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Indigenous Engine for Aircraft & others.


Dec 8, 2010
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Pakistan is producing indigenous air crafts (JF17 thunder), Main battle tanks (Al-Khalid), Training Air crafts, (Super Mashak, K-8) Submarines and many more hardware for military and civilian purpose. But our long term need is promotion of the state of the art Research and development program for indigenous Engines for our Air crafts, Earth moving vehicles and over Sea Ships and Under Sea boats. priorities can be set on need basis, But very urgent need is, to take a start.
Yes, Indigenous Engines has become a necessity. Now Pakistan has a plan to export its aircraft JF-17 Thunder and we are importing Engines from a third party, not even CHINA. The Engine we use for JF 17 is Klimov RD-93 from RUSSIA. It is very necessary to build and develop our own but it will take time. China is developing an Engine to replace RD-93 and plant its own in JF 17 thunder aircraft. Senior users can enlighten further if we can develop our own indigenous engine? How much time can it take and how much costly can this process be for PAKISTAN?
After failure of Kaveri Engine Program for LAC teja Indian are using an American Engine but they are still working on development of Kaveri engine , we can achive this target sooner then Indian as we achieved JF17 then LAC teja and It is necessary because then jf17 will export to other countries then India and other western countries will imposed sanctions against third party RD-93 engine, Radar, avionics systems & other parts.
Yes, Indigenous Engines has become a necessity. Now Pakistan has a plan to export its aircraft JF-17 Thunder and we are importing Engines from a third party, not even CHINA. The Engine we use for JF 17 is Klimov RD-93 from RUSSIA. It is very necessary to build and develop our own but it will take time. China is developing an Engine to replace RD-93 and plant its own in JF 17 thunder aircraft. Senior users can enlighten further if we can develop our own indigenous engine? How much time can it take and how much costly can this process be for PAKISTAN?

I can tell you. Given current Pakistan development and financial situation. The chances of Pakistan develop a domestic engine to replace JF-17 RD-93 engine in probably another 5 years time is zero.

Developing a modern turbofan with thrust to weight ratio of at least 8:1 is by no mean easy feat and needs plenty of investment in education, the talent and facilities which mounted to double digit of billions. Plus its a lengthy process, its not just using gusty feeling of the country but a very careful planning and time consuming national level group to head off this mega project.

China to launch major aircraft engine project - People's Daily Online

BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- The State Council, China's cabinet, is currentlydeliberating a major aircraft engine research and development project, sourcesrevealed Thursday.

The project will require an investment of at least 100 billion yuan (about 15.93 billionU.S. dollars), a professor at the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(BUAA) with knowledge of the project told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

The investment would be used mainly for research on technology, designs andmaterials related to aircraft engine manufacturing, the professor said.

The project is currently going through approval procedures in the State Council, and itmay be approved shortly, the professor said.

Participants in the project include Shenyang Liming Aero-Engine Group Corp., AVICXi'an Aero-Engine (Group) Ltd. and research institutes, including the BUAA, he said.

"At present, China's aircraft engine design and manufacturing have weak links in termsof materials, key parts, manufacturing equipment, processing precision andmeasurements," according to another source with the BUAA who is also involved in theproject.

Although the country is capable of producing aircraft engines, product performance isinadequate and mass production cannot be realized, the second source with the BUAAsaid.

Guangda Securities, a brokerage firm in China, said Wednesday in a report that thecountry will need around 3,000 aircraft between now and 2026. This will create demandfor some 6,500 aircraft engines worth 65 billion U.S. dollars.
We cant build castles on thin air. First we need to invest in human resource and higher education, develop research culture. Enable an environment for industrial growth. Develop our light and heavy engineering industry. Then maybe, just maybe we'll be able to execute such plans in 20 years time or so...
We cant build castles on thin air. First we need to invest in human resource and higher education, develop research culture. Enable an environment for industrial growth. Develop our light and heavy engineering industry. Then maybe, just maybe we'll be able to execute such plans in 20 years time or so...
Sorry to Say Technology will not come by Friendly aid Today's Friends are obey their own national interests, India has spent more then 3000 cores on teja LAC from 1983 they are not completely sucessfull but they are still Research and developing Kaveri engine. Chinese are working on WS-13 for JF17 Block-II engine but they will supply only WS-13 engine to us not "engine technology" , we need a basic facility with state of the art research & development and we have NESCOM, 15000 scientist and engineer, we need only First Steep

no need its too costly

yes sir
we are buying costly bodies only,
with out engines technology,
we need our own technology,
on every cost for our total self reliance.
yes sir
we are buying costly bodies only,
with out engines technology,
we need our own technology,
on every cost for our total self reliance.
u r right but who will funded it
u or me
Pakistan is producing indigenous air crafts (JF17 thunder), Main battle tanks (Al-Khalid), Training Air crafts, (Super Mashak, K-8) Submarines and many more hardware for military and civilian purpose. But our long term need is promotion of the state of the art Research and development program for indigenous Engines for our Air crafts, Earth moving vehicles and over Sea Ships and Under Sea boats. priorities can be set on need basis, But very urgent need is, to take a start.

So you are telling me that JF-17, submarines, trainer aircrafts, al-Khalid tanks are all Indigenous Pakistani machines. Are you for real?? I mean delusions can only be so grandeur??
Most of these machines come in as kits that are assembled by Pakistani technicians. Just because Scorpene submarines are assembled in India, doesn't mean they are Indian indigenous product.

Anyways this is what Pakistan needs to do if you guys are actually serious about defence.

1. Invest in heavy industries and heavy equipment manufacturing companies, these companies can absorb technologies required for projects for such scale. Pakistan needs companies like L&T, Kalyani etc etc. For example, for the Indian artillery tender Kalyani group bought the entire factory from Swiss and set it up in India and absorbed entire technology in 2 years. Can any company in Pakistan do that. Answer is NOOOOOO!!! Maybe in future YES!!!!

2. Human resource ofcourse, you need brains.

3. Offset and joint venture/merger policy, Pakistan doesn't even have one.

4. FDI in defence, again Pakistan doesn't have a policy for FDI in defence. Government of Pak is sleeping!!!!

5. Research and design institutes.

6. Private sector involvement.

So for next 5-10 years keep assembling Chinese/ French kits until your sloppy government gets its act together and comes up with right policies and business environment.
There is no capital available for such an expensive adventure. Just look at the Kevari debacle.
There is no capital available for such an expensive adventure. Just look at the Kevari debacle.
I won't call Kaveri is a debacle. It has created a good theoretical base in the country that only 3-5 countries in the world possess. Now, the problem in my view is that out government lacks vision. They just don't know what do with it. Whether we use this engine in LCA, or we build another engine based on technologies developed in Kaveri program? Indian government just doesn't know how to turn this engine into a successful venture.
I won't call Kaveri is a debacle. It has created a good theoretical base in the country that only 3-5 countries in the world possess. Now, the problem in my view is that out government lacks vision. They just don't know what do with it. Whether we use this engine in LCA, or we build another engine based on technologies developed in Kaveri program? Indian government just doesn't know how to turn this engine into a successful venture.

Indeed - time to get back to the topic.
u r right but who will funded it
u or me
F-16 Block-52, Qing Submarines, WS-13 and more things we are just buying through soft loan or complicated U.S terms after all the common Pakistanis are paying for this in shape of huge foreign exchange then why we totally dependent on others ?
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