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Indonesia Defence Forum

UK industry bids to secure deals in Indonesia
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
15 March 2018
Indonesia and the United Kingdom have held a joint conference in Jakarta to promote defence industrial collaboration, the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on 15 March.

The MoD said the conference followed a UK defence industry trade mission to Indonesia, in which representatives from several UK firms visited and held discussions with state-owned Indonesian defence companies.

These local companies included electronics specialist PT Len Industri, land systems firm PT Pindad, aerospace manufacturer PT Dirgantara, and naval shipbuilder PT PAL.

Hadiyan Sumintaatmadja, the secretary-general of the MoD, said in a press release that the MoD is looking to promote an expansion in co-operation between Indonesian and UK industry through joint production, joint development, and joint marketing activities.
UK industry bids to secure deals in Indonesia
Jon Grevatt, Bangkok - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
15 March 2018
Indonesia and the United Kingdom have held a joint conference in Jakarta to promote defence industrial collaboration, the Indonesian Ministry of Defence (MoD) said on 15 March.

The MoD said the conference followed a UK defence industry trade mission to Indonesia, in which representatives from several UK firms visited and held discussions with state-owned Indonesian defence companies.

These local companies included electronics specialist PT Len Industri, land systems firm PT Pindad, aerospace manufacturer PT Dirgantara, and naval shipbuilder PT PAL.

Hadiyan Sumintaatmadja, the secretary-general of the MoD, said in a press release that the MoD is looking to promote an expansion in co-operation between Indonesian and UK industry through joint production, joint development, and joint marketing activities.
Alasan Marsekal Hadi Pilih Drone Buatan China Ketimbang Israel

Di tengah anggaran yang terbatas, pengadaan alat utama sistem persenjataan (Alutsista) TNI tetap dituntut melaksanakan tugas dan kewajibannya secara mumpuni. Saat menjabat Inspektur Jenderal Kementerian Pertahanan, Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto punya siasat tersendiri, antara lain menghindari pembelian alutsista dari para calo. Dengan demikian, pembelian alutsista benar-benar berorientasi pada kebutuhan bukan kepentingan yang mungkin lebih berorientasi pada profit.


Salah satu contoh kemandirian memilih berdasarkan kebutuhan adalah pesawat nirawak alias drone. Indonesia pernah menggunakan produk Israel, negara yang paling menguasai teknologi drone. Tapi sampai sekarang negara itu tak mau melepas kendali pengoperasian pesawat-pesawat tersebut. Akhirnya, Hadi memilih drone buatan dalam negeri dan China.

"Alasannya, hanya China yang tak membatasi pemanfaatan drone produksi mereka, siapa pun boleh membeli teknologi maksimal yang mereka hasilkan," kata Hadi dalam buku Anak Sersan Jadi Panglima yang diluncurkan, Jumat (16/3/2018).

Pertimbangan lainnya adalah soal harga, dan kemampuan yang sudah terbukti dalam peperangan di kawasan Timur Tengah. Selain itu, produk drone yang ditawarkan ke Indonesia, Rainbow CH-4, mampu terbang selama 40 jam dengan area pengawasan yang bisa diperluas berkali lipat jika pesawat dihubungkan dengan satelit milik BRI.

"Rainbow CH-4 punya bentang sayap sepanjang 18 meter, besarnya hampir sama dengan Sukhoi. Drone ini yang paling banyak diminati dan kenyang dengan pengalaman tempur. Di Irak, misalnya, sukses menggunakan drone yang bentuknya menyerupai MQ-9 Reaper dan MQ-1 Predator itu untuk memerangi ISIS," papar Hadi dalam buku yang ditulis teman masa SMA, Eddy Suprapto.

Dengan tubuhnya yang bongsor, CH-4 sanggup membawa beban maksimal 250-345 kilogram, dan bahan bakar 165 kg. Ketinggian terbang maksimalnya 8.000 meter dan jarak jelajah maksilam sekitar 250 km, serta mampu menembak dari jarak 5.000 meter.

Dengan kualifikasi seperti itu, Hadi membayangkan tugas patrol perbatasan dan patrol laut untuk mencegah penyelundupan, terorisme, atau illegal fishing bisa dilakukan dengan lebih efektif, aman, dan murah ketimbang menggunakan pesawat berawak.

Maritime security discussed at ASEAN-Australia Summit
Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018 02:58 WIB - 6 Views

Reporter: SYSTEM


Ilustrasi - ASEAN (ANTARA)

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Indonesia`s Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu and his Australian counterpart Marise Payne discussed maritime security issues during the ASEAN-Australia Special Summit 2018 in Sydney, Australia, on Friday.

"Maritime security for Indonesia is an implementation of the agenda set by President Joko Widodo, to build Indonesia as the world`s maritime axis," Ryamizard said in a statement on Friday.

As part of reaching the goal, he said the Indonesian Navy should be strengthened to protect trade routes that boosted the national economy. It includes routes within as well as outside the country`s jurisdiction, affecting national interest.

"Maritime security in Asia Pacific is crucial, as the world`s economy currently depends on maritime route for trade as well as communication lines," Ryamizard added.

Maritime security development has been closely linked to the existence of radical groups affiliated with ISIS, leading Indonesia to consider cooperating with Malaysia and the Philippines to deal with the terrorist groups along with piracy and crime at sea.

In addition to maritime security issues, the meeting included discussions on Indo-Pacific ties, counter-terrorism, cyber security, and human trafficking.

Reported by Agita Tarigan
Editor: Heru Purwanto


What's this? It's looks like PAL AFV, that use BTR-50 as the basis, but it is different and PAL AFV prototype is unheard since its appearance in 2008....


I hope we can make amphibious tracked vehicle from Pindad Black Tiger, because the shape is similar to Huta Stalowa Wola Borsuk (all we need to do is to move the engine to front).

Compare with Black Tiger
do we get some tot from this? gonna need hundreds of them
(kayaknya pernah baca kalau dapet tot buat bikin sendiri didalam negri)

@Var Dracon Rather than developing amphibious tracked vechile based from harimau hitam better improving ^that but with better design(copy the harimau hitam), better track system(use track system from harimau hitam), add big propeler like anoa amphibious ver.
Ok maybe just like the harimau hitam but with thinner armor, smaller gun, extra empty space for bouyancy, propeler, and must be lighter. Or just focus developing anoa amphibious ver for now, i always think that the wheel in the middle should be removed and put extra empty space. imho
What's this? It's looks like PAL AFV, that use BTR-50 as the basis, but it is different and PAL AFV prototype is unheard since its appearance in 2008
Just another of many discontinued indonesian product......sad
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