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India's Two-Front War Plans

Pakistan started 3 wars,they are far more likely to start the next one than us.
Again looking things through the glasses of religion. Religion doesn't come first, its always national interest. Saudi get latest weapons from the US, and get what ever they want. They asked the US to intervene during the Gulf war because it was to their interest. They have US bases, yet they don't let the Americans attack innocent people in their homeland, yet Pakistan had american bases and was attacked. Even when you got military aid form the US they never gave you the technology that they share with the Saudi's. Simply because the Saudi's are better in doing business, and putting forth their demands.

I didn't focus my point on religion did I?
Sorry to say, but Saudis have no foreign policy and this is my point. They have the money and money can buy anything.

Could they have competed against the U.S to become a superpower. The answer to that is YES.

They have reached to the stage where they want to feel less burden, even to the point agreeing to the U.S's demands to kick OBL (who's case is still not clear by many about 9/11 attacks). Its hard to believe but in Guantanamo Bay, there more Saudis than Pakistanis, many of whom who were sold to the U.S in return for free Saudi Oil and of no military invasion inside the country.
Actually its the chinese oil imports that get blocked,and any chinese attempt to relieve it by entering the indian ocean getting shot to pieces in the process.As for PLAAF taking care of the sky ,good luck with that against rafales and mkis in a SAM infested enemy territory with AKASH and SPYDERs waiting.Plus we have far better AWACS,ones that u wanted from israel but unfortunately couldn't obtain.

It is only the transportation of oil from the Gulf to Malaca is in danger. We can also import oil from land based pipes, or through Pacific. We also produce 4 times more oil from domestic oil lands than you do.

We can switch the banner of ships from China to other countries. If India block all the oil tanks, Japan SKorea Thailand and Singapore will side with us.
Hahaha We are getting our new carrier later this year.Not that u have one u made urselves.Indian navy is supreme in the indian ocean.Just check IN's current fleet and modernization programme.Plus our staretgic land base in the andmans for land based aviation support.PLAN is small dog in the indian ocean,that is the small number of PLAN ships that actually have endurance to get here in one piece.
Lol at japan and south korea siding with you,when u bully them support north korea and claim territory.Wet dreams yet?Your bullying is creating enemies out of everyone.
India Navy is not as power as many thinks. It has a 50 year old AC but lack of basic air-defense and ant-sub ability in high sea. Once knock off the floating coffin, the rest will post no real threat to any modern fleet.

That AC is almost 60 years, it seems it gonna stay for another 10-20 years as that Gorshkov carrier keeps getting postponed. :coffee:
Lol at japan and south korea siding with you,when u bully them support north korea and claim territory.Wet dreams yet?Your bullying is creating enemies out of everyone.

If you block the straits the UN will have to intervene and thats where most of japan and korea's supply come through unless your going to strangle them to death by stopping the flow of supplys also Indonesia factor comes in.
India Navy is not as power as many thinks. It has a 50 year old AC but lack of basic air-defense and ant-sub ability in high sea. Once knock off the floating coffin, the rest will post no real threat to any modern fleet.

:lol: how many AC do u have?

and u think our carriers are the only threat? :rofl: kids these days

Don't be an idiot global firepower, where north korea and egypt are stronger then most western countries ?

global firepower staff are much more well informed than both of us. i'd rather take their word than yours
Hahaha We are getting our new carrier later this year.Not that u have one u made urselves.Indian navy is supreme in the indian ocean.Just check IN's current fleet and modernization programme.Plus our staretgic land base in the andmans for land based aviation support.PLAN is small dog in the indian ocean,that is the small number of PLAN ships that actually have endurance to get here in one piece.

14 frigates launched within 6 years and 5 destroyers on the shipyard.

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