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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

So this is an actual song in India, wow. What is the meaning of this line?

Dabur is an injun company which makes hair oil. Babur was the mughal king who built Babri masjid. Because it rhymes well with Dabur, they came up with a song which literally translates to

''apply dabur hair oil and obliterate Babur's name''

Cuz fook logic.

Injuns never cease to amaze me with their utter buffoonery. The song and the visuals gave me a much needed laugh though. I couldn't breathe for a few secs haha.
Seems like Indian govt should learn from China how to treat minorities especially Muslims , I agree with you they should be treated like Ugihurs ......

All minorities have a problem with the hindutva extremist state in India but especially Indian Muslims

The hindutva mobs can't tell the difference between any Indian Muslim

India is becoming a communal shithole and action now needs to be taken

It's in all Indian minorities and the region interests that China help the region by putting massive pressure and force on hindutva India

India s defeat is in its people interest
Building a temple on a site that came into being by a DECLARED ILLEGAL ACT, confirmed and upheld by your own SC. Any decent lawyer would rip BJP to shreds for dropping bricks on the piece of land that necessitates outstanding legal remedies pertaining to its origins. Notice how any Indian on pdf with an iota of legal training is silent about this FACT, instead quietly nudging the usual bhakt idiots on this thread to speak on their behalf in all their uninformed and clueless glory.
Don't twist words for your convenience. The building may have been illegally demolished but the ownership right rests with the Hindu community as per SC orders. The construction is mandated by a non-governmental body, any decent lawyer will forget building a case over this. It's within the prerogative of the said body to invite whoever they wish to for the ceremony. What so illegal about this?
Seems like Indian govt should learn from China how to treat minorities especially Muslims , I agree with you they should be treated like Ugihurs ......

There are 250 MILLION Indian Muslims and millions more other minorities like Sikhs and Xtians

Jinnah Message was always clear a united India would be a disaster and would never work

Everyone is coming to the same conclusion thus EVERYone must come to the same solution

The solution being Partition

Hindus need a state where they can be as hindutva crazy as they like, but that state needs to be away from HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of non hindus

Give the Sikhs khalistan
Give xtians a state around Goa or the North East
Give Kashmir to Pakistan and Indian Muslims a state or a couple of states

Then Hindus can have one or multiple Hindu states either secular or hindutva

What your doing at the moment is exactly what Jinnah warned about
Trapping everybody then trying to be a hindutva state

Jinnahs way was the right way

So you will not help us to get the reference book from China on how to treat Muslims

Hopefully you yourself have learned the lessons which Jinnha preached and you wouldn't have lost half of the country just within 24 years of your existence .

With the conditions of your country who knows when history will repeat itself .... :) so you are right the country which needs to learn from Jinnha is the Pakistan
There are 250 MILLION Indian Muslims and millions more other minorities like Sikhs and Xtians

Jinnah Message was always clear a united India would be a disaster and would never work

Everyone is coming to the same conclusion thus EVERYone must come to the same solution

The solution being Partition

Hindus need a state where they can be as hindutva crazy as they like, but that state needs to be away from HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of non hindus

Give the Sikhs khalistan
Give xtians a state around Goa or the North East
Give Kashmir to Pakistan and Indian Muslims a state or a couple of states

Then Hindus can have one or multiple Hindu states either secular or hindutva

What your doing at the moment is exactly what Jinnah warned about
Trapping everybody then trying to be a hindutva state

Jinnahs way was the right way


India marks another day of erasure and insult against its Muslim citizens
Banners with the images of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, Lord Ram and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath on the eve before the groundbreaking ceremony of the proposed Ram Temple in Ayodhya. (Sanjay Kanojia/AFP via Getty Images)
Banners with the images of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, left, Lord Ram and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath on the eve before the groundbreaking ceremony of the proposed Ram Temple in Ayodhya. (Sanjay Kanojia/AFP via Getty Images)

Opinion by
Rana Ayyub
Global Opinions contributing writer
August 4, 2020 at 10:33 p.m. GMT+1
On Wednesday, images and renderings of the Grand Ram Temple — which will be built on the the site of the Babri Masjid, an important mosque in Uttar Pradesh state demolished by right-wing Hindu nationalists— will be beamed across giant billboards in Times Square by a U.S. organization to mark the groundbreaking ceremony for the temple’s construction, which will feature Prime Minister Narendra Modi laying silver bricks as the foundation.
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Wednesday is also the anniversary of India’s decision to revoke the special autonomous status of Jammu and Kashmir, the Muslim-majority state where 7 million people have been living under a brutal military occupation and Internet blackout. The government is imposing another curfew on Wednesday in a region where thousands of young people have already been arbitrarily detained and journalists are facing censorship.
Thus Aug. 5 will become another infamous date for Muslims in India — a day of increased repression in Kashmir, with the added insult of a grand function in the city of Ayodhya, where the Babri mosque’s destruction led to a nationwide attack on Muslims in 1992.
This is not a coincidence.
Over the past few years, I’ve reported extensively on the rise of majoritarianism and Islamophobia in Modi’s India, and it has been exacting on the mind and soul to repeat myself in every column, warning the world of the depravity of the regime and the immorality of a populace that has normalized the naked hatred being disseminated in the country, particularly during a devastating pandemic.
In November, the Supreme Court sent a resounding message to India’s 200 million-strong Muslim population by ruling that the destruction of the 16th-century Babri mosque was a criminal offense while also favoring the building of a temple on the disputed site to placate Hindus.
Now the prime minister is celebrating this erasure just as the novel coronavirus continues to rage across India, which has the third-highest number of cases worldwide. The death toll is increasing by the day (India has suffered about 40,000 deaths so far), our migrants are dying of starvation and the home minister has just been admitted to a private facility after testing positive for covid-19.
As a citizen, a journalist and a Muslim, I find it hard not to grow alarmed at the gestures to settle political and religious scores; and every week seems to bring another dystopian development in the ugly slide toward majoritarianism.
On Aug. 1, as Indian Muslims celebrated a somber Eid al-Adha, a video went viral showing a Hindu mob beating a young Muslim man accused of carrying cow meat in his vehicle. The man bled profusely while the mob asked him to chant “Jai Shri Ram” (Glory to Lord Ram). It was yet another attack against Muslims involving beef, since cows are considered sacred to the country’s Hindu-majority population.
But India’s leaders want to change the conversation from the treatment of Muslims. In the midst of the pandemic and when floods have ravaged northeast India and displaced thousands, Indian and international media are parked in Ayodhya to witness the grand celebration. On Wednesday, Modi, surrounded by chants and nationalist luminaries including Mohan Bhagwat, head of the Hindu supremacist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, will place a 22.6-kilogram brick made of silver to cement his promise of dismantling the fundamentals of a secular, democratic republic.
The inauguration of the Ram temple is meant to allay the Indian middle class and the poor who have borne the brunt of the lockdown and suffered a lot from the economic impact. Modi has used Hindu-Muslim polarization as a potent tool to channel the anger of India’s middle class. The choice of Aug. 5 is yet another reminder of Hindu supremacy in India, symbolic of the transformation of India into a Hindu state.
Then there’s the spectacle planned for Times Square, a reminder that many remain complicit in enabling a fascist regime in India that is turning Muslims into second-class citizens in the world’s largest democracy.
As people continue to protest in support of Black Lives Matter in New York and other cities, giant screens will be endorsing sectarian division and violence.
On Dec. 6, 1992, when Hindu nationalists demolished the Babri Masjid and innocent people were butchered, a generation of Indian Muslims, including myself, was scarred for life. We were witnesses to a communalism that would fester deep in the Indian psyche. As I wrote this, a journalist from NPR called me to ask what the word “Ayodhya” meant to me. The answer: What happened was an attempt to erase my identity and that of a population that chose India as its motherland in 1947 during the partition of the country.
Aug. 5 marks another day in the continuing erasure of India’s syncretic culture, another day of blood and soil in India, with a Modi emboldened by the world’s inaction.
Don't twist words for your convenience. The building may have been illegally demolished but the ownership right rests with the Hindu community as per SC orders. The construction is mandated by a non-governmental body, any decent lawyer will forget building a case over this. It's within the prerogative of the said body to invite whoever they wish to for the ceremony. What so illegal about this?
No less is to be expected from the south asian clown college of law and jurisprudence.
wo bhut cute thi ap ne uski jawani nhi dekhi . hum to jawani ke ishq ka parinam bhugat rahy hain abhi tak

bangalis love their culture .
India is not a secular country though.

Instead of convictions and sentences being handed down to perpetrators of an act of religious terrorism and mass murder in 1992 (confirmed as a criminal act by India's SC), India has rewarded these perpetrators with a temple, a shrine that every Hindu will worship at and be thankful for this act of terrorism that led to the creation of said temple.
which country is secular ?
It is a crime scene. A place where a fanatical Hindu mob razed a mosque.
Stuck down from occupied territory by religious fanatics.....
Taken back by rightful owners
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