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Weapons maker Pindad books Rp 98 billion in profits
  • Arya Dipa
    The Jakarta Post
Bandung, West Java / Fri, January 25, 2019 / 03:54 pm
Workers of state-owned weapons manufacturer PT Pindad prepare to display a medium-sized Tiger tank at Indo Defense 2018 Expo and Forum in Jakarta from Nov. 7 to 10. (The Jakarta Post/Dhoni Setiawan)
State-owned weapons manufacturer PT Pindad announced on Thursday that it booked net profits of Rp 98 billion (US$6.94 million) in 2018, higher than the Rp 92 billion it booked in 2017.

“We want a three-digit net profit this year,” said PT Pindad president director Abraham Mose in Bandung, adding that the figure exceeded last year's target of Rp 94 billion.

Pindad recorded Rp 3.2 trillion in revenues last year, most of which came from the sales of its core products like guns, ammunition and battle vehicles, said Mose, adding that the company also produced sideline products like agricultural equipment, heavy equipment and braking systems for trains.

Meanwhile, its revenues from exports increased by about 12 percent, compared to the previous year's figures, he said, adding that the profits would be spent on employee bonuses, building maintenance and investment, as well as on dividends.

This year, the company would focus on the assembly of medium-sized tanks, which was the company’s new combat vehicle, the prototype of which was certified by the Army’s Research and Development Agency last year.

The tank was jointly developed by Pindad and Turkey’s FNSS Defense Systems Inc.

Mose said the medium-sized tank was part of the country’s longstanding program to create an independent defense system as Pindad’s engineers had mastered the development of its software, even though the engines and the armors were still being imported.

The Defense Ministry was expected to purchase 22 to 24 of the tanks, Mose said. However, he added that a sales contract had not yet been signed. (bbn)
Calling (only) APC and small firearms "Secret weapon/State secrets" ????? just another clickbait title i guess

and dammm, i hate those PUBG-referring things

good video quality tho
Exactly. If it was World War 1 then okay, it's game-changing.

Maaan these people are misleading.
Exactly. If it was World War 1 then okay, it's game-changing.

Maaan these people are misleading.

This is due to the lack (or perhaps the absence) of high quality documentary programs in our local TV that deeply discuses weapon system (like RT "Combat Approves" for example). Tv programs like Garuda, Cerita Militer, Militer, etc., are only cover TNI tasks, exercises, or operation stories, not the weapon system itself.

No wonder why most of Indonesian are easily "mislead" by these amateurs social media account
This is due to the lack (or perhaps the absence) of high quality documentary programs in our local TV that deeply discuses weapon system (like RT "Combat Approves" for example). Tv programs like Garuda, Cerita Militer, Militer, etc., are only cover TNI tasks, exercises, or operation stories, not the weapon system itself.

No wonder why most of Indonesian are easily "mislead" by these amateurs social media account

Well at least those people could afford a TV. I couldn't even afford any TV (seriously) I'm a poor person here :(
Anyway the market segment of Indonesia TV with the exception of the satellite TV are mainly for those mid-low demographic, so low quality along with sensational, and alay content are to be expected within those market segment. And beside covering a more technical subject won't make any money for the show producer compare to those sinetron :undecided:
anyone heard Vanuatu manipulative moves against Indonesia? Its quite despiscable
anyone heard Vanuatu manipulative moves against Indonesia? Its quite despiscable

If it's an official move by Vanuatu govt, than I haven't heard / read about it (yet). However when it
s about asymmetric propaganda's coming from any of those shit hole islands nation on the Pacific than it's a different story.

For the past few years I had often stumble upon their propaganda channel in nearly all mainstream forum, social medias, and Youtube. In fact there is official (verified) channel of it in Youtube.

Due to the gross complacency on the part of Indonesia gov't in countering those propaganda channel they are now blooming nearly at every corner of the internet (although I had not seen any of them in any part of deep web yet). I had tried numerous times reporting those channels to DepKominfo with no follow up action whatsoever :hitwall:.
(but then again I remember if anyone is competent enough to do IT related job, than they won't be working in DepKominfo do they)

If anyone here willing to countering their propaganda I'm more than willing to elaborate some detail on how to do it yourself (it's actually very easy), however I first wan't to measure if there is any actual interest from you guys here to actually do it. (which is why I'm asking this question)
If it's an official move by Vanuatu govt, than I haven't heard / read about it (yet). However when it
s about asymmetric propaganda's coming from any of those shit hole islands nation on the Pacific than it's a different story.

For the past few years I had often stumble upon their propaganda channel in nearly all mainstream forum, social medias, and Youtube. In fact there is official (verified) channel of it in Youtube.

Due to the gross complacency on the part of Indonesia gov't in countering those propaganda channel they are now blooming nearly at every corner of the internet (although I had not seen any of them in any part of deep web yet). I had tried numerous times reporting those channels to DepKominfo with no follow up action whatsoever :hitwall:.
(but then again I remember if anyone is competent enough to do IT related job, than they won't be working in DepKominfo do they)

If anyone here willing to countering their propaganda I'm more than willing to elaborate some detail on how to do it yourself (it's actually very easy), however I first wan't to measure if there is any actual interest from you guys here to actually do it. (which is why I'm asking this question)

Its elaborate and severe breach of diplomatic protocol

If it's an official move by Vanuatu govt, than I haven't heard / read about it (yet). However when it
s about asymmetric propaganda's coming from any of those shit hole islands nation on the Pacific than it's a different story.

For the past few years I had often stumble upon their propaganda channel in nearly all mainstream forum, social medias, and Youtube. In fact there is official (verified) channel of it in Youtube.

Due to the gross complacency on the part of Indonesia gov't in countering those propaganda channel they are now blooming nearly at every corner of the internet (although I had not seen any of them in any part of deep web yet). I had tried numerous times reporting those channels to DepKominfo with no follow up action whatsoever :hitwall:.
(but then again I remember if anyone is competent enough to do IT related job, than they won't be working in DepKominfo do they)

If anyone here willing to countering their propaganda I'm more than willing to elaborate some detail on how to do it yourself (it's actually very easy), however I first wan't to measure if there is any actual interest from you guys here to actually do it. (which is why I'm asking this question)
Do not only report this to depkominfo, report this to our ministry of defence.
Penerbad Terima 7 Helikopter Latih S 300C

30 Januari 2019

Helikopter Latih S 300C Penerbad (photo : Penerbad)

Uji Fungsi 7 Helikopter Latih S 300C Penerbad

Tujuh Helikopter Latih S 300 C milik Penerbad dengan Nomor Registrasi HL- 4217, Hl-4218, HL-4219, HL-4220, HL-4221, HL-4222 dan HL- 4223 dilaksanakan verifikasi persetujuan penerimaan (acceptance approval) melalui uji terima/fungsi dalam kelaikan terbang (acceptence test flight) di Skadron 11/Serbu Lanumad A. Yani Puspenerbad, Semarang (Selasa, 22/1/2019).

Pelaksanaan acceptance test flight berjalan dengan lancar, sebanyak 6 unit helikopter latih serviceable dan 1 unit helikopter latih NOREG HL-4220 masih terdapat kendala pada magneto. Tim Kelaikan Kolonel Cpn A.A. Ngr Romy Satryadi yang diundang selaku pengamat dalam kesehariannya sekaligus menjabat sebagai Kasubdisstand Dislaikad menyarankan untuk melakukan kegiatan penyempurnaan segera dengan melibatkan personel dari Pusdik dan Bengpus Penerbad.

Do not only report this to depkominfo, report this to our ministry of defence.

I'm done reporting things to complacent gov't bureaucrats.
Let's be honest here, how many of you guys here even care whether or not Papua will still be part of Indonesia and willing to take action for it within your means? :mad:
I'm done reporting things to complacent gov't bureaucrats.
Let's be honest here, how many of you guys here even care whether or not Papua will still be part of Indonesia and willing to take action for it within your means? :mad:

I am act tactically and strategically, i always put notion its much better to stationing vital US made weapons system in Papua and invite foreign investment into Papua. So far there is strategic plan to put F16V squadron in Papua, this greatest insurance toward Indonesian holding in Papua as even US doesnt give damn about their weapons system in Papua
My offer still stand

If anyone here willing to countering their propaganda I'm more than willing to elaborate some detail on how to do it yourself (it's actually very easy), however I first wan't to measure if there is any actual interest from you guys here to actually do it. (which is why I'm asking this question)

willing to take action for it within your means? :mad:
Peresmian Sarana dan Prasarana Prototipe Spherical Powder Propelan
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Subang, Rabu (30/01/2019). Kabalitbang Kemhan Dr. Anne Kusmayati menyaksikan peresmian Sarana dan Prasarana Prototipe Spherical Powder Propelan PT Dahana (Persero). Acara dihadiri oleh Sekjen Kemhan Marsekal Madya TNI Hadiyan Sumintaatmadja, Deputi Bidang Pertambangan, Industri Strategis dan Media BUMN Bapak Fajar Harry Sampurno, Direktur Utama PT Dahana Bapak Budi Antono, Gubernur Jawa Barat yang diwakili oleh Sekda Bapak Iwa Karniwa, Ses Balitbang Kemhan Laksma TNI Ir. A. Budiharja Raden, Kapuslitbang Strahan Balitbang Kemhan Laksma TNI Ir. Agus Rustandi, M.Eng.Sc., MMDS., Kapuslitbang Sumdahan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Ahmad Saefudin, SE., MM. Kapuslitbang Alpalhan Balitbang Kemhan Brigjen TNI Abdullah Sani, Kapuslitbang Iptekhan Balitbang KemhanMarsma TNI Bambang Wijanarko, SE., ST., M.SI (Han), para pejabat di lingkungan Kemhan, Pemda dan unsur Muspida Kabupaten Subang serta undangan.

Dalam kesempatan pertama Kabalitbang Kemhan menyampaikan laporan kesiapan peresmian peresmian fasilitas sarana dan prasarana Spherical Powder, dan dilanjutkan sambutan Sekjen Kemhan. Dalam sambutannya Sekjen Kemhan menyampaikan Spherical powder propelan merupakan bahan energetic yang digunakan sebagai bahan pendorong khususnya untuk munisi kaliber kecil (mkk). kebutuhan untuk spherical powder propelan per tahunnya rata-rata sebesar 600 ton dan pemenuhan kebutuhan tersebut diharapkan dapat di supply dari pembangunan pabrik spherical powder propelan.

Dalam mewujudkan kemandirian di bidang propelan sebagai salah satu program nasional industri pertahanan’ diperlukan komitmen yang kuat dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan dan perlu kita pikirkan bersama untuk langkah selanjutnya dengan tetap melaksanakan kerjasama antar instansi terkait. Seluruh stakeholders yang terdiri dari industri bidang pertahanan, lembaga litbang, perguruan tinggi dan pengguna harus bisa bekerjasama dengan dukungan dana baik secara mandiri maupun dari pemerintah.

Setelah memberikan sambutan Sekjen Kemhan Marsekal Madya TNI Hadiyan Sumintaatmadja meresmikan Sarana dan Prasarana Prototipe Spherical Powder Propelandiawali dengan pemotongan pita dilanjutkan penandatanganan batu prasasti yang disaksikan oleh seluruh tamu undangan. Perlu diketahui bahwa prototipe Spherical Powder Propelan ini adalah hasil penelitian dan pengembangan Balitbang Kemhan dalam hal ini Puslitbang Sumdahan.
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