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India's Two-Front War Plans

yes i agree. but asian countries are not standing united

Да, я согласен. но азиатские страны не стоят на единой

Same as most of the Slavic countries are not standing united, even Poland and Czech are now standing with NATO instead with Russia. :coffee:
Asian countries are not standing united due to chinese middle kingdom syndrome.Otherwise china would have been natural asian leader.
yes i agree. but asian countries are not standing united

Да, я согласен. но азиатские страны не стоят на единой

The European states are just too small to stand along against Russia. To be or not to be that's a simple choice.
global fire power basically compares quantity and tells us who will win wars on paper.

but they fail to take into account hardware quality, eg: there is a clear difference between IAF and PLAAF jets.
and also the terrain and strategic locations, etc.

otherwise: globalfirepower is king

Globalfirepower gives equipment and resources but if we take global firepowers account Arabs would have beaten israel, Iran would have beaten the GCC, not to mention on paper it looks good but in reality totally different.
AC no.1: Upto 2018


Seriously Harriers?
LOL I think China and Pakistan's old AQ-5 Fantan is better.
We will not block the straits but chinese oil imports only,of course we don't even need that.The ships carrying the oil will have to traverse through the indian ocean enroute to china.Field day for the IN.Given chinese attack us,its perfectly justifiable action to the international community.INfact USN just might encourage us.:)
And only the USN really has the power projection capability to lift a blockade of chinese oil tankers in the IOR[indian ocean region]

Impossible. :wave:

Firstly, most of the commerical ships in the world use "flags of convenience", not the flag of the originating country.

Flag of convenience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Secondly, we can switch shipping companies anytime. Any ship with any flag can carry our stuff as long as we pay the company to use them.

Thirdly, there are other ways around. We can just take the long route around Indonesia rather than through the Malacca straits.

Fourth, India cannot hold against China for long. We have one of the largest arsenals of missiles in the world, your ships won't be able to stand against it. Missiles are cheap, but what about the lives of your sailors?
Asian countries are not standing united due to chinese middle kingdom syndrome.Otherwise china would have been natural asian leader.

Ok lets take this case in irans situation they block the hormuz strait and allow certain countries to go through not gonna happen and neither will Malacca this it's war on the international community and it will not reach the level but another sino-indian conflict only skirmish try not to be so emotional now.
Harriers have israeli avionics and derby BVRAAMS genius,can drill ur fantans a new asshole.
Also capable of firing the israeli gabriel sea skimmer ascm.
Impossible. :wave:

Firstly, most of the commerical ships in the world use "flags of convenience", not the flag of the originating country.

Flag of convenience - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Secondly, we can switch shipping companies anytime. Any ship with any flag can carry our stuff as long as we pay the company to use them.

Thirdly, there are other ways around. We can just take the long route around Indonesia rather than through the Malacca straits.

Forth, India cannot hold against China for long. We have one of the largest arsenals of missiles in the world, your ships won't be able to stand against it.

that and blocking the straits is war against the international community allowing some countries while not others, if this worked iran would have done it they know blocking hormuz will be war on the world.
We will not block the straits but chinese oil imports only,of course we don't even need that.The ships carrying the oil will have to traverse through the indian ocean enroute to china.Field day for the IN.Given chinese attack us,its perfectly justifiable action to the international community.INfact USN just might encourage us.:)
And only the USN really has the power projection capability to lift a blockade of chinese oil tankers in the IOR[indian ocean region]

You are more than welcome to do so. Not a single drop of oil will be blocked by your strategy. No ship will carry oil directly to China, they'll empty the oil at Singapore, Bangkock, Djakarta or at any safe spot in the South Sea. And we'll pick up the oil transportation from all over the places east of Malacca.
You are sooo Funny.

How do you know where the ships are heading? All they have to do is empty out at Singapore and all we have to do is to send ships pick up from there.

1) Considering you are uneducated in this field ..you wouldn't have the first clue of knowing, how to find out ...where the ship is head..or its flag state, AIS(Automatic Identification System ) ,LRIT (Long-range identification and tracking).

2) That's why assurance from the respective govts..if they start double dealing after assurance to Indian govt(which not that difficult to find out) ..their oil supplies will be cut too...and I am pretty sure they will like watch out for their own interests before they watch out for yours.
Just try it.Any ship sending oil to china will and can be blockaded IF china is the aggressor.We can't do that on our own ,it would be international outrage.But u attack us we can do anything we need to defend ourselves.Infact i think Usa won't mind at all.
What did they mean our ships won't hold against ur huge arsenal of missiles.Very few of ur ships really have endurance to come all the way to the IOR,and if they do they will be the ones wiped out by the huge IN.
1) Considering you are uneducated in this field ..you wouldn't have the first clue of knowing, how to find out ...where the ship is head..or its flag state, AIS(Automatic Identification System ) ,LRIT (Long-range identification and tracking).

2) That's why assurance from the respective govts..if they start double dealing after assurance to Indian govt(which not that difficult to find out) ..their oil supplies will be cut too...and I am pretty sure they will like watch out for their own interests before they watch out for yours.

1)How can you find out?

Any one cam simply import oil from Mideast and then resell to a third party then to a fourth party and then to a fifth party... finally ends up in China's oil tank. You may have little edge due to geographic reasons but that does not make India the I-know-everything god of world.

2) India has no say in the freedom of navigation and the freedom of business of any neutral countries. And no one will knee down to India's hollow threats. Considering the hypothesis that India and China went into war, not a single India ship will survive in the east of Malacca.
Globalfirepower gives equipment and resources but if we take global firepowers account Arabs would have beaten israel, Iran would have beaten the GCC, not to mention on paper it looks good but in reality totally different.

OK so if not on paper, on what basis can u say that chinese military is better?
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