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Tank Damkar Asal Rusia Mampu Atasi Karhutla di Indonesia

JAKARTA - Tank pemadam kebakaran buatan Muromteplovoz asal Rusia, MT-LBu-GPM-10 dianggap mampu mengatasi kebakaran hutan dan lahan yang sering terjadi di wilayah Indonesia.

"Tank ini di desain khusus untuk kebakaran hutan dan bisa melewati dengan kondisi hutan di Indonesia yang lebih banyak lahan gambut," kata Direktur PT Sena Sanjaya Makmur Sejahtera, Sena Sanjaya Tanata Kusuma saat uji coba kendaraan lapis baja itu di Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (KBN) Cakung, Jakarta, Rabu (24/7/2019).

Dalam uji coba itu, tim dari PT Sena Sanjaya Makmur Sejahtera yang dibantu oleh PT Pindad dan Muromteplovoz mengetes ketahanan kendaraan tempur lapis baja itu dalam kobaran api yang sangat besar. Meski memakan waktu sekitar 30 menit, namun secara garis besar kobaran api mampu dipadamkan secara baik.

Inovasi terbaru ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi PT Sena Sanjaya Makmur Sejahtera dengan dua mitra strategisnya, yakni PT Pindad untuk produksi di Indonesia, dan Muromteplovoz sebagai pabrikan dari Rusia yang akan transfer teknologinya.

"Rencananya nanti kita produksi bersama dengan PT Pindad. Kita produksi di Indonesia dengan tranfer teknologi (ToT) dengan tujuan membangun industri pertahanan di dalam negeri," kata dia.

Tank Damkar diklaim mampu menerobos hingga ke titik pusat kebakaran, seperti di lahan gambut atau hutan. Tank Damkar ini juga mampu menyuntik air ke dalam tanah yang kering untuk membantu memadamkan api.

Sena Sanjaya menjelaskan, pihaknya berinisiatif memberikan solusi kepada pemerintah soal kebakaran hutan dengan menghadirkan tank campur tangan teknologi Rusia tersebut. Solusi ini diharapkan bisa menekan angka kebakaran hutan di tanah air.

"Kami siap membantu pemerintah dalam mengatasi kebakaran hutan dan kita akan ditindaklanjuti dengan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) dan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK)," kata dia.

Tank Damkar ini memiliki kemampuan amphibioius atau mengapung di atas air. Tank ini dirancang hingga bisa beroperasi di titik kebakaran yang dahsyat.

Dengan kekuatan penyemprotan hingga 50 Meter lebih. Selain itu, tank ini juga mempunyai kapasitas muat hingga bisa mencapai 13 orang dengan navigator 3 orang dan tempat evakuasi korban bisa 8 sampai 10 orang.

Dalam tank Damkar itu juga terdapat Tanki air yang mampu menampung 4.000 liter air, termasuk pompa untuk menyedot air dari berbagai sumber air. Badan tank yang terbuat dari baja juga memungkinkan mampu menerjang kobaran api dan melindungi awak yang berada di dalamnya.

"Tadi kan, kami lihat tank ini masuk ke dalam kobaran api dan tank ini kan terbuat dari besi, itu gimana caranya supaya awak yang di dalam tank itu tidak merasa panas atau istilahnya menjadi oven di dalam tank itu," kata dia.

Terlebih, di dalam tank dilengkapi oleh kipas dan juga dengan penyedot udara, sehingga tidak terasa panas bagi awaknya.

"Di dalam tank juga dilengkapi Sprinkle di bagian kanan dan kiri. Sprinkle ini memancarkan air dari kanan maupun kiri untuk melindungi tank tersebut dari kobaran api," kata teknisi tank, Hufron Muhammad.

Untuk pelatihan bagi awak tank pemadam, juga disediakan simulator tank sehingga bisa menghemat biaya pelatihan tanpa mengurangi kualitas hasil latihan.


I think that water bomb will be more efficient.


I like your comment sist, however i prefer if we have :

28 fully armed iver class ships
14 multi mission ships like absalon class
51 corvettes hull base on 80 m opv terafulk design
24 opv base on 80 m opv terafulk design
18 kcr 60
12 changbogo subs
6 midget subs
150 apaches
24 poseidons
24 cn235 gunship aircrafts
128 vipers
24 f35b
96 f35 a/c
48 f15x
144 ground base mica launchers
72 nasams launchers
24 pac / thaad launchers

If we have these muscles it will be very much better than our 1960s peak.
(kalo berkhayal jangan tanggung2, hihihi)
You are high
I like your comment sist, however i prefer if we have :

28 fully armed iver class ships
14 multi mission ships like absalon class
51 corvettes hull base on 80 m opv terafulk design
24 opv base on 80 m opv terafulk design
18 kcr 60
12 changbogo subs
6 midget subs
150 apaches
24 poseidons
24 cn235 gunship aircrafts
128 vipers
24 f35b
96 f35 a/c
48 f15x
144 ground base mica launchers
72 nasams launchers
24 pac / thaad launchers

If we have these muscles it will be very much better than our 1960s peak.
(kalo berkhayal jangan tanggung2, hihihi)
I have a day wet dream..
Indonesian army creates new elite unit with counter-terrorist role

31 JULY 2019

On Tuesday, 30 July, the Indonesian army officially created an elite unit focused on fighting violent extremism, almost a year after the armed forces campaigned for an expanded security role, despite opposition from activists who warned this could lead to human rights abuses, Rina Chadijah reports on Eurasia Review.


Indonesian military chief Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto (left) and Brig. Gen. Rochadi clasp hands during the launch ceremony of the Special Operations Command (Koopsus) in East Jakarta, July 30, 2019

The new Special Operations Command (Koopsus) consists of 500 highly trained personnel drawn from the army, navy and air force, military (TNI) chief Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto said during a ceremony launching the unit. Revisions to Indonesia’s anti-terror laws, which were passed in 2018, allowed the military to be formally involved in counter-terrorism operations. Until now, the Indonesian national police’s elite wing, Detachment 88 (Densus 88), had been the country’s lead security unit in pursuing terrorists.

Brig. Gen. Rochadi, who previously served as director of the military’s Strategic Intelligence Agency, was appointed on Tuesday as the new unit’s commander. Earlier this month, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo signed a presidential decree clarifying the military’s expanded role in counter-terrorism. The decree stipulates that Koopsus will coordinate with the national police in carrying out its mission. About 400 Koopsus personnel will carry out preventive measures, including surveillance and intelligence, while the remaining 100 members will be tasked with combating terrorist acts, Hadi said.

The speaker of the House of Representatives, Bambang Soesatyo, said he hoped that the formation of Koopsus would also strengthen the monitoring of cyberspace.

2030 onward is where we start to have more spare budget for things like R&D and Military. I don't get it when people are turned down by the current state of the TNI, like it was a curse or something. I see that kind of thinking of nothing more than a sign of ignorance and short-sightedness, that someone actually think our enormous potential with a very apparent and steady growth in economy and capability, is simply regarded as "weak" and "tak bersahaja" and they never thought of otherwise. Fucking dead wrong.

And yet, there's a particular faction within the country that pushed the narrative with such exact kind of thinking, worse than that they don't even see the context of the current situation and simply says "we don't don't have weapon x made by country y with the quantity of z therefore we are weak", shit so damn foolish. It's pretty damn frustrating that there are people who 1. Overhyped a shit who never went to a real war 2. Made argument by simply saying "country x attacked, nevermind country y could just call US/China/Britain/Klingon/Darth Vader/Mecha Hitler etc....therefore x weak" 3. Doesn't even think on his own and just follow whatever people said on the internet as long as it is written in English and is an "unpopular opinion" 4. Fanboys who insulted Indonesia for not buying weapon from country R.

There's no reason that Indonesia would stop developing and not reach it's ideal posture of hard power and soft power in the near future, what matters here is a long-term thinking of perhaps 10 years, 20 years, or even 30 years from now on, having a clear goal and ambition is the key of how great nations in history achieved their golden age.
2030 onward is where we start to have more spare budget for things like R&D and Military. I don't get it when people are turned down by the current state of the TNI, like it was a curse or something. I see that kind of thinking of nothing more than a sign of ignorance and short-sightedness, that someone actually think our enormous potential with a very apparent and steady growth in economy and capability, is simply regarded as "weak" and "tak bersahaja" and they never thought of otherwise. Fucking dead wrong.

And yet, there's a particular faction within the country that pushed the narrative with such exact kind of thinking, worse than that they don't even see the context of the current situation and simply says "we don't don't have weapon x made by country y with the quantity of z therefore we are weak", shit so damn foolish. It's pretty damn frustrating that there are people who 1. Overhyped a shit who never went to a real war 2. Made argument by simply saying "country x attacked, nevermind country y could just call US/China/Britain/Klingon/Darth Vader/Mecha Hitler etc....therefore x weak" 3. Doesn't even think on his own and just follow whatever people said on the internet as long as it is written in English and is an "unpopular opinion" 4. Fanboys who insulted Indonesia for not buying weapon from country R.

There's no reason that Indonesia would stop developing and not reach it's ideal posture of hard power and soft power in the near future, what matters here is a long-term thinking of perhaps 10 years, 20 years, or even 30 years from now on, having a clear goal and ambition is the key of how great nations in history achieved their golden age.
Well i think you figure it out that we live in colourfull society with various wishes ( some reasonable & mature enough others based on fallacy & fanboysm even lead to unrealistic wish ). Our problems which persist that people demand something based on what they " want " not what we actually " need " especially " need in appropriate timing or size " which is why you see things that trouble you like types of opinions netizens express also Indonesian society has such demanding on something " grand ", i put my words carefully but somehow our society sees this MEF III is less " grand " than previous ones which then leads to some disatisfaction among netizens.

Material subjects on aerial refuelling between TNI AU & RAAF

Credit to Fb page Lembaga Keris.
Well i think you figure it out that we live in colourfull society with various wishes ( some reasonable & mature enough others based on fallacy & fanboysm even lead to unrealistic wish ). Our problems which persist that people demand something based on what they " want " not what we actually " need " especially " need in appropriate timing or size " which is why you see things that trouble you like types of opinions netizens express also Indonesian society has such demanding on something " grand ", i put my words carefully but somehow our society sees this MEF III is less " grand " than previous ones which then leads to some disatisfaction among netizens.

Material subjects on aerial refuelling between TNI AU & RAAF
View attachment 571781 View attachment 571782
Credit to Fb page Lembaga Keris.

Dont know with other, but i contend with Indonesia as a very large and industrialized country who got their basic needs fulfilled, rather than Saudi or pre 65 Indonesia style of buying arms.

Just look at our industrial capacity still fallshort of old player like Japan, Germany and England. We dont have capability to build even turbin engines for ships and dont have capability to produce and designing IC to run simple program. But hey those rather old two technology is very vital to nurture our Indhan, as they were widely used for many military application. Dont know why Sokor can do that in last 3 decades, but we are not and kinda stuck in this stage? If we can do what South Korean do in 1980's to nurture their basic heavy and electronic industry we can move further from the current stage. To build infrastructure like roads, electricity and railway first i think thats the most important thing for our defense needs.
2030 onward is where we start to have more spare budget for things like R&D and Military. I don't get it when people are turned down by the current state of the TNI, like it was a curse or something. I see that kind of thinking of nothing more than a sign of ignorance and short-sightedness, that someone actually think our enormous potential with a very apparent and steady growth in economy and capability, is simply regarded as "weak" and "tak bersahaja" and they never thought of otherwise. Fucking dead wrong.

And yet, there's a particular faction within the country that pushed the narrative with such exact kind of thinking, worse than that they don't even see the context of the current situation and simply says "we don't don't have weapon x made by country y with the quantity of z therefore we are weak", shit so damn foolish. It's pretty damn frustrating that there are people who 1. Overhyped a shit who never went to a real war 2. Made argument by simply saying "country x attacked, nevermind country y could just call US/China/Britain/Klingon/Darth Vader/Mecha Hitler etc....therefore x weak" 3. Doesn't even think on his own and just follow whatever people said on the internet as long as it is written in English and is an "unpopular opinion" 4. Fanboys who insulted Indonesia for not buying weapon from country R.

There's no reason that Indonesia would stop developing and not reach it's ideal posture of hard power and soft power in the near future, what matters here is a long-term thinking of perhaps 10 years, 20 years, or even 30 years from now on, having a clear goal and ambition is the key of how great nations in history achieved their golden age.
According to our Ibu Sri Mulyani, our budget for R&D is already reaching IDR 35,7 trillion or equal to USD 2,5 billion.

Our target for ideal posture will be on 2039 or latest 2044 to give a glory to our golden age nation on 2045.

Well i think you figure it out that we live in colourfull society with various wishes ( some reasonable & mature enough others based on fallacy & fanboysm even lead to unrealistic wish ). Our problems which persist that people demand something based on what they " want " not what we actually " need " especially " need in appropriate timing or size " which is why you see things that trouble you like types of opinions netizens express also Indonesian society has such demanding on something " grand ", i put my words carefully but somehow our society sees this MEF III is less " grand " than previous ones which then leads to some disatisfaction among netizens.

Our activities in the past 4 years are building hundreds of ship hull platforms for some departments (fishery, transportation, coast guard, navy, SAR body, police, customs, etc.)
According to our Ibu Sri Mulyani, our budget for R&D is already reaching IDR 35,7 trillion or equal to USD 2,5 billion.

Our target for ideal posture will be on 2039 or latest 2044 to give a glory to our golden age nation on 2045.

Jokowi said Indonesia R&D budget is 26 trillion rupiah, by saying the name Indonesia and not government R&D, it means the figure also comes from private sector. The government also should explain where the research budget goes to. On the other hand, LIPI only get 1,1 trillion Rupiah, BPPT only get around 1,4 trillion, and Lapan only get around 800 billion Rupiah. Government also get difficulty to pay KFX R&D commitment.


More on our research budget

"Terus 2017 nya kita survei, 0,25% terhadap GDP. Besaran anggarannya Rp 30,8 triliun. Itu termasuk swasta dan itu gross (untuk rapat dan perjalanan dll). Tapi kalau untuk penelitian betul, anggaran berdasarkan survei di litbang kita itu hanya Rp 10,9 triliun. Sedikit memang," ungkapnya.

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Jokowi said Indonesia R&D budget is 26 trillion rupiah, by saying the name Indonesia and not government R&D, it means the figure also comes from private sector.

Do we know what is the split between govt and private RnD?
According to Sri Mulyani (Finance Minister) government spend 35 trillion rupiah for R & D and it is 66 % of total R&D spending in Indonesia. Private sector according to her spend 10 % of Indonesia R&D.


But unfortunately LIPI, BPPT (Indonesian reseach agency) and LAPAN (Space Agency) only get so little of it.

So 66 + 10 = 76...whats the other 24% from? Public-private partnership? Foreign sourced spending?
Instead of Sverdlovv class cruiser, the most potent Surface fleets we had is combination of 8 ships Skory class destroyer and 8 Riga class frigate, along with Two units Almirante class and two unit Albatros class corvettes. This combined with squadrons of Komar class missile boats and numerous Motor Torps Boats, became the most lethal surface forces even among big boys in the region. Not even Indian Navy can content with that kind of forces.

Please allow me to share abit of Naval warfare story I have from my dad and his friends about this Arafuru Naval War we had back then, specially Motor Torps Boats/MTB. This is not an official story, its just an old story telling from old retired Navy man back then who was in this mission. Most of them had passed away.

This mission was supported with Civilian "Pelaut" as well in those Rev Points (Rendevous Points/Refuelling points). Some of them has been awarded with civillian medal as well. But the story that intrigue me most is about the MTB. They departed/started without Torpedo equipped. Like the story on youtube above, most of them didnt even know what the mission was until late stage of the mission. When the war broke lose its when the drama started, well at least for me.

They never knew or at least not sharing the information to me on why exactly they were not equipped with torpedo. Some said maybe the weight of the torpedos is not acceptable for this boat to travel so far. I assume we didnt have the torpedo, but they were sure we have it on stock. Regardless the real reason behind it, I assume they just didnt want to share whats behind the curtain even to me. The real reason was prolly kept inside their own Navy man circle.

I didn't know why my dad dislike our late Mr.S, but Mr.S was incharge of the mission. And he relased the fleet without torpedo on it, prolly this is the reason why hehe. What made my tears flow was the story of when one of my dads friend who were prolly junior officer was back from the mission. Reaching harbour he met with Mr.S and just hugged Mr.S (who has higher rank then him) and whispered "I wished we had our torpedo...". Meaning that if equipped with torpedo none of those left over MTB would ever leave the war scene as ordered, they would just fire it or perhaps just "tabrak" (kamikaze style) it.

This story touched my heart. Our country was once famous for it naval capabilities on ancient day, and I said it proudly that in the heart and spirit we still are. We might not have the state of the art Naval equipment today, but I still believe our Navy man still have the heart of a shark. As old as they are, they were never hate the mission, the decission maker, never told the "bad things" behind it. They were all just say "We wish we had our torpedo...".

This is prolly why in my unconcious mind I really don't like FFBNW :D
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