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Unless something dramatically changes - India will not initiate an attack against China, but will defend if China further attacks.

This is going to be the solution (I hope) - Both countries will withdraw to pre-april positions. India will put it's head down, and improve infrastructure + do everything to reduce trade deficit + eject China from most of sectors in indian economy + build the forces against China, while being careful to not to provoke China. This is going to be Indian strategy for the next 10 years.

China played it's hand 10 or 20 years too early.....this act of China is good for India in the long term.

War is not in India's interest at this time.......War will be last option.

I don't think you indians can ever understand. Your post explains this very trait of members of the indian race. You go to great lengths at explaining things that you would like to believe or suits your narrative but you do not have the FACULTY or ABILITY to critically analyse a situation with facts and evidence. Just hot air.
I don't think you indians can ever understand. Your post explains this very trait of members of the indian race. You go to great lengths at explaining things that you would like to believe or suits your narrative but you do not have the FACULTY or ABILITY to critically analyse a situation with facts and evidence. Just hot air.

I am not sure where "hot air" is in my post. It is up to you to think what you want to.

Every Indian knows that war is not in India's interests. China is 5 times our size + a full-fledged war with China will be very very costly.

Economy is not in a good shape.
If Modi and his sanghi retards had the audacity to do anything - they would have already done it. India has a tiny heart compared to its population and mass. Hasn’t got the heart or balls to confront a nation of equal size.
The Chinese have humiliated and taken chunk of land - mashed their army and humiliated them - India’s leader been forced to lie and vow his head in shame. All they could do was to ban TikTok - international laughing stock.
As @Gandhi G in da house mentioned earlier...

With your observation, I'd say the time is ripe for Pakistan to take Kashmir. Otherwise you are thrice as much a coward as you take India for.

Have seen it already bro - these sanghi have an extraordinary bark. When it come to the crunch and confrontation - they quickly cross the road and bow their heads - on the internet they can pretend to be warriors - in the real world the only thing they can do is self combust
As @Gandhi G in da house rightly posed earlier ...
With your observation, I'd say the time is ripe for Pakistan to take Kashmir. Otherwise you are thrice as much a coward as you take India for.
I don't think you indians can ever understand. Your post explains this very trait of members of the indian race. You go to great lengths at explaining things that you would like to believe or suits your narrative but you do not have the FACULTY or ABILITY to critically analyse a situation with facts and evidence. Just hot air.
Both parties have agreed to pull back,they are just talking on how to implement the pull back.you can keep believing China is ready for war and won't back down.
If you look in the last 30-40 years Chinese have never stood up if the opposition party stands it ground.they just can't there is a reason they have to spend more on their internal security than their defence budget.

If you want you can fine one example from last 40 years and quote me.
As @Gandhi G in da house mentioned earlier...

With your observation, I'd say the time is ripe for Pakistan to take Kashmir. Otherwise you are thrice as much a coward as you take India for.

As @Gandhi G in da house rightly posed earlier ...
With your observation, I'd say the time is ripe for Pakistan to take Kashmir. Otherwise you are thrice as much a coward as you take India for.

When will indian be brave enough to take on more than 7× smaller Pakistan?...........:azn:

Both parties have agreed to pull back,they are just talking on how to implement the pull back.you can keep believing China is ready for war and won't back down.
If you look in the last 30-40 years Chinese have never stood up if the opposition party stands it ground.they just can't there is a reason they have to spend more on their internal security than their defence budget.

If you want you can fine one example from last 40 years and quote me.

WHEN did they agree to pull back? Can you post a link to the credible evidence that proves and confirms this?
As @Gandhi G in da house mentioned earlier...

With your observation, I'd say the time is ripe for Pakistan to take Kashmir. Otherwise you are thrice as much a coward as you take India for.

Firstly look at the title and look at what you and your guru are rambling on about.
Secondly a nation that’s just had a chunk of land taken off you - your soldiers butchered and humiliated by having prisons taken - yet your response is to ban a few apps?
God sake man how can you talk about guts when Indians have allowed military rape to occur in Ladakh?
You come from a nation that historically likes to play tough against smaller nations - when it comes to a match of similar strength and size - you behave like scars mice. Any self respecting Indian will be hiding their head in shame with Modhis response
When will indian be brave enough to take on more than 7× smaller Pakistan?...........:azn:

WHEN did they agree to pull back? Can you post a link to the credible evidence that proves and confirms this?
Give it a week you will get all the details.
Which means that you have NO EVIDENCE but just conjectures that you hope will somehow fit your narrative...........:disagree:
No instead of giving you all the ingredients seperatly I am asking you to wait for a week for you to get the sweet.
When will indian be brave enough to take on more than 7× smaller Pakistan?...........:azn:

WHEN did they agree to pull back? Can you post a link to the credible evidence that proves and confirms this?
India will take on pakistan once you return back to pakistan. seating in UK and drumming your country for war. very brave man.
With your observation, I'd say the time is ripe for Pakistan to take Kashmir. Otherwise you are thrice as much a coward as you take India for.
We're still waiting for Amit Shah to charge into GB/AJK on an elephant and annex it for mother india. He did promise as much or don't you remember?. Whatever happened to that idea?

India will take on pakistan once you return back to pakistan. seating in UK and drumming your country for war. very brave man.
Pakistanis in UK and USA will take TEN of your filth down per one of us. Be assured of that. It already happens any time there's a fist fight. Imagine how many Indians we'll beat when we put nails into our cricket bats.
India will take on pakistan once you return back to pakistan. seating in UK and drumming your country for war. very brave man.

So when are you going to return to india from america in order to take on China and get back over 38,000 square kms of indian territory that has been conquered by China?..........:azn:
India will take on pakistan once you return back to pakistan. seating in UK and drumming your country for war. very brave man.
Retard look at the title and look at what you are posting. Look at what the Chinese have done and look at the coward embarrassing response your nation has provided. Your government and army has taken a spanking of a lifetime and your wanting to show your brown mini chest to us? Be quiet man and be sensible
Both parties have agreed to pull back,they are just talking on how to implement the pull back.you can keep believing China is ready for war and won't back down.
If you look in the last 30-40 years Chinese have never stood up if the opposition party stands it ground.they just can't there is a reason they have to spend more on their internal security than their defence budget.

If you want you can fine one example from last 40 years and quote me.

We are listening this pull back from 2 months now. If China had agreed to pull back then what did China achieve in all this episode. What did India agree to give to China for pull back. No one will know since your govt does not even acknowledge Chinese incursion.

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