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India's successful AAD makes Pakistan's missile striking capability obsolete


India on Sunday launched successfully testfired its indigenously developed supersonic interceptor missile, which is capable of bringing down hostile ballistic missiles.

With this latest development, India has become fourth country after US, Russia and Israel to have successfully developed a ballistic missile defence system beating China in the race to deploy an effective Defence System.

Considered to be an important technological milestone,the indigeneous system will largely negate Pakistan’s strategic striking capability in the country.

The trial on sunday involved the singlestage Ashvin Advanced Air Defence (AAD) interceptor missile destroying an incoming nuclearcapable Dhanush ballistic missile in midair.

Dhanush a naval variant of the locally designed Prithvi surfacetosurface (SSM) missile was launched from an Indian Navy (IN) warship in the Bay of Bengal, official sources said. "The 'kill' effect of the interceptor was ascertained by analysing data from multiple tracking sources,

The AAD interceptor is a 7.5 metre singlestage solid fuel rocket equipped with a navigation system, a hitech computer and an electromechanical activator.

The supersonic lowaltitude missile weighs around 1.2 tonnes, stands 7.5 meters tall and has a diameter of under 0.5 meters. The interceptor missile had its own navigation and tracking systems, mobile launchers and sophisticated radars

However, This was for the eleventh time that the missile was testfired. It has failed to hit the target thrice. The first test was conducted in 2006 from the ITR.

The last test on November 21, 2015, was successful,reported Times of India. The new supersonic missile interceptor will soon become a part of the Indian Army's arsenal of world class weaponry. India started its own BMD programme in 1995.

Last December, India signed a deal with Russia to provide it with the S400,Triumf air defence missile system for an estimated Rs 40,000 crore.

The S400 Triumf can tackle multiple aerial threats at long ranges and is considered to be the most advanced system available with Russia.
@PARIKRAMA @Srinivas @nair @Nair saab @ranjeet @Rajaraja Chola @Abba_Dabba_Jabba @Abingdonboy etc

This is what happens when every tom dick and harry assume themselves to be a defense expert and start writing articles...... By the way where is the link?????
We will flood your air space, lets see what you all do then....

At least we might block few.
Have you though what happens if india decides to empty its huge inventory and sends it to greet pakistan ?

I'm still waiting for a pratical analysis of how this ABM will undermine the Pakistani arsenal.
These kind of developments always end up benifitting Pakistan as it gets more "excuses" to develop more missiles or missile technology and secondly Pakistan and China develop a common threat perception thus they cooperate more.

Funny how you always bring china into equation.
But we dont view china as our enemy, but only pakistan. So deal with it.
Well, only one way to find out then isnt it.
Either millions in Dehli will burn to ash or maybe a million or two less.
Alight you blood thirsty Indians out here, start advocating your government for the nuclear wars now. You know you want it.
Well Mr. when your Nasr will be real threat, India will buy IRON DOME.......... Now don't tell me you don't know what is IRON DOME is , lol
Ok, keep buying.
patriots can intercept scuds then Akash can Nasr
Is this based on speculations?, Nasr is far smaller than a Scud, lower detect-ability, and nimble, it's comparing Oranges with Apples.
PINAKA and Prahar
We have our rocket artillery too. A lot of it.
You stand defenceless
There is no defense against a swarm of rockets, it's a two way road for you too.
Well, only one way to find out then isnt it.
Either millions in Dehli will burn to ash or maybe a million or two less.
Alight you blood thirsty Indians out here, start advocating your government for the nuclear wars now. You know you want it.

Journalism at its worst.......... Dont read too much in to it....
Before the Pakistani population starts with the rants about "we will block out the sun with our missiles" please sit back and read the article. The heading for this post is nonsense at best. But what can not be ignored is Indias baby steps in the right direction towards self sufficiency even with all its over due projects. Our military doctrine is that to counter India just as Indias doctrine is that to counter China. So after this we will start work of getting something similar.
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With this latest development, India has become fourth country after US, Russia and Israel to have successfully developed a ballistic missile defence system beating China in the race to deploy an effective Defence System.
A little birdie came by the window of my office and tweeted it :enjoy:

Of course it did, bird crap also comes from birds, just letting you know.

10 years was the estimate 2 years ago. Now, within 3-5 years, some initial deployments will take place. Just my guess. On Pakistan, I don't know whether they do or don't have those facilities. But some Pakistani member can answer it. Just because I am on a Indo-Pak forum, doesn't mean I have some loyalty to either side. I just correct and write the truth if I kno it.

Pakistan making hypersonic missiles seems absolutely absurd, they don't have enough money to make high tech facilities for testing or even manufacturing hypersonic missiles and neither have we ever heard of any path breaking technology originating in Pak.

Pakistan is an interesting country IMO, every-time I thought something was way beyond their capacity, they "somehow" showed it with high level of confidence and then deployed that capability too. Cruise missiles are one example, RAM quoting on those is another one. Now I am hearing is that they are trying to produce internal plants to manufacture RAM and other types of Composite materials to hide Radar's CS. The JFT in its current shape and future block III version IMO was way beyond their capability at that time. So I don't know. Conventional wisdom tells me that they are behind. But in reality, there may already be a project running for the past few years, trying to develop some basic Chinese model of a scram jet engine into a Pakistani version? I really don't know. But knowing that this ABM here directly threatens their existence to some degree, and gives India a huge advantage, I am sure something will come out in the near future. We'll all just have to wait and see what it is.

Sure, making ram or a subsonic cruise missile(which we don't even know if Pak made it themselves or how much of the components are breakaway and assemble from China) is the same as a hypersonic vehicle. Otherwise your comment about how Pak developed something is completely moot since they have technically made nothing of importance in house, any substantially important material in JFT is not from Pak either.
Everything else you said was can do, will do, should do, all of it is conjecture and rhetoric, stick to "conventional wisdom" it seems smarter than blind hope.
So you think your troops will be able to carry and protect your yet to be inducted iron dome inside Pakistani territory, yeah sure
Battle half won, if the adversary is willing to fight and they know battle would be fought in there side of border.
Battles are won by the moral of the army not with the weapons alone.(Something often said from the other side of the border):coffee:

Well, only one way to find out then isnt it.
Either millions in Dehli will burn to ash or maybe a million or two less.
Alight you blood thirsty Indians out here, start advocating your government for the nuclear wars now. You know you want it.
You nailed it OSCAR:azn:, India's game - to make every weapon in Pakistan conventional inventory obsolete ..... So that Pakistan keep on blackmailing the world with it's N-button.....

If your adversary is in panic you are doing it right...:coffee:
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Will the missile come down?
If yes then interception is possible.

No its not.

Intercepting warhead in terminal stages---especially when RV can maneuver before re-entering the atmosphere---is almost impossible.

This has been explain thoroughly by our in house PDF expert gambit, who was an instructor for U.S Air Force.

Moreover, even Dr Samar Mubarakmand said similar things in an interview.

At this time and point, indians have no systems that can stop Pakistani nuclear strike at major indian cities, bases, and life.

You think experts like Gambit, and top scientists are Samar Mubarakmand are just playing around while we'll know better?

600 km,, wow , your missile travel 600 km above earth , I didn't know that.... BTW , Indian ABM system can protect from short / medium ranges of missiles.

for long range India buying S-400

Apogee for Shaheen III was 692km :) The NOTAM requested by Pak Navy for test also stated the same apogee

No its not.

Intercepting warhead in terminal stages---especially when RV can maneuver before re-entering the atmosphere---is almost impossible.

This has been explain thoroughly by our in house PDF expert gambit, who was an instructor for U.S Air Force.

Moreover, even Dr Samar Mubarakmand said similar things in an interview.

At this time and point, indians have no systems that can stop Pakistani nuclear strike at major indian cities, bases, and life.

You think experts like Gambit, and top scientists are Samar Mubarakmand are just playing around while we'll know better?

Apogee for Shaheen III was 692km :) The NOTAM requested by Pak Navy for test also stated the same apogee


Wonder why, Americans are pouring billions into THAAD/SM3, Russians into S400/500 and Israelis into Arrow.
Wonder why, Americans are pouring billions into THAAD/SM3, Russians into S400/500 and Israelis into Arrow.

Americans don't rely on THAAD to defeat Russian ICBMs etc.

They are relying on systems like SM-1s etc..and even more sophisticated one's in development.

These systems can intercept at 600km+ heights...

THAAD alone wouldn't stop any Russian warhead of long range missile...
I'm still waiting for a pratical analysis of how this ABM will undermine the Pakistani arsenal.
These kind of developments always end up benifitting Pakistan as it gets more "excuses" to develop more missiles or missile technology and secondly Pakistan and China develop a common threat perception thus they cooperate more.

While I do accept that tone of this article is bombast. ABM making missiles obsolete depends on various other factors than just existence of ABM, but what in god/allah's name underpinning logic of statement highlighted in red.

You seem to have read some Russian statements and assumed that what applies to US-Russia scenario would also apply to India-Pakistan scenario. Nothing can be further from truth. For starters you do not have enough fissile material for building more than 350 Nukes, even if you are willing to eat grass for Nukes. So lack of fissile material is first shortcoming.

Then you do not have money to keep on increasing your missile force (missiles have an expiry date and need to be replaced periodically). Even if we ignore money problems, then there is tech problems.

This AAD may not have made all Pakistani missiles obsolete as it is not a matured system ,and this is not reliable at this moment, and is not present in quantity; but be sure, if and when India field a reliable BMD in numbers, it would make Pakistani nukes obsolete and your "excuse" would only remain a khyali pulao.
i am wondering since Pakistan missiles don't have to travel further than most ICBM like Russia attacking the U.S that it makes it much easier to intercept by an Indian ABM system.

India radar system SWORDFISH would pick up Pakistan ballistic missiles fairly quickly and these missiles wouldn't have the speed or height of a ICBM that have to travel over 10,000KM+ like the ones U.S and Russia would fire at each other.

now I wanna know is how fast was this target ballistic missile going when it was intercepted and it's entire flight envelope.
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The Radiance of Tejas has already compromised our air force, the Indian Navy blowing up that fishing boat has left a big question mark on Pak Navy... so please don't terrorise us any further...else we will end up going into a mischief. :(
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