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Indonesian Navy transfers fleet of Kapitan Pattimura-class corvette to Armada III
  • Indonesia is transferring its fleet of ex-East German Navy corvettes to a newly established fleet
  • Move aims to equip the new formation with vessels capable of better patrolling Arafura, Timor seas
The Indonesian Navy (Tentera Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut: TNI-AL) is in the process of transferring its fleet of Kapitan Pattimura (Parchim I)-class corvettes as part of a major fleet reorganisation, a senior official from the service confirmed with Jane’s .

The vessels are being transferred to the command of a new geographical fleet known as Armada III and the corvettes will be redistributed to various regional naval bases that report to this formation.

Armada Barat got KCR and MLRF and the new Armada Timur got Pattimura Parchim Class. Hope in the future armada 3 will get KCR 60 at least. Main fleet still in Armada Tengah, good move but need more fleet to fill the 3 armada.
Armada Barat got KCR and MLRF and the new Armada Timur got Pattimura Parchim Class. Hope in the future armada 3 will get KCR 60 at least. Main fleet still in Armada Tengah, good move but need more fleet to fill the 3 armada.

All fleets will have their own destroyers, frigates, corvettes and FACs. Only needs time. Just be patient.
India`s PM to arrive on Tuesday night
Selasa, 29 Mei 2018 08:38 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. (REUTERS )

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, is scheduled to arrive in Indonesia on Tuesday night (May 29) on an official visit to Indonesia until Thursday (May 31) to strengthen cooperation between the two countries.

PM Modi is scheduled to land at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.

"There will be multiple engagements of the Prime Minister of India with the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo. You know that there are certain standards of any official visit. There will be some public events in which the two leaders will be there together," the Ambassador of India to Indonesia, Pradeep Kumar Rawat, said at a press conference on Monday.

Rawat said PM Modi would leave Indonesia on Thursday morning.

After visiting Indonesia, Modi would make a brief stopover in Kuala Lumpur on May 31 to meet the newly elected Prime Minister of Malaysia, Mahathir Mohammad.

Modi will then pay an official visit to Singapore from May 31 to June 2 at the invitation of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Modi`s official engagements in Jakarta and Singapore will include meetings with the leadership, delegation-level talks, and meetings with the business and Indian communities. In Singapore, Modi is also scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the 17th Shangri-la Dialogue.

The government of India attached great importance to its relationship with the ASEAN region and was committed to deepening ties with each ASEAN member-country, within the framework of the "Act East" Policy, the Ambassador said.

The visit would enable leaders to discuss bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest.

This is PM Modi's first official visit to Indonesia and follows the state visit of President Widodo to India in December 2016 and for the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit in January 2018.

Both leaders plan to discuss bilateral, regional and global issues. The bilateral agenda will aim at cooperation in politics, defence and security, maritime and economic affairs, and community and cultural ties.

The two leaders will also discuss the current conditions and challenges in the region and the world, as well as ways for both countries to work together and contribute to peace and prosperity.

Some Memoranda of Understanding are expected to be signed. Modi`s visit also aims to welcome the 70th anniversary of Indonesia-India diplomatic relations to be commemorated next year.

The second Indonesia-India CEO Forum meeting will also be held. The CEOs from the two countries will produce joint recommendations to be presented to the two leaders.

Editor: Heru Purwanto


Well, India got several good military products like Akash, bharat Electronic Radar system (most rip off Thompson radar), Naval gun and so on
Buat angkutan sembako, yeah right. Tetep aja operator TNI AU


Salah satu kesenjangan ekonomi Indonesia saat ini ada di wilayah timur khususnya Papua. Menyikapi kesenjangan ekonomi di wilayah timur ini pemerintah lantas melakukan berbagai upaya salah satunya ialah menyediakan angkutan udara (Airlift) dan optimalisasi tol laut.

Tak tanggung-tanggung pemerintah Indonesia berencana membeli lima buah pesawat angkut berat, A 400 M buatan Airbus Defence and Space (ADS). Harga per unit A 400 M adalah 2,3 triliun rupiah.

Belum lagi perawatan yang mahal dari pesawat angkut berspesifikasi militer ini.

Rencananya pesawat A 400 M digunakan untuk mengangkut sembako macam beras, minyak dan lain sebagainya untu masyarakat Papua.

Walaupun berspesifikasi militer namun pembelian pesawat ini bukan dilakukan oleh Kemenhan RI tapi oleh salah satu BUMN PT Perusahaan Perdagangan Indonesia (PPI).

Namun walaupun begitu pengoperasian pesawat tetap dari TNI AU.

Sampai saat ini proses pembelian A 400 M sampai dalam penandatangan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antar kedua belah pihak.

Rencananya Indonesia akan membeli dua unit terlebih dahulu sebelum tiga unit menyusul kemudian.

“MoU-nya sudah ditandatangani, namun kita masih menunggu Indonesia menandatangani kontrak (pembelian),” kata juru bicara Airbus seperti dilansir dari Kompas Tekno, Senin (21/05/2018) di Jakarta.

Sekedar diketahui MoU ini sifatnya tidak mengikat dan pembelian masih bisa dibatalkan.

Akan tetapi jika kontrak pembelian sudah ditandatangani oleh pihak bersangkutan maka wajib dibeli.

“Jika kontraknya ditandatangani sekarang, kami bisa mengirimkan dalam waktu 2,5 hingga 3 tahun, namun itu dikembalikan lagi bagaimana permintaan pembeli,” tambahnya.

Bukan hanya dari PT.PPI dan TNI AU, Pelita Air juga terlibat dalam proses pembelian ini.

A 400 M ialah pesawat angkut militer bermesin empat turboprop.

Pembuatan A 400 M sendiri melibatkan tujuh negara dalam skema pembiayaannya.

Diluar negara-negara Uni Eropa pengguna A 400 M adalah Malaysia, sebagaimana dikutip dari laman Grid (26/ 05).

regarding A400M, Does TNI AU going to bear the burden to operate (fuel, maintenance, etc) to transport "sembako" accross indonesia?

A lot of forumer approve the acquisition of A400M because the acquisition budget are taken from PT.PPI. But people forgot to mention the upkeep cost of operating several of these transports, does the budget also came from BUMN or from Ministry of defence? If the operation cost came from TNI AU budget, then i fear that it will only become hangar display. Not only that it will take a chunk of TNI AU budget to operate, building maintenance & support facility for only 2-4 of these planes are inefficient.
I love this parchim corvette since the beginning, hope navy future corvette sub hunter still use the same RBU

love in the first sight LOL

I predict these 2 RBUs of Parchim will be splitted into 2 unit of our local future corvettes, thus 14 Parchim x 2 unit RBUs = 28 RBUs will be used into next 28 unit local corvettes.
Two Refurbhised Su-30MK will be Finished in September 2018

30 Mei 2018

Sukhoi Su-30MK number 01 and 02 (all photos : Kaskus Militer)

CAMTO - Indonesia expects to receive two refurbished Su-30MK fighters, the maintenance of which has been conducted since 2017 at the "558 Aircraft Repair Plant" (Baranovichi, RB), by September 2018.

As reported by Bisnis Metro, it became known after the talks of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia Valeriy Kolesnik and the commander (chief of staff) of the Air Force of Indonesia, Marshal of the Air, Yuu Sutisny, who took place on May 25 in Maibes Chilongkap (Eastern Jakarta).

The Commander highly appreciated the relations between the two countries in the sphere of military-technical cooperation and called for their further strengthening. He also expressed gratitude to the Belarusian side for participating in the logistics of the park of Indonesian fighters of the brand "Su". In his turn, the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus V. Kolesnik proposed to establish cooperation in the exchange of cadets of military academies of both countries.

As previously reported by CAMTO, on December 9, 2015, in a press release from the Indonesian Air Force, it was reported that two Su-27SK multi-role fighter aircraft with TS 2701 and TS 2702 onboard aircraft produced in 2003 would be repaired in Belarus. On December 8, 2015, both planes were loaded aboard the leased An-124 Ruslan aircraft and were delivered to OJSC 558 ARZ.

In April of this year, Tribune News referring to the representative of the Air Force of Indonesia reported that Belarus will undergo major repairs of four Su fighters of the Indonesian Air Force.

Two repaired Su-27SK fighters were returned to the customer at the Sultan Khasanuddin airbase on August 3, 2017 on board the An-124-100M Ruslan transport plane. Earlier, on March 15, 2017, two Su-30MK also produced in 2003 were delivered to Belarus for the maintenance.

Located in Sultan Hasanuddin airbase, the 11th squadron of the 5th Air wing has 16 aircrafts from a mixed fleet of Su-class aircraft: two Su-27SKs (received in 2003), three Su-27SMK (2010), two Su-30MK (2003) and nine Su-30MK2 (2008-2013).

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