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Don’t ignore the plight of Tibet under the Chinese Communist party

should be more worried about yourself getting converted by hindu someday
India does not demolish Buddhist temples, neither do they force Buddhists to convert to Hinduism like China forces Buddhists to become atheists. Many dalit Hindus convert to Buddhism without facing problems. India has numerous Buddhist temples, even the bodh Gaya is well maintained by the government of India.
Tibet should be a free country. It's population is 80% Buddhist and we want to see the rise another Buddhist country in this world map.

Atheist China is forcing Atheism in Buddhist majority Tibet which is unacceptable.

Full support to my Buddhist brothers of Tibet.

You can have it if you can take it. So come on try it and see what happens.
India does not demolish Buddhist temples, neither do they force Buddhists to convert to Hinduism like China forces Buddhists to become atheists. Many dalit Hindus convert to Buddhism without facing problems. India has numerous Buddhist temples, even the bodh Gaya is well maintained by the government of India.
ahh.. right I forget Hindus only convert Muslims, lol. But how would you explain 80% people in tibet are still Buddhists when China is supposedly forcing atheism down their throats, while on the other hand, 80% people in Nepal are Hindus now, living and worshiping their gods everyday in the land of Buddha's birthplace? these simple statistics doesn't make your argument very convincing, does it?

just move to Thailand if you like the idea of buddhist country so much.
ahh.. right I forget Hindus only convert Muslims, lol. But how would you explain 80% people in tibet are still Buddhists when China is supposedly forcing atheism down their throats, while on the other hand, 80% people in Nepal are Hindus now, living and worshiping their gods everyday in the land of Buddha's birthplace? these simple statistics doesn't make your argument very convincing, does it?

just move to Thailand if you like the idea of buddhist country so much.
Tibet is 80% Buddhist because Tibetan Buddhists are brave and are resisting Chinese occupation. The whole world is seeing what you Chinese are doing in Xinjiang.

Also don't forget during warlord era you Chinese killed millions of Tibetan Buddhists and destroyed many Buddhist pagodas.

It is such a shame that China was once a very important Buddhist region. Even Buddhist monk Bodhidharma was from China.
Tibet is 80% Buddhist because Tibetan Buddhists are brave and are resisting Chinese occupation. The whole world is seeing what you Chinese are doing in Xinjiang.

Also don't forget during warlord era you Chinese killed millions of Tibetan Buddhists and destroyed many Buddhist pagodas.

It is such a shame that China was once a very important Buddhist region. Even Buddhist monk Bodhidharma was from China.
you may believe what you want but historically, Buddhism was nothing special to China, we cracked down all religions indiscriminately. does that make you feel better?
you may believe what you want but historically, Buddhism was nothing special to China, we cracked down all religions indiscriminately. does that make you feel better?
Tibet will be free. It's a matter of time. USA already entered the South China sea.

China has no strong allies. You guys are friends with weak nations like Pakistan, Iran, North Korea. Tibetans can manage USA, UK, France and other powerful nations if they decide to revolt.
Tibet was an independent country when invaded by the Chinese army in 1950.
No,it was not!.

The concept of free tibet is not natural,it's been part of china for centuries before British fed that propaganda.
After the fall of ruling Qing ,there was no unifying entity holding China, till CCP won the civil war against the KMT,various parts of China ,from mongolia-innermongolia, manchuria to many parts of Southern China were semi autonomous like Tibet.
British invasion caused a period of loss of control in Chinese central authority,which was recovered when a political party won the civil war.Hence none reognized tibet as nation,not even the US.
ethnic cleansing (partly by the mass settlement of Han Chinese and the promotion of Mandarin Chinese over Tibetan)

Ethnic cleansing
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal or extermination of ethnic, racial and/or religious groups from a given area, often with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Wikipedia

Meanwhile ,

• Ethnic composition90% Tibetan
8% Han
0.3% Monpa
0.3% Hui
0.2% others

Tibet should be a free country. It's population is 80% Buddhist and we want to see the rise another Buddhist country in this world map.

Atheist China is forcing Atheism in Buddhist majority Tibet which is unacceptable.

Full support to my Buddhist brothers of Tibet.
You want to see the rise of Buddhist nation so tibet should be a free nation?..... I don't see the logic.
Now are we supposed to carve out nation based on religion of a region are we? How many more nations are supposed to be formed then any idea?

Tibetans getting handouts while they do as they wish in the name of religion,they sure are in no hurry to leave china and live in a dreadful situation like the tibetans and Buddhists in India and nepal....The region would have been the biggest of poverty state with no aptitude for enterprise & technology,but cultivates a slave ownership culture,but good for Tibetans,their life improved without the curse of serfdom.

India does not demolish Buddhist temples, neither do they force Buddhists to convert to Hinduism like China forces Buddhists to become atheists. Many dalit Hindus convert to Buddhism without facing problems. India has numerous Buddhist temples, even the bodh Gaya is well maintained by the government of India.
Based on stats Tibet has 6K + monasteries and there's a monk for every 36 Tibetans . What is the conversion process to aethist? renounce the religion or like conversion of Muslim to hindu?
It is such a shame that China was once a very important Buddhist region. Even Buddhist monk Bodhidharma was from China.
China was never a Buddhist region not even in the Tang period when Taoism was the state religion .Western or south asian lfanatism wouldn't find stronghold in confucious East Asian societies.


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Tibet will be free. It's a matter of time. USA already entered the South China sea.

China has no strong allies. You guys are friends with weak nations like Pakistan, Iran, North Korea. Tibetans can manage USA, UK, France and other powerful nations if they decide to revolt.
I think you may have gotten the wrong idea of weak and strong, China can easily nuclear level America killing, over 93% of America men, women and children while leaving the other 7% to play Fallout in real life.

but somehow, tibet will be free. yay
Ah yes crying crocodile tears about made up separtist movements to subvert indpenedent foreign countries. The racist British colonizers favourite past time between genociding real Americans and bombing Muslims for a living.
Tibet will be free. It's a matter of time. USA already entered the South China sea.

China has no strong allies. You guys are friends with weak nations like Pakistan, Iran, North Korea. Tibetans can manage USA, UK, France and other powerful nations if they decide to revolt.

Change your avatar picture. We don’t want someone supporting the genocide of Muslims as someone’s profile picture.
Tibet will be free. It's a matter of time. USA already entered the South China sea.

China has no strong allies. You guys are friends with weak nations like Pakistan, Iran, North Korea. Tibetans can manage USA, UK, France and other powerful nations if they decide to revolt.
blablabla, I know who you are, a stupid Indian who pretends himself as a Nepalese. your stink smells from miles away. “China has no friend”? Indiots always like to say that.
the most hilarious part is that you pretend as a monk while praising Indian religious policy? Buddhism once was Indian first religion, what about now? even if you have read any history of Indian Buddhism, you won't do that.
Indian troll stupid as always.
Chinese rule in Tibet has been characterised by brutal repression and ethnic cleansing, writes Terry Philpot – and yet the rest of the world takes little interest
Activists of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) after being detained by police during a protest outside the China embassy in New Delhi on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist party.

Activists of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) after being detained by police during a protest outside the China embassy in New Delhi on Thursday. Photograph: Money Sharma/AFP/Getty Images

Your otherwise excellent editorial on the centenary of the Chinese Communist party (29 June) ignores entirely, as do so many commentaries on China, the appalling suffering of the Tibetan people, citing only the oppression of the Uyghurs. Tibet’s plight under Chinese rule goes back even longer. Tibet was an independent country when invaded by the Chinese army in 1950. Its spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, fled to a life of exile and his young successor was kidnapped by the Chinese and never seen again.

Chinese rule is characterised by brutal repression, ethnic cleansing (partly by the mass settlement of Han Chinese and the promotion of Mandarin Chinese over Tibetan), persecution of religious believers, torture, murder, “disappearances”, and incarceration without trial. Tibet evokes little interest from governments (including successive British ones) and none from the left or the right. Its cause is kept alive in the UK largely by Free Tibet. https://freetibet.org/

Still dreaming of Xizang? Indians, Americans? It's too late?
Tibet should be a free country. It's population is 80% Buddhist and we want to see the rise another Buddhist country in this world map.

Atheist China is forcing Atheism in Buddhist majority Tibet which is unacceptable.

Full support to my Buddhist brothers of Tibet.

Haha, the fact is China is also the biggest Buddhist country in this world map, 20% folks Buddhist per population.
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