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Great technical meeting and discussion with Odense Maritime Technology A/S and the delegations from the Indonesian Navy & the Indonesian Ministry of Defence regarding various aspects of shipbuilding. 10 Oct 2018 (Twitter KBRI Kopenhagen)


Great technical meeting and discussion with Odense Maritime Technology A/S and the delegations from the Indonesian Navy & the Indonesian Ministry of Defence regarding various aspects of shipbuilding. 10 Oct 2018 (Twitter KBRI Kopenhagen)

Great technical meeting and discussion with Odense Maritime Technology A/S and the delegations from the Indonesian Navy & the Indonesian Ministry of Defence regarding various aspects of shipbuilding. 10 Oct 2018 (Twitter KBRI Kopenhagen)


Great technical meeting and discussion with Odense Maritime Technology A/S and the delegations from the Indonesian Navy & the Indonesian Ministry of Defence regarding various aspects of shipbuilding. 10 Oct 2018 (Twitter KBRI Kopenhagen)

Look to me it's just another courtesy visit without any real commitment (MoU) being signed.

Indian corvette, aircraft reach Belawan for 32nd IND-INDO CORPAT
The Indian Navy’s Kora-class missile corvette INS Kulish (P63) and naval maritime patrol aircraft Dornier entered Belawan harbor in Indonesia for the opening ceremony of the 32nd edition of India – Indonesia coordinated patrol (IND-INDO CORPAT).
The coordinated patrol starts October 11 and is scheduled to conclude on October 27.
Indian Naval Ship Kulish & Dornier Aircraft reach Belawan, Indonesia for 32nd India-Indonesia coordinated patrol (CORPAT)
@SpokespersonMoD @DefenceMinIndia
2:31 PM - Oct 11, 2018
122 23 people are talking about this
The ships and aircraft from both countries would undertake patrols on the respective sides of the 236 nautical-miles-long international maritime boundary line.
As informed by the Indian defense ministry, the patrols would be conducted in three phases from Oct 14 to 24, followed by a closing ceremony at Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Island, scheduled for Oct 25-26.
“The visit seeks to emphasize India’s peaceful presence and solidarity with friendly countries towards ensuring good order in the maritime domain, consolidate interoperability and strengthen existing bonds of friendship between the two countries,” Ministry of Defence of India said in a statement.
During their stay in Belawan, various activities are planned such as official calls, formal reception onboard, ship open to visitors and professional interactions.
In the past, Indian naval assets have been increasingly deployed to address maritime concerns of the Indian Ocean Region (IOR). In addition, the navy has been involved in assisting countries in the IOR with EEZ surveillance, search and rescue, other capacity-building and capability-enhancement activities.
Indonesian Navy (TNI AL) and the Indian Navy have been carrying out coordinated patrolling twice a year since 2002 near the international maritime boundary line to keep this part of the Indian Ocean region safe and secure for commercial shipping and international trade.
Australian, Indonesian defense ministers meet in Bali
Jumat, 12 Oktober 2018 08:10 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Indonesia-Australia. (ANTARA)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Australian and Indonesian Defense Ministers met in Nusa Dua, Bali, Thursday for the annual Australia-Indonesia Defense Ministers` Meeting, an important part of a strong partnership and commitment to regional challenges.

Australian Minister for Defense Christopher Pyne, who co-chaired the meeting with his Indonesian counterpart, Ryamizard Ryacudu, said they discussed common interests in the Indo-Pacific region, enhancing maritime security and cyber cooperation, and identifying further areas of regional collaboration including through "Our Eyes" and tri-lateral patrols.

The Ministers also agreed to establish an officials-level Joint Working Group to identify mutual areas of co-operation to combat counter terrorism and the return of foreign fighters, according to a statement posted on the official website of the Australian embassy here, Friday.

"As our nations enter an era of Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and our defense cooperation enters its sixth decade, Australia and Indonesia are committed to promoting security, stability and the rule of law in the Indo-Pacific," Minister Pyne said following the meeting held on the sidelines of the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings.

"Australia`s defense relationship with Indonesia is based on practical cooperation to support our mutual interests in the region such as maritime security, counter terrorism and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief," he stated.

Minister Pyne extended again to Minister Ryamizard the Australian Government`s condolences for lives lost and suffering caused by the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi.

Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu said Australia will send experts to train Indonesian law enforcement personnel in cyber security.

"Australia has better technology," Ryamizard said, adding that "They will send trainers from Australia to train our cyber security personnel."

Reporting/editing by Fardah Assegaf (Tz F001)
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Very good news for each country and as we can see from the picture it is an ucav.
Do you have laser-guided bombs like ours?If not this means we will see direct sale or joint production in a short time.

Not that I knew of. So far Indonesia local industry only manage to build either free fall bomb, or GPS / GLONASS guided bomb. Even that I believe it's only use commercial grade GPS / GLONASS chipset instead Mil-grade chip.
The capability to build guided bomb or laser guided using mil-grade chipset is something Indonesia really need. However I'm sceptical US Congress or their Russian counterpart would authorize the sell of the Mil-grade chipset.
Not that I knew of. So far Indonesia local industry only manage to build either free fall bomb, or GPS / GLONASS guided bomb. Even that I believe it's only use commercial grade GPS / GLONASS chipset instead Mil-grade chip.
The capability to build guided bomb or laser guided using mil-grade chipset is something Indonesia really need. However I'm sceptical US Congress or their Russian counterpart would authorize the sell of the Mil-grade chipset.
Understand. It looks like ASELSAN LGK will be use then . no need to US or Russian authorizes. They convert mk82 and mk84 to laser guided ammunations with laser guadiance kits.
Not that I knew of. So far Indonesia local industry only manage to build either free fall bomb, or GPS / GLONASS guided bomb. Even that I believe it's only use commercial grade GPS / GLONASS chipset instead Mil-grade chip.
The capability to build guided bomb or laser guided using mil-grade chipset is something Indonesia really need. However I'm sceptical US Congress or their Russian counterpart would authorize the sell of the Mil-grade chipset.

We are collaboraring with Korean, and using Korean Lig next1 chipset for our guided bombs
Fasilitas Merpati dijadikan pusat perawatan pesawat militer
Kamis, 11 Oktober 2018 16:22 WIB

Pewarta: Juwita Trisna Rahayu


Direktur Bisnis & Base Maintenance GMF AeroAsia Tazar Marta Kurniawan menjelaskan tentang fasilitas perawatan roda pendaratan (landing gear) pesawat berbadan sedang Boeing 737-NG yang baru diresmikan di Tangerang, Kamis (11/10/2018). (ANTARA/ Juwita Trisna Rahayu)

Tangerang, Banten (ANTARA News) - Merpati Maintenance Facility yang bertempat di Surabaya, Jawa Timur, akan dijadikan sebagai pusat perawatan pesawat militer.

"Kita kembangkan untuk basis perawatan pesawat militer atas permintaan," kata Direktur Bisnis & Base Maintenance GMF Tazar Marta Kurniawan saat peninjauan ke fasilitas perawatan roda pendaratan di Tangerang, Banten, Kamis.

Dia mengatakan rencananya tahun depan sudah bisa digunakan. Saat ini masih menunggu otorisasi dari Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) dan European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).

Proses perawatan pesawat militer akan bekerja sama dengan Garuda Maintenance Facility (GMF AeroAsia) yang sudah dilakukan sejak 2016.

"Rencana kita dipusatkan di sana, kemarin baru ditambahkan dengan adendum kerja sama dengan Merpati," katanya.

Dalam kerja sama tersebut, Tazar menjelaskan GMF akan menggunakan dua line dari total empat line yang dimiliki MMF.

MMF, lanjut dia, akan tetap difokuskan untuk perawatan mesin pesawat baling-baling, yaitu turboprop.
"Modifikasi kita menjadikan pesawat penumpang menjadi menjadi pesawat kargo, seperti untuk di Jaya Wijaya itu, kemudian kita kembangkan basis perawatan pesawat militer," katanya.

Secara legalitas, lanjut dia, GMF sudah mengantongi izin dari Kementerian Pertahanan sebagai industri perawatan pesawat militer.

"Sebenarnya GMF sendiri secara organisasi sudah dianggap oleh Kemenhan sebagai industri MRO pertahanan," katanya.

Sejak beberapa tahun belakangan, lanjut dia, MMF sebetulnya sudah melakukan perwatan pesawat militer, namun untuk jenis pesawat kecil, seperti helikopter.

"Kita sudah pernah melakukan 'heavy check' di sana untuk pesawat ATR, tapi belum ada 'EASA approval'," katanya.

Dia menargetkan setelah seluruh proses selesai, akan segera dilakukan pengerjaan perawatan. "Insya Allah secepatnya, begitu dapat pesanan, kita kerjakan di sana," katanya.


Indonesia to convert civillian owned Aircraft maintenance facilities to become center for military aircraft maintenance facilities. Ex MMF under auspices of Garuda Maintenance Facilities is ready to serve military Aircraft especially turboprop based, this will become one of the largest facilities in the region

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