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India's right-wing leader asks China to end religious repression in Tibet

munnu school ka time ho gaya, chalo uthh jao abb :haha:

Sorry to tell you that your dialect is not even a working language of the UN or UNSC.
What doesn't mean? it means your language has no importance.

so how about start learning more elegant languages, such as Chinese so you can understand what I say?

vote? what you get from your vote? a loser like Singh who claimed that mumbai would overtake Shanghai by 2009?

:rofl: keep it to yourself and enjoy it please.

:rofl::rofl: did you come out of hibernation to abuse Indians and troll ?

If you aren't interested in a meaningful discussion , stop quoting posts.

We can all see the real loser , here ...
China asks Indian right wing leader to kindly stfu.
Can I ask how old are you?

This moron's message will be reported by your "media" because there are clear audience there. If no one in india is going to listen in the first place, will it still be reported? e.g. if you post something stupid here, will it be covered by your media? no, it won't, because no one in india cares about it.

That is the problem. That is the problem india needs to deal with.

when your economy is like a , and when your country is like a dump site, how about just fix your own problem first?

Eat your words man........You are not better than us................Just P.. off..........
Sorry to tell you that your dialect is not even a working language of the UN or UNSC.
What doesn't mean? it means your language has no importance.

so how about start learning more elegant languages, such as Chinese so you can understand what I say?

someone's suffering from low self esteem issues :lol:
Can I ask how old are you?

This moron's message will be reported by your "media" because there are clear audience there. If no one in india is going to listen in the first place, will it still be reported? e.g. if you post something stupid here, will it be covered by your media? no, it won't, because no one in india cares about it.

That is the problem. That is the problem india needs to deal with.

when your economy is like a , and when your country is like a dump site, how about just fix your own problem first?

Why do you open your mouth when nothing but only bull$hit comes out of it?
Of Course , Tibetans are granted complete religious freedom here, And in no way do they hamper the working of our state...You were saying ?

religious freedom? what a huge load of BS!

mumbai got attacked not for no reason, mumbai got attacked because there are long religious repression in india against Muslims.

it was more like a uprising against your bloody regime and its policies.
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