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India's successful AAD makes Pakistan's missile striking capability obsolete


Damn, we are done with one missile test.

Unless indians have the capability to intercept missiles at 600km above the surface, there's no chance indians would stop Shaheen III warhead from hitting its target.

Even indians know this too.
So you think your troops will be able to carry and protect your yet to be inducted iron dome inside Pakistani territory, yeah sure
If India buy Indians can take along with its column and set up the system ....... India also have long range weapons which can naturalise areas in which Nsar will come.

Aakash System and Short Range laser defensive system ( which is under final phase of testing)
India bought TOT for all three layers of missiles, the higher altitude (in the test video here),the Iron Dome and Barak. Iron Dome doesn't protect from every missile like PAC3 and other very higher end systems. But albeit, great technological leap forward by India as now she has Israeli tech which is state of the art.

Do you realize your statement has a BS flawed Logic ?
Consider This.

We already know Barak 8 is a "JV" with IAI and DRDO. The Rocket being Indian and Seeker being Israeli.
If India had "purchased" the ToT ( as you claim ) , what was the need for the JV ? Why share the Credit when you have already PAID fr the whole damn system ?
Says Who ? You ? Dont Talk without a Credible Source.

Yes, says me. And you don't have to respond to my post like a 12 year old stubborn child. We just have way too many fan boys on here filled with blind patriotism from both, India and Pakistan!!!! Reality doesn't mean anything to you.

We staill have S400s and Aegis and THAAD in Service.

Ok......you also have S-300, older S-200, Barak, Iron Dome (soon to be introduced or inducted in a serving capacity). So I don't know what exactly is your point. I am not against you having it, in fact, I think its a giant step forward for India. Specially, getting your hands onto the top end Israeli technology and setting up a base with it.

What Race ? Does pakistan has money for the Race ?

1) On the race: There is always a race. It may not be 5 cars to 5 cars. But there is always a race, majority of the times, 5:3 or 5:2. Remember, Pakistan has very good technology base on the missile tech. And its MUCH cheaper for them to use that vs. say if this was India acquiring F-22's or F-35's in 100's.

2) Pakistan has money for what? To create an ABM? What's an ABM? They have the missiles which will also make their ABM systems. The matter is to produce Fire Control Radars, Seekers, Trackers, Target Illumination and Detection systems, if we talk about ABM. In Pakistan's case, its a little useless due to their tiny depth. But to build Hypersonic missiles, that's very viable and I think that would be the response if I was to guess.

3) Pakistan's economy is growing. In about 2-3 years, they'll (and even today they do) have a couple of billions to pour into critical projects. These systems are an up-front one time spend, once you build the tech, expanding it is much easier as you continue to expand the footprint.
India bought TOT for all three layers of missiles, the higher altitude (in the test video here),the Iron Dome and Barak. Iron Dome doesn't protect from every missile like PAC3 and other very higher end systems. But albeit, great technological leap forward by India as now she has Israeli tech which is state of the art.

Also, its VERY difficult to hit a depressed trajectory missile withing 40-60 KM's, if you add maneuvering (self intelligence), its even more difficult. I just hope a time never comes when these systems can be put to a real test by humans. Because many of these intercepts will be successful and many won't be. And that will be the case for both sides. There is nothing providing 100% safety. Heck, most modern and sophisticated governments can't protect their citizens 100%. These are mere machines, which just react to an inbound event.

Lol. If u don't know , IRON dome is made for short range MBRL's / missile ets....... Israeli able to protect its citizen from MBRL's rockets since it inducted.

U don't have iota of knowledge about Iron Dome, It can even intercept Artilery shell / rockets fired from 4km away also.
Do you realize your statement has a BS flawed Logic ?
Consider This.

We already know Barak 8 is a "JV" with IAI and DRDO. The Rocket being Indian and Seeker being Israeli.
If India had "purchased" the ToT ( as you claim ) , what was the need for the JV ? Why share the Credit when you have already PAID fr the whole damn system ?

If you REALLY want to compare none-sense logic like the written above....now that you are producing top Israeli tech....what's the need to also procure S-400???? Altogether a different technology set, adaptation, etc, etc. The entire globe is going towards standardization. So that tells you something isn't "as up to date" as you'd like :enjoy:

But like I said, writing childish posts back makes no sense. This is a huge step for India no matter how you see it. I am not hating you, I am just being realistic vs. high on patriotism farts. Things look good when they sound a little real or close to being real. But nevertheless, huge step for India :tup:

Damn, we are done with one missile test.

Unless indians have the capability to intercept missiles at 600km above the surface, there's no chance indians would stop Shaheen III warhead from hitting its target.

Even indians know this too.
600 km,, wow , your missile travel 600 km above earth , I didn't know that.... BTW , Indian ABM system can protect from short / medium ranges of missiles.

for long range India buying S-400

If you REALLY want to compare none-sense logic like the written above....now that you are producing top Israeli tech....what's the need to also procure S-400???? Altogether a different technology set, adaptation, etc, etc. The entire globe is going towards standardization. So that tells you something isn't "as up to date" as you'd like :enjoy:

But like I said, writing childish posts back makes no sense. This is a huge step for India no matter how you see it. I am not hating you, I am just being realistic vs. high on patriotism farts. Things look good when they sound a little real or close to being real. But nevertheless, huge step for India :tup:
lol Both missile serve different purpose..... S-400 has range to brought down missile / Plane over PAK airfield.
If India buy Indians can take along with its column and set up the system ....... India also have long range weapons which can naturalise areas in which Nsar will come.

Aakash System and Short Range laser defensive system ( which is under final phase of testing)

Do you even read or think before posting? I bet you don't. Read your post and see how absurd it sounds.
Lol. If u don't know , IRON dome is made for short range MBRL's / missile ets....... Israeli able to protect its citizen from MBRL's rockets since it inducted.

U don't have iota of knowledge about Iron Dome, It can even intercept Artilery shell / rockets fired from 4km away also.

I brought it up multiple times in my posts above. OF COURSE I don't know anything about it. The only people with all the knowledge in the world are from India. I forgot :rofl::angel:

The Iron Dome can intercept Flies and Mosquitoes too. Some advance users even use it for Bird Hunting :rofl::rofl::rofl::angel::angel:. This system will replace ALL hunting rifles from the globe in the next ten years and it will spread like IPhone :enjoy:.

How you like me now? :cheers:
Good for India. However, some real missconceptions and propaganda exist in this article:

1) The Missile Tech is Israeli. So by assembling it inside India, you can't call it "indigenous". Even assembled and tested in India, its still a huge deal as it sets up a technology base within India to expand per India's requirements. So still a great step forward for India.

Who told you that?
Or is it just your bias that is making you imagine things?
It is completely indigenous, and looks nothing like the Israeli Arrows or has the same specs.

2) You can't just assume that because one test was successful or 5 were successful, every single incoming missile has now become obsolete. That's childish to say. No missile defense system would provide 90% guarantee. The best ones, are 70-80% effective IMO.


3) The response to this, may be in the shape of a Hyper-sonic missile from Pakistan. Just my gut feeling. They have the tech, they have the knowledge, all they need is some advance systems to make and test Hyper-sonic missiles. Shaheen platform is solid fueled and the Pakistanis are well versed in that. A Hyper-sonic vehicle (glider) can be put on top of Shaheen for its initial phase before a Hyper-sonic flight takes course and doesn't give today's missile systems anytime to react, no matter how "super sonic" they may be.

A hypersonic glider is no easy task, everything sounds easy while it is being hypothesized. Lest US would have inducted one already and so would China. We too are trying with the Brahmos 2 and HSTDV.
THAAD, Arrow 2, PDV(would be) and S-400s which we'll acquire are hypersonic at around Mach 7-10, but cruise missile defense is more than just speed, less faster and more maneuverable missiles with excellent detection network would intercept a cruise missile regardless of it being faster. Current anti-ballistic missile systems(4-10 Mach) have been intercepting faster ballistic missiles with speeds of around 15-20 Mach. Speed is not an issue.

4) This would, for sure, start another arms race in an ALREADY volatile region (and one of the poorest in the world). So now both India and Pakistanis will be spending money in creating ABM and Hypersonic systems. SAD for humanity!

Indeed it would, however I think we would still be making these even if we were not poor and in a better standing.
The only difference is we are much closer to it than the Pakistanis.
600 km,, wow , your missile travel 600 km above earth , I didn't know that.... BTW , Indian ABM system can protect from short / medium ranges of missiles.

for long range India buying S-400

lol Both missile serve different purpose..... S-400 has range to brought down missile / Plane over PAK airfield.

It doesn't matter if something goes 600 KM up or not. This system will be able to take it out on its way down, within range, as long as the other object isn't self-intelligent and maneuvering.

I know S-400's range. But the question was, why get a secondary system when if you increase the range of this, you could get the same results? And its your own....?

Who told you that?
Or is it just your bias that is making you imagine things? It is completely indigenous, and looks nothing like the Israeli Arrows or has the same specs.

Sure, Arrow TOT'd version for India use. Whatever float your boat. I don't have any bias. I keep saying its a great step for India. I just like to speak the truth and call my teeth Yellow as they may be, vs. calling them Pearl White :lol::enjoy:

A hypersonic glider is no easy task, everything sounds easy while it is being hypothesized. Lest US would have inducted one already and so would China.

China just did a 6th or something like that test. So these are coming. Hyper-sonic would be future's scud (only much advanced obviously). Remember my call sign, today's date and this threads link. Come back and tell me I predicted the future 5-7 years in advance :lol::enjoy:

Indeed it would, however I think we would still be making these even if we were not poor and in a better standing.
The only difference is we are much closer to it than the Pakistanis.

On Hyper-sonic? Wrong. On ABM, absolutely true. No questions about it.
It doesn't matter if something goes 600 KM up or not. This system will be able to take it out on its way down, within range, as long as the other object isn't self-intelligent and maneuvering.

I know S-400's range. But the question was, why get a secondary system when if you increase the range of this, you could get the same results? And its your own....?
because S-400 is already developed and mature system and With Israeli India developing. Both has difference parameters and difference range of operations,

India is Designing / developing / deploying 3 layers of ABM system, Fool proof system , not relying on One technology.

I brought it up multiple times in my posts above. OF COURSE I don't know anything about it. The only people with all the knowledge in the world are from India. I forgot :rofl::angel:

The Iron Dome can intercept Flies and Mosquitoes too. Some advance users even use it for Bird Hunting :rofl::rofl::rofl::angel::angel:. This system will replace ALL hunting rifles from the globe in the next ten years and it will spread like IPhone :enjoy:.

How you like me now? :cheers:
now I think the student who wishing to get 100 our of 100 got only 1 out of 100 and crying , lol

Damn, we are done with one missile test.

Unless indians have the capability to intercept missiles at 600km above the surface, there's no chance indians would stop Shaheen III warhead from hitting its target.

Even indians know this too.

Will the missile come down?
If yes then interception is possible.

Sure, Arrow TOT'd version for India use. Whatever float your boat. I don't have any bias. I keep saying its a great step for India. I just like to speak the truth and call my teeth Yellow as they may be, vs. calling them Pearl White :lol::enjoy:

No I'm seriously asking you? Where did you get that information from.
You must have a credible source if you have come to such a conjecture.
Arrows are no AAD,PAD or PDV, they are faster, much evolved their dimensions differ and are advanced beyond doubt.
That my friend is the truth not your empty rhetoric.

China just did a 6th or something like that test. So these are coming. Hyper-sonic would be future's scud (only much advanced obviously). Remember my call sign, today's date and this threads link. Come back and tell me I predicted the future 5-7 years in advance :lol::enjoy:

Oh I know that much, but it will take no less than 10 years for any country on earth to successfully deploy a hypersonic scramjet weapon much less pakistan.
It takes 100s of wind tunnel tests so the vehicle is properly aerodynamic and does not disintegrate in flight midway, does Pakistan even have such facilities? It needs an efficient scramjet or ramjet-scramjet engine, does Pakistan even make a turbojet, turbofan or even a ramjet engine for missiles? Among other things

On Hyper-sonic? Wrong. On ABM, absolutely true. No questions about it.

If Pakistan could have it would have already, or at least tried testing hypersonic vehicles.
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Don't waste your time on a False Flag troll.

Will the missile come down?
If yes then interception is possible.

No I'm seriously asking you? Where did you get that information from.
You must have a credible source if you have come to such a conjecture.
Arrows are no AAD,PAD or PDV, they are faster, much evolved their dimensions differ and are advanced beyond doubt.
That my friend is the truth not your empty rhetoric.

Oh I know that much, but it will take no less than 10 years for any country on earth to successfully deploy a hypersonic scramjet weapon much less pakistan.
It takes 100s of wind tunnel testing so the vehicle is properly aerodynamic and does not disintegrate in flight midway, does Pakistan even have such facilities? It needs an efficient scramjet or ramjet-scramjet engine, does Pakistan even make a turbojet, turbofan or even a ramjet engine for missiles? Among other things

If Pakistan could have it would have already, or at least tried testing hypersonic vehicles.
No I'm seriously asking you? Where did you get that information from.
You must have a credible source if you have come to such a conjecture.

A little birdie came by the window of my office and tweeted it :enjoy:

Oh I know that much, but it will take no less than 10 years for any country on earth to successfully deploy a hypersonic scramjet weapon much less pakistan. It takes 100s of wind tunnel testing so the vehicle is properly aerodynamic and does not disintegrate in flight midway, does Pakistan even have such facilities?

10 years was the estimate 2 years ago. Now, within 3-5 years, some initial deployments will take place. Just my guess. On Pakistan, I don't know whether they do or don't have those facilities. But some Pakistani member can answer it. Just because I am on a Indo-Pak forum, doesn't mean I have some loyalty to either side. I just correct and write the truth if I kno it.

If Pakistan could have it would have already, or at least tried testing hypersonic vehicles.

Pakistan is an interesting country IMO, every-time I thought something was way beyond their capacity, they "somehow" showed it with high level of confidence and then deployed that capability too. Cruise missiles are one example, RAM quoting on those is another one. Now I am hearing is that they are trying to produce internal plants to manufacture RAM and other types of Composite materials to hide Radar's CS. The JFT in its current shape and future block III version IMO was way beyond their capability at that time. So I don't know. Conventional wisdom tells me that they are behind. But in reality, there may already be a project running for the past few years, trying to develop some basic Chinese model of a scram jet engine into a Pakistani version? I really don't know. But knowing that this ABM here directly threatens their existence to some degree, and gives India a huge advantage, I am sure something will come out in the near future. We'll all just have to wait and see what it is.
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