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India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation

They want us to be to the Chinese what they are to Uncle Sam.

BTW, China is the land of lords and an incarnation of the lord's own will.

Hence, China can never be wrong. Chinese word is the command of the lord for many in the world who claim to be more Chinese than the Chinese.

i second it
Dont no why many Bang and Paks like to pretend their are Chinese.

Because they are overawed by China. It's a fashion statement to be seen as Chinese. No one cares a twit about them otherwise!! They need the support of Chinese crutches.

China is the big daddy for them! A perfect example of nationhood (never mind the democracy part!), aggressive, hegemonic, hostile, belligerent, quarrelsome, confrontational, and cantankerous! They want to rule the world and so do our friends!
Beware, they are coming! Hail to the New World Order! :police:
Its really good news for pakistan that india is winding up china. we will prob get another 50 jf 17's free of charge
Its really good news for pakistan that india is winding up china. we will prob get another 50 jf 17's free of charge

As if we care.Better become another part of China itself.
As if we care.Better become another part of China itself.
Lol...... ROFLMAO

I see a huge surge in articles from Chinese dailies about Indian exploration in Vietnam oil blocks.....

Didnt even saw a single one when chinese troops did a incursion into Indian territory nor when China building stuff in P O K.

This shows that every nation has its own interests. When you put a blind eye to our interests? why the heck do we have to care about yours?

Lets see what the world has to say ?
Its really good news for pakistan that india is winding up china. we will prob get another 50 jf 17's free of charge

50 jf 17 will be peanut. We have far better fighter jets to face any neighbours. We are going to Buy more and it will add quality and quantity too.
50 jf 17 will be peanut. We have far better fighter jets to face any neighbours. We are going to Buy more and it will add quality and quantity too.

your procurement procedure is well known for being crap. You are still flying coffins mig21's from 1960 tec. Maybe your right chinese need to give us a lot more quantity and quality fighters free of charge lol
your procurement procedure is well known for being crap. You are still flying coffins mig21's from 1960 tec. Maybe your right chinese need to give us a lot more quantity and quality fighters free of charge lol

Great insult for INDIA I am simply speechless......... . I want to ask pakistan have u never hesitate to getting aids? for everything, now u have intention to get quality fighters for free of cost? even if u get phenoil for free u will drink. If u keep on dng this u will never earn dignity and respect at world stage.
your procurement procedure is well known for being crap. You are still flying coffins mig21's from 1960 tec. Maybe your right chinese need to give us a lot more quantity and quality fighters free of charge lol

with money they give duplicate products,without money they will give surely supar dupaar products:lol:
Great insult for INDIA I am simply speechless......... . I want to ask pakistan have u never hesitate to getting aids? for everything, now u have intention to get quality fighters for free of cost? even if u get phenoil for free u will drink. If u keep on dng this u will never earn dignity and respect at world stage.

thats incredible but remember how west depicts indians in movies like slumidoggies
thats incredible but remember how west depicts indians in movies like slumidoggies

that slumdoggies went to usa and roamed in disney land free of cost..

and became millionaire in movie too ..

same west denotes paksitan as terror state
get smthing else.....
Our brothers in the PRC are right, this is their backyard, and india will not dare to anger the Dragon. :china:
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