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India's Pakistan Phobia

You believe that India is "the rest of the world" and you are calling others "delusional" :lol:
I never said that India is rest of the world, but what do I know, since you have such a great understanding of your own history it must be the same with your cartography.
But i've never seen any Indian who is not grateful to Jinnah and Congress for Partition. This is the greatest thing happen in this subcontinent.

And stop claiming yourself as an extension of Mughals or Sultanate. You have nothing in common with them except religion.

Read your region's and your people's history.
Really dude you have not met a single Indian who use foul language for Quiad e azam. Really? I guess you must be living in lala land.
Regarding extension of Mughals well the decendents of Mughals are in Pakistan. And they will take back what was taken from them by British. One of them told me personally that soon taj mahal will be owned by the rightly owners(mughals) with green flag flying on it.
In Islam, religion is what unites us. As a non-Muslim, you wouldn't understand.

Interesting observation. How do you reconcile that to the Sha Sunni schism which have reached epic proportions?
Really dude you have not met a single Indian who use foul language for Quiad e azam. Really? I guess you must be living in lala land.

Before quoting me from your own Lala land, read my post again and how is it related to foul language to Jinnah ?

I've not seen anyone who is not grateful to Congress and Jinnah for Partition, this is what i wrote.
Yeh cheez. Last i know India accuses West Pakistan Punjabis ruling and looting Bengalis...of better 22+ years since 1947.

Dude, what is a difference if Hindu rules a Hindu or Hindu wins against a Hindu Raja? One replaces another with a new stronger ruler...same religion. Or Congress rules India or BJP rules divided India....one and the same thing.

For Muslims....Pakistanis, Bengalis, Afghans, Turks, Arabs...anyone is the same thing....part of Islamic History...part of Muslim Rule...part and parcel of Muslim identity. For me Pakistani ruling Iran or Afghanistan is same as they ruling us.
Yawn. Really? Is that why the Muslims of East Pakistan were driven by regional identity and Bengali language to secede from their Muslim brothers?

Why is India's Hindu leadership so paranoid about Pakistan and Pakistanis? Let us examine the source of India's Pakistan phobia by looking at a series of events in South Asia and various statements made by analysts, strategists and Hindu leaders across the political spectrum.

While the Muslim League led by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah accepted the British Cabinet Mission's plan of May 16, 1946 to grant broad autonomy to states within united India, the Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress rejected it.

The Cabinet Mission plan envisaged a united independent India with the Muslim-majority provinces grouped together with Sind, Punjab,Baluchistan and North-West Frontier Province forming one group, and Bengal and Assam forming another. It provided for the Hindu-majority provinces in central and southern India to form another group. It gave the central government in Delhi the power to handle defense, currency, and diplomacy, and the rest of powers and responsibility to the provinces, coordinated by groups.

After rejecting the Cabinet Mission plan, the Hindu leadership proceeded to vehemently oppose the inevitable creation of Pakistan in 1947.

The Partition:

Since its unsuccessful bid to stop the Partition in 1947, the Hindu leadership of India has made every effort to make Pakistan fail, starting with the division of assets of British India. Pakistan was allocated 17.5% of the assets and liabilities. Cash was held by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that delayed the transfer of Rs. 750 million for several months after the partition in an attempt to strangle newborn Pakistan in its cradle. In addition, Pakistan was allocated 165,000 tons of military hardware of which Pakistan received only about 20,000 tons by September 1948. The rest of the 145,000 tons never came to Pakistan.

Why is it that India has worked hard to make Pakistan fail? To answer this question, let us look at how various leaders, strategists and analysts see the India-Pakistan relationship:

Washington-based think tank Brookings Institution's Stephen Cohen:

“One of the most important puzzles of India-Pakistan relations is not why the smaller Pakistan feels encircled and threatened, but why the larger India does. It would seem that India, seven times more populous than Pakistan and five times its size, and which defeated Pakistan in 1971, would feel more secure. This has not been the case and Pakistan remains deeply embedded in Indian thinking. There are historical, strategic, ideological, and domestic reasons why Pakistan remains the central obsession of much of the Indian strategic community, just as India remains Pakistan’s.”

Hindu RSS leader M.S. Golwalkar described as "worthy of worship" by current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

"Ever since that evil day, when Moslems first landed in Hindustan, right up to the present moment, the Hindu Nation has been gallantly fighting on to take on these despoilers. The Race Spirit has been awakening.”

Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's Defense Minister Krishna Menon:

"In Pakistan's view the Partition is only the beginning. Her idea is to get a jumping-off ground to take the whole of India.....it was from the Mughals that the British took over (India). Now the British having gone, they (Muslims) must come back (to rule all of India)"

India's ex National Security Advisor and Foreign Secretary J.N. Dixit:

"The reason Britain partitioned India was to fragment Hindu areas into political entities and ensure Pakistan's emergence as the largest and most cohesive political power in the subcontinent. Pakistan's ultimate aim is to fragment India. Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in 1948 and subsequent wars are part of this continuous exercise. The Kargil war and the proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir are the latest example of this pressure. India has not been decisive and surgical in resisting Pakistani subversion. India has voluntarily given concessions to Pakistan despite defeating it in all major conflicts. Pakistan's long term objective is to ensure that India does not emerge as the most influential power in the South Asian region. The Pakistani power structure has a powerful antagonism toward Hindu-majority civil society in India. Pakistan has sought the support of a large number of Muslim countries and Asian and Western powers (China and the US) to keep India on the defensive. Pakistan's continued questioning of Indian secularism, democracy and constitutional institutions is a deliberate attempt to generate friction within India. Pakistani support of the secessionist and insurgent forces in Jammu and Kashmir, in Punjab and in the north-eastern states of India confirms this impression."


India's Hindu leadership continues to live under the long shadow cast by centuries of Muslim rule of the Subcontinent. Many independent historians believe that India'sMuslim rulers were generally quite benevolent, a characterization contested particularly by right-wing Hindu followers of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They see present-day Pakistan as an extension of India's Muslim rule and fear being dominated by Muslims yet again, a fear articulated by India's first defense minister Krishna Menon. India's Hindu leadership needs to overcome this irrational fear to work with Pakistan to build the foundations of a better and more peaceful future for their children in South Asia.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Indian Agent Kulbhushan Yadav's Confession

Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?

Ex India Spy Documents Successful RAW Ops in Pakistan

London Police Document Confirms MQM-RAW Connection Testimony

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Ajit Doval Lecture on "How to Tackle Pakistan"

Chabahar Port


This Guy Musing Haq reminds me of One of our member @kahonapyarhai
Did I??? U mentioned Indian sources both times, hardly anyone believes..........

I didn't claim Pakistan is tolerant so your argument is useless....Your member claim India as tolerant country so I showed him mirror....Thats it....

But now I will make claim on tolerance....Pakistan is still better than India as we are not ruled by likes of intolerant chaddi sanghi right wing Hindu bakhts/nationalists who try to attack poor lady just because she shared her wonderful experience of Pakistan....

Still better than those intolerant miyans and AK wielding misbegotten inbred terrorist scumbags who jailed a fella for 10 years because he praised Virat Kolhi ..

Aye baat karney ... saaaley hypocrites
Still better than those intolerant miyans and AK wielding misbegotten inbred terrorist scumbags who jailed a fella for 10 years because he praised Virat Kolhi ..

Aye baat karney ... saaaley hypocrites

He raised an indian flag on his house. Unlike you we are not used to seeing your flag in our country.
The UNDENIABLE proof of India's Pakistan phobia (or India's obsession with Pakistan, if I may), is the number of indian members (pronounced immigrants) here on PAKISTAN Defence Forum.

Just look at the level of rat infestation we have here on PDF.

Why is India's Hindu leadership so paranoid about Pakistan and Pakistanis? Let us examine the source of India's Pakistan phobia by looking at a series of events in South Asia and various statements made by analysts, strategists and Hindu leaders across the political spectrum.

While the Muslim League led by Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah accepted the British Cabinet Mission's plan of May 16, 1946 to grant broad autonomy to states within united India, the Hindu-dominated Indian National Congress rejected it.

The Cabinet Mission plan envisaged a united independent India with the Muslim-majority provinces grouped together with Sind, Punjab,Baluchistan and North-West Frontier Province forming one group, and Bengal and Assam forming another. It provided for the Hindu-majority provinces in central and southern India to form another group. It gave the central government in Delhi the power to handle defense, currency, and diplomacy, and the rest of powers and responsibility to the provinces, coordinated by groups.

After rejecting the Cabinet Mission plan, the Hindu leadership proceeded to vehemently oppose the inevitable creation of Pakistan in 1947.

The Partition:

Since its unsuccessful bid to stop the Partition in 1947, the Hindu leadership of India has made every effort to make Pakistan fail, starting with the division of assets of British India. Pakistan was allocated 17.5% of the assets and liabilities. Cash was held by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) that delayed the transfer of Rs. 750 million for several months after the partition in an attempt to strangle newborn Pakistan in its cradle. In addition, Pakistan was allocated 165,000 tons of military hardware of which Pakistan received only about 20,000 tons by September 1948. The rest of the 145,000 tons never came to Pakistan.

Why is it that India has worked hard to make Pakistan fail? To answer this question, let us look at how various leaders, strategists and analysts see the India-Pakistan relationship:

Washington-based think tank Brookings Institution's Stephen Cohen:

“One of the most important puzzles of India-Pakistan relations is not why the smaller Pakistan feels encircled and threatened, but why the larger India does. It would seem that India, seven times more populous than Pakistan and five times its size, and which defeated Pakistan in 1971, would feel more secure. This has not been the case and Pakistan remains deeply embedded in Indian thinking. There are historical, strategic, ideological, and domestic reasons why Pakistan remains the central obsession of much of the Indian strategic community, just as India remains Pakistan’s.”

Hindu RSS leader M.S. Golwalkar described as "worthy of worship" by current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

"Ever since that evil day, when Moslems first landed in Hindustan, right up to the present moment, the Hindu Nation has been gallantly fighting on to take on these despoilers. The Race Spirit has been awakening.”

Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's Defense Minister Krishna Menon:

"In Pakistan's view the Partition is only the beginning. Her idea is to get a jumping-off ground to take the whole of India.....it was from the Mughals that the British took over (India). Now the British having gone, they (Muslims) must come back (to rule all of India)"

India's ex National Security Advisor and Foreign Secretary J.N. Dixit:

"The reason Britain partitioned India was to fragment Hindu areas into political entities and ensure Pakistan's emergence as the largest and most cohesive political power in the subcontinent. Pakistan's ultimate aim is to fragment India. Pakistani invasion of Kashmir in 1948 and subsequent wars are part of this continuous exercise. The Kargil war and the proxy war in Jammu and Kashmir are the latest example of this pressure. India has not been decisive and surgical in resisting Pakistani subversion. India has voluntarily given concessions to Pakistan despite defeating it in all major conflicts. Pakistan's long term objective is to ensure that India does not emerge as the most influential power in the South Asian region. The Pakistani power structure has a powerful antagonism toward Hindu-majority civil society in India. Pakistan has sought the support of a large number of Muslim countries and Asian and Western powers (China and the US) to keep India on the defensive. Pakistan's continued questioning of Indian secularism, democracy and constitutional institutions is a deliberate attempt to generate friction within India. Pakistani support of the secessionist and insurgent forces in Jammu and Kashmir, in Punjab and in the north-eastern states of India confirms this impression."


India's Hindu leadership continues to live under the long shadow cast by centuries of Muslim rule of the Subcontinent. Many independent historians believe that India'sMuslim rulers were generally quite benevolent, a characterization contested particularly by right-wing Hindu followers of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They see present-day Pakistan as an extension of India's Muslim rule and fear being dominated by Muslims yet again, a fear articulated by India's first defense minister Krishna Menon. India's Hindu leadership needs to overcome this irrational fear to work with Pakistan to build the foundations of a better and more peaceful future for their children in South Asia.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Indian Agent Kulbhushan Yadav's Confession

Has Modi Stepped Up India's Covert War in Pakistan?

Ex India Spy Documents Successful RAW Ops in Pakistan

London Police Document Confirms MQM-RAW Connection Testimony

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

Ajit Doval Lecture on "How to Tackle Pakistan"

Chabahar Port

Pakistan is not ONLY a country. It is also an idea. An idea of exclusivism. One of totalitarianism where social, public, private, national etc life is inspired from scripture. One of supremacy over all other cultures and schools of thought. One of resistance to assimilation. One of division.

Pakistan still lives in India. Nay, thrives in India. In hundreds of pockets all over the country - waiting to erupt at a more opportune time in the future.
Still better than those intolerant miyans and AK wielding misbegotten inbred terrorist scumbags who jailed a fella for 10 years because he praised Virat Kolhi ..

Aye baat karney ... saaaley hypocrites

No body stops him from praising Kohli but raising Lundia flag on Pak sarzameen is not allowed. Hence punishment

Kia maine aag lagadi tumhari sanghi chaddi me, Bakht? Why you are burning from top to bottom? U know why you guys are so black because you burn a lot due to your Pakistan hatred and we enjoys it. :-)

Shai wali maar di tum logo ki Riaz bhai ne....:lol:
The ancestors of Indian Hindus were subjugated by Muslims who came from the North-West (Present day Pakistan) for a thousand years. Maybe that explains their apparently irrational phobia ?
There is nothing irrational about being afraid of a threat that is real.

Are Indians afraid of Pakistan as a nation? No, absolutely not.

Are Indians wary of Islam? Certainly, yes. Traumatic experiences leave their marks. May be 500 years down the line, if we also get converted/accept, and consider Arab and Turkik invaders as our heroes - we may change that perception. Then we may consider Israel or the Americans to be a major threat. Who knows? :)

Indians are not stupid. We know the main threat does not come from Pakistan. Some tertiary terror support is there, true. But most of the bomb blasts, temple attacks, Buddha destruction, flag burning, etc are done by locals. Pakistan is an easy target to deflect the blame. All parties including BJP do it so that the majority of Indians feel safe before going to bed.

But deep down - they know. Especially the youth.
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