront Indonesia in their claims, but there's no denying that even their claim of the supposedly "lost" (the truth is, it never exist in the first place) titles is kinda annoying, that somehow Philippines was the "best" in everything, before ....."insert a scapegoat here, anything except their own self"...happened. Well, glad that they are a cooperative neighbor of Indonesia, and that we also didn't have much dispute with them, but judging of how "katak dalam tempurung" they can be, we need to have a high tolerance towards bullshits when interacting with them.
Sometimes it is getting old and annoying when some pinoy said they got ultimate Armed forces among Asian countries in the past, well they dont see this kind of forces threaten their country in the past
The most frequent foreigners i interact both in my profession & as defence enthusiast is Philippines. It's not the 1st time i've heard the same myth of 60s Philippines military forces and frequently i counter them with existence of something most visible and threatening which ever existed once in Southeast Asia country, 12 Whiskey Class submarines which were uncomparable in 60s, Sverdlov Class light cruiser ( though IMO, in dawn of missile era the cruiser was late by 20 years of existence ) and Tu-16 strategic bombers with long range Kernell anti-ship missiles. Now it seems the myth is fading away knowing south of them, there was force far greater than they could ever have back then.
The same Pinoys who claimed PH Military was the strongest ASEAN military in the past, are probably also the same persons who would happily claim that Philippines was the second most developed Asian countries after Japan in the past, and claim that Manila was the most beautiful Asian capital city and so on.

At least they are not THAT delusional like the other neighbor, and less likely to confront Indonesia in their claims, but there's no denying that even their claim of the supposedly "lost" (the truth is, it never exist in the first place) titles is kinda annoying, that somehow Philippines was the "best" in everything, before ....."insert a scapegoat here, anything except their own self"...happened. Well, glad that they are a cooperative neighbor of Indonesia, and that we also didn't have much dispute with them, but judging of how "katak dalam tempurung" they can be, we need to have a high tolerance towards bullshits when interacting with them.

Looking at their tendency, they are quite adventurous and got knack to bully someones weaker than them, but god bless us as they are quite fractured and not doing so well in many areas including defense sector.

Vietnamese on other hands focused purely on economy (industry especially heavy industry and auto) , education and defense matter. They are bona fide trouble maker in the region aside from their big bully brother from the North.

The most frequent foreigners i interact both in my profession & as defence enthusiast is Philippines. It's not the 1st time i've heard the same myth of 60s Philippines military forces and frequently i counter them with existence of something most visible and threatening which ever existed once in Southeast Asia country, 12 Whiskey Class submarines which were uncomparable in 60s, Sverdlov Class light cruiser ( though IMO, in dawn of missile era the cruiser was late by 20 years of existence ) and Tu-16 strategic bombers with long range Kernell anti-ship missiles. Now it seems the myth is fading away knowing south of them, there was force far greater than they could ever have back then.

Instead of Sverdlovv class cruiser, the most potent Surface fleets we had is combination of 8 ships Skory class destroyer and 8 Riga class frigate, along with Two units Almirante class and two unit Albatros class corvettes. This combined with squadrons of Komar class missile boats and numerous Motor Torps Boats, became the most lethal surface forces even among big boys in the region. Not even Indian Navy can content with that kind of forces.
I'm curious of how the today's equivalent of our peak strength in the 1960s will look like? such as how many Ivers, PKRs, Nagapasa, F-16, IFX etc..etc...?
US, Indonesian forces hunt for cybersecurity threats
By Army Staff Sgt. Katie Gray, 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment / Published July 30, 2019


Tentara Nasional Indonesia Army Col. Achmad Budi Handoyo and Lt. Col. Frances T. Shen, Hawaii Air National Guard, Senior State Partnership Program cyber lead, have a discussion prior to opening remarks of the 2019 Information System and Technology Exchange, July 22, 2019, in Jakarta, Indonesia. This year’s third annual ISTX falls under the Hawaii National Guard’s State Partnership Program and aims to share best practices, assist in cybersecurity doctrine development and enhance the cybersecurity capabilities to effectively defend and protect critical cyber information infrastructure from malicious virus and cyber intrusion. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Katie Gray)

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AFNS) --

Service members from the U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy and Indonesian military finished the third annual Information System and Technology Exchange, or ISTX, during a closing ceremony in Jakarta, July 26.

The exchange falls under the Hawaii National Guard's State Partnership Program and is one of approximately 22 annual exercises between Hawaii and Indonesia. The ISTX is one of the newest initiatives and aims to "share best practices, assist in cybersecurity doctrine development and enhance the cybersecurity capabilities to effectively defend and protect critical cyber information infrastructure from malicious virus and cyber intrusions," said Army Capt. Marco Hartanto, the Hawaii State Partnership Program director.

This year, the exercise moved from theory to tactical and foundation-based and the key theme became cyber forensics, or threat hunting.

In this way the ISTX has two benefits. First, it provides experience and training to an increasingly global world with global problems.

"Cybersecurity has become really important for both governments, for the military and as a whole for society," said Staff Sgt. Marc Masuno, Hawaii Air National Guardsman and ISTX subject matter expert. "ISTX was created in order to further (the U.S. and Indonesia's) capabilities in terms of cybersecurity and information technology, and so this was created as a mechanism to collaborate and to share expertise and knowledge with both nations."

Secondly, as nations react to cybersecurity issues such as malware and ransomware, the collaboration meets the goals of a tentative National Guard Bureau future vision. Instead of just state-to-country, the SPP would become multi-state-multi-country, Capt. Hartanto said.

This year's ISTX leveraged interstate and joint service support with the involvement of Missouri Air National Guard members and RockNSM, an open-source cybersecurity platform developed by the Missouri National Guard.

"RockNSM is a project put together by the Missouri Cyber Team initially and it's now supported through the community," said Tech. Sgt. Krik Koelzer, Missouri Air National Guard member.

The ISTX team used the platform because of its ease-of-use and versatility. The platform helps bridge the gap between public and private critical infrastructure partners.

"It's very encouraging and inspiring to see them building their capability and also being so willing to share their information and ask questions. It brings me a lot of joy and hope in regards to the cybersecurity landscape overall worldwide," Masuno said. "Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility and the more that we are all able to build our defenses, the better protected the overall global landscape would be."


that's what i thought , it failed two times during our naval drill (first failed to launched at time , the second one failed in flight) that's why im very skeptical (i rather think we should focused on AV-TM 300 from avibras)
Not total reverse engineering just to make it more palatable to TNI AL taste & doctrine.
Looking at their tendency, they are quite adventurous and got knack to bully someones weaker than them, but god bless us as they are quite fractured and not doing so well in many areas including defense sector.

Vietnamese on other hands focused purely on economy (industry especially heavy industry and auto) , education and defense matter. They are bona fide trouble maker in the region aside from their big bully brother from the North.

Instead of Sverdlovv class cruiser, the most potent Surface fleets we had is combination of 8 ships Skory class destroyer and 8 Riga class frigate, along with Two units Almirante class and two unit Albatros class corvettes. This combined with squadrons of Komar class missile boats and numerous Motor Torps Boats, became the most lethal surface forces even among big boys in the region. Not even Indian Navy can content with that kind of forces.

Philippines situation is much pretty dire that it will worship anyone defending them against China even in case that situation puts them at disadvantage situation. West Philippines Sea though legally is EEZ of Philippines has today become an " open book " everyone can " read " like China freely constructs man made structures they want in Spratly islands & occasionally in Scarborough shoals while PN & PCG do minimal duty to patrol and exercise legal authority ( they couldn't even guarantee security of their fishermen during June 2019 Recto Bank collision incident ) and even now China has eyed Benham Rise ( Pacific part of Philippines EEZ ); Vietnam well this one is pretty much cunning, they've been stealing anything they want inside WPS under flag of " compatriot of Philippines " in SCS while actually their fishermen are roaming everywhere; Taiwan fishermen equally does much trouble back in 2017 even won legal lawsuit over firing incident in WPS. Philippines is today a fucked up situation, with EJK ( extra judicial killing ) policy making stains of Philippines name in The West, arrests of political oppositions without clear charges like Senator De Lima & Rappler journalist Maria Ressa, and poor reconstruction of war torn Marawi. Believe me, let's check on for example Maxdefense fb page where if there's an article of US or Japan gives them simple donations like rifle, uniforms, etc they'll constantly say " Mabuhay US " or how they worship Trump and disillusion themself between what is Philippines interests or US interests. They pretty much worship any foreign entities which provide them security and comfort whereas Indonesia creates and builds our own security & comfort. It's not that i againts US, in fact i'm one of Western leaning & pro US people however not necessarily worship them & defending interests which contradict our own
I'm curious of how the today's equivalent of our peak strength in the 1960s will look like? such as how many Ivers, PKRs, Nagapasa, F-16, IFX etc..etc...?

I would take Ticonderoga as equivalent of Sverdlovv class, meanwhile FREEM or Horizonte class as equivalent of Skoryy class, Formidable class as equivalent of Riga class, Scorpene class as equivalent of Whiskey class.

Oh forgot it, we got Tu 16 which should be brand new USSR heavy bomber, i would take Tu 160 white swan as their current equivalent. For beagle fleet i would take either F 15X or Rafale naval version as they are quite new at that time. And for mig 21, i will take either Typhoon or F16V as current contemporary.

Thats kinda overkill at current time, but one thing as a note we spend around 60- 75 percentage of at that time budget for military spending (from 1959-1965) and if we take current budget it would be crazy way to spent your budget
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We had that much fire power because we have reasons, and now in the 21st century if you want Indonesia to wake from it's slumber and flex it's muscle Indonesia need reasons and that would be from external.
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And i've learned a proverb that we will never have the time to study from our own mistakes however best to study from others mistake. To add, we can learn from Philippines, despite MDT existence and previous efforts by former Pres.Aquino ( 2010 - 2016 ) efforts to push up Horizon & sending judicial team including famous Justice Carpio to win over Hague ruling in 2016 on UNCLOS decision of South China Sea, let's see the fact that Philippines caught unprepared againts substantial external threats and no substantial military forces to form backbone of strong foreign policies. Philippines Army has been decades made into COIN oriented forces, not a force againts external threats moreover Super Power like China yet a force to counter insurgency like Mindanaoan separatists, Maoist communists, Maute and Abu Sayyaf meanwhile PN is plaqued with WW2 era warships and no missiles outside recently Spike ER in MPACs they have ( however this is basically ATGM with 8km range placed in patrol boats, even latest Oto Melara gun 76mm has triple fire range which will sink them before they can get to approach to fire the missiles effectively ), also PAF has been decades having no " fighters " in service untill Pres Aquino decision to get 12 FA-50. They're caught unprepared with something like South China Sea dispute with super power like China at their gates. They're unfortunate indeed however we can learn from them by " Not " becoming like them.
We had that much fire power because we have reasons, and now in the 21st century if you want Indonesia to wake from it's slumber and flex it's muscle Indonesia need reasons and that would be from external.

We just need reason, and our people until today can still be easily agitated by the things they hated the most.
I'm curious of how the today's equivalent of our peak strength in the 1960s will look like? such as how many Ivers, PKRs, Nagapasa, F-16, IFX etc..etc...?
I would take Ticonderoga as equivalent of Sverdlovv class, meanwhile FREEM or Horizonte class as equivalent of Skoryy class, Formidable class as equivalent of Riga class, Scorpene class as equivalent of Whiskey class.

Oh forgot it, we got Tu 16 which should be brand new USSR heavy bomber, i would take Tu 160 white swan as their current equivalent. For beagle fleet i would take either F 15X or Rafale naval version as they are quite new at that time. And for mig 21, i will take either Typhoon or F16V as current contemporary.

Thats kinda overkill at current time, but one thing as a note we spend around 60- 75 percentage of at that time budget for military spending (from 1959-1965) and if we take current budget it would be crazy way to spent your budget

I like your comment sist, however i prefer if we have :

28 fully armed iver class ships
14 multi mission ships like absalon class
51 corvettes hull base on 80 m opv terafulk design
24 opv base on 80 m opv terafulk design
18 kcr 60
12 changbogo subs
6 midget subs
150 apaches
24 poseidons
24 cn235 gunship aircrafts
128 vipers
24 f35b
96 f35 a/c
48 f15x
144 ground base mica launchers
72 nasams launchers
24 pac / thaad launchers

If we have these muscles it will be very much better than our 1960s peak.
(kalo berkhayal jangan tanggung2, hihihi)
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