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India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation

Indians want to display their new-found muscle. They are eager to add something to be proud of to their dismal record of getting kicked by the Chinese. Of course, india's big daddy is around so why not. I say let them do what they want to do, we don't have to wait for long to see the consequence of it, it is in the making.

Looks like chinese stooges are active
Indians want to display their new-found muscle. They are eager to add something to be proud of to their dismal record of getting kicked by the Chinese. Of course, india's big daddy is around so why not. I say let them do what they want to do, we don't have to wait for long to see the consequence of it, it is in the making.

Indians want to display their new-found muscle.

why not??:azn:

They are eager to add something to be proud of to their dismal record of getting kicked by the Chinese

check ur record before rants otherwise shut ur mouth.

india's big daddy is around so why not

who??and no body gives damn for ur view.

I say let them do what they want to do, we don't have to wait for long to see the consequence of it, it is in the making.

yeah plz continue to do ur job of licking,i m not surprised
Looks like chinese stooges are active

Did you expect input only from the israeli and american stooges?

---------- Post added at 04:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 AM ----------

why not??:azn:

check ur record before rants otherwise shut ur mouth.

who??and no body gives damn for ur view.

yeah plz continue to do ur job of licking,i m not surprised

Ha, ha, ha!:lol:
This is a decsion taken by India & Vietnam.

I cannot understand why others are getting ants in their pants.

It's just a friendly notice so the Indians won't be surprised when the Chinese government auction the same field off to one of the Chinese oil majors. It will be fun to watch Indian companies trying to build oil platforms faster than Chinese competitors.
It's not wise to provocate the Chinese like this. Especially not in the current circumstances, where India lacks miles and miles behind China.

What is your recommendation? If it is inevitable, should we lie back and enjoy it?
It's just a friendly notice so the Indians won't be surprised when the Chinese government auction the same field off to one of the Chinese oil majors. It will be fun to watch Indian companies trying to build oil platforms faster than Chinese competitors.

I hope the Chinese do ratchet up the tensions a notch above so that the stupid babus in South Block stop their dilly dallying and start conducting "strategic meetings" with not only Vietnam but also Japan and South Korea with Uncle Sam in the loop.

Its really upto the Chinese now to decide what they want - mutual respect or sh1t hitting the fan.
I recomend SM Krishna after visiting Hanoi should also visit Beijing and meet the Chinese foreign minister and should look into his eyes and say " Teri tirchhi nazar ne dil ko kar diya pancher Oye pancher pancher pancher pancher pancher.."
What is your recommendation? If it is inevitable, should we lie back and enjoy it?

They want us to be to the Chinese what they are to Uncle Sam.

BTW, China is the land of lords and an incarnation of the lord's own will.

Hence, China can never be wrong. Chinese word is the command of the lord for many in the world who claim to be more Chinese than the Chinese.
Does OVL struck any oil in these blocks or they going to start exploration in the blocks?????or is it just talks....
Does OVL struck any oil in these blocks or they going to start exploration in the blocks?????or is it just talks....



Block 06.1 :

Participating Companies and their Shares :OVL-45%,BP-35% ,PV-20% ,(Operator - British Petroleum (BP))

OVL, British Petroleum (Operator) and PetroVietnam have developed the Lan Tay field in Block 06.1 offshore Vietnam. The field started commercial production of Gas in January, 2003. The project is operated by British Petroleum. OVL’s share of production from the project was 2.249 BCM of gas and 0.038 MMT of condensate during 2010-11 as compared to 1.967 BCM of gas and 0.042 MMT of condensate during 2009-10. OVL’s share of the development expenditure was about USD 244 Million till 31st March, 2011.

Block 127 :

Block 127 is an offshore deepwater Block, located at water depth of more than 400 meters with 9,246 sq km area in Vietnam. The PSC for the Block was signed on 24th May, 2006. OVL holds 100% PI in the Block with Operatorship. OVL has acquired 1,150 sq km 3D seismic data in the Block and the interpretation of the seismic data has been completed. Location for drilling of exploration well was identified and the well was drilled in July 2009 to a depth of 1265 mts. As there was no hydrocarbon presence, the Company has decided to relinquish the block to Petrovietnam. The Company has invested approx USD 68 million till 31st March, 2010.

Block 128 :

Participating Companies and their Shares :OVL- 100%

OVL signed a contract for 100% stake in the project in May, 2006. The project is operated by OVL. OVL had deployed the Rig Hakuryu-V on well B 128-RV-1X on 2nd September 2009 for drilling. However rig could not be anchored despite adding Piggy Back to the existing anchors. The drilling activity was terminated and it is planned that the location would be drilled in 2012 subject to successful field testing of anchors. OVL has invested about USD 46 million till 31st March, 2011
It's not wise to provocate the Chinese like this. Especially not in the current circumstances, where India lacks miles and miles behind China.

Yes, I agree with you. It is not wise to engage a powerful country like china this way:woot: By the way what do you suggest? Should India promote terror in china like :pakistan:
Yes, I agree with you. It is not wise to engage a powerful country like china this way:woot: By the way what do you suggest? Should India promote terror in china like :pakistan:

no body can do better than pakistan.even in xinjiang,pakistani trained fighters are fighting.:lol:
Indians want to display their new-found muscle. They are eager to add something to be proud of to their dismal record of getting kicked by the Chinese. Of course, india's big daddy is around so why not. I say let them do what they want to do, we don't have to wait for long to see the consequence of it, it is in the making.

Where is the question of displaying muscle? China cannot re-define international law to suit herself; this is no longer the age of the Middle Kingdom. If all countries agree by silence to their re-making each and every law that has been agreed internationally, to their own exact specification, we might as well all - including your country, including our hosts, all - simply give up national sovereignty and send tribute to Peking.

On the contrary, Peking's determination to distort law and treaty have to be tested, and the sooner tested, the better.

You do realise that extending their logic to nearer waters has direct and disastrous consequences for smaller countries in the Bay of Bengal. The rule of international law is in some respects in favour of Bangladesh; it is surprising to read your comments given that situation.

Your comments seem to be based on a view of international politics operating at the level of very immature schoolboys sorting out their differences in a schoolyard. This may not be the only way to look at these complicated matters.
I hope the Chinese do ratchet up the tensions a notch above so that the stupid babus in South Block stop their dilly dallying and start conducting "strategic meetings" with not only Vietnam but also Japan and South Korea with Uncle Sam in the loop.

Its really upto the Chinese now to decide what they want - mutual respect or sh1t hitting the fan.

Tension? What tension? It will be some Chinese companies drill in Chinese waters. Don't know why anyone would fume over that.
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