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Is... is it really that bad? I mean the Arjun 1 looked like a knockoff of Leopard 1, and the new Arjun Mk2 on paper seems somewhere in between a T90 and a Leopard Mk2.

Not cutting edge tech for sure and will get kicked around by western tanks but not the worst you could ask for.

Arjun is worst, the model is highly compromized without looking what it best for an Tank, speed, armor and punch (firepower). With T 72 you can get a cheap, capable and easy to maintain at field tank, and been proven can be mass produced at short times. Arjun is slumber, highly maintenance demanding, and not so easy to be mass produced. After all they outsourcing so many parts from so many foreign vendor
Arjun is worst, the model is highly compromized without looking what it best for an Tank, speed, armor and punch (firepower). With T 72 you can get a cheap, capable and easy to maintain at field tank, and been proven can be mass produced at short times. Arjun is slumber, highly maintenance demanding, and not so easy to be mass produced. After all they outsourcing so many parts from so many foreign vendor

Yeah, I looked it up after posting the question. Good lord! It only looks good doesn't it?

35 years in development, 2/3rds of them broken after 2 years, best parts 'to be developed domestically' and perpetually 'pending'.

I have a new respect for PINDAD and their Turkish partner now. Black Tiger was to have 37 month development time and so far they are on target.
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Yeah, I looked it up after posting the question. Good lord! It only looks good doesn't it?

35 years in development, 2/3rds of them broken after 2 years, best parts 'to be developed domestically' and perpetually 'pending'.

I have a new respect for PINDAD and their Turkish partner now. Black Panther was to have 37 month development time and so far they are on target.

Well we learn many thing from our South Korean, Japan industry, who bring practical culture while investing their automotive industry here, on how to procure and securing parts for production, how to design a practical vehicle without being trapped on endless must be perfect circles.

You can see on how much practical them compared to heavily engineered western design. Pindad newly raised engineer, have some background on them.

Actually most of Turkey company land vehicles design is being tilted toward western design, and their Inherent weakness for expensive and heavily engineered and complex for being sophisticated. Pindad give much input and cut the issue as much as possible, and black Panther become like what we see. If not we will be bogged down in problem like what Turkish army had with their own land vehicles program such as Altay, modern IFV and Turkish 8X8 program
Well we learn many thing from our South Korean, Japan industry, who bring practical culture while investing their automotive industry here, on how to procure and securing parts for production, how to design a practical vehicle without being trapped on endless must be perfect circles.

You can see on how much practical them compared to heavily engineered western design. Pindad newly raised engineer, have some background on them.

Look what I found:
The decision to produce an indigenous Indian tank was made in 1972, shortly after the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971. In 1974, the state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) was tasked with developing the tank. It was to be a forty-ton vehicle, armed with a 105-millimeter gun. It would be small enough to be strategically mobile, capable of being shuttled on internal lines (roads and railroads) to vital sectors along the long border with Pakistan.

Today, the Arjun Mk 1 is a sixty-two-ton tank, complete with a 120-millimeter gun, advanced composite armor, a 1,400-horsepower turbocharged engine, and advanced fire control and thermal sights. Although the tank’s specifications are impressive, the actual product leaves a lot to be desired.

Black Tiger Specifications:
On 1 November 2016, during the 2016 Indo Defence expo, the first model of the tank was unveiled, along with some technical specifications.[6]Most notably, the vehicles overall weight was reported to be around 35 tonnes, and the main armament would be provided by a Belgian-made turret developed by CMI Defence featuring a 105mm rifled barrel, capable of firing a wide range of projectiles.


^^^ wow great...
Asal kita ga bli arjun tank aja deh..

Might actually be the reverse! Maybe another reason Modi suddenly so Gung-ho and willing to pay to build port in Sabang Island! :woot:

Like 35 ton easily 40 if you add some extra armour on it (maybe cause overweight problem, but still, amazing we might be set to pull off what India failed to do in 35 years in less than 5).

EDIT: That news on how PINDAD has been the driving force for efficient development is really encouraging @madokafc , its good to know the government's trust (and funding) in PINDAD is being put to good use and isn't just money being shoved into a black hole like so many Defence budgets elsewhere.
speaking about india, why aren't anyone interested in this....especially that our LAPAN had made little progress in their "scheduled space launch"
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Rheinmetall To Supply Skyshield Defense Tech To Asian Nation
Our Bureau

09:19 AM, April 25, 2018


Oerlikon Skyshield Air Defence System (Image: Rheinmetall)
Rheinmetall has won a contract to supply latest generation of its Skyshield air defense technology to an Asian nation worth over €100 million.

Production of the systems is already under way. Shipment will take place over the course of the next three years. Besides reconnaissance sensors, 35mm fire units and the accompanying command and control equipment, the contract includes a comprehensive logistics and service package, the company said in a statement Monday.

Rheinmetall will be providing complete training for operators and maintenance personnel as well as technical assistance and live fire exercise support in the customer country. Moreover, local companies will take part in the project, including construction of buildings and vehicle procurement.


Please compare with below news :

TNI AU Beli 11 Oerlikon Skyshield dan Hercules Baru
By az On 18/10/2017 In MILITARY
Angkatan Udara Indonesia (TNI AU) akan datangkan senjata Penghalau Serangan Udara (PSU) Oerlikon Skyshield. Alat utama sistem pertahanan (alutsista) ini akan menambah benteng perlindungan objek vital dari serangan udara,

Kepala Staff Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI AU Hadi Tjahyono mengatakan, 11 Oerlikon skyshield akan ditempatkan di landasan udara yang membutuhkan.

“Penambahan Alutsista kita tambah itu orliekon, akan ada tambahan 11 oerlikon di lanud yang kita kira harus ditambah,” kata Hadi seusai menjadi inspektur upacara dalam perayaan HUT Korps Pasukan Khas (Korpaskhas) ke 70 di Lanud Adisutjipto, Jogja Selasa 17 Oktober 2017.

Oerlikon Skyshield merupakan senjata yang diproduksi Swiss dan punya efektivitas halau serangan pada jarak 4.000 meter dan ketinggian 1.000 meter. Selama ini TNI AU memang sudah mengoperasikan senjata tersebut.

Kapuspen TNI AU Jemi Trisonjaya pada saat yang sama menyebut penambahan Oerlikon Skyshield akan dilakukan secara bertahap.

“Kita kini punya 4 Oerlikon yang ada di Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Makassar, dan Pontianak. Sementara yang sebelas akan diadakan secara bertahap sesuai Renstra TNI AU,” kata Jemi sebagaimana dilaporkan Kontan.

Selain pengadaan Oerlikon Skyshield, rencananya TNI AU juga akan segera menambah Pesawat Hercules. Hadi menyebut Hercules yang akan didatangkan akan miliki teknologi terbaru.

“Kita akan datangkan satu Hercules Tipe C. Pesawat ini telah dilengkapi dengan oksigen, saat ketinggian 10 ribu Meter, pasukan penerjun akan aman karena masih ada oksigen dari pesawat,” tambah Hadi


Is it our Air Force already ordering the 11 skyshields on April 2018 ?

In the affirmative case, we have to wait these armaments will be delivered in 2020-2022.
Indonesia and India to boost defence industrial collaboration
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Industry
31 May 2018
Indonesia and India signed a defence co-operation agreement (DCA) on 30 May to support defence trade opportunities and related industrial collaboration.

The accord was signed in Jakarta during talks between Indonesian President Joko Widodo and visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

A joint statement said that both Widodo and Modi “identified co-operation in defence industry and technology as areas of great potential”.

It added that the two leaders have directed officials from both sides to expand collaboration in joint defence production, technology transfers, and technical assistance. Another priority, said the statement, is the “sourcing of defence equipment”.

In support of these efforts, the statement also disclosed that Indonesian company PT Pindad has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Indian firm Bhukhanvala Industries to explore possibilities for collaboration.

Ini 9 kesepakatan Indonesia-India saat Kunjungan PM Modi

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Rabu, 30 Mei 2018
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Kunjungan resmi Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi ke Indonesia menghasilkan sejumlah kesepakatan. Tercatat sebanyak 9 kesepakatan berhasil dicapai kedua negara yang kemudian diumumkan selepas pertemuan bilateral.

Sebagaimana yang diungkapkan Presiden Joko Widodo dalam pernyataan pers bersama, salah satu dari sejumlah kesepakatan itu ialah mengenai pembaruan kerja sama di bidang pertahanan pertahanan dan produksi bersama sejumlah industri strategis.

Selain itu, kesepakatan lainnya yang berhasil dicapai ialah mengenai kerangka persetujuan kerja sama eksplorasi dan penggunaan antariksa untuk tujuan damai. Dokumen kerangka persetujuan itu ditandatangani oleh Kepala Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (LAPAN) RI dan Kepala ISRO India, sebagaimana dilansir dari siaran pers Deputi Bidang Pers, Protokol dan Media Sekretariat Presiden, Bey Machmudin.

Berikut ini ialah keseluruhan kesepakatan yang berhasil dicapai kedua negara dalam pertemuan tersebut:
1. Persetujuan antara Pemerintah RI dengan India mengenai kerja sama dalam bidang pertahanan;

2. Kerangka Persetujuan antara Pemerintah RI dengan India mengenai Kerja Sama Eksplorasi dan Penggunaan Antariksa untuk Tujuan Damai;

3. Memorandum Saling Pengertian mengenai Kerja Sama Teknis di Sektor Perkeretaapian antara Kementerian Perhubungan RI dan Kementerian Perkerataapian India;

4. Memorandum Saling Pengertian antara Pemerintah RI dengan India tentang Kerja Sama Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi;

5. Memorandum Saling Pengertian antara Lembaga Administrasi Negara RI dan Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration India mengenai Kerja Sama Teknik di Bidang Pengembangan Kapasitas Aparatur Sipil Negara;

6. Memorandum Saling Pengertian antara Kementerian Luar Negeri RI dan Kementerian Luar Negeri India mengenai Dialog Kebijakan antara Pemerintah dan Interaksi antara Lembaga Kajian;

7. Memorandum Saling Pengertian antara Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan RI dan Kementerian Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga India dalam Kerja Sama di Bidang Regulasi Produk Obat, Bahan Baku Obat, Produk Biologi, dan Kosmetik;

8. Pernyataan Kehendak Pembentukan Kerja Sama antar Provinsi Bali dan Uttarakhand;

9. Memorandum Saling Pengertian Bidang Kesehatan. (Humas Kemensetneg)

most interesting of all, is the space and military cooperation. Will India help us on our scheduled space launch project in 2019???? who knows
Indonesia Told India Its Quest to Join Malacca Strait Patrols Isn't Feasible

About three weeks before Indian and Indonesian leaders sat down for talks in Jakarta on Tuesday, Indonesian experts had explained to their Indian counterparts that New Delhi’s quest to join the Malacca Strait Patrol (MSP) was “not feasible”.

Established in 2004, the MSP is a quadrilateral arrangement between Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand for intelligence exchange, coordinated air (eye-in-the-sky) and sea patrol through the vital straits.

The narrow channel of water, which stretches for around 600 nautical miles, accounts for 25% of world trade. It is also one of the world’s energy chokepoints, with a transit volume of over 16 million barrels per day of crude oil and petroleum products. About 40% of India’s trade also goes through the straits.

Indian external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj had proposed the expert-level meeting during the joint commission meeting in January. Her counterpart, Indonesian foreign minister Retno Marsudi, readily agreed.

A highly-placed diplomatic source said that whenever India had brought up the issue of joining the MSP with Indonesia in the past, Jakarta had stated New Delhi did not either understand or delineate its role clearly.

Sources said the May 10 meeting was the first time that technical experts talked directly to help Indonesia comprehend the scope of Indian ambition. Both sides quickly realised that the Indian side had not fully come to grips with the nuts and bolts of the MSP.

Constructed as a “loose mechanism”, MSP members do not even conduct joint patrols. Instead, they take part in “coordinated patrols”, with each country staying in their own territorial waters.

When the Indian experts indicated that the Indian Navy expected to hold patrols inside the straits, the Indonesians pointed out that they never ventured into Malaysian or Singaporean waters.

“The littoral states are very cautious when dealing with patrol among themselves, let alone with a third state,” said the source.

Indonesia reiterated the legalistic objection that only states bordering the straits used for international navigation could patrol the straits under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). This was a reference to Section 37 of the UNCLOS, which says that non-littoral states can move from one part of the high sea to another through a strait in a “continuous and expeditious passage”. A patrol route would be circuitous, rather than “proceed without delay” in a straight line – and therefore preclude non-littoral states from the region, it is argued.

The ‘eye-in-the-sky’ aerial surveillance was also a subject of misconception. “It doesn’t involve respective aircrafts patrolling the length of the straits. Rather, officials from the four states board the same aircraft for conducting aerial patrol. On the other hand, Indian experts seemed to suggest that the aircraft from the Naval Base can go around the straits,” said the source.

At the end of the meeting, the Indian experts had both a better understanding of the MSP mechanism and the realisation that becoming a full member was probably an impossible dream.

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South Korea signals AESA progression
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
01 June 2018

South Korea is moving to the critical design phase of its programme to develop an AESA radar system for the Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) aircraft, which is scheduled to be produced from the mid-2020s. Source: Korea Aerospace Industries
South Korea’s Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has signalled progression in its programme to develop an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar system in collaboration with local industry.

DAPA said in a statement on 31 May that its radar programme – intended to support the Korean Fighter Experimental (KFX) aircraft – has completed a two-year preliminary design phase and will now move to the critical design stage before a design review in May 2019.

Following the design review, DAPA hopes to produce a pilot prototype in 2020, which will be installed on early prototypes of the KFX from 2022. After several years of trials, DAPA aims to start initial production of both the aircraft and its AESA radar from the mid-2020s.

Under a KRW360 billion (USD334 million) contract awarded in mid-2016, the AESA development programme is led by Hanwha Systems, which is collaborating with the Agency for Defense Development (ADD), a DAPA subsidiary. Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), as lead developer of the KFX, is also involved in the programme.

KAI has previously outlined a target to produce about 250 twin-engine KFX fighter aircraft to replace the Republic of Korea Air Force’s (RoKAF’s) F-4E Phantom and F-5E Tiger II aircraft and, ultimately, its F-16 Fighting Falcon platforms. KAI also expects to export several hundred KFX fighters.


Ini Dia, Penampakan C295 Berseragam Polisi Udara
Juni 1, 2018 Berita No comments
ANGKASAREVIEW.COM – Pesawat angkut medium ringan C295 pesanan Direktorat Polisi Udara, Baharkam, Kepolisian Republik Indonesia (Polri) mulai tampak menggenakan seragam Polisi Udara berlabur warna biru-putih.

Pesawat terlihat sedang menjalani uji di kawasan pabrik PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Hal ini menandakan pesawat tersebut tak lama lagi akan diserahterimakan.

Seperti diketahui Polri memesan satu pesawat C295 dan satu helikopter Bell 412EP dari PTDI. Penandatanganan kontraknya telah dilaksanakan pada 21 September 2015 di Markas Direktorat Polisi Udara, Pondok Cabe, Tangerang Selatan, Banten.

Pesawat C295 dikembangkan dari CN235 yang badannya diperpanjang tiga meter. Pesawat ini dibuat oleh Airbus Defence & Space di Spanyol. Pesawat menggunakan mesin turboprop baru Pratt & Whitney Canada PW127G yang dilengkapi enam bilah baling-baling Hamilton Standard 586-F.

Dibanding CN235 yang berkapasitas 50 orang atau muatan 6 ton, kinerja C295 lebih tinggi. C295 bisa mengangkut 70 orang pasukan atau muatan hingga 9,25 ton. Jangkauan terbang pun meningkat dari 4.355 km pada CN235 menjadi 5.400 km pada C295.

Kehadiran C295 akan menambah kekuatan yaptap (pesawat sayap tetap) Polud (Polisi Udara) menjadi 13 unit. Saat ini Polud diperkuat 2 NC212, 4 PZL M28, 2 Beechraft 1900D, 1 Beechraft 18CH, 2 Diamond DA 40, dan 1 Fokker F50 yang menjadi pesawat yaptap terbesar.

Pesawat angkut serbaguna C295 pesanan Polud terlihat masih menyandang registrasi pabrik, AX-2910. Ini bermakna pesawat C295 kesepuluh yang dirakit oleh PTDI. Selain pesanan Polri, pabrik pesawat pelat merah ini juga sedang menggarap sebuah C295 lainnya versi patroli maritim (MPA) untuk TNI AU.



Transport Aircraft C295 for Indonesian Police.
PT Pindad expands co-operation with Indian firms

Indonesian defence company PT Pindad has outlined the scope of its expanding engagement with counterparts from India.

In a statement on 31 May state-owned PT Pindad confirmed that it had entered a new partnership with Bhukhanvala Industries and that it has expanded collaboration with Tata.

PT Pindad said that under its partnership agreement with Bhukhanvala the two companies will develop a ceramic-based ballistic protection system for land vehicle platforms produced by the Indonesian company, such as its 6x6 Anoa and 4x4 Komodo armoured personnel carriers (APCs).

In addition, the two companies will explore opportunities for Bhukhanvala to provide assistance in the Indonesian company’s efforts to promote firearms – including its SS2 5.56 mm assault rifles, G2 series of 9 mm pistols, and SPR-4 sniper rifles – to the Indian military and paramilitary forces.

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