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India's Two-Front War Plans

You celebrating a victory where our soldiers were isolated, and without logistics is truly shameless.

Every **** happens in war.. nobody look for reasons for defeat/surrender. At the end, result is what matters.. Anyway that's not the topic here..
You celebrating a victory where our soldiers were isolated, and without logistics is truly shameless.

Think of it this way: any enemy would rightfully celebrate all the failures and mistakes that led to the opposing side's soldiers being isolated, and without logistics. The shame lies with the side making such horrendous blunders that failed their valiant soldiers in such a colossal fashion.
Since when a "political surrender" due to a civil war become a "military topic" ? Your use of words like "shamelessly" , "badly" reflect that YOU , dear bharti , are frustrated and angered and want to take frustration out? :lol: Yeah , studied some psychology ...bhartis can't control themselves ...lol ...

And oh , please tell me what your good great Army accomplished against "real" Pakistani Army (Western Front) ? :azn: In the East , we didn't even have Air cover and full-fledged military in conventional war gear...and that too..without any supplies..you do know that , don't you? Awwww how sad. Your mega girly military NEVER achieved any decisive major military victory against 10 times smaller (West) Pakistan. And when you faced the EQUALS of yours , your Army got WANKEDDD hard :oops:

Frustration and anger is what i can see at op who picked a year old youtube video and start a troll thread. :D
Every **** happens in war.. nobody look for reasons for defeat/surrender. At the end, result is what matters.. Anyway that's not the topic here..

No doubt BUT you never even defeated (West) Pakistan duhh .... Your intervened in a CIVIL WAR that was being fought between East and West Pakistan. What advantage did you gain by your victory? Zero. Bengalis won. Actually , you created a strategic blunder..Your created another state and instead of dealing with one state ..you now have to deal with two different states. Pakistan is still there and has not 'bow down' to India. We still block your critical access to central Asia via Wakhan and you still keep crying about Pakistan , ISI , terrorism , fake currency etc etc all the time ...

Don't present as if you ever "defeated" Pakistani military etc ... There STILL is a "stand-off" between Indian and Pakistani militaries with NO clear "victor" here ... :wave:
No doubt BUT you never even defeated (West) Pakistan duhh .... Your intervened in a CIVIL WAR that was being fought between East and West Pakistan. What advantage did you gain by your victory? Zero. Bengalis won. Actually , you created a strategic blunder..Your created another state and instead of dealing with one state ..you now have to deal with two different states. Pakistan is still there and has not 'bow down' to India. We still block your critical access to central Asia via Wakhan and you still keep crying about Pakistan , ISI , terrorism , fake currency etc etc all the time ...

Don't present as if you ever "defeated" Pakistani military etc ... There STILL is a "stand-off" between Indian and Pakistani militaries with NO clear "victor" here ... :wave:

In 1971 our objectives were only in East Pakistan.. why should we defeat Wast Pakistan.? India gained a great advantage in 1971. East pakistan would have been a safe heaven for all the north eastern terrorist just like Khalistan terrorist now roaming freely in Pakistan. Extra troops and money to face three front war and a lot of advantages ... 1971 is the best thing happened to India. How come you dont know about such silly things..??
India General like to make such comments to let their people know they are working, I find they general is not serviceman, they are politicans, they live on make tough talk and endless global tender.
China don't like talk these, Do you see any news such these in china? I haven't heard this.
Any big countries have plan to tackle the emergency and crisis, The point is that, whether you can win the battle depend on you strength, No tough talk! Any dog can bark, but not mean it will win.
India can have a two front war, any country can, but the question is of survival.

Indians know what they are doing. Indian doctrines aren't drafted on guarantees of outsiders but on what we have at our disposal.
The question is are Pakistanis and Chinese ready to fight together ? If not then we preparing for two front war means Pakistan is already checkmated by the magnanimosity of our preparation, If yes then we are preparing for it as we talk.

Also its about putting you in a block which we would like you to see you in. The block you were in before saved you till today, You wish the other block you trying in or we are pushing you in do the same trick for you again. No tax on wishing.

How many kilometer is New Deli from border?

10 billion noodles away.
Its impossible for India to win a two front war against China and Pakistan. All they can hope for is to prevent territory loss.
To prevent Pakistan from joining a war along side China is easier than preventing China to join along Pakistan. After the US leaves Afghanistan, Pakistan will have nothing to offer, so the US with Russia will side with India to offset increasingly ambitious China. The Pakistani Chinese romantic relationship will suffer even further if the US succeeds in changing the Iranian regime.
1. we did have a two front war which we won by eliminating one front completely while other front watched.
2. If say pakistan does some terror attack and india retaliates not only china,entire world will sit by thanks to mumbai attacks.
3. if china due to some internal strife attacks india to divert attention,then pakistan may try to have a bite but the best china can do in such a case without taking huge nuclear damage is occupying remote parts of arunachal pradesh till winter. Chinese are wise enough where to put their money unlike pakistan. Unless there is oil in arunachal pradesh it is not worth burning nuclear holes in your country for a mostly barren hills
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