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Pandur II vs. Marder: FSV Platform for the Indonesian Army
By Asian Military Review
November 5, 2018

The Indonesian armed forces are in process of search for a new Fire Support Vehicle, i.e. fast and armored platform with firepower equaling modern Main Battle Tanks. There are several such vehicles in the Indonesian Army and Marine Corps, but they are generally obsolete and they need a modern replacement.

The range of contenders include one partially domestic type (the MMWT by Pindad PT of Indonesia and FNSS of Turkey), Russian 2S25 Sprut-SD (this type, the only amphibious one, will probably fulfill the requirement of the Marine Corps), and finally, two Western solutions. The first one is wheeled Pandur II FSV by the Czechoslovak Group and General Dynamics European Land Systems, while the other one is tracked Marder Medium Tank RI by the Rheinmetall Defence of Germany.

Both vehicles are armed with 105 mm rifled NATO-compatible cannons; however, their guns are different and mounted in significantly distinct turrets.

Pandur II FSV is equipped with the CT-CV 105HP turret by Belgian CMI Defence (formerly Cockerill) company, with a gun that provides range of about 4000 m for a direct fire with standard armor-piercing shells. The gun is also equipped with an automatic loading system, rendering the human loader unnecessary; therefore, the vehicle has got a crew of three men and the system secures sustained rate of fire of 8 rounds per minute. The cannon mount also provides an exceptionally high elevation of 42 degrees, which dramatically rises the efficiency in mountainous and/or urban areas, which are both quite common in Indonesia, and it can even work as an indirect fire support asset (i.e. de facto 105 mm light howitzer) with a maximum range of over 10 000 m. Moreover, it can also fire “smart” (i.e. terminally guided) ammunition, or even homing missiles, such as the French Falarick 105 rocket.


In comparison, Marder MT RI carries the Hitfact II turret, manufactured by the Italian Leonardo company (it is virtually identical to the turret of Centauro vehicle). Its gun provides maximum range of 3000 m and is manually loaded, thus, the vehicles still needs the fourth crew member and its fire rate does not exceed 6 rounds per minute. The gun mount has got maximum elevation of 16 degrees, significantly limiting its combat potential in urban and/or mountainous terrain and making indirect fire support de facto not possible. So far, it is not known to use “smart” shells or guided rockets. Generally, the overall combat efficiency of the Marder MT RI weapon system is significantly surpassed by the armament of the Pandur II FSV in virtually all important characteristics and features.

Pandur II FSV is built on the well-proven chassis of Pandur II 8×8 armored personnel carrier, which is used by the Portuguese Marine Corps and Czech Army (that also employed it during its missions in Afghanistan). It definitely belongs to the world’s top-class of wheeled fighting vehicles, as it draws on long experience of the Austrian Steyr company, now possessed by the international GDELS company.

The CT-CV 105HP turret weighs about 4 tons, and combined with such wheeled chassis, the overall vehicle’s combat weight does not excess 20 tons. This value significantly improves both road mobility and aerial transport capability, because such vehicle can be easily carried by tactical transport aircraft of the C-130 Hercules class.

Pandur II can reach top speed of 105 km/h on paved roads. It should also be noted that while the FSV variant itself is not amphibious, the whole Pandur II platform is designed as a swimming one and can be provided with a pair of propellers or water-jets.


The Marder MT RI is built on the chassis of German Marder infantry fighting vehicle, introduced in 1970s and now leaving the service of the German army, which replaces it with the new Puma vehicles. Thus, Rheinmetall is overhauling the vehicles and offers them for export.

The Hitfact turret weighs over 5 tons, while the basic Marder platform exceeds 30 tons. Thus, overall combat weight of the Marder MT RI is over 35 tons in the standard configuration and over 43 tons with modular armor set.

Its top speed is about 65 km/h and there is, of course, no swimming capability. Although this tracked platform provides better off-road capability than the wheeled Pandur II, its weight is a complication for the swampy terrain in Indonesia and also for the aerial transport capabilities. Even in the Indonesian defense community, there have been strong doubts about the fitness of the Marder armored vehicles for the Indonesian road network.

Apart from the firepower and mobility topics, there also additional factors that speak in favor of the Pandur II FSV and against the Marder MT RI. For example, it could be stressed that the latter vehicle is built on overhauled chassis of old infantry fighting vehicle. Therefore, there is absolutely no chance of a technological transfer to Indonesia, since Rheinmetall Defence does not produce new Marder vehicles (in fact, the serial production was stopped in 1975).

On the contrary, the Pandur II represents a relatively new platform, introduced in the beginning of the 21st century and still available for production for potential customers. Moreover, there can be strong cooperation with Indonesia, ranging from assembly of the platforms to the full license production. While the generally obsolete Marder could offer only short-term perspectives, the Pandur II platform is a hi-tech solution that could provide Indonesian defense industry with a lot of new technologies.

Moreover, there is an important question of politics. It is known that in Germany, the arms deals are a politically sensitive topic and they often become subjects of investigations and “re-considerations”. Especially the left-wing parties (Social Democrats and Green Party) can press the government to revoke such deals; it could be stressed that even the German-Indonesia deal, covering the Leopard 2 tanks and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, was strongly criticized by the press and the political opposition. On the contrary, there is very low risk that Czech Republic would “re-consider” an arms deal with Indonesia.

Moreover, the amphibious capability of the Pandur II chassis means that it can form an ideal solution for the Army and the Marine Corps in their search for new armored infantry vehicles, since it could work as a perfect common platform for both branches.

The brief comparison clearly shows that the Pandur II FSV could represent significantly better answer for the Indonesian Army’s quest for a new FSV solution. Its firepower characteristics, road mobility, aerial transport capability, technological benefits and political background can provide dramatically better option than the German Marder MT RI. This stands especially in the regional context of Indonesia, where the swampy and/or mountainous terrain, urban areas and rising needs of expeditionary missions press for acquisition of lighter and faster platform, thus favoring wheeled chassis with tank-class firepower, capable of providing both direct and indirect fire support with high rate of fire. Moreover, the wide range of possible technological and economical benefits, seriously lower risk of political tensions in the country of origin and the spectrum of variants (including amphibious ones for infantry transport and support) make Pandur II FSV for Indonesia surely the best way to go.

Pandur vs Marder.png
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Deputi Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (TIRBR BPPT), Wahyu Widodo Pandoe, mengatakan, Pesawat Udara Nir-Awak (PUNA) tipe Alap-alap PA-06D akan segera diproduksi massal.

Dilansir dai laman Antara (3/ 1), Hal ini menyusul telah diterimanya sertifikat kelayakan untuk pesawat drone ini dari Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan sebagai produk militer.

Untuk memenuhi rencana produksi massal ini, BPPT akan bekerja sama dengan pihak industri. Hal ini karena BPPT hanya bertugas menyusun prototipe dan mengajukan sertifikasi kelayakan saja.

“Segera (produksi massal) setelah sertifikasi ini. Tahun ini, nanti mitra swasta kami yang akan melanjutkan,” kata dia, di Kantor BPPT, Jakarta, Kamis, usai acara Serah Terima Sertifikat Tipe dan Sertifikat Kelaikudaraan Militer dari Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan.

Meski BPPT tidak melakukan produksi PUNA untuk dijual kepada konsumen, menurut dia, BPPT sudah memiliki beberapa PUNA tipe Alap-alap PA-06D yang digunakan untuk kebutuhan darurat dalam negeri.

“Di BPPT, disiapkan beberapa pesawat untuk keperluan sipil sehingga kalau ada yang darurat bisa dibantu, seperti pemetaan kebakaran hutan, pemetaan gunung berapi,” katanya.

Ia berharap dengan perolehan sertifikasi tipe (TC), PUNA ini dapat digunakan untuk keperluan TNI.


Kepala Pusat Sarana Pertahanan Kemhan, Laksda TNI Agus Setiadji (kanan) bersama Deputi Bidang Teknologi Industri Rancang Bangun dan Rekayasa (TIRBR) BPPT, Wahyu Widodo Pandoe saat penyerahan sertifikat drone Alap-Alap tipe PA-06D di Ruang Komisi Utama Gedung BPPT, Jl. MH Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (3/1/2019). | AKURAT.CO/Yusuf Tirtayasa
PUNA yang memiliki fungsi utama untuk melakukan pemetaan udara ini telah menunjukkan kemampuannya dalam memetakan daerah terdampak bencana di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, dan jalur kereta api cepat Cirebon-Brebes.

Proses sertifikasi PUNA ini dilakukan oleh BPPT kepada Badan Sarana Pertahanan Kementerian Pertahanan dan memerlukan waktu tiga bulan sejak didaftarkan hingga lulus sertifikasi pada Desember 2018.

Ia menambahkan, PUNA ini mampu terbang di ketinggian 12.000 kaki dengan kecepatan 55 hingga 65 knot.

“Untuk altitude atau ketinggian terbangnya, Alap-alap ini mampu mencapai 12.000 kaki, dengan jangkauan datalink 100 km (LOS). Untuk kecepatan saat cruise 55-65 knot dan untuk lepas-landas dan mendarat memerlukan landasan pacu sepanjang 150-200 meter,” katanya.

PUNA tipe Alap-Alap PA-06D memiliki spesifikasi teknis bentang sayap sepanjang 3.2 m, berat maksimum saat lepas landas sebesar 31 kg, dan memiliki ketahanan untuk terbang selama lima jam.

Photo: PUNA tipe Alap-alap PA-06D. (Dokumentasi BPPT)

Editor: (D.E.S)
Indonesia signs for four additional KCR-60M fast attack craft
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
03 January 2019

The third-of-class KCR-60M-class fast attack craft, KRI Halasan, seen off Langkawi, Malaysia. Indonesia has placed an order for four more vessels in the class. Source: IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat
Key Points
  • Indonesia has acquired four more KCR-60M vessels, the first of which will be delivered in 2021
  • Additional boats will be part of an overall effort to reconstitute the class for lower-tempo operations
The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has placed an order for four more KCR-60M-class fast attack craft with state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL.

A contract for the vessels, worth IDR2,800 trillion (USD195 million), was signed on 28 December at the MoD's office in Jakarta, a senior official from PT PAL has confirmed withJane's . All vessels will be constructed by PT PAL at its facilities in Surabaya.

However, unlike contracts for four earlier vessels in the KCR-60M class, the latest order calls for construction work in the 'fitted-for-but-not-with' (FFBNW) configuration for all the vessels' combat effectors including weapons, sensors, and countermeasures systems.

Jane's understands that the Indonesian MoD will issue separate contracts for the vessels' weapons and sensors, although it is unclear when these are expected to materialise.

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) currently operates a fleet of three KCR-60M vessels, which were commissioned between May and September 2014, and is currently anticipating delivery of a fourth boat that was launched in February 2018.

The class has an overall length of 59.8 m, an overall beam of 8.1 m, and a hull draught of 2.6 m. Powered by two MTU 20V 4000 M73L diesel engines, the vessel can attain a maximum speed of 28 kt and a maximum range of 2,400 n miles at 20 kt. With its full crew complement of 43, the vessel has an endurance of nine days.

The KCR-60M was originally conceived by Indonesian defence planners as a 'hit-and-run' platform that could swiftly deploy guided anti-ship missiles against larger surface combatants, before quickly receding into the archipelagic background.

Indonesia signs for four additional KCR-60M fast attack craft
Ridzwan Rahmat, Singapore - Jane's Navy International
03 January 2019

The third-of-class KCR-60M-class fast attack craft, KRI Halasan, seen off Langkawi, Malaysia. Indonesia has placed an order for four more vessels in the class. Source: IHS Markit/Ridzwan Rahmat
Key Points
  • Indonesia has acquired four more KCR-60M vessels, the first of which will be delivered in 2021
  • Additional boats will be part of an overall effort to reconstitute the class for lower-tempo operations
The Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has placed an order for four more KCR-60M-class fast attack craft with state-owned shipbuilder PT PAL.

A contract for the vessels, worth IDR2,800 trillion (USD195 million), was signed on 28 December at the MoD's office in Jakarta, a senior official from PT PAL has confirmed withJane's . All vessels will be constructed by PT PAL at its facilities in Surabaya.

However, unlike contracts for four earlier vessels in the KCR-60M class, the latest order calls for construction work in the 'fitted-for-but-not-with' (FFBNW) configuration for all the vessels' combat effectors including weapons, sensors, and countermeasures systems.

Jane's understands that the Indonesian MoD will issue separate contracts for the vessels' weapons and sensors, although it is unclear when these are expected to materialise.

The Indonesian Navy (Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, or TNI-AL) currently operates a fleet of three KCR-60M vessels, which were commissioned between May and September 2014, and is currently anticipating delivery of a fourth boat that was launched in February 2018.

The class has an overall length of 59.8 m, an overall beam of 8.1 m, and a hull draught of 2.6 m. Powered by two MTU 20V 4000 M73L diesel engines, the vessel can attain a maximum speed of 28 kt and a maximum range of 2,400 n miles at 20 kt. With its full crew complement of 43, the vessel has an endurance of nine days.

The KCR-60M was originally conceived by Indonesian defence planners as a 'hit-and-run' platform that could swiftly deploy guided anti-ship missiles against larger surface combatants, before quickly receding into the archipelagic background.


Any improvement for this new batch?
Pandur II vs. Marder: FSV Platform for the Indonesian Army
By Asian Military Review
November 5, 2018

The Indonesian armed forces are in process of search for a new Fire Support Vehicle, i.e. fast and armored platform with firepower equaling modern Main Battle Tanks. There are several such vehicles in the Indonesian Army and Marine Corps, but they are generally obsolete and they need a modern replacement.

The range of contenders include one partially domestic type (the MMWT by Pindad PT of Indonesia and FNSS of Turkey), Russian 2S25 Sprut-SD (this type, the only amphibious one, will probably fulfill the requirement of the Marine Corps), and finally, two Western solutions. The first one is wheeled Pandur II FSV by the Czechoslovak Group and General Dynamics European Land Systems, while the other one is tracked Marder Medium Tank RI by the Rheinmetall Defence of Germany.

Both vehicles are armed with 105 mm rifled NATO-compatible cannons; however, their guns are different and mounted in significantly distinct turrets.

Pandur II FSV is equipped with the CT-CV 105HP turret by Belgian CMI Defence (formerly Cockerill) company, with a gun that provides range of about 4000 m for a direct fire with standard armor-piercing shells. The gun is also equipped with an automatic loading system, rendering the human loader unnecessary; therefore, the vehicle has got a crew of three men and the system secures sustained rate of fire of 8 rounds per minute. The cannon mount also provides an exceptionally high elevation of 42 degrees, which dramatically rises the efficiency in mountainous and/or urban areas, which are both quite common in Indonesia, and it can even work as an indirect fire support asset (i.e. de facto 105 mm light howitzer) with a maximum range of over 10 000 m. Moreover, it can also fire “smart” (i.e. terminally guided) ammunition, or even homing missiles, such as the French Falarick 105 rocket.


In comparison, Marder MT RI carries the Hitfact II turret, manufactured by the Italian Leonardo company (it is virtually identical to the turret of Centauro vehicle). Its gun provides maximum range of 3000 m and is manually loaded, thus, the vehicles still needs the fourth crew member and its fire rate does not exceed 6 rounds per minute. The gun mount has got maximum elevation of 16 degrees, significantly limiting its combat potential in urban and/or mountainous terrain and making indirect fire support de facto not possible. So far, it is not known to use “smart” shells or guided rockets. Generally, the overall combat efficiency of the Marder MT RI weapon system is significantly surpassed by the armament of the Pandur II FSV in virtually all important characteristics and features.

Pandur II FSV is built on the well-proven chassis of Pandur II 8×8 armored personnel carrier, which is used by the Portuguese Marine Corps and Czech Army (that also employed it during its missions in Afghanistan). It definitely belongs to the world’s top-class of wheeled fighting vehicles, as it draws on long experience of the Austrian Steyr company, now possessed by the international GDELS company.

The CT-CV 105HP turret weighs about 4 tons, and combined with such wheeled chassis, the overall vehicle’s combat weight does not excess 20 tons. This value significantly improves both road mobility and aerial transport capability, because such vehicle can be easily carried by tactical transport aircraft of the C-130 Hercules class.

Pandur II can reach top speed of 105 km/h on paved roads. It should also be noted that while the FSV variant itself is not amphibious, the whole Pandur II platform is designed as a swimming one and can be provided with a pair of propellers or water-jets.


The Marder MT RI is built on the chassis of German Marder infantry fighting vehicle, introduced in 1970s and now leaving the service of the German army, which replaces it with the new Puma vehicles. Thus, Rheinmetall is overhauling the vehicles and offers them for export.

The Hitfact turret weighs over 5 tons, while the basic Marder platform exceeds 30 tons. Thus, overall combat weight of the Marder MT RI is over 35 tons in the standard configuration and over 43 tons with modular armor set.

Its top speed is about 65 km/h and there is, of course, no swimming capability. Although this tracked platform provides better off-road capability than the wheeled Pandur II, its weight is a complication for the swampy terrain in Indonesia and also for the aerial transport capabilities. Even in the Indonesian defense community, there have been strong doubts about the fitness of the Marder armored vehicles for the Indonesian road network.

Apart from the firepower and mobility topics, there also additional factors that speak in favor of the Pandur II FSV and against the Marder MT RI. For example, it could be stressed that the latter vehicle is built on overhauled chassis of old infantry fighting vehicle. Therefore, there is absolutely no chance of a technological transfer to Indonesia, since Rheinmetall Defence does not produce new Marder vehicles (in fact, the serial production was stopped in 1975).

On the contrary, the Pandur II represents a relatively new platform, introduced in the beginning of the 21st century and still available for production for potential customers. Moreover, there can be strong cooperation with Indonesia, ranging from assembly of the platforms to the full license production. While the generally obsolete Marder could offer only short-term perspectives, the Pandur II platform is a hi-tech solution that could provide Indonesian defense industry with a lot of new technologies.

Moreover, there is an important question of politics. It is known that in Germany, the arms deals are a politically sensitive topic and they often become subjects of investigations and “re-considerations”. Especially the left-wing parties (Social Democrats and Green Party) can press the government to revoke such deals; it could be stressed that even the German-Indonesia deal, covering the Leopard 2 tanks and Marder infantry fighting vehicles, was strongly criticized by the press and the political opposition. On the contrary, there is very low risk that Czech Republic would “re-consider” an arms deal with Indonesia.

Moreover, the amphibious capability of the Pandur II chassis means that it can form an ideal solution for the Army and the Marine Corps in their search for new armored infantry vehicles, since it could work as a perfect common platform for both branches.

The brief comparison clearly shows that the Pandur II FSV could represent significantly better answer for the Indonesian Army’s quest for a new FSV solution. Its firepower characteristics, road mobility, aerial transport capability, technological benefits and political background can provide dramatically better option than the German Marder MT RI. This stands especially in the regional context of Indonesia, where the swampy and/or mountainous terrain, urban areas and rising needs of expeditionary missions press for acquisition of lighter and faster platform, thus favoring wheeled chassis with tank-class firepower, capable of providing both direct and indirect fire support with high rate of fire. Moreover, the wide range of possible technological and economical benefits, seriously lower risk of political tensions in the country of origin and the spectrum of variants (including amphibious ones for infantry transport and support) make Pandur II FSV for Indonesia surely the best way to go.

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I think either Pandur or Marder, both of them will be used as our FSV (Fire Support Vehicle) or MGS (Mobile Gun System).

Pandur FSV and Badak will support our mechanised infantry battalion of APC Anoa 6x6 and future APC 8x8.

While Marder will support our APC M113 armored mechanised infantry battalion.
Any improvement for this new batch?

Max speed is increased to 28 knot at full load (more at non full load, but I think this has to be tested first), engine changed from 2x2880 kW to 2x3900 kW, fin stabilizer added at the bottom side of hull to increase stability, sewage treatment plant so they can manage the sewage independently, and telescopic crane changed from 1 ton capacity to 2 tons.
PT Semen Baturaja records 24 percent increase in sales
Senin, 7 Januari 2019 13:00 WIB - 3 Views

Reporter: Antara


State-owned cement producer PT Semen Baturaja (SMBR) has recorded a 24 percent increase in sales at 2.17 million tons in 2018, as compared to 1.76 million tons in the previous year.. (ANTARA/Didik Suhartono)

Jakarta(ANTARA News) - State-owned cement producer PT Semen Baturaja (SMBR) has recorded a 24 percent increase in sales at 2.17 million tons in 2018, as compared to 1.76 million tons in the previous year.

The company`s President Director Jobi Triananda Hasjim noted in a statement here on Monday that the record had surpassed the average growth of the country`s industry at five percent in 2018.

"The growth of SMBR sales volume this year is one of the highest in the industry sector," Hasjim pointed out.

In December 2018, the company`s cement sales had reached 220,737 tons, or up 22 percent as compared to December 2017.

According to data of the Indonesian Cement Association, as of November, SMBR`s market share has continued to increase and led the markets in South Sumatra and Lampung, with 54 percent and 26 percent shares respectively.

Moreover, market shares in Jambi were recorded at 14 percent; Bengkulu, eight percent; and Bangka Belitung, five percent.

"The growth in sales volume has surpassed the rise in demand in all its marketing regions," Jobi added.

Reporting by Afut Syafril Nursyirwan, sri Haryati

Editor: Fardah Assegaf


PT Semen Baturaja records 24 percent increase in sales
Senin, 7 Januari 2019 13:00 WIB - 3 Views

Reporter: Antara


State-owned cement producer PT Semen Baturaja (SMBR) has recorded a 24 percent increase in sales at 2.17 million tons in 2018, as compared to 1.76 million tons in the previous year.. (ANTARA/Didik Suhartono)

Jakarta(ANTARA News) - State-owned cement producer PT Semen Baturaja (SMBR) has recorded a 24 percent increase in sales at 2.17 million tons in 2018, as compared to 1.76 million tons in the previous year.

The company`s President Director Jobi Triananda Hasjim noted in a statement here on Monday that the record had surpassed the average growth of the country`s industry at five percent in 2018.

"The growth of SMBR sales volume this year is one of the highest in the industry sector," Hasjim pointed out.

In December 2018, the company`s cement sales had reached 220,737 tons, or up 22 percent as compared to December 2017.

According to data of the Indonesian Cement Association, as of November, SMBR`s market share has continued to increase and led the markets in South Sumatra and Lampung, with 54 percent and 26 percent shares respectively.

Moreover, market shares in Jambi were recorded at 14 percent; Bengkulu, eight percent; and Bangka Belitung, five percent.

"The growth in sales volume has surpassed the rise in demand in all its marketing regions," Jobi added.

Reporting by Afut Syafril Nursyirwan, sri Haryati

Editor: Fardah Assegaf


Beritanya kok tentang semen ? Link tentang pespur
Indonesia could be India's First BrahMos Client

08 Januari 2019

Ship based BrahMos cruise missile (photo : BrahMos Aerospace)

India exploring sale of BrahMos cruise missile to Indonesia

India has earlier held talks with the Vietnam government for the sale of the BrahMos, a supersonic cruise missile developed by an Indo-Russian joint venture set up in 1998. The Indian Navy inducted the missile on its frontline warships in 2005.

India is exploring the possibility of selling the BrahMos cruise missile to Indonesia, and a team from the Indo-Russian joint venture that makes the weapon system visited a state-run shipyard in Surabaya last year to assess the fitting of the missile on Indonesian warships, people familiar with developments said.

Besides the BrahMos, India has offered to supply coastal defence radars and marine grade steel to Indonesia and to service the Russian-made Su-30 combat jets flown by the Indonesian air force as part of efforts to deepen bilateral defence and military cooperation, the people said.

India has earlier held talks with the Vietnam government for the sale of the BrahMos, a supersonic cruise missile developed by an Indo-Russian joint venture set up in 1998. The Indian Navy inducted the missile on its frontline warships in 2005.

Though India and Indonesia have not reached a final agreement on the sale of the BrahMos, the visit of the a team from the Indo-Russian company to the state-run PT PAL shipyard on the sidelines of the Indo Defence 2018 expo late last year was a significant step forward in efforts to sell the weapon system to a foreign country.

“The BrahMos team was invited to visit the state-run ship-building enterprise and had a look at the Indonesian platform,” a person said. The inspection of the warships was focused on fitting the BrahMos system on them, the people cited above said.

BrahMos anti ship cruise missile (photo : India Today)

Though there has been “some traction” in India’s offer of coastal defence radars to Indonesia, matters were “more advanced in considering” the BrahMos system, the people added.

A group of MPs from the commission on defence, foreign and information affairs of Indonesia’s lower house of parliament had visited the BrahMos headquarters last year, the people said.

“It is a good proposition to have deeper defence cooperation with India because it has advanced technology that it is both functional and economical,” the first person cited above said. “Indian technology is not as complicated as technology from the West as it is of good value for regional countries,” the person added.

Commodore (retired) C Uday Bhaskar, director of the Society for Policy Studies, said: “It is significant if India is offering the BrahMos missile to Indonesia. It enhances the relevance of India’s military profile as a credible exporter of cruise missile technology.”

Besides the BrahMos, India had offered to sell marine grade steel and to service the Indonesian Air Force’s Su-30 combet jets, which are very similar to the Su-30s flown by the Indian Air Force, the people said.

On the other hand, Indonesia’s state-run Pindad enterprise is bidding for the Indian Army’s contract to acquire a new assault rifle, the people said. This is currently at the “request for proposal” stage and the rifle offered by Indonesia has consistently performed well at regional shooting competitions, the people said.

The Indonesian and Indian armies have held exercises for several years and the first bilateral naval wargame was held last November. The first bilateral air force exercise is expected to be held in 2019, the people said.

(Hindustan Times)
Indonesian MoD Orders 8 Airbus H225M, 9 Bell 412 Helicopters


Signing of contract between PTDI and Indonesian MoD (Image: PTDI on Twitter)
The Indonesian Ministry of Defense has signed a contract to buy eight Airbus H225M heliopters and nine Bell 412EPI helicopters for its Air Force from state-owned PT Dirgantara.

The contract was signed on Wednesday by PTDI's Commercial Director, Irzal Rinaldi and Head of the Defense Facility Agency (Kabaranahan) of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, Rear Admiral TNI Agus Setiadji.

"Hopefully this contract can support the progress of the domestic defense industry, this is also a form of PTDI's commitment to meet the needs of the main tasks and functions of the Air Force and the Army", said Elfien Goentoro, Director of PTDI Wednesday in a statementby PTDI via its Twitter account.

The price of the deal has not been disclosed by the MoD.


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