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India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation

u lost half country,still talking about integrity:lol:
and same theories are coming about ur biggest province.its amazing that u still licking K word whereas other parts are going out of hands and fyi,kashmiris dont want to be a part of pakistan:rofl:

and we ill handle this issue,no need of ur job

True, they lost Bangladesh, but I dont see Pakistan accusing Bangladesh of illegally occuping they land. lol
Sigh, useless foreign ministry. If they can't stop it, then shut the hell up. And its true, we can't stop it in any rational way.

This isn't like playing against the US; you can protest, to make them lose their reputation and gain something for nothing. India and Vietnam are just like China, we have no reputation worth keeping and especially not to each other. In this case, protesting and then getting it ignored makes you look powerless and weak.
Indians seem to ignore the FACT of the situation or the world politics.

India is still far weaker than China, this provocation is VERY stupid, if not suicidal at all. What, you expect the US defy China to help you? Fvck no.

God do you realize how far is New Delhi from being total deserted? or the sudden disappearance of the India Economic Boom?

We will be so happy if you got taught a lesson and fail in all aspects. Kashmir is ours, for always.
Do you think Pakistan is/was equal to/stronger than India to initiate 4 wars? What makes you think India backs off to the Chinese? China could be a massive gaint to you...not for us. :lol:
If China is as strong as you think, we would not have conducted elections in Arunachal Pradesh!! :azn:
you know what funny part is? many of you clearly fail to understand what the harsh fact is.

Kashmir is part of Pakistani's integrity. You illegally occupy this land, that's the beginning and final end of the legend of this land.

As for oil gig is south china sea. Obviously you have many option of getting oil. but you choose to provoke China for digging any thing in China's backyard, isn't that provocative?

Vietnam is an important friend of India for many thousands of years. As the older kingdom of Champa or the modern Vietnam, the country has always been our friend even when we bordered them in the early centuries. It is rich in oil and gas and is offering us just like how Arabs and Venezuelans trade in the same. What's bugging Chinese on that? Want to claim an entire sea now eh? Nice shot but they'd have a reason to justify when we step into their side of South China Sea. The waters we're exploring is VIETNAMESE territory. It is their call; their territory and their government's wish. CCP can continue screaming and yapping like they always do. We don't give a jackhorse.

And learn to be on topic. You're an epic fail even in trying to troll :rofl:.

---------- Post added at 01:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:49 PM ----------

If China is as strong as you think, we would not have conducted elections in Arunachal Pradesh!! :azn:

Arunachal is none of their business. They could even lay claim to entire Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia and Japan for all we care. Don't compare our territory to their la-la land imaginations.
By reading some commets indian members posted in this thread, I think I may have understood why India worry so much about China's presence in South Asia.
By reading some commets indian members posted in this thread, I think I may have understood why India worry so much about China's presence in South Asia.

And reading the comments of Chinese members here, one can understand why CCP is so desperate to keep its internet crowd calm with those who are good with words (at least they think they can).
By reading some commets indian members posted in this thread, I think I may have understood why India worry so much about China's presence in South Asia.

we have been requesting china from many years about their activities in Kashmir ,but they never listened
Sigh, useless foreign ministry. If they can't stop it, then shut the hell up. And its true, we can't stop it in any rational way.

This isn't like playing against the US; you can protest, to make them lose their reputation and gain something for nothing. India and Vietnam are just like China, we have no reputation worth keeping and especially not to each other. In this case, protesting and then getting it ignored makes you look powerless and weak.

this move is to let China know, that both should scratch each other's back.
And reading the comments of Chinese members here, one can understand why CCP is so desperate to keep its internet crowd calm with those who are good with words (at least they think they can).

there's only 3 chinese comments here lol and most of them are very calm.
Arunachal is none of their business. They could even lay claim to entire Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia and Japan for all we care. Don't compare our territory to their la-la land imaginations.
Yeah bro...I know..Arunachal is an Integral part of India. ;)
The reason why I mentioned AP is coz they couldnt even take back territory which they claim to be in mainland china, what could they effing do when the drilling will be done far off their country and so many other nations are claiming it!!

As the indians on this forum fight for the israeli cause!

because we support Israel.

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