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Indigenous AAM for PAF

Re read my comment. Because you're still avoiding some knowledge and comprehension and trying to walk around it.
There are things called "Detection range and radius", Target Acquisistion, and Engagement range and radius.

How do you plan on acquiring aircraft flying 400KM's inside hostile territory, without taking your own Sensors inside theirs?

You can't simply sit in Islamabad, and take out an enemy aircraft over Delhi. It doesn't work like that and its better to spend some time understanding how things work, instead of just fantasizing on how they should.

Coming down to SU-30MKI kill. There is no data on where and how it was killed. So every thing is mere speculation and fiction.

Dude, are you Ok?
Look up ANZA
Through our AWACS what else, we have Link17 to do this. We cant hit targets in Dehli from Islamabad but we CAN from Lahore.....and PL15's range is 400km only according to Americans, according to us and Chinese its only 150km:partay:

My dear if u dont know abt Su30 kill then that does mean i dont also. How else u think India blew up its own helicopter which fell well within their territory from LOC:azn:. Lets just say their Israeli Spyder AD missile wasnt targeting our jets as they say but our SD10 BVR missile chasing one of their aircrafts which were shot down......I also know that there were not mere 2 aircrafts shot down by Pakistan that day.....that number has much larger

Impossible Pakistan even lacks semi.condictor chips technology a2a missiles required higly advanced resarch labotries
We r developing all necessary technology for 5th gen a/c as well as its weapons in Aviation City and NESCOM since 2016.
How do you plan on acquiring aircraft flying 400KM's inside hostile territory, without taking your own Sensors inside theirs?
With this?

saab2000 - Copy.jpg

Note: Kindly do not ask me about it's actual range. Thanks!
Impossible Pakistan even lacks semi.conductor chips technology a2a missiles required highly advanced research laboratories
trust me I am telling you with the highest authority I have, that Pakistan has advance research laboratories. It's is one of few countries that supplied equipment and engineers to CERN for there electron collider https://tribune.com.pk/story/566601...-research-pakistanis-also-playing-their-part/
If you dont know about cern then google it .

I am sure ToT is working on it, don't underestimate Pakistan.

and many countries are Importing chips from other countries . JF-17 avionics is completely Chinese.
With this?

View attachment 551997

Note: Kindly do not ask me about it's actual range. Thanks!

It can't detect an aircraft flying 400 KM's inside enemy territory, while staying within ours, if its range is as stated. Unless it was more than 600 KM's and then it might pick target of the size of SU-30 at say 450 or so KM's.
But I doubt it has that great of a range, or the indians would have jumped up and down, and left and right when we purchased it.

My dear if u dont know abt Su30 kill then that does mean i dont also. How else u think India blew up its own helicopter which fell well within their territory from LOC:azn:. Lets just say their Israeli Spyder AD missile wasnt targeting our jets as they say but our SD10 BVR missile chasing one of their aircrafts which were shot down......I also know that there were not mere 2 aircrafts shot down by Pakistan that day.....that number has much larger

speculation and fantasizing. Every one knows some chacha mama in army and what not.
I'll believe when I see facts and not some stories passing around.
It can't detect an aircraft flying 400 KM's inside enemy territory, while staying within ours, if its range is as stated. Unless it was more than 600 KM's and then it might pick target of the size of SU-30 at say 450 or so KM's.
But I doubt it has that great of a range, or the indians would have jumped up and down, and left and right when we purchased it.
No. there is no local activity. One of the proposals we tried to get over to Pak Govt was to join into A-Darter program together with Brazil. It is now nearly over and final tests are underway.
"over" meaning Pakistan as partner in this project?
It can't detect an aircraft flying 400 KM's inside enemy territory, while staying within ours, if its range is as stated. Unless it was more than 600 KM's and then it might pick target of the size of SU-30 at say 450 or so KM's.
But I doubt it has that great of a range, or the indians would have jumped up and down, and left and right when we purchased it.


If the Erieye saw the Abhinandan’s friends 450 km far inside their own airspace, does it mean that they should be treated as imminent danger ?

I don’t remember where I read on this forum and who wrote it but it was stated that the attack took place during the change of the air guard. I don’t know if it’s true.
A2A missile is more complicat than Jet fighters. Rocket engine form current pakistan ground missiles are not good enough for aa misile. You certainly don't wanna another AIM-9B or Matra.530 in 21th centries.

So, maybe buy some good missiles directly is more convinient. A-Darter\AIM-132\AIM-120C7\PL-15\MICA are all on the counter.

Under the rule of MCTR, ToT of missile technology is more restric than other weapons.

Focus on JF-17 BLK3 and AZM, make more shaheen missiles. Those projects have higher priority. Then Long range SAMs is more important than AA missiles.
Maybe this idea is not feasible yet due to lack of funds and infrastructure. Pakistan can easily import good quality AAMs from US, China, RSA etc. We are already manufacturing Anza MANPADs which are shoulder launched with an active seeker but is there are work going on for production of BVRs i don't think so.

It is my personal opinion based on the current products of Pakistani military industrial complex that they can develop a handsome air-to-air weapon whenever needed.
A2A missile is more complicat than Jet fighters. Rocket engine form current pakistan ground missiles are not good enough for aa misile. You certainly don't wanna another AIM-9B or Matra.530 in 21th centries.

So, maybe buy some good missiles directly is more convinient. A-Darter\AIM-132\AIM-120C7\PL-15\MICA are all on the counter.

Under the rule of MCTR, ToT of missile technology is more restric than other weapons.

Focus on JF-17 BLK3 and AZM, make more shaheen missiles. Those projects have higher priority. Then Long range SAMs is more important than AA missiles.
yes i agree.....those A2A are actually long term projects for arming the Project Azm aircraft whenever it will be ready. But yes those will be 5th gen class missiles like the ones on J20 these days.
No I know that, but not a single article, its not new tech many countries have it now how come we aren't serious enough on this subject

I hope R-77 would help us in any shape or form WC Abhi none done has sacrifice his career to give us the tech.

We need the technology. We can get the missile from black market or friendly countries.
Because the projects never left the ground.

1. Available technology was either too crude due to sanctions or we had no money.
2. Early 90s Israelis offered python to us via an arab country
3. SA offerred to work on A2A missiles but both cash and Indian lobby ended it
The South African option is still there, but now, it's the lack of cash on our part which is the biggest constraint.
Can it be a joint venture with private defense companies in Pakistan to develop AAM?
The South African option is still there, but now, it's the lack of cash on our part which is the biggest constraint.
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