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India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation

Indians seem to ignore the FACT of the situation or the world politics.

India is still far weaker than China, this provocation is VERY stupid, if not suicidal at all. What, you expect the US defy China to help you? Fvck no.

God do you realize how far is New Delhi from being total deserted? or the sudden disappearance of the India Economic Boom?

We will be so happy if you got taught a lesson and fail in all aspects. Kashmir is ours, for always.
Oh? And what are they going to do about it? Fire some nukes against Delhi?

Chinese spokesmen seem to be unaware of the UN conventions on the Law of the Sea. They cannot trot out outrageous statements that the South China sea is part of Chinese territorial waters. Why can't they learn to behave like a responsible nation instead of trying, as always, to brow beat nations around the South China Sea?

They have massive tiffs with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Phillipines, Indonesia, Taiwan etc. They think the world belongs to them. Straw man arguments by the Chinese that 'HISTORICALLY' large areas belong to them is nonsense. What History do they keep talking about? Is there any cut off date for their history?

For example, Mongolia was spread over most of China in the 13th century. Can Mangolia now claim that China is part of Mangolia just because it historically was? Here's the map of Mangolia in the 13th century:


So all this 'historical' nonsense trotted out by the Chinese to lay claim on vast areas is lame and laughable to say the least.

If china historically claiming south china sea and its territories by stupidity. Then INDIA also having historical rights over south china sea and its territories becos GREAT CHOLA empire extended upto Burma , Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia , Indonesia , Vietnam , Singapore and v ruled for centuries. SO v have more rights to claim THOSE areas than Chinese. can v argue in that way? damn Chinese.
why do Pakistanis and Bangladeshis act like they are the official spokesperson of the PRC???
And i am missing Hongwu on this thread...
This will happen until UPA is kicked out
UPA only knows how to snatch money from Commom man
We will be so happy if you got taught a lesson and fail in all aspects. Kashmir is ours, for always.
That statement is born out of pure jealousy of India!! You guys are always firing your guns from China's shoulders! What the heck are you talking about when you say, " We will be so happy if you got taught a lesson and fail in all aspects"? What lesson? You need help, the sooner, the better!

And of course, the usual 'K' word. Is there anything else you guys can think of? You sleep Kashmir, dream Kashmir, eat Kashmir, the be-all and end-all of your very existence! Keep dreaming. In the meanwhile Pakistan is going to pot. When are you going to realise this and get your house in order first?

Except for the ISI sponsored Hurriyat Conference (Gilani), not a soul in Kashmir wants anything to do with Pakistan, seeing the horrifying situation prevailing out there - terrorism, poverty, non governance, and an ailing economy on ventilator!

Off topic but I had to respond. Carry on....
If china historically claiming south china sea and its territories by stupidity. Then INDIA also having historical rights over south china sea and its territories becos GREAT CHOLA empire extended upto Burma , Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia , Indonesia , Vietnam , Singapore and v ruled for centuries. SO v have more rights to claim THOSE areas than Chinese. can v argue in that way? damn Chinese.

I was about to point at the same thing. Then technically Akhand Bharat is justifiable. Some people don't know how to debate..:lol:

What about your 'akhand bharat' dream, do you not hear anyone laughing?

No one gives any real thought to that except you. Are you dumb enough to believe such nonsense. I guess only if you were Chinese..

---------- Post added at 03:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 AM ----------

If India's act is provcativethen tell me what is China's involvement in Kashmir. India's involvement is peaceful in nature as well.
india is saying from many years about pakistani occupied K but chinis never listened or got serious.its good that now they are serious.

---------- Post added at 01:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:19 PM ----------

Indians seem to ignore the FACT of the situation or the world politics.

India is still far weaker than China, this provocation is VERY stupid, if not suicidal at all. What, you expect the US defy China to help you? Fvck no.

God do you realize how far is New Delhi from being total deserted? or the sudden disappearance of the India Economic Boom?

We will be so happy if you got taught a lesson and fail in all aspects. Kashmir is ours, for always.

you can only burn and its your destiny.
Chinese warning fails to deter India and Vietnam

Ignoring Chinese warnings on Friday, India and Vietnam decided to focus on oil and gas exploration in the potentially oil-rich South China Sea while deepening their bilateral relations.

After Beijing's objections to the ongoing exploration in two Vietnamese blocks in the South

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China Sea by India's ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL), state-run Chinese news agency Xinhua said the activities could "poison" China-India relations.

However, external affairs minister SM Krishna and his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh decided in Hanoi that they would extend their cooperation to defence and various economic sectors for the next three years.

HT had broken the story on Thursday that India would go ahead with OVL's exploration in accordance with international rules and conventions.

Though the Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson declined comment on Friday, Xinhua said, "Aggressive overseas explorations from the Indian side in the highly sensitive sea, over which China enjoys indisputable sovereignty, might poison its relationship with China, which has been volatile and at times strained."

"The Indian government should be cool-headed and refrain from making a move that saves a little only to lose a lot," it said.
you know what funny part is? many of you clearly fail to understand what the harsh fact is.

Kashmir is part of Pakistani's integrity. You illegally occupy this land, that's the beginning and final end of the legend of this land.

As for oil gig is south china sea. Obviously you have many option of getting oil. but you choose to provoke China for digging any thing in China's backyard, isn't that provocative?
you know what funny part is? many of you clearly fail to understand what the harsh fact is.

Kashmir is part of Pakistani's integrity. You illegally occupy this land, that's the beginning and final end of the legend of this land.

As for oil gig is south china sea. Obviously you have many option of getting oil. but you choose to provoke China for digging any thing in China's backyard, isn't that provocative?

u lost half country,still talking about integrity:lol:
and same theories are coming about ur biggest province.its amazing that u still licking K word whereas other parts are going out of hands and fyi,kashmiris dont want to be a part of pakistan:rofl:

and we ill handle this issue,no need of ur job
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