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Don’t ignore the plight of Tibet under the Chinese Communist party

Tibetan leader in exile welcomes US bill that reaffirms rights
China seized control of Tibet in 1950 and claims its leaders and not Tibetans have the right to choose the Dalai Lama’s successor.
The political head of Tibetans in exile on Tuesday welcomed legislation passed by the US Congress that reaffirms the rights of Tibetans to choose a successor to their spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, a move that infuriated China.

China regards the exiled Dalai Lama as a dangerous “splittist”, or separatist, and the latest show of support from the US Congress could further damage ties between the two countries.

Lobsang Sangay, president of the Tibetan Central Administration (CTA), which is known as the Tibetan government-in-exile, told the Reuters news agency that Monday’s passing by the House of Representatives and the Senate in the United States of the Tibet Policy and Support Act (TPSA) was historic.

“By passing the TPSA, Congress has sent its message loud and clear that Tibet remains a priority for the United States and that it will continue its steadfast support for His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the CTA,” Sangay said.

“This is a victory for the Tibetan freedom struggle.”

The Chinese foreign ministry accused the US of interfering in its domestic affairs.

“We urge the US side to stop meddling in China’s internal affairs and refrain from signing into law these negative clauses and acts, lest it further harms our further cooperation and bilateral relations,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular briefing on Tuesday.

India does not demolish Buddhist temples, neither do they force Buddhists to convert to Hinduism like China forces Buddhists to become atheists. Many dalit Hindus convert to Buddhism without facing problems. India has numerous Buddhist temples, even the bodh Gaya is well maintained by the government of India.
All Tibetan temples look way better than your, but I do diagree on spending all their lives praying and worshipping as many Tibetans do even today, a very unproductive way of life.
All Tibetan temples look way better than your, but I do diagree on spending all their lives praying and worshipping as many Tibetans do even today, a very unproductive way of life.

Muslims pray 5 times a day...you call that unproductive while you desperately look for allies among them
India does not demolish Buddhist temples, neither do they force Buddhists to convert to Hinduism like China forces Buddhists to become atheists.
Who told you that China convert Buddhists and demolish Buddhist temples?

This is the world biggest Buddhist institute in Tibet, if things go your way of believe, it shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Muslims pray 5 times a day...you call that unproductive while you desperately look for allies among them
I say some Tibetan lamas, their whole life is praying, nothing else, just praying.
Lamas and monks are supposed to dedicate their entire life for Buddhism. They cannot earn, nor marry. Common Tibetans don't pray every time. You don't know anything.
I know they do this in Tibet, even today, many of them still do. I said I don't like this unproductive life and I only represent myself.
LOL, That's your Indian logic? If I say you are a dog, it's not my job to prove you are, but your job to prove you are not? so Indians can go around make wile claims, cause it's not your job to prove anything.
I am sure such anologies are acceptable in China. In the democratic civilized world, the onus of proving the veracity of a fact lies on the one disputing it - it's called "burden of proof".
lol, what does democratic civilized world have anything to do with you?
They are a Democratic civilized country...they don't get up in the morning as you do- having the CCP foot on every Chinese's necks- told what to say/watch/read/behave/act/speak/believe from sunup to sundown, acting like sheep.
They are a Democratic civilized country...they don't get up in the morning as you do- having the CCP foot on every Chinese's necks- told what to say/watch/read/behave/act/speak/believe from sunup to sundown, acting like sheep.
You above words and beliefs show exactly how you brainwahsed and what crap you've been fed every morning you get up.
You above words and beliefs show exactly how you brainwahsed and what crap you've been fed every morning you get up.
dude, you may think that your reputation is all good inside the wall, but outside of it everyone knows how the CCP foot is on every Chinese's neck- told what to say/watch/read/behave/act/speak/believe from sunup to sundown, making them like sheep. how many social points did you earn today posting? :cheers:
dude, you may think that your reputation is all good inside the wall, but outside of it everyone knows how the CCP foot is on every Chinese's neck- told what to say/watch/read/behave/act/speak/believe from sunup to sundown, making them like sheep. how many social points did you earn today posting? :cheers:
LOL, Who is "everyone"? what do you think about your reputation? perfectly flawless, isn't it?
LOL, Who is "everyone"? what do you think about your reputation? perfectly flawless, isn't it?
everyone= folks outside the wall who get to read the news they censor from Chinese citizens like you. The reputation we are discussing is how the CCP foot is on every Chinese's neck- told what to say/watch/read/behave/act/speak/believe from sunup to sundown, making them like sheep. how many social points did you earn today posting? :cheers:
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