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Indonesia Defence Forum

Indonesia, India to develop strategic Indian Ocean port
By Reuters | Updated: May 30, 2018, 01.52 PM IST
  • India pledged on Wednesday to step up defence and maritime cooperation, with plans to develop a strategic Indonesian naval port in the Indian Ocean, the leaders of the two countries said after meeting in Jakarta.

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo met Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss, among other issues, developing infrastructure and an economic zone at Sabang, on the tip of Sumatra island and at the mouth of the Malacca Strait, one of the busiest shipping channels for global trade.

    "India is a strategic defence partner...and we will continue to advance our cooperation in developing infrastructure, including at Sabang Island and the Andaman Islands," Widodo told a news conference after the meeting at the presidential palace.

    Analysts say the move comes amid concerns over China's rising maritime influence in the region, and is part of Modi's "Act East" policy of developing stronger ties with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

    Modi this year invited the leaders of all ten ASEAN nations to attend New Delhi's Republic Day parade, the biggest such gathering of foreign leaders at the annual event.

    There has been tension in Southeast Asia over the disputed South China Sea, a busy waterway claimed in most part by China.
Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have conflicting claims in the area, through which about $3 trillion worth of sea-borne goods passes every year.

While not a claimant, Indonesia has clashed with Beijing over fishing rights around the Natuna Islands and expanded its military presence there. It has also renamed the northern reaches of its exclusive economic zone, to reassert its sovereignty.

Modi, who is making his first trip to Indonesia, is also set to visit the Istiqlal mosque in the capital of the world's biggest Muslim-majority country.

The Indian leader flies to Malaysia on Thursday to meet recently elected Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad before heading to neighbouring Singapore to address a regional security forum, the Shangri-La Dialogue.

Last week, Indonesia's chief maritime affairs minister, Luhut Pandjaitan, said the existing port at Sabang, which is 40 metres (131 ft) deep, could be developed to accommodate both commercial vessels and submarines, according to media.

Indonesia's transport minister told reporters on Wednesday the Sabang would get a transshipment port that could be developed over two years.

Asked about Indian investment in Sabang, Indian foreign ministry official Preeti Saran said New Delhi was interested in helping build infrastructure across Southeast Asia.

"There have been discussions about building infrastructure, it's not just seaports, but airports," she said. "There would be a lot of interest among Indian companies."

Widodo and Modi also signed pacts on cooperation in the pharmaceuticals and techonology industries.


Got news PINDAD got agreement with Bukhanvala.ple to supply advance composite material armor
Modi having fun in Jakarta


Now, let's talk business..
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Two Refurbhised Su-30MK will be Finished in September 2018

30 Mei 2018

Sukhoi Su-30MK number 01 and 02 (all photos : Kaskus Militer)

CAMTO - Indonesia expects to receive two refurbished Su-30MK fighters, the maintenance of which has been conducted since 2017 at the "558 Aircraft Repair Plant" (Baranovichi, RB), by September 2018.

As reported by Bisnis Metro, it became known after the talks of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus in Indonesia Valeriy Kolesnik and the commander (chief of staff) of the Air Force of Indonesia, Marshal of the Air, Yuu Sutisny, who took place on May 25 in Maibes Chilongkap (Eastern Jakarta).

The Commander highly appreciated the relations between the two countries in the sphere of military-technical cooperation and called for their further strengthening. He also expressed gratitude to the Belarusian side for participating in the logistics of the park of Indonesian fighters of the brand "Su". In his turn, the Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus V. Kolesnik proposed to establish cooperation in the exchange of cadets of military academies of both countries.

As previously reported by CAMTO, on December 9, 2015, in a press release from the Indonesian Air Force, it was reported that two Su-27SK multi-role fighter aircraft with TS 2701 and TS 2702 onboard aircraft produced in 2003 would be repaired in Belarus. On December 8, 2015, both planes were loaded aboard the leased An-124 Ruslan aircraft and were delivered to OJSC 558 ARZ.

In April of this year, Tribune News referring to the representative of the Air Force of Indonesia reported that Belarus will undergo major repairs of four Su fighters of the Indonesian Air Force.

Two repaired Su-27SK fighters were returned to the customer at the Sultan Khasanuddin airbase on August 3, 2017 on board the An-124-100M Ruslan transport plane. Earlier, on March 15, 2017, two Su-30MK also produced in 2003 were delivered to Belarus for the maintenance.

Located in Sultan Hasanuddin airbase, the 11th squadron of the 5th Air wing has 16 aircrafts from a mixed fleet of Su-class aircraft: two Su-27SKs (received in 2003), three Su-27SMK (2010), two Su-30MK (2003) and nine Su-30MK2 (2008-2013).

.......Two repaired Su-27SK fighters were returned to the customer at the Sultan Khasanuddin airbase on August 3, 2017 on board the An-124-100M Ruslan transport plane. Earlier, on March 15, 2017............. until now , I still never see booth of them fly...at least on photograph.....anybody...?
TNI AL memberangkatkan 215 prajurit korps Marinir serta dua Kapal perang KRI Makassar (590) dan KRI Raden Eddy Martadinata-331 untuk mengikuti kegiatan latihan perang Rim of The Pacific Exercises (Rimpac) di Hawaii, Amerika Serikat.

31 Mei 2018

Dalam Rencana Strategis IV, TNI AU akan mempunyai satuan rudal jarak jauh (photo : ac.nato)

Lanud, Hanud, Satrad dan Depohar

ANGKASAREVIEW.COM – Empat Pangkalan TNI AU (Lanud) Tipe C akan dibentuk oleh TNI Angkatan Udara di Batam, Saumlaki/Selaru, Wamena, dan Sorong. Hal ini telah dituangkan dalam Rencana Strategis (Renstra) IV TNI AU periode 2020-2024.

Selain membangun empat lanud baru Tipe C, TNI AU juga akan membangun enam Satuan Radar (Satrad), dua Resimen Hanud (Reshanud), dan lima Detasemen Hanud (Denhanud). Ada pula pembentukan Detasemen/Satuan Peluru Kendali (Denrudal/Satrudal) Jarak Sedang dan Jarak Jauh.

Kemudian pembentukan Depo Pemeliharaan (Depohar) 80 dengan tiga Satuan Pemeliharaannya (Sathar 81, Sathar 82, Sathar 83) untuk pemeliharaan tingkat berat pesawat tempur.

Lalu pembentukan Depohar 90 dengan tiga Satharnya yaitu Sathar 91, Sathar 92, dan Sathar 93 untuk pemeliharaan tingkat berat helikopter.

Satuan pemeliharaan (Sathar) untuk pesawat tempur dan helikopter akan ditambah (photo : TNI AU)

Ada juga pembentukan Sathar baru sebagai pelengkap dari Sathar yang sudah ada. Yaitu Sathar 24 (Depohar 20), Sathar 34 (Depohar 30), Sathar 43 (Depohar 40), Sathar 54 (Depohar 50), Sathar 55 (Depohar 50), dan Sathar 65 (Dephar 60).

Selanjutnya, di dua Lanud Tipe A, masing-masing di Lanud Supadio, Pontianak dan Lanud Suryadarma, Subang TNI AU juga akan membentuk Skadron Teknik baru.

Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna memaparkan hal itu saat memberikan kuliah umum kepada para mahasiswa dan dosen Pascasarjana (S2) Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) di Sentul, Bogor, Senin (28/5/2018).

Dikatakan KSAU, sesuai amanah Undang-undang TNI No 34 Tahun 2004 Pasal 10, TNI Angkatan Udara melaksanakan tugas TNI matra udara di bidang pertahanan, menegakkan hukum dan menjaga keamanan di wilayah udara yurisdiksi nasional sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum nasional dan hukum internasional yang telah diratifikasi. Selain itu TNI AU juga melaksanakan tugas TNI dalam pemberdayaan wilayah pertahanan udara.

Pangkalan udara baru tipe C akan dibuat di Batam, Saumlaki/Selaru, Wamena, dan Sorong (image : GoogleMaps)

Perihal sistem pertahanan maritim, lanjut KSAU, dibutuhkan Angkatan Laut yang kuat dan Angkatan Udara yang kapabel. Sehingga, penguasaan ruang udara dapat menjamin terwujudnya supremasi kekuatan maritim.

“Terwujudnya kebijakan pembangunan TNI AU yang andal dan disegani serta berkelas, tidak terlepas dari kebijakan Tripilar, yaitu kesiapan operasional, profesionalisme, dan kesejahteraan prajurit. Sedangkan empat program pembangunan kekuatan mancakup dukungan kesiapan matra udara, modernisasi alutsista dan non-alutsista, peningkatan profesionalisme personel matra udara, serta penyelenggaraan manajemen dan operasi matra udara,” papar Yuyu Sutisna.

Kohanudnas digabung dengan Koopsau

Sebelumnya, KSAU menjelaskan bahwa pada Renstra III (2015-2019), TNI AU telah dan akan melakukan validasi organisasi. Yaitu penggabungan Kohanudnas dan Koopsau menjadi Komando Operasi Udara Nasional (Koopsudnas), dan pembentukan Koopsud III sebagai kelanjutan dari rencana pembentukan Komando Gabungan Wilayah Pertahanan (Kogabwilhan).

Skuadron angkut akan dibentuk di Lanud Hasanuddin tahun 2019 (photo : Dimas Satrio)

Kemudian restrukturisasi Kodikau menjadi Kodiklatau dan Dispamsanau menjadi Pusintelau. Ada juga pembentukan Spotdirgaau dan Disopslatau serta pembentukan skadron udara baru untuk pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat intai strategis, heli, dan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA).

Dua skadron pesawat baru di Makassar

Sementara itu, terkait skadron baru yang akan dibangun, KSAU menyatakan bahwa tahun depan Skadron Udara 9 (helikopter) dan Skadron Udara 33 (pesawat angkut) akan dibangun di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin (HND), Makassar.

Hal tersebut dikatakan KSAU dalam kunjungannya ke Lanud HND hari ini, Rabu (30/5/2018).

“Rencana ke depan, di tahun 2019, akan dibentuk Skadron Udara 33 pesawat angkut dan Skadron Udara 9 helikopter,” ujar KSAU dalam pengarahannya kepada para perwira Lanud HND.

Skuadron helikopter akan dibentuk di Lanud Hasanuddin tahun 2019 (photo : tribun)

Hadir pada acara tersebut, Irjenau, para Asisten KSAU, Pangkohanudnas, Dankorpaskhas, Dankoharmatau, Pangkoopsau II, Waaspers KSAU, para Kadis jajaran Mabesau, dan Komandan Lanud HND Marsma TNI Bowo Budiarto.

KSAU menjelaskan, penempatan dua skadron baru di Lanud HND sebagai upaya TNI AU mendukung dan mewujudkan interoperabilitas antar satuan-satuan TNI di wilayah Sulawesi. Untuk diketahui, di Makassar saja terdapat beberapa satuan TNI lainnya seperti Divisi III Kostrad dan Lantamal VI.

Menyikapi rencana tersebut, KSAU minta agar Lanud HND melakukan persiapan, termasuk kesiapan sarana prasarana dan para awak pesawat.

Yang terkait dengan kesiapan pesawat, KSAU berharap ada sinergi yang baik antara kebutuhan kesiapan pesawat untuk melaksanakan misi dengan pelaksanaan upgrade atau perbaikan pesawat.

Pembentukan skadron udara baru untuk pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat intai strategis, heli, dan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA) juga akan dilakukan dalam Rencana Strategis ke IV (photo : Saab)

“Lakukan kerja sama yang baik dengan PTDI dalam proses tersebut, sehingga kita dapat mendukung dan membesarkan Industri Pertahanan Nasional sesuai kebijakan pemerintah,” tekan Yuyu.

Kepada para penerbang, KSAU meminta untuk memanfaatkan alokasi jam terbang yang ada secara efektif dan efisien guna meningkatkan kemampuan dengan tetap berpatokan pada keselamatan (safety).

(Angkasa Review)
31 Mei 2018

Dalam Rencana Strategis IV, TNI AU akan mempunyai satuan rudal jarak jauh (photo : ac.nato)

Lanud, Hanud, Satrad dan Depohar

ANGKASAREVIEW.COM – Empat Pangkalan TNI AU (Lanud) Tipe C akan dibentuk oleh TNI Angkatan Udara di Batam, Saumlaki/Selaru, Wamena, dan Sorong. Hal ini telah dituangkan dalam Rencana Strategis (Renstra) IV TNI AU periode 2020-2024.

Selain membangun empat lanud baru Tipe C, TNI AU juga akan membangun enam Satuan Radar (Satrad), dua Resimen Hanud (Reshanud), dan lima Detasemen Hanud (Denhanud). Ada pula pembentukan Detasemen/Satuan Peluru Kendali (Denrudal/Satrudal) Jarak Sedang dan Jarak Jauh.

Kemudian pembentukan Depo Pemeliharaan (Depohar) 80 dengan tiga Satuan Pemeliharaannya (Sathar 81, Sathar 82, Sathar 83) untuk pemeliharaan tingkat berat pesawat tempur.

Lalu pembentukan Depohar 90 dengan tiga Satharnya yaitu Sathar 91, Sathar 92, dan Sathar 93 untuk pemeliharaan tingkat berat helikopter.

Satuan pemeliharaan (Sathar) untuk pesawat tempur dan helikopter akan ditambah (photo : TNI AU)

Ada juga pembentukan Sathar baru sebagai pelengkap dari Sathar yang sudah ada. Yaitu Sathar 24 (Depohar 20), Sathar 34 (Depohar 30), Sathar 43 (Depohar 40), Sathar 54 (Depohar 50), Sathar 55 (Depohar 50), dan Sathar 65 (Dephar 60).

Selanjutnya, di dua Lanud Tipe A, masing-masing di Lanud Supadio, Pontianak dan Lanud Suryadarma, Subang TNI AU juga akan membentuk Skadron Teknik baru.

Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (KSAU) Marsekal TNI Yuyu Sutisna memaparkan hal itu saat memberikan kuliah umum kepada para mahasiswa dan dosen Pascasarjana (S2) Universitas Pertahanan (Unhan) di Sentul, Bogor, Senin (28/5/2018).

Dikatakan KSAU, sesuai amanah Undang-undang TNI No 34 Tahun 2004 Pasal 10, TNI Angkatan Udara melaksanakan tugas TNI matra udara di bidang pertahanan, menegakkan hukum dan menjaga keamanan di wilayah udara yurisdiksi nasional sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum nasional dan hukum internasional yang telah diratifikasi. Selain itu TNI AU juga melaksanakan tugas TNI dalam pemberdayaan wilayah pertahanan udara.

Pangkalan udara baru tipe C akan dibuat di Batam, Saumlaki/Selaru, Wamena, dan Sorong (image : GoogleMaps)

Perihal sistem pertahanan maritim, lanjut KSAU, dibutuhkan Angkatan Laut yang kuat dan Angkatan Udara yang kapabel. Sehingga, penguasaan ruang udara dapat menjamin terwujudnya supremasi kekuatan maritim.

“Terwujudnya kebijakan pembangunan TNI AU yang andal dan disegani serta berkelas, tidak terlepas dari kebijakan Tripilar, yaitu kesiapan operasional, profesionalisme, dan kesejahteraan prajurit. Sedangkan empat program pembangunan kekuatan mancakup dukungan kesiapan matra udara, modernisasi alutsista dan non-alutsista, peningkatan profesionalisme personel matra udara, serta penyelenggaraan manajemen dan operasi matra udara,” papar Yuyu Sutisna.

Kohanudnas digabung dengan Koopsau

Sebelumnya, KSAU menjelaskan bahwa pada Renstra III (2015-2019), TNI AU telah dan akan melakukan validasi organisasi. Yaitu penggabungan Kohanudnas dan Koopsau menjadi Komando Operasi Udara Nasional (Koopsudnas), dan pembentukan Koopsud III sebagai kelanjutan dari rencana pembentukan Komando Gabungan Wilayah Pertahanan (Kogabwilhan).

Skuadron angkut akan dibentuk di Lanud Hasanuddin tahun 2019 (photo : Dimas Satrio)

Kemudian restrukturisasi Kodikau menjadi Kodiklatau dan Dispamsanau menjadi Pusintelau. Ada juga pembentukan Spotdirgaau dan Disopslatau serta pembentukan skadron udara baru untuk pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat intai strategis, heli, dan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA).

Dua skadron pesawat baru di Makassar

Sementara itu, terkait skadron baru yang akan dibangun, KSAU menyatakan bahwa tahun depan Skadron Udara 9 (helikopter) dan Skadron Udara 33 (pesawat angkut) akan dibangun di Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin (HND), Makassar.

Hal tersebut dikatakan KSAU dalam kunjungannya ke Lanud HND hari ini, Rabu (30/5/2018).

“Rencana ke depan, di tahun 2019, akan dibentuk Skadron Udara 33 pesawat angkut dan Skadron Udara 9 helikopter,” ujar KSAU dalam pengarahannya kepada para perwira Lanud HND.

Skuadron helikopter akan dibentuk di Lanud Hasanuddin tahun 2019 (photo : tribun)

Hadir pada acara tersebut, Irjenau, para Asisten KSAU, Pangkohanudnas, Dankorpaskhas, Dankoharmatau, Pangkoopsau II, Waaspers KSAU, para Kadis jajaran Mabesau, dan Komandan Lanud HND Marsma TNI Bowo Budiarto.

KSAU menjelaskan, penempatan dua skadron baru di Lanud HND sebagai upaya TNI AU mendukung dan mewujudkan interoperabilitas antar satuan-satuan TNI di wilayah Sulawesi. Untuk diketahui, di Makassar saja terdapat beberapa satuan TNI lainnya seperti Divisi III Kostrad dan Lantamal VI.

Menyikapi rencana tersebut, KSAU minta agar Lanud HND melakukan persiapan, termasuk kesiapan sarana prasarana dan para awak pesawat.

Yang terkait dengan kesiapan pesawat, KSAU berharap ada sinergi yang baik antara kebutuhan kesiapan pesawat untuk melaksanakan misi dengan pelaksanaan upgrade atau perbaikan pesawat.

Pembentukan skadron udara baru untuk pesawat tempur, pesawat angkut, pesawat intai strategis, heli, dan pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA) juga akan dilakukan dalam Rencana Strategis ke IV (photo : Saab)

“Lakukan kerja sama yang baik dengan PTDI dalam proses tersebut, sehingga kita dapat mendukung dan membesarkan Industri Pertahanan Nasional sesuai kebijakan pemerintah,” tekan Yuyu.

Kepada para penerbang, KSAU meminta untuk memanfaatkan alokasi jam terbang yang ada secara efektif dan efisien guna meningkatkan kemampuan dengan tetap berpatokan pada keselamatan (safety).

(Angkasa Review)

Resume :
Indonesian Air Force Planned 2020-2024
More small strategic air bases near the border.
More maintenance facility units.
More air defence regiments including radars, medium and long range air defense missile systems.
More squadrons : heavy lift transport, fighters, helicopters, UAVs, strategic surveillance aircrafts.
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Indonesia enhances bilateral cooperation with India
Kamis, 31 Mei 2018 07:35 WIB - 0 Views

Reporter: antara


President Joko Widodo (right) talked with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/5/2018). (ANTARA /Wahyu Putro A)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Indonesian government is exploring the enhancement of bilateral cooperation with India in the form of a comprehensive strategic partnership.

"It is time for us to forge a comprehensive strategic partnership. A comprehensive strategic partnership must include concrete cooperation that can only be realized through increased engagement, including at the leaders` level," President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) remarked in a speech during a bilateral meeting of Indonesia and India at the Merdeka Palace here on Wednesday.

According to Jokowi, the two countries need to welcome a comprehensive strategic partnership by working harder for a mutually beneficial relationship.

Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi is visiting Indonesia to provide new strength and spirit to the 70-year bilateral relationship to be commemorated in 2019.

The president also lauded the ongoing improvement in relations between Indonesia and India.

"This visit is very timely amid the emergence of a lot of global uncertainties in the world, and I hope this partnership would be able to contribute to stability, peace, and welfare of the world," the president stated.

Prime Minister Modi is on an official visit to Indonesia on May 29-31, 2018. Modi will meet with several CEOs to explore potential business.

In addition, Prime Minister Modi will meet the Indian diaspora at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Editor: Heru Purwanto

Defence minister discusses counter-terrorism with US counterpart
Kamis, 31 Mei 2018 07:10 WIB - 3 Views

Reporter: antara


Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu (ANTARA PHOTO/HO/Puskomkemhan)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Defence Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu, held a bilateral meeting with his US counterpart, James N Mattis, in Hawaii, US, on Tuesday on counter-terrorism among other issues.

The meeting was aimed at reaffirming the commitment of the two countries to their strategic partnership, especially in assessing and overcoming various challenges and threats to security in the region and in counter-terrorism efforts.

Ryamizard`s visit to Hawaii was on Mattis` invitation to attend the handing over ceremony for the post of commander of US PACOM (Pacific Command), whose name would be changed to Commander of Indo-Pacific.

Ryamizard expressed appreciation to the offer of defence cooperation from the US in the meeting. He said it was in line with Indonesia`s commitment to continue fighting terrorism and building its capacity, "be it in physical or non-physical terms especially against radical ideology".

He said Indonesia would continue to increase its defence cooperation with the US on land, sea and air. "Indonesia considers the US a strategic partner. The relations between Indonesia and the US at present are the strongest and the best in the field of defence compared to the precious periods," he said.

Indonesia was ready to increase its commitment to buy weaponry from the US, he added.

Reported by Syaiful Hakim
Editor: Heru Purwanto

Here are the 10 takeaways from the two-day visit by Narendra Modi to Indonesia:

1. The two leaders covenanted to boost defense and maritime cooperation, with plans of launching a tactical Indonesian seaport in the Indian Ocean. They also conversed about developing infrastructure and an economic zone in Sabang, on the northern tip of Sumatra, which is less than a 100 nautical miles away from the Indian-administered Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

2. They also agreed to take crucial steps to increase connectivity between the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Indonesian provinces in Sumatra to stimulate maritime commerce, the leisure industry and people-to-people interactions and expedite business-to-business linkages among the Chamber of Commerce of Andaman and their counterparts in the provinces of Sumatra, including Aceh.

3. They approved elevating bilateral relations to the level of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership by formally signing more than a dozen agreements encompassing wide range of spheres of influence. Fifteen agreements were signed, which covered formation of a bilateral security forum, greater defense cooperation, cooperation in exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, maritime affairs, trade and investment, science and technology, capacity building of public officials, dialogue and interaction between governments and think-tanks, as well as in health and railways.

4. To establish strong air connectivity, the two leaders applauded direct flights by Garuda Indonesia between Bali and Mumbai, which began in April, as well as the flights by Batik Air and Air Asia Indonesia serving Indian and Indonesian cities. They directed their respective civil-aviation agencies to hold a deliberation over the matter of enhancing traffic rights through bilateral air-services consultation, which will take place this year.

5. President Joko Widodo hailed the growth in Indian investment in Indonesia and its productive impact on the Indonesian economy. Prime Minister Modi also applauded the involvement of Indonesian enterprises through the “Make in India” initiative and invited more Indonesian establishments to take advantage of the offered opportunities. Both leaders agree to step up their efforts to take bilateral trade to US$50 billion by 2025.

6. Modi and Widodo highlighted the significance of a free, open, transparent, rules-based and peaceful Indo-Pacific region, in the midst of China stretching its influence in the strategic East and South China Seas. They released a document outlining the areas of maritime cooperation and envisaging a larger security framework in the Indo-Pacific region.

7. The two leaders condemned terrorism in all forms, as well as cross-border terrorism and terror-related pogroms in both countries, and declared that perpetrators of these acts must be brought to justice. Both leaders also acknowledged that terrorism should not be linked with any religion, creed, nationality or ethnicity.

8. They agreed to organize an inter-faith dialogue in Indonesia in October that will be followed by an analogous dialogue next year. The inter-faith dialogue is an echo of the joint obligation of both countries to reconnoitre a new understanding on the rise of religious identities and the dynamic of pluralism and to get rid of radicalism, terrorism and violent extremism.

9. The leaders applauded the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Layang-layang Museum in Jakarta and the Kite Museum of Ahmedabad for organizing annual kite festivals and noted with gratitude the holding of the First Joint Kite Exhibition on the theme of Ramayana and Mahabharata at the National Monument in Jakarta.

10. Modi announced a 30-day free visa for Indonesian citizens and invited the Indian diaspora to travel to their country of origin to experience the “New India.” He also invited them to make the Kumbh Mela Hindu pilgrimage to Prayag in Allahabad next year.

lol, much better taking blue print of 50 years old T72 design than arjun

Is... is it really that bad? I mean the Arjun 1 looked like a knockoff of Leopard 1, and the new Arjun Mk2 on paper seems somewhere in between a T90 and a Leopard Mk2.

Not cutting edge tech for sure and will get kicked around by western tanks but not the worst you could ask for.
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