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hmmmm another one in sidoarjo albeit premature explosion.....Im not gonna lie, this is very sophisticated attack
if this is kandahar,jalalabad,kabul,baghdad,tripoli or sirte.....I'm fine with that, but an terrorist attack in Jakarta and Surabaya?????????????

BREAKING: Another bomb explosion reported in Sidoarjo, East Java
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    Wahyoe Boediwardhana
    The Jakarta Post
Surabaya, East Java | Sun, May 13, 2018 | 10:24 pm
This handout photo released by the Presidential Palace on May 13 shows Indonesia President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo (left), National Police chief Gen. Tito Karnavian (center), Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister Wiranto (second left) and Armed Forces chief Hadi Tjahjanto (second right) at the scene of an attack outside the Surabaya Pentecostal Church (GPPS) in Surabaya. A series of blasts struck three churches in Indonesia on Sunday, killing at least 13 people and wounding dozens in the deadliest attack in years in the world's most populous Muslim-majority country. (AFP/Presidential Palace)

Only hours after the deadly suicide bombings at three churches in Surabaya, East Java, on Sunday morning, which killed at least 13 people and wounded over 40 others, city residents were shocked by another bomb blast later in the day.

The bomb allegedly went off prematurely at 9 p.m., killing at least one of the tenants of the Wonocolo low-cost apartments behind the Taman Police station in Sidoarjo.

East Java Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Frans Barung confirmed the incident, saying the bomb squad had been sent to the location to retrieve any remaining explosives.

No report was immediately available on other casualties, injuries or death.
Sad to see terrorism hitting Indonesia but I hope you guys reach the master mind of it really soon. By the way CNN reporting that it was entire family which did the bombings
We need to track their source of funds, these terror acts aren't cheap and they're were given firearms, explosive materials, cars, housing, etc. Combined with the interbranch ego among law enforcers with the intelligence (I saw the news that BIN are only capable of monitoring, not mandated to catch the suspects), this job is getting difficult.

The wild card is the TNI. The last time they're involved, some communist party got massacred to grassroot level. Let's hope government realize the situation and act accordingly or we'll see a G30S/HTI soon.

Woow ... Do you think that "islam" has already been a biggest threats in your country .. especially for "non-moslem" ...?
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Woow ... Do you think that "islam" has already been a biggest threats in your country .. especially for "non-moslem" ...?
This true answer for you, No we are different that makes us brother
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Sad to see terrorism hitting Indonesia but I hope you guys reach the master mind of it really soon. By the way CNN reporting that it was entire family which did the bombings
yup they just return from Syria, 1 family split and attack 3 churches using suicide bombing method.

Woow ... Do you think that "islam" has already been a biggest threats in your country .. especially for "non-moslem" ...?
almost 90% Indonesian are Moslem, how can u say its a threat while most who build and defend it are Moslem.
educate yourself, im a Christian but i would rather live among Moslems rather than racist person like you.
It makes my blood boil knowing that the reason our security forces couldn't prevent it is because those politicians in Senayan quibbled about the definition of terrorism.

Worse, when those same bloody politicians blame the government for being too 'soft' and, ffs if you want hard, responsive enforcement LEGALISE THE LAW damn it.
Let em show their true color.. and crush them on 2019.
Mulai dari pilkada aja deh, partai yg suka hoax dan sebar isu sara harus dikalahkan, terutama di jawa barat, itu lumbung suara terbesar di indonesia tapi didominasi partai yang pro khilafah, ayo bung rebut kembali jangan sampai mereka menang 2019

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