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Indonesia-China hold defense consultation meeting

102 new planes this year? Wow, that´s a lot.
Hope Indonesia continues staying neutral, and playing some mediating roles in the SCS dispute.

Indonesia has the potential to play more actively on international theater. It is the political leadership which also wants to do so.
Indonesia is always trying to find ways to unite the ASEAN. And I believe they will try to find common ground to solve the issue. Keep it up :tup:
Indonesia itself is a regional power and being so, china would do well if it can win it over as an ally. Great powers need strong regional players to project power & establish domianance. just like US has Japans, UK, Israel, Germany china also needs strong countries by her side to surpass US. Malaysia, Indonesia, PAK, Egypt has the potential to full fill such roles. Indoneshia-chinese collaboration is much needed for a stable Asia.

You have hit the nail on the head.

By allying with Indonesia China can eventually wipe out all US alliances in East Asia in one go. It is currently a nearly trillion dollar economy that is growing at over 7% a year and it could easily carry on at this rate till 2030 at least.

Indonesia is a really critical state that China should try to ally with.
^ Keep on dreaming.

As far as I know, Indonesia has been trying to maintain a neutral stance here and it will never be China's pet. I'm pretty sure that Indonesia won't say yes to China's offer so that they can protect their position in South China Sea issue. They will not sacrifice their peaceful-loving and fellow ASEAN neighbors to China.

Actually, the Philippines is thankful to Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa who went out of his way to come to Manila after the Phnom Penh debacle last year that ASEAN wasn't able to reach a unanimous decision to issue a joint communique. He has made the initiative to set the ASEAN as a formidable economic bloc through diplomatic means that has made China to follow Indonesia's demand for a Code of Conduct in the interests of the ASEAN that non-member nations like China must adhere while the dispute over the shoals and islets is on hold. Well one step at a time is what is needed. I would imagine Indonesia will be the moderator as it is not a claimant.
^ Keep on dreaming.

As far as I know, Indonesia has been trying to maintain a neutral stance here and it will never be China's pet. I'm pretty sure that Indonesia won't say yes to China's offer so that they can protect their position in South China Sea issue. They will not sacrifice their peaceful-loving and fellow ASEAN neighbors to China.

Actually, the Philippines is thankful to Indonesia's Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa who went out of his way to come to Manila after the Phnom Penh debacle last year that ASEAN wasn't able to reach a unanimous decision to issue a joint communique. He has made the initiative to set the ASEAN as a formidable economic bloc through diplomatic means that has made China to follow Indonesia's demand for a Code of Conduct in the interests of the ASEAN that non-member nations like China must adhere while the dispute over the shoals and islets is on hold. Well one step at a time is what is needed. I would imagine Indonesia will be the moderator as it is not a claimant.

I am talking about changes over the medium term(10-20 years) and not now.

Relax buddy.
China, Indonesia establish naval dialogue mechanism
(China Military Online)
08:08, January 14, 2013


img courtesy from Demotix,

Qi Jianguo, deputy chief of general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), and Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, visiting deputy defense minister of Indonesia, held the 5th Defense and Security Discussion between the Defense Ministries of China and Indonesia on the afternoon of January 10, 2013 in Beijing.

The two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the regional security, the relations between the two countries and the two militaries as well as the issues of common concern, spoke positively of the exchanges and cooperation between the two militaries and jointly declared that the two sides will set up naval dialogue mechanism.

Qi Jianguo said that in recent years, the two militaries have carried out constant high-level mutual visits, operated discussion mechanism well and further deepened their strategic mutual trust. The Chinese side is willing to continuously deepen the relations between the two militaries, strengthen the friendly exchange and cooperation and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability with the Indonesian side.

Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin said that Indonesia attaches high importance to developing the strategic partnership with China and is willing to strengthen the friendly cooperation with China in the defense field.

China, Indonesia establish naval dialogue mechanism - People's Daily Online

China, Indonesia agree to strengthen military ties
13:57, January 12, 2013


img taken during "Sharp Knife" in Indonesia.

BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- Chinese and Indonesian senior military officials met in Beijing Friday and agreed to strengthen pragmatic military cooperation.

Fan Changlong, vice chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Military Commission, met with Indonesian Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin.

Fan said China and Indonesia have extensive common interests, and developing friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation is in line with the common aspiration of the two peoples and is conducive to safeguarding regional peace and stability and achieving common development.

Noting the sound and fruitful military relations between the two countries in recent years, Fan said he expects the two sides to strengthen strategic mutual trust, expand friendly exchanges, deepen pragmatic cooperation, and promote the stable development of their strategic partnership.

Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin hailed the rapid growth of cooperation in various fields between the two countries, saying Indonesia will work with China to promote pragmatic military cooperation and push forward the all-round and in-depth development of bilateral relations.

I don't think there will be an alliance between Indonesia and China. That's impossible to happen, even soon.

Otherwise member nations within their regional block will protest and surely become disunited again. I don't think Indonesia can afford to let that happen specially other members sees them as a regional leader and two years from now they will implement their own version of EU style in the region.
China Defense Relations Bolstered
Jakarta Globe | January 15, 2013


Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin was in Beijing to discuss military relations. (JG Photo/Safir Makki) Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin was in Beijing to discuss military relations. (JG Photo/Safir Makki)

Indonesia and China strengthened their military relations during a visit by Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin to Beijing last week, the Indonesian Defense Ministry said on Monday.

In a statement, the ministry said Sjafrie attended the 5th Defense and Security Discussion between the defense ministries of the two Asian powers.

“Both Indonesia and China have agreed to expand their joint military exercise to better contribute to and maintain regional stability,” Sjafrie said in the statement.

The minister said since the bilateral discussion was first held in 2007, Indonesian Military and the People’s Liberation Army of China had continued to hold joint exercises under code name “Sharp Knife.”

“We will expand our joint military exercises going forward. We will hold exercises involving the army, navy and airforce [of] the two countries regularly. We are now working on it to become our focus in 2013,” Sjafrie said.

Besides expanding joint exercises, Indonesia and China also agreed to increase the number of exchange officers studying in military institutions in both countries and to cooperate in Sukhoi Su-27 jet fighter simulation training. China also agreed to provide Chinese language training to Indonesian officers, he said.

China Daily quoted Qi Jianguo, deputy chief of general staff to the People’s Liberation Army, as saying that in recent years, the two militaries have carried out frequent high-level mutual visits, operated discussion mechanisms and further deepened their strategic mutual trust.

“The Chinese side is willing to continuously deepen the relations between the two military, strengthen the friendly exchange cooperation and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability with the Indonesian side,” he said.

Qi also said that during the discussion, the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on regional security.

Analysts say China has boosted its relations with Indonesia in recent years in a move to counter US policy, which is now focusing on Asia and the Pacific.

China is in dispute with several members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations over the South China Sea.

China Defense Relations Bolstered | The Jakarta Globe

RI studies offer in electronic defense industry cooperation with China

Tue, May 8 2012 16:08 | 1449 Views

"The cooperation will cover three stages, but still its various aspects are still studied."

Beijing (ANTARA News) - Indonesia is still considering an electronic defense cooperation called Defense Electronics Complex of Indonesia (DECI) offered by China.

"The Indonesian Defense Ministry and the national defense industry are still studying and discussing the project," Defense Attache at the Indonesian embassy for China and Mongolia Suryamargono said in Beijing Tuesday.

He said the cooperation covers designing and developing, fabrication, modules and assembling electronic equipment such as radars, for electronic wars, and others.

"The cooperation will cover three stages, but still its various aspects are still studied," Suryamargono said.

A report ANTARA has received said the electronic industry is not only playing a big role for the defense industry as a whole, but for economic growth as well.

Global electronic production reached Rp13 thousand trillion, with Asia and the Pacific as the biggest contributors, namely some 37 pct, and Indonesia contributed only one percent.

The electronic defense industry cooperation was offered by a Chinese defense industrial group, China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC).

A similar cooperation has also been offered to Pakistan by China under CETC in the National Electronic Complex of Pakistan (NECOP).

With regard to Indonesia, CETC already had a cooperation with the Defense Ministry and the Military (TNI), especially the Navy in the guided missiles speed boats (KCR) program.

Editor: Priyambodo RH



I don't think there will be an alliance between Indonesia and China. That's impossible to happen, even soon.

Otherwise member nations within their regional block will protest and surely become disunited again. I don't think Indonesia can afford to let that happen specially other members sees them as a regional leader and two years from now they will implement their own version of EU style in the region.

I see this Chinese move as part of the Great Game being played in the SCS. I don´t think of a possibility of alliance between Indonesia and China. However, that cannot be ruled out, if Indonesia changes its mind one day.

If Indonesia takes Chinese side, other will see that as a hostile act.
Indonesia-China Navy, finalize joint exercises.


Chinese Navy ship arrive in Indonesia. 2010

U.S. State Secretary Hillary Clinton and Foreign Minister, Marty Natalegawa, has a voice to emphasize the immediate settlement of the conflict in the South China Sea region of Southeast Asia. In a press conference at that time, at the Pancasila Building. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jakarta, Monday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said countries must work together to solve the dispute in the South China Sea issue without intimidation. The United States, supports the six principles of the South China Sea and the issue should be resolved based on international law and the law of the sea. In his second visit to Indonesia, Clinton stressed the need for the implementation of the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea and warned not to get those who seek to increase tensions in the region by intimidating and claim territory unilaterally. A similar view was expressed by Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa when he received a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On occasion, the Foreign Minister, Marty Natalegawa, said the South China Sea, we found that the two countries still have a similar view that the territorial dispute between the parties should be resolved peacefully and through diplomatic channels, based on the principles of international law and the law of the sea.

Summit of Southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) to-21 which opened Sunday at the Palace of Peace, Pnomh Penh, Cambodia, may not be peaceful as a dream. Editorial Southeast Asia Globe magazine current issue predicted that ASEAN is facing a new era of confrontation since overshadowed by the threat of the South China Sea crisis got hotter. So far, ASEAN was able to circumvent the economic crisis in Europe and the United States, but suspected to be a war of territorial ambition that is now heating up, especially in the South China Sea. Even the International Crisis Group (ICG), estimate the tension and mutual claims over the South China Sea could increase into armed conflict. While the prospect of a solution to the dispute was now diminishing after the failure of ASEAN to complete "Code of Conduct" that would set strict action in the South China Sea. ICG Program Director, for Asia, Paul Quinn-Judge. Said, without consensus for resolution mechanism, the tension in the South China Sea, easily extends to the armed conflict. During the ASEAN failed to produce a binding code of conduct related to the South China Sea. According to international observers Jusuf Wanandi, then the claim will not be upheld soothing.

The root causes of the conflict the South China Sea.

Therefore, the ASEAN summit, which was attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the United States Barack Obama and Prime Minister of China, Wen Jiabao is expected to produce a code of conduct in question. "Indonesia wants to ensure that stability and order in the South China Sea can be maintained and will not cause the emergence of strains that could become a wider conflict. So President Yudhoyono, as will head to Cambodia. Root causes of conflict and tension in the South China Sea is disputed oil and gas-rich region. China has claimed sovereignty over almost the entire sea in the South China Sea. The claim provoked tensions from neighboring countries, as the region has become a global shipping and trade routes. China is now sparring with the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam as well as Taiwan. China and Vietnam, for example, has been involved in marine conflicts in 1974 and 1998 that killed dozens of military personnel.

As a result of the Chinese communist state's ambition, would increase the increasingly heated conflict situations in the region, to the behavior of China published a map of the area the following Passports are prone to dispute. Foreign Minister, Marty Natalegawa, said China's measures include a disputed islands in the region for a new passport, breached a number of countries, it is considered out of the ordinary. Furthermore Marty said China's efforts to gain recognition for the country's territory evokes all interested parties up and said it was not true, and China should take steps to resolve dialog. Although it seems that up to now the South China Sea Dispute not go over.

Indonesian military exercises with China

If you look at the problems arising out of the South China Sea conflict carefully, plan joint naval exercises between Indonesia and China in the field of maritime combat strategy, whether it will not invite negative reactions from neighboring countries in the region or from fellow ASEAN members, considering the territorial conflicts in the South China Sea region has not produced any agreement.
Although Indonesia and China plan joint naval exercise finalize the two countries, as part of expanding forms of military cooperation and defense agreed by both parties. Similarly, Deputy Defence Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin his meeting with Garrison Commander Maritime China in Shanghai, Captain Li Yu Jie on Saturday. Furthermore Sjafrie said future plans will be carried out exercises with special forces of the two countries, namely the three forces by land, sea or air. Naval exercises with China and Indonesia in 2013, which became our agenda forward in the improvement and expansion of defense and military cooperation.

Garrison Commander Naval Maritime China in Shanghai Captain Li Yu Jie said the Chinese maritime relations between Indonesia and Indonesia has had a long history with the arrival of Commander Cheng Ho or Zheng He to Indonesia in exploration during the period 1405 to 1433. It showed that maritime cooperation, particularly naval both countries have started long ago. Expected to be improved from time to time. Currently, China and Indonesia navy amid mature "Navy to Navy talk" that had been prepared the terms of reference it on July 26, 2012.


Sources: Antara News, Reuters.

Indonesia-China Navy, finalize joint exercises.

Chinese navy expects increased cooperation with Indonesian navy

Thu, July 26 2012 22:12 |

Beijing (ANTARA News) - The Chinese navy is expecting to increase cooperation with the Indonesian navy in the future as part of the strategic partnership agreement declared by the two countries` leaders in April 2005.

"Indonesia, with its sea area comprising two-thirds of its land territory, and China, with its coastal line stretching up to 18 kilometers long, have a common interest in maintaining and safeguarding their own maritime territories," Chinese Navy Deputy Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Xu Hongmeng said here on Thursday.

When receiving a courtesy call by Rear Admiral Didit Herdiawan, the Indonesian Navy`s Chief of Staff`s Operations Assistant he said the planned navy-to-navy talks between the two countries` navies would be an important milestone for strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries, especially in the field of defense and security.

"Through the navy-to-navy talks it is expected that cooperation between the Indonesian and Chinese navies could be increased and widened from time to time," he said.

"Indonesia, undeniably, has an important role to play in creating regional as well as international stability including in the maritime field," he said.

Cooperation between the Chinese and Indonesian navies at present is still limited to exchanges of command school officers.

"Those officers that we have sent to Indonesia have learned a lot, so that the existing cooperation could be continuously increased and widened," he said.

In response, Rear Admiral Didit said the Indonesian Navy praised the Chinese Navy`s hopes and would continue to cooperate and widen the existing cooperation.

"We will continue the cooperation with the Chinese navy and increase and widen the existing cooperation more concretely," he said.

The two countries` navies have explored the possibility of navy-to-navy talks since 2007.

As of Wednesday, the two navies have met to discuss terms of reference of the navy-to-navy talks.(*)

Editor: Heru


Not defense related, but still a very noteworthy article...

China sees new energy in its ties with RI
Veeramalla Anjaiah, The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | World | Thu, February 07 2013, 12:15 PM


All together now: Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao (fourth left), along with his embassy staff, sings Indonesia’s famous “Bengawan Solo” song during a reception to celebrate the Spring Festival at his residence in Jakarta on Tuesday night. JP/Veeramalla AnjaiahAll together now: Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao (fourth left), along with his embassy staff, sings Indonesia’s famous “Bengawan Solo” song during a reception to celebrate the Spring Festival at his residence in Jakarta on Tuesday night. JP/Veeramalla Anjaiah

Indonesia’s total trade might have slowed due to the global financial crisis in 2012, but bilateral trade between China and Indonesia, based on Chinese statistics, never stopped growing. China’s overall strategic ties are also growing strongly and may take a new turn this year, a Chinese envoy says.

Last year, according to Chinese Ambassador to Indonesia Liu Jianchao, bilateral trade between the two Asian giants surged to a record US$66.21 billion, an impressive growth of 9.4 percent from $60 billion in 2011.

“Our trade has been growing for the last several years. According to our statistics, the trade was almost balanced. Now we are focusing on achieving our trade target of $80 billion by 2015,” Liu told The Jakarta Post during the Spring Festival reception at his residence in Jakarta on Tuesday night.

Recently, there was a change in Chinese leadership and new leader Xi Jinping will assume his post soon.

“We have new leadership in China and we will have new energy in our bilateral relations. We will have a high-level visit to Indonesia to strengthen our relations further this year,” Liu said.

Likewise, Liu said, China’s investments were also growing at a rapid pace.

“Our investments, excluding those in the non-oil sector, in Indonesia last year reached $600 million, a 90 percent increase from 2011. But sometimes, these investment figures can be misleading as the real figures do not reflect the official data,” Liu said.

Some Chinese investments, Liu continued, came through third countries such as Singapore. Though around 1,000 Chinese companies are currently operating in Indonesia, China is a relative newcomer in Indonesia.

“Unlike other investors like Japan, Singapore and other countries, we are relatively new to Indonesia. It will take some time to materialize our investment plans. We are committed to invest heavily in Indonesia,” Liu said.

Echoing a similar view, Indonesian Ambassador to China Imron Cotan said that Beijing was very serious about investing in Indonesia.

“We took Chinese investors to Indonesia on a road show recently. The results were very impressive. During the visit of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to China last year, Chinese investors pledged to invest $17 billion in projects related to infrastructure with the intention of supporting Indonesia’s Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia’s Economic Development [MP3EI],” Imron said recently.

Last year, China invested $77.22 billion in more than 140 countries, including Indonesia, and received foreign direct investment of $111.71 billion, mainly from Asian countries. The world’s most populous nation is currently sitting on a massive $3.24 trillion of foreign exchange reserves.

Last week, the Indonesian Chambers of Commerce and Industry announced that Indonesia would purchase 2,500 ships worth $5 billion from China to improve logistics and the distribution of goods across the archipelago. China will deliver the ships over five years starting from 2013.

In the defense sector relations have also been growing. Just last month, Deputy Defense Minister Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin visited China to take part in bilateral defense consultations and to boost cooperation between the two countries.

According to Liu, China has been working to increase its people-to-people contacts with Indonesia.

“Last year, around 600,000 Chinese tourists visited Indonesia. Half of them visited Bali. This trend will continue in coming years,” Liu said.

Indonesia and China follow different methods of calculating exports and imports, making trade figures a sensitive issue in Indonesia.

According to Chinese sources, China’s exports to Indonesia in 2012 reached $34 billion, making Southeast Asia’s largest economy China’s 14th-largest export destination comprising 1.7 percent of China’s total exports that reached $2.04 trillion. Meanwhile, Indonesia’s exports to the world’s second-biggest economy might reached around $32 billion, a tiny portion of China’s record $1.81 trillion in imports.

Based on the latest data from the Central Statistics Agency, Indonesia’s trade with China surged to $46.43 billion — comprising $19.59 billion in exports and $26.84 billion in imports — during the first 10 months of 2012, up 4.26 percent from $44.53 billion during the same period in 2011.

China sees new energy in its ties with RI | The Jakarta Post
Chinese, Indonesian FMs hold talk on bilateral ties
English.news.cn | 2013-05-03 01:11:37 | Editor: yan


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) shakes hands with his Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalegawa prior to their meeting in Jarkata, Indonesia, May 2, 2013. (Xinhua/Jiang Fan)

JAKARTA, May 2 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi held talk with his Indonesian counterpart Marty Natalagewa on Thursday at Indonesian Foreign Ministry in Jakarta on boosting the two countries' bilateral ties.

Wang Yi said in a press conference held after their closed-door meeting that reflection of "strategic" at bilateral, regional and global levels is the most distinct characteristic of the China- Indonesia relation.

As strategic partners, the bilateral relationship between the two countries still has much room and potential to develop, he added.

Both sides should strengthen strategic communication and cooperation, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all aspects in an all-round way, fully tap the energy and potential in the China-Indonesia relationship, so as to benefit the two countries and their people as well as contribute to the peace and development in the region and the world, said Wang Yi.

Both sides agreed that the two countries should continue to maintain high-level exchanges, expand bilateral trade and investment, strengthen maritime cooperation and play a leading role in the region, deepen the cooperation in defense and security, expand cultural exchanges and increase their coordination in international organizations.

China would also fully support Indonesia in holding the 2013 APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting.

At the invitation of several ASEAN foreign ministers, Wang Yi started his first working visit since he was appointed as China's new foreign minister. After Indonesia, he is scheduled to visit Singapore and Brunei.

Chinese, Indonesian FMs hold talk on bilateral ties - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Defense cooperation between Indonesia, China for purposes of peace

Tue, August 20 2013 23:15 |


Beijing (ANTARA News) - Indonesia and China have declared that their cooperation in the development of their respective defense industries is for the purposes of regional peace and stability.

"Indonesia does not have an expansive foreign policy. The development of its defense industry is merely aimed at maintaining its sovereignty," said Pos Hutabarat, Director General of Security Potentials of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, here on Tuesday.

He made the remarks when paying a courtesy call on Zhang Jianhua, Administrative Director of the Chinese State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND), on the sidelines of a meeting on Indonesia-China defense industry cooperation.

Hutabarat stated that Indonesia developed its defense in the light of its steadily growing economy.

"But the modernization of the military, including the development of the defense industry, has not been done with the intention of threatening or attacking other countries," he explained.

Meanwhile, Zhang said the Chinese defense industry was developed in an organized manner over a period of nearly 60 years.

"And what we have been developing so far is not designed to threaten and attack other countries but to maintain our sovereignty. If we are safe, there will be regional stability," he continued.

Zhang said the Chinese defense industry was developed on the principles of non-intervention in other countries` affairs.

"China respects the sovereignty of other countries, including their decision to develop their respective defense industries," he added.

Defense ties between the two countries have strengthened since the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and the State Administration of Science, Technology, and Industry for National Defense of the People`s Republic of China (SASTIND) on March 22, 2011, in Jakarta.(*)

Editor: Heru


Antara News : Defense cooperation between Indonesia, China for purposes of peace

Indonesia and China to Strengthen Bilateral Defense


Aug 20 (Prensa Latina) Indonesia and China agreed to strengthen cooperation in matters of Defense on the basis of mutual understanding and respect, noted Antara News today.

Beijing is one of Jakarta's strategic partners in the military industry sector and our knowledge are in favor of collaboration and mutual benefit, underlined Pos M. Hutabarat, director general of security potentials at the defense ministry.

The Indonesian Defense industry has joined that of China in perfecting missiles for the navy, the official explained.

Director General of the Department of Defense Trade and Foreign Affairs of the Administration for Science, Technology and Industries of Chinaâ�Ös National Defense Zhan Chunli underlined from this new exchange of criteria, both countries strengthened their relations.

Both nations maintain strong links of cooperation in many sectors, as in the case of that of defense, and there is hope that both increase the joint production of units, trade and technology transfer, concluded the official.

Modificado el ( martes, 20 de agosto de 2013 )

Prensa Latina News Agency - Indonesia and China to Strengthen Bilateral Defense Links
South china sea looks like a local event, but it is actually international. It isn't china vs asean, it is actually china vs united states.

The role indo plays could be either very important, if it is on china's side or not at all important, if on the states' side.

Te reason is, if we cannot deny access to the united states, we can't win a naval battle anyways. So whether indo is on american side or not is not important as we'll stand put either way.

On the other hand if we do manage to localize the issue, as in the states have no say, either through force or dimplomacy, indo could play a key role in helping china solve the issues peacefully.

As the position of indo in asean is quite crucial and there are already members who have close tono stake and wants no part of chinese vengence.

With indo we can solve it peacefully and fast.

If we were to solve it by war, it is not ideal, and let's be honest invading a country is not only costly but require lives that we really don't want to part with.

Militarily speaking, indo's weight is not much if any.
Indonesia has the potential to surpass Australia military and economically. US will not like that but China has no reason not to see a bigger and stronger indonesia. Working with China will means no restriction to any of their grand of achieving that.
Chinese, Indonesian Defence Universities Step Up Cooperation


BEIJING, Sept 19 (Bernama) -- The defence universities of Indonesia and China will step up cooperation by launching exchange programmes for lecturers and sending Indonesian students to China, said assistant rector Maj Gen I Wayan Medio from Indonesia's Defense University.

"We will send students to pursue further education at the Chinese University of Defense on defense economy, management and disaster handling," Wayan said on the sidelines of Indonesia's 68th independence anniversary celebration earlier this week.

Wayan said that Indonesia had so far only exchanged cadets and sent students to China to undertake certain study programmes, Indonesian news agency ANTARA reported.

And as China is now the world's second biggest economic power, "We want to experience it first hand by sending a number of students to study defence economy beginning next year," said the assistant rector.

"China has also displayed preparedness in handling natural disasters. We will also send students to study disaster management in China and in Japan, which also has natural disasters similar to those taking place in Indonesia," Wayan said.

Indonesia's Defence University will also sign an agreement with Tshinghua University for Indonesian students to study public policy, defense economy and disaster management.

It also plans to sign an agreement with the Naval Postgraduate School and Norwich University in the United States.

At present, 14 students from the Indonesian Defence University are studying defence economy and natural disaster management programmes in China.

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