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India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

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Lets face it Chinese fellas, when it comes to eating weird stuffs, you guys win hands down. So lets drop it already.

I hope the OP gets banned for starting such pointless sh*tstorm.
Indians don't eat cows, but eat rats, worms, ******* corpse...

Some time I wonder Why don't you get ban. You can impose same logic on Jews , They can eat camel,Cow but not pork..

What a BS logic?? Please think b4 posting.

LOL, in your attempt to put down Pakistan, you forgot this:

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph


Ain't its banned topic??? I wonder after so many violation how you guys are still here? Yesterday for small deviation, I got an Infraction... :x :mod:
Really, a news is posted about India and you drag in China and then Pakistan....I am sure there is a worse name for a loser.

Do you really want to go down this lane. !!
I did not dragged pakistan CD dragged you.
plz Go threw threw the thread ones more.
I am not afraid to traverse any lane,Did I made it clear to you ???
Lets face it Chinese fellas, when it comes to eating weird stuffs, you guys win hands down. So lets drop it already.

I hope the OP gets banned for starting such pointless sh*tstorm.

LOL, you guys were the ones who started flaming us for no reason in that thread about the boat sinking.

So don't be surprised when we give you some of your own medicine. :azn:
I did not dragged pakistan CD dragged you.
plz Go threw threw the thread ones more.
I am not afraid to traverse any lane,Did I made it clear to you ???

If you must post then try and make some sense of your cheap banter.
gosh!!! The increasing appetite of Chinese are making our Tigers and one-Horn Rhinos extinct.
India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

An official in the Indian state of Bihar has come up with a new idea to encourage low caste poor people to cope with food shortages - rat meat.

The Principal Secretary of the state's Welfare Department, Vijay Prakash, said that he was advancing his proposal after "much survey and ground work".

Bihar's extremely poor Musahar community are rat-eaters by tradition.

The Musahar are on the bottom strata of the caste system with the lowest literacy rate and per capita income.

Less than one percent of their 2.3 million population in Bihar is literate and 98% are landless.

Mr Prakash says his proposals to popularise rat meat eating are intended to uplift their social-economic condition.

"There are twin advantages of this proposal. First, we can save about half of our food grain stocks by catching and eating rats and secondly we can improve the economic condition of the Musahar community," he told the BBC.

According to Mr Prakash, about 50% of total food grain stocks in the country are eaten away by rodents.

He argues that by promoting rat eating more grain will be preserved while hunger among the Musahar community will be reduced.

He said that rat meat is not only a delicacy but a protein-enriched food, widely popular in Thailand and France.

"Rats have almost no bones and are quite rich in nutrition. People at large don't know this cuisine fact but gradually they are catching up."

However he may find it difficult to popularise such a strategy in a conservative society like Bihar and other north Indian states.

Mr Prakash says that he has recipes to make rat eating a delicacy, which he now wants to distribute to all the hotels in Bihar.

He also wants to encourage rat farming in the same way that poultry is farmed.

While eating rat meat is still stigmatised in urban areas of the country, Mr Prakash says that his research has revealed that it is a popular food item in some parts of Bihar where it is known at roadside hotels by the name of "patal-bageri".

This is not the first time that the department secretary has come out with such an innovative idea.
Earlier, he proposed to recruit eunuchs as security guards to maternity wards in hospitals.

"Yes, that proposal is in its advance stage and we'll very soon engage them in various social activities of our department," he said.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India's poor urged to 'eat rats'

Very sad and we never hear the end of superpower designate status talked on the forum by some Indian members
If they want to drag in Pakistan, they can read this. :lol:

Indian poverty levels higher than Pakistan's, says UN report - Telegraph

Look at these Indians, they are lower than even Africa in terms of development indicators, yet they still think they are superior to all their neighbours. :rofl:
Meanwhile CD should read this:

Modern-day slaves are beaten and buried alive in China as police looks the other way:

Freed “slaves” tell their horrific stories. Rescued by relatives they talk about police indifference. Children lured with promises of jobs are kidnapped and forced to work like adults. Factory owners threaten and beat parents who try to rescue their children and those of other parents.

Beijing (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Zhang Yinlei was lured into slavery with promises of a job at a brick factory. Instead he worked for months seeing his fellow workers beaten to death. Only by accident did his father find out and came to his rescue. His story of enslavement is not unique; it is one of many in 21st Century China, the new land of prosperity and boom times.

Yinlei’s father, Zhang Shanlin, told the South China Morning Post that his son was trapped when he tried to find a job after graduating in March from a vocational school in Zhengzhou (Henan). The boy was forced to work 15 to 16 hours a day and anybody who tried to escape was beaten. Workers “were treated like the dead.”

On April 26 his son and five other workers were almost burned alive when they were forced to move bricks in a searing hot kiln. All six were severely hurt but were locked up in the factory and given no treatment for over a month.

It was only after a client from Hongdong County told police about the injured workers that the owner sent the six to a hospital for treatment. But the police still did not contact the victims' families.

Using a cellphone borrowed from the relative of another patient, Zhang Yinlei called his father who arrived on May 29. In the hospital the factory owner even demanded Mr Zhang pay his son's medical bill. The police instead did nothing.

Since the factory's owner was a village party secretary “he was protected by local officials and police,” Mr Zhang said.

When he went to pick up his son's student identity documents at the brick factory, he saw several dozen workers, including four to five aged around 12 to 14, he said.

Stories like this are not exceptional. Zhou Yong said that he went to work in a brick factory in Hebei province when he was 17; that was seven years ago. He was beaten as soon as he arrived and forced to work 16 hours a day for little food.

He was able to escape and go to the police who simply sent him to a bus station but refused to rescue the other kids at the factory. There were at least 20 other boys working there, malnourished and thin, he said.

Jiu Wenjie was 15 when he went missing in January in Zhengzhou. His parents have been looking for him ever since. His mother Zhang Xiaoying said that she visited hundreds of kilns where she saw children working like adults.

Chai Wei, whose son went missing in April, said he knew of other parents who had rescued about 100 workers since March, including 41 children—one just eight years old. But kiln owners tried their best to intimidate and beat them up in order to chase them away.

CHINA Modern-day slaves are beaten and buried alive as police looks the other way - Asia News
LOL, I have lived in China my whole life, and I have never seen one of those things being openly sold anywhere. :lol:

That is an urban legend that has been proven wrong a long time ago. :lol: It was in fact fake and part of an art exhibit that was designed to be shocking.

Do They Eat Babies in China? - Urban Legends


Try again. :azn:

I dont know about human foetus......however, in China....you can always get rat foetus in wine.
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