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Indigenous AAM for PAF

Ok since I am actually bored and annoyed Af, from this moronic discussion whether F-16 was shot down(it isn't get over it.), the real question is what are we doing A2A missile Platform.
Because I was kind a worried when PAF said that Pakistan has took the emergency shipment of 100 PL-15, I mean its good and all but, what are we doing on that field, when are we going to seriously pursue this tech, because if any thing I understood, there is something IAF had that our current SD-10 can not hit what was the emergency.View attachment 551937 View attachment 551938
Bro in war psychology is as dangerous a weapon as the sd10. PL15 means indian can be hit way inside their airspace and more often than not as they take off from their airbases. So rest assured a country that can rebuild wiped out saab awacs is doing what it can
Ok since I am actually bored and annoyed Af, from this moronic discussion whether F-16 was shot down(it isn't get over it.), the real question is what are we doing A2A missile Platform.
Because I was kind a worried when PAF said that Pakistan has took the emergency shipment of 100 PL-15, I mean its good and all but, what are we doing on that field, when are we going to seriously pursue this tech, because if any thing I understood, there is something IAF had that our current SD-10 can not hit what was the emergency.View attachment 551937 View attachment 551938


If you had any intellect about this issue---any fundamental knowledge---any basic knowedge at all---you would be forever grateful to china for the 100 PL15's---.

What is your fetish with "what we are doing on our own "---. What does that really mean---and do you have any clue to what it means---?
Lolll baray miaan drwanay lecturing others while having a fetish of downing 20 Indian jets on one night....

This baray miaan always asks PAF what's it doing... But when a member asks a similar question, he gets emotional...
being wise is different than acting wise.

the better way is to observe from the best seat in the house to reach a conclusion, from the perspective it develops if wisdom prevails.

those hastily jumping ain't get anything, besides wisdom makes one speak less, is always learning with utmost conclusion.

Actually china is loving it---. It could not have made a better bargain with pak military consortium---.

It's aircraft---its radars---EW packages and missiles got tested against a superior enemy and came out successful in a red hot zone---. It could not ask for more---.

JV's are so important and fruitfull that even Japan is working with Northrop for their 5th gen aircraft ( YF23 ).
sorry for the late reply.
they did that with the z-10 choppers too if im not mistaken.
then again a metor ona rafale is not as potent as a typhoon armed amraam

Why have they integrated the Meteor and not taken full advantage of its capabilities? Odd????
it's the rafale thats the problem not the meteor. the main missile for the rafale at the time was the mica which would not need a two way link so the feature wasn't needed and thus not implemented. the gripen and the typhoon have missiles that have a 2 way link for misiles like the storm shadow, amramm etc, so they use it. a good strong ew package would make the life for a meteor hard on the rafale. india should have gone for the gripen and ditched the tejas.
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