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India's oil move in Vietnam serious provocation

Well this is a diplomatic nightmare for Chinese..if China backs off India wins...if India backs off almost all countries surrounding South China Sea will become even more suspicious of Chinese intentions and will form alliance against China with the backing from US and other powers. Any ways its a win for India.
"Chinese society has already been indignant about India's intervention in the Dalai (Tibetan spiritual leader, Dalai Lama) problem. India should bear in mind that its actions in the South China Sea will push China to the limit."
Oh? And what are they going to do about it? Fire some nukes against Delhi?

Chinese spokesmen seem to be unaware of the UN conventions on the Law of the Sea. They cannot trot out outrageous statements that the South China sea is part of Chinese territorial waters. Why can't they learn to behave like a responsible nation instead of trying, as always, to brow beat nations around the South China Sea?

They have massive tiffs with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Phillipines, Indonesia, Taiwan etc. They think the world belongs to them. Straw man arguments by the Chinese that 'HISTORICALLY' large areas belong to them is nonsense. What History do they keep talking about? Is there any cut off date for their history?

For example, Mongolia was spread over most of China in the 13th century. Can Mangolia now claim that China is part of Mangolia just because it historically was? Here's the map of Mangolia in the 13th century:


So all this 'historical' nonsense trotted out by the Chinese to lay claim on vast areas is lame and laughable to say the least.
Oh? And what are they going to do about it? Fire some nukes against Delhi?

Chinese spokesmen seem to be unaware of the UN conventions on the Law of the Sea. They cannot trot out outrageous statements that the South China sea is part of Chinese territorial waters. Why can't they learn to behave like a responsible nation instead of trying, as always, to brow beat nations around the South China Sea?

They have massive tiffs with Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, India, Phillipines, Indonesia, Taiwan etc. They think the world belongs to them. Straw man arguments by the Chinese that 'HISTORICALLY' large areas belong to them is non sense. What History do they keep talking about? Is there any cut off date for their history?

For example, Mongolia was spread over most of China in the 13th century. Can Mangolia now claim that China is part of Mangolia just because it historically was? Here's the map of Mangolia in the 13th century:


So all this 'historical' nonsense trotted out by the Chinese to lay claim on vast areas is lame and laughable to say the least.

What about your 'akhand bharat' dream, do you not hear anyone laughing?
For example, Mongolia was spread over most of China in the 13th century. Can Mangolia now claim that China is part of Mangolia just because it historically was? Here's the map of Mangolia in the 13th century:

I think following China's example we should lay claim over all of SE Asia as Indian Kings once ruled over them. So in that way we have more 'historical claim' to South China Sea than China ;)
I think following China's example we should lay claim over all of SE Asia as Indian Kings once ruled over them. So in that way we have more 'historical claim' to South China Sea than China ;)

Go ahead, just try it!
Indians want to display their new-found muscle. They are eager to add something to be proud of to their dismal record of getting kicked by the Chinese. Of course, india's big daddy is around so why not. I say let them do what they want to do, we don't have to wait for long to see the consequence of it, it is in the making.

i second that, it is just proctecting own intrests.
what do you think, China is free to do any thing & Indian should keep quite.
we have various issues with China. but they never responded possitively.
Infrastructure in ***, string of pearls, blocking Indian Pharma sector in China, repeated provocation on the LAC.
how long do you think India should keep watching? at some point of time we must resopnd.
though this may not be the best time.
It is no provocation at all.

Like China is operating in Pakistan held Kashmir is which said to be in dispute, then what's the big deal of legitimate oil exploration being done in Vietnamese water with Vietnamese consent?
Was that a joke or a threat? What's your point? And why do you always write in BOLD? Some sort of inferiority complex? :azn:

Figure it out!

---------- Post added at 06:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 AM ----------

It is no provocation at all.

Like China is operating in Pakistan held Kashmir is which said to be in dispute, then what's the big deal of legitimate oil exploration being done in Vietnamese water with Vietnamese consent?

You say it is Vietnamese water, many in the world don't and most importantly the Chinese don't.
I think India should start claiming exclusive "rights" to the Bay of Bengal. Then these jamati weirdos will come to their senses assuming they have one.
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