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"...The third option is perhaps the ugliest, strategically and politically: India may have no choice but to accept China’s faits accomplis and anesthetize the domestic fallout by exploiting the ambiguity around the definition and non-delineation of the Line of Actual Control, claiming that it is not Indian territory, which of course depends on the definitions of “Indian,” “territory,” and frankly, “is.” There are hints that the Indian government is preparing itself and the domestic public to do just this..."

Views of two US based indophiles on the conflict and its likely resolution.
Well analyzed. This is a fait accompli. There is absolutely nothing India can do without hurting itself two times over.

We are listening this pull back from 2 months now. If China had agreed to pull back then what did China achieve in all this episode. What did India agree to give to China for pull back. No one will know since your govt does not even acknowledge Chinese incursion.
The two governments said they would mutually pull back before the Galwan incident ... did that ever happen? Nope. Why would China give up the new strategic positions it conquered? And besides, given the weak Indian response, I think China is emboldened further.
So when are you going to return to india from america in order to take on China and get back over 38,000 square kms of indian territory that has been conquered by China?..........:azn:
Well no one knows (at least in this forum) what is current situation in Ladak. If India lost land, will recover it in due course. Indian army is holding ground there. It is barren land what will china do there in long run?
Total Capitulation first and then DigitalShugicalShitrikes - 100% Chance - already done!
Different leaders with different METHODOLOGIES to deal with their enemies .
Retard look at the title and look at what you are posting. Look at what the Chinese have done and look at the coward embarrassing response your nation has provided. Your government and army has taken a spanking of a lifetime and your wanting to show your brown mini chest to us? Be quiet man and be sensible

What they have done? do you know what Indian army done to them? Silent from china is agreement.
Well no one knows (at least in this forum) what is current situation in Ladak. If India lost land, will recover it in due course. Indian army is holding ground there. It is barren land what will china do there in long run?

Rather than just spewing conjectures that you hope suits your narrative, can you use some credible evidence to critically and impartially analyse a situation?
Rather than just spewing conjectures that you hope suits your narrative, can you use some credible evidence to critically and impartially analyse a situation?
There is no info/silence from china. Did you hear our PM speech? India spoke about the current situation?
V K former army chief and BJP minister spoke about it. What else you need.
There is no info/silence from china. Did you hear our PM speech? India spoke about the current situation?
V K former army chief and BJP minister spoke about it. What else you need.

Can you provide any links to some credible evidence that can confirm and prove your above assertions?
What they have done? do you know what Indian army done to them? Silent from china is agreement.

You have done nothing to China except that China spanked you twice in June, ex-PLA officers and even in-active service generals in social network make fun out of your pathetic performance regularly

As for the agreement, China agree to take your land and you agree that China has not invade you but still boycott China, running a panic weapon shopping spree, as well as show a video footage of some Indian soldiers push a Chinese soldiers:lol:

And you still believe you have killed 31231311 PLA soldiers, IQ 78 at work again I guess:rofl:
Can you provide any links to some credible evidence that can confirm and prove your above assertions?

They are the lowest level of joke in the world, the fact that they run a weapon shopping spree, and the fact they would even post a video that 20 men of them beat a PLA communication officer there for neogiation, or a video show they push a single PLA soldier, yet show nothing about any evidence suggesting PLA suffer anything or any PLA captives in that encounter, give you an idea about how pathetic they were at that encounter.

Not to mention the fact PLA still hold the place of encounter explain quite a deal as well.

And then they run a panic weapon shopping spree, government-backed boycotting further show their real mental state

Using logic and nothing need to say anymore, the rest are just the typical India IQ 78 at work
They are the lowest level of joke in the world, the fact that they run a weapon shopping spree, and the fact they would even post a video that 20 men of them beat a PLA communication officer there for neogiation, or a video show they push a single PLA soldier, yet show nothing about any evidence suggesting PLA suffer anything or any PLA captives in that encounter, give you an idea about how pathetic they were at that encounter.

Not to mention the fact PLA still hold the place of encounter explain quite a deal as well.

And then they run a panic weapon shopping spree, government-backed boycotting further show their real mental state

Using logic and nothing need to say anymore, the rest are just the typical India IQ 78 at work

Seems like the indian IQ is falling by the day........:disagree:
Firstly look at the title and look at what you and your guru are rambling on about.
Secondly a nation that’s just had a chunk of land taken off you - your soldiers butchered and humiliated by having prisons taken - yet your response is to ban a few apps?
God sake man how can you talk about guts when Indians have allowed military rape to occur in Ladakh?
You come from a nation that historically likes to play tough against smaller nations - when it comes to a match of similar strength and size - you behave like scars mice. Any self respecting Indian will be hiding their head in shame with Modhis response

Too much of hypocrisy!! Good for you!

They are the lowest level of joke in the world, the fact that they run a weapon shopping spree, and the fact they would even post a video that 20 men of them beat a PLA communication officer there for neogiation, or a video show they push a single PLA soldier, yet show nothing about any evidence suggesting PLA suffer anything or any PLA captives in that encounter, give you an idea about how pathetic they were at that encounter.

Not to mention the fact PLA still hold the place of encounter explain quite a deal as well.

And then they run a panic weapon shopping spree, government-backed boycotting further show their real mental state

Using logic and nothing need to say anymore, the rest are just the typical India IQ 78 at work

It does not matter how much you blabber or rant... the matter of fact id that China Can't go for a war with India.
You'll see the retreating soon. Save this post its gospel truth.
Hearing same BS thing from kungflu land. Why don't you post here what they said. Are they cowards, they can't speak openly?

Good, for instance this one:

This is from general Qiao Liang, he is an active-service PLAAF major general and a professor of national strategy from PLA National Defence university (which is the graduate school for high-level PLA officers before promotion as well as the training school for PLA generals):

He first say the encounter is one-sided with PLA suffer little, it show the PLA's combat readiness is great.

He think the reason PLA dominate the India in that encounter show the fact that the PLA have finally overcoming the shortcoming that haunted them for the past decades: The supply line problem.

He believe with the great economy might China can maintain a robust supply line to their troop anywhere, such that PLA will achieve total victory and leave only pain and suffering to the enemies, no matter they face the old foe like the US, or the losers (手下败将)like Indians.:rofl:


Too much of hypocrisy!! Good for you!

It does not matter how much you blabber or rant... the matter of fact id that China Can't go for a war with India.
You'll see the retreating soon. Save this post its gospel truth.

Btw, retreating? you wanker claiming China retreat days before China killed 20+ of you.

So never say never.
Good, for instance this one:

This is from general Qiao Liang, he is an active-service PLAAF major general and a professor of national strategy from PLA National Defence university (which is the graduate school for high-level PLA officers before promotion as well as the training school for PLA generals):

He first say the encounter is one-sided with PLA suffer little, it show the PLA's combat readiness is great.

He think the reason PLA dominate the India in that encounter show the fact that the PLA have finally overcoming the shortcoming that haunted them for the past decades: The supply line problem.

He believe with the great economy might China can maintain a robust supply line to their troop anywhere, such that PLA will achieve total victory and leave only pain and suffering to the enemies, no matter they face the old foe like the US, or the losers (手下败将)like Indians.:rofl:

I don't see any special thing written. It is typical chinese post in PDF. Can you ask why PLA stopped at galwan, how many died in conflict with India.

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