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India's successful AAD makes Pakistan's missile striking capability obsolete


Dec 27, 2011
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Russian Federation

India on Sunday launched successfully testfired its indigenously developed supersonic interceptor missile, which is capable of bringing down hostile ballistic missiles.

With this latest development, India has become fourth country after US, Russia and Israel to have successfully developed a ballistic missile defence system beating China in the race to deploy an effective Defence System.

Considered to be an important technological milestone,the indigeneous system will largely negate Pakistan’s strategic striking capability in the country.

The trial on sunday involved the singlestage Ashvin Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile destroying an incoming nuclearcapable Dhanush ballistic missile in midair.

Dhanush a naval variant of the locally designed Prithvi surfacetosurface (SSM) missile was launched from an Indian Navy (IN) warship in the Bay of Bengal, official sources said. "The 'kill' effect of the interceptor was ascertained by analysing data from multiple tracking sources,

The AAD interceptor is a 7.5 metre singlestage solid fuel rocket equipped with a navigation system, a hitech computer and an electromechanical activator.

The supersonic lowaltitude missile weighs around 1.2 tonnes, stands 7.5 meters tall and has a diameter of under 0.5 meters. The interceptor missile had its own navigation and tracking systems, mobile launchers and sophisticated radars

However, This was for the eleventh time that the missile was testfired. It has failed to hit the target thrice. The first test was conducted in 2006 from the ITR.

The last test on November 21, 2015, was successful,reported Times of India. The new supersonic missile interceptor will soon become a part of the Indian Army's arsenal of world class weaponry. India started its own BMD programme in 1995.

Last December, India signed a deal with Russia to provide it with the S400,Triumf air defence missile system for an estimated Rs 40,000 crore.

The S400 Triumf can tackle multiple aerial threats at long ranges and is considered to be the most advanced system available with Russia.
@PARIKRAMA @Srinivas @nair @Nair saab @ranjeet @Rajaraja Chola @Abba_Dabba_Jabba @Abingdonboy etc
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So when even the best missile defence systems are hit and miss, india with its sole test of a indian missile has blunted Pakistans vast array of offensive missiles which have been made with ABM avoidance as a core requirement :enjoy:

To top it off were firing from next door
Lets face reality these missiles are indian, we can see from nirbhay, akash, kaveri, LCA, insas, Arjun the amount of turds indias defence manufacturers squeeze out.

The poor indian military repeatedly forced to accept these poorly made trash for ego and pride only to be forced to buy comparatively similar (but working) foreign made products in order to compensate

This dosent mean Pakistan can be idle we need to ensure our missiles survivability and ABM qualities to hit every part of india

Ongoing investment in our own defences is vital
I'm still waiting for a pratical analysis of how this ABM will undermine the Pakistani arsenal.
These kind of developments always end up benifitting Pakistan as it gets more "excuses" to develop more missiles or missile technology and secondly Pakistan and China develop a common threat perception thus they cooperate more.
flood air space
Already did it before , will do it again :coffee:.

Now, what I'd like to know is that has this platform been made mobile, knowing Nasr is an ambush weapon, what guarantees that it would be successfully be deployed during Indian Armor entrance into Pakistan, mind you, I'm talking purely in a battlefield scenario.
Congrats to Pakistan Indian Ballistic Missiles would be an easy target for us as it is intercepted easily by a supersonic (ABM)......:woot:.:lol: ;).
I see a new era of arm race in the region... after the ballistic missile race, now its the missile interceptor.
Interesting to see pakistans call.
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