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KF-X Turns to Europe for Air-to-Air Missile Technology

12 Maret 2018

KFX model with IRST (photo : eggry)

With delay in US, South Korea turns to Europe for air-to-air missile technology
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea is looking to achieve European air-to-air missile technology as part of its key arms procurement offset programs.
The Defence Acquisition Program Administration, or DAPA, made public March 5 a list of 18 weapons procurement programs eligible for this year’s offset deals. Those include the integration of MBDA’s Meteor long-range missiles and IRIS-T short-range missiles into the future fighter jet, dubbed KF-X, to be locally developed by 2026.
“A key goal for these offset programs is to help local defense companies acquire foreign weapons technology or participate in arms procurement projects,” DAPA spokesman Kang Hwan-seok said. “If our small and mid-defense companies, in particular, have the opportunity to join key arms procurement programs as suppliers, the competitiveness of domestic defense technology could leap forward.”
Among the offset deals, the DAPA puts a priority on receiving the transfer of air-to-air missile technologies for the twin-engine KF-X fighter, the spokesman noted.
Last year, the DAPA signed a contract with European consortium MBDA to equip the KF-X with the 100-kilometer-range Meteor missile.

Meteor missile, operational range 100+ km, speed over mach 4 (photo : MBDA)
“It’s not sure if MBDA would offer to transfer some of the Meteor technology,” he said. “We’ll talk with the partner with all options on the table.”
Originally, the DAPA sought to fit the KF-X jet with U.S. missile systems, such as Raytheon-built AIM-120 and AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles. But the U.S. government has yet to approve the missiles’ KF-X integration.
“The DAPA requested the U.S. government to provide information about the integration of missile systems into aircraft but has yet to get it,” said an official at the DAPA’s aircraft business bureau, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “We understand that the U.S. government approval for provision of information on air-to-air missiles has been delayed.”
The official said, however, the agency is still open to the possibility of U.S. air-to-air missile integration into the KF-X jet.
“Now we plan to arm the KF-X with European missiles due to U.S. export license problems, he said. “If the U.S. government shows a positive sign of offering its air-to-air missiles for the KF-X, we’ll discuss it.”
U.S. disapproval of the transfer of technology for active electronically scanned radar has bruised South Korea’s KF-X ambitions. As part of an offset deal for 40 F-35As, Lockheed Martin — the main partner for the KF-X — agreed to consult with the U.S. government over the transfer of ASEA and three other aircraft technologies.

IRIS-T missile, operational range 25 km, speed mach 3 (photo : HaraF)
However, the DAPA received notice of refusal and inevitably changed its direction to locally develop the AESA radar. The technology transfer roadblock has delayed the KF-X timeline.
Led by Korea Aerospace Industries, KF-X development began in 2016 with the goal of producing six prototypes by 2021. Indonesia’s state-run defense firm PT Dirgantara Indonesia is the only partner for the $8 billion project, responsible for 20 percent of development costs. About 120 KF-X aircraft are to be produced by 2032 to replace the South Korean Air Force’s aging fleet of F-4s and F-5s.
South Korea’s KF-X Block 2 would have an internal weapons bay, and Block 3 is expected to feature stealth technology comparable to the F-35.
Besides the KF-X missile integration, the DAPA also seeks offset deals on other weapons acquisition programs. They include efforts to upgrade the direct infrared countermeasure system for the C-130H fleet; acquire a long-range ballistic missile detection radar; upgrade the CH/HH-47 cockpit and engine; and procure a close-in weapon system for the Ulsan-class Batch III frigate.
The DAPA estimates the value for these offset programs to reach some $690 million.
“If we export 80 percent of the acquisition value again, about $550 million of export value is to be generated,” the DAPA spokesman said.

What’s Behind Indonesia's New Explosives Plant?
The unveiling of the facility reinforces the country’s determination to strengthen its domestic defense industry.


Last week, the Indonesian government officially inaugurated a new explosives plant. It was yet another manifestation of Jakarta’s determination to strengthen its domestic defense industry which remains a priority for the government of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo.

As I have noted before in these pages, in recent years, Indonesia has signaled its determination to build up the country’s domestic defense industry for a whole range of reasons, from boosting its self-sufficiency to contributing to the country’s economic prosperity. That pursuit of this goal continues under Jokowi, who has signaled a multipronged approach since assuming office back in 2014, from the transfer of technology to improving the management of state-owned defense companies (See: “An Indonesian Defense Revolution Under Jokowi?”).

On March 7, in yet another manifestation of this, Indonesia’s state-owned company PT Dahana inaugurated a new production facility in Subang, West Java. The inauguration of the facility, built on over two hectares of land, was witnessed by several Indonesian officials, including Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu as well as defense personnel and members of local government.


The new factory, which cost around $300 million to be constructed, is intended to produce propellants for a range of weapons. It was first conceived in 2013 toward the end of the tenure of Jokowi’s predecessor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, which saw the advancing of several important steps including a new regulation on the defense industry.

In his remarks at the ceremony, Ryacudu cast the new plant as an important step in the strengthening of the country’s defense industry. In a statement, Indonesia’s defense ministry said the new plant would help reduce the Indonesian military’s reliance on imported propellant technologies and raw materials. Yearly targets have been planned for a range of areas including nitroglycerin, rocket propellants, and spherical powders.

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Indonesian Police Gegana with Black Hornet Micro Drone??
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Black Hornet, Nano-sized drone, Owned by Police Mobile Brigade(BRIMOB)

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ANGKASAREVIEW.C*M - In a special page created to discuss Indonesian Defense on the site defence.pk, a photo of two personnel Gegana Brimob Police is operating a Black Hornet reconnaissance mini helicopter. A Police Brimob personnel confirmed the Angkasa Review today (Tuesday, 7/3/2018) that the sophisticated nano UAV ( unmanned aerial vehicle ) has strengthened two forces from this corps, Gegana and Pelopor since early this year.

In the field practiced, Gegana troops obviously need a UAV ( drone ) the size of an adult's hand to detect a suspected object as a bomb with by flying above it. The Pelopor troops, they also need this tiny scouts to support the task of ISR ( intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance ) before take an action in the battlefield. By using this uav reconnaissance vehicle, motion images (video) or still images can be viewed directly by the operator from a safe distance.

Drone that looks like a toy is also suitable for other units such as Densus 88 Police. For example this drone can be used for seeking terrorist location who's hiding in a building or house. with mini size makes it able to fly sneak out of doors or windows that open or have been broken first.

Battle proven

Black Hornet Nano is an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) with rotary wing developed by Prox Dynamics of Norway and manufactured since 2013. It has a super compact dimension with a size of 16 × 2.5 cm, a rotor diameter of 12 cm and a total weight of only 18 grams of drone this tiny capable of racing with flying speed 18 km / hour.

The drone features three camera eyes. The first camera presents the visual forwards, the second camera gives the visual upright downward and the last one monitors with a 45-degree downward angle. With these three visualization angles, the operator can monitor the situation of the field extensively thus increasing the situational awareness on the premises before taking action.

Every package contains two units Black Hornet. Preparation only takes 1 minute with the duration of flying 25 minutes, then back to the rechargeable batteries (less than 30 minutes). Furthermore, the 2nd drone can operate immediately while the first drone is recharged .
Operation can be in autonomous mode, ie with a route ( guide ) that has been designed previously using GPS navigation. In addition, this drone can also be directed or controlled directly by the operator (pilot) through monitoring on the screen as wide as 18 cm of LCD. Amazingly this drone , even inexperienced operators can fly it only with exercise to operate within a period of 20 minutes.

In October 2014, Prox Dynamics launched the Black Hornet version of the PD-100 with night vision ability. This version is also equipped with long-wave infrared and day video sensors that can transmit high-resolution video streams or still images via digital data links with a range of distances up to 1.6 km.

Black Hornet is very popular in the market, where more than 3,000 units have been shipped to customers. The PD-100 variant has been used by the military from 19 countries, mainly NATO members and allies such as the US, UK, Germany, Australia and their native Norway.

Although has small dimensions, but the price per unit Black Hornet PD-100 is not cheap, even fairly expensive, sold with a price range of 190,000 US dollars or equivalent to 2.5 billion Rupiah. But the price is quite feasible with the ability offered let alone been tested in real war alias has a battle proven stamp. (Rangga Baswara)


someday military drone experts, will build mini/nano drone with laser gun or even carrying explosives like kamikaze drone. sniper is outdated & will gradually retired.
beware of nano drone attack:sniper::flame:
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Black Hornet, Nano-sized drone, Owned by Police Mobile Brigade(BRIMOB)

View attachment 457597
ANGKASAREVIEW.C*M - In a special page created to discuss Indonesian Defense on the site defence.pk, a photo of two personnel Gegana Brimob Police is operating a Black Hornet reconnaissance mini helicopter. A Police Brimob personnel confirmed the Angkasa Review today (Tuesday, 7/3/2018) that the sophisticated nano UAV ( unmanned aerial vehicle ) has strengthened two forces from this corps, Gegana and Pelopor since early this year.

In the field practiced, Gegana troops obviously need a UAV ( drone ) the size of an adult's hand to detect a suspected object as a bomb with by flying above it. The Pelopor troops, they also need this tiny scouts to support the task of ISR ( intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance ) before take an action in the battlefield. By using this uav reconnaissance vehicle, motion images (video) or still images can be viewed directly by the operator from a safe distance.

Drone that looks like a toy is also suitable for other units such as Densus 88 Police. For example this drone can be used for seeking terrorist location who's hiding in a building or house. with mini size makes it able to fly sneak out of doors or windows that open or have been broken first.

Battle proven

Black Hornet Nano is an unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) with rotary wing developed by Prox Dynamics of Norway and manufactured since 2013. It has a super compact dimension with a size of 16 × 2.5 cm, a rotor diameter of 12 cm and a total weight of only 18 grams of drone this tiny capable of racing with flying speed 18 km / hour.

The drone features three camera eyes. The first camera presents the visual forwards, the second camera gives the visual upright downward and the last one monitors with a 45-degree downward angle. With these three visualization angles, the operator can monitor the situation of the field extensively thus increasing the situational awareness on the premises before taking action.

Every package contains two units Black Hornet. Preparation only takes 1 minute with the duration of flying 25 minutes, then back to the rechargeable batteries (less than 30 minutes). Furthermore, the 2nd drone can operate immediately while the first drone is recharged .
Operation can be in autonomous mode, ie with a route ( guide ) that has been designed previously using GPS navigation. In addition, this drone can also be directed or controlled directly by the operator (pilot) through monitoring on the screen as wide as 18 cm of LCD. Amazingly this drone , even inexperienced operators can fly it only with exercise to operate within a period of 20 minutes.

In October 2014, Prox Dynamics launched the Black Hornet version of the PD-100 with night vision ability. This version is also equipped with long-wave infrared and day video sensors that can transmit high-resolution video streams or still images via digital data links with a range of distances up to 1.6 km.

Black Hornet is very popular in the market, where more than 3,000 units have been shipped to customers. The PD-100 variant has been used by the military from 19 countries, mainly NATO members and allies such as the US, UK, Germany, Australia and their native Norway.

Although has small dimensions, but the price per unit Black Hornet PD-100 is not cheap, even fairly expensive, sold with a price range of 190,000 US dollars or equivalent to 2.5 billion Rupiah. But the price is quite feasible with the ability offered let alone been tested in real war alias has a battle proven stamp. (Rangga Baswara)


someday military drone experts, will build mini/nano drone with laser gun or even carrying explosives like kamikaze drone. sniper is outdated & will gradually retired.
beware of nano drone attack:sniper::flame:

You never know if your home is under close surveillance at any moments and your privacy time is at risk
Kapal TNI AD Tenggelam di Perairan Pulau Seribu

Selasa, 13/03/2018 03:37 WIB | 51 Views

JAKARTA - Kapal KMC AD-16-05 milik TNI Angkatan Darat (AD), tenggelam di perairan laut kepulauan Seribu, Senin (12/3/2018). Beruntung tidak ada korban jiwa dalam kecelakaan tersebut. Kapuspen TNI Mayjen Sabrar Fadillah membenarkan adanya kecelakaan itu.

"Peristiwanya benar, saya mendapat laporan bahwa saat ini evakuasi sudah selesai dengan semua awak dan penumpang dalam keadaan selamat," ujar Sabrar kepada Okezone, Senin (12/3/2018).

Sementara itu, sumber yang dihimpun Okezone, peristiwa kecelakaan itu terjadi pada pukul 11.00 WIB. Di mana kapal tersebut akan menuju ke pulau Pramuka di kepulauan seribu. Namun kapal mengalami kerusakan dan mesin kapal tidak aktif (mati total).
Saat kapal mengalami kerusakan itu, ada bantuan kapal lain yang berhasil mengevakuasi penumpang yang berada di kapal tersebut dan 65 orang dapat di evakuasi dengan selamat.

Kapal motor cepat (KMC) TNI yang mengangkut personel Kodam Jaya tenggelam di Kepulauan Seribu. Kapal yang dinamai KMC Komando ini berharga Rp 12 miliar per unit. KMC Komando merupakan hasil karya tenaga ahli yang terdiri dari perwira Ditbekang TNI AD dengan melibatkan tenaga dan ahli dari Institut Teknologi Surabaya (ITS) dan tenaga pelaksana pembangunan PT Tesco Indomaritim.

The water is calm, weather seems good....but somehow it sinks after engine failure....
You never know if your home is under close surveillance at any moments and your privacy time is at risk

yep, and this movie is perfect example, what drones can do, in military missions.
Eye in the Sky(2015)
from nano drones to ucav, with hellfire missiles.​

we already have uav, mini helicopter drone and soon ucav also hellfire missiles. but beetle & bird drones? jeez, is it for real???tell me this 2 things still under development..lols​
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Off topic. Click the image for more pics. Is North Sea Boats (PT Lundin Industry Invest) to build the EARTHRACE-2 for LOMOcean? The designer is LOMOcean Design. Cmiiw the KRI Klewang was also a partnership between LOMOcean & North Sea Boats.

As I know the Earthrace design is has been the Trademark of LOMOcean's products, but I'm not sure if Lundin NSB got the license production.
As for Klewang, the design itself is indeed based on LOMO's Trimaran yatch.

As I know the Earthrace design is has been the Trademark of LOMOcean's products, but I'm not sure if Lundin NSB got the license production.
As for Klewang, the design itself is indeed based on LOMO's Trimaran yatch.
Well maybe LOMOcean decided that building the EARTHRACE-2 in Indonesia through Lundin NSB is cheaper than in New Zealand.
Well maybe LOMOcean decided that building the EARTHRACE-2 in Indonesia through Lundin NSB is cheaper than in New Zealand.
Yah, that make sense. Adding the technological advanced products would be great for Lundin too.
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