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India's nuclear Arsenal is weaker than Pakistan's nuclear Arsenal


Don't humiliate yourself further troll world buys our narratives on 26/27

Within the hours from the claims of killing so called 300 terrorists world satellite imaging experts say you miss the targets by few hundred meters and post these satellite images on world news medias

So stop being retard and stop living in your fantasy world
I know you are familiar with military equipment.
Which is better, LCA or JF-17? Why?
This has been bunked many times. Ask your Arny what they did in the two months period when they did not allowed anybody near that site which was blasted with precision attack.

Since Modi , the rape result in instant denial bit the fear lives on...right...every weak your PM and COAS twittts how Modi is going to attack....do you know why this fear....once you get mauled , the trauma remains...forever...Gabbar ka Darr...

Try to research rather than calling other retard. Now when the truth is out from your own men as well, you look into it and do the maths.

No other Pulwana after Balatkar in Feb 2019. You can continue shouting you are virgin but the people who have peneterated you, they just laugh....
:sarcastic: :fie:
BBC reporter went very next day in ground Zero and found nothing that on ground Zero that building was and still intact and tell me how any army build new building within 2 months of constructions, and with secrecy, its is impossible to clean and build any building to construct any structure within 2 month and with hiding from local people for any country, you're really retard and stupid

and you have no proofs to prove that so called terrorists came from across the border, may be pulama incident was did by local freedom fighters, its your 24/7 propaganda/blame agenda

And your MODI and its goons were not threatening Pakistan 24/7in 2018/2019, do you forget the election campaign of BJP where MODI and his goons always barking/ threatening agianst Pakistan in his every speech in 2018/2019???

In fact your all big event (terrorist ) was/are your beloved RAW dramas from 2001 to 2008 (from Air India hijack in Afghanistan to0 Mumbai attack) to do propaganda against Pakistan internationally

And first ask your MAHAN IAF that said on 26 they intrude Pakistan airspace than after few days later your MAHAN IAF changes its narratives and said WE DIDN'T INTRUDE PAKISTANI AIRSPACE BUT INSTEAD WE USE STAND OFF GLIDE BOMBS SPICE-2000
The only Evidence of dead and surrendered Are of Indian soldiers that died and surrendered so easily

Keep begging the west

Even earlier I Have said that Dokhlam Sector - Chinese Military Causalities are still kept Classified !!!

Indian Military Circles are noticing the Western Media Work !!!
I know you are familiar with military equipment.
Which is better, LCA or JF-17? Why?

LCA is light weight compare to Jiang Federation -17 ; Jiang Federation -17 is a Heavy Weight and even the Size of LCA is Relatively Small as Compact compare to Jiang Federation - 17, Armament of LCA is compact with a bit Extra Advance Technology where as Jiang Federation -17 Armament is bigger which is visible by Open Eyes !!!
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I know you are familiar with military equipment.
Which is better, LCA or JF-17? Why?
Every weapon system (fighter jets) has pros and cons not every fighter jets of the world 100% perfect, we have different approach than you LCA project, we haven't any big aviation industry as compare to India's aviation industry, your IAF want LCA as complete and finished project that's why your LCA/TEJAS is being inducted in such a long time, but our JFT project uses different approach first we build and design rather raw product JF-17 Block-1 than we upgrade it on incremental bases to gain our know how to design and develop fighter jets indigenously
Every weapon system (fighter jets) has pros and cons not every fighter jets of the world 100% perfect, we have different approach than you LCA project, we haven't any big aviation industry as compare to India's aviation industry, your IAF want LCA as complete and finished project that's why your LCA/TEJAS is being inducted in such a long time, but our JFT project uses different approach first we build and design rather raw product JF-17 Block-1 than we upgrade it on incremental bases to gain our know how to design and develop fighter jets indigenously
Which is better, JF-17 Block-3 and LCA?
Even earlier I Have said that Dokhlam Sector - Chinese Military Causalities are still kept Classified !!!

Indian Military Circles are noticing the Western Media Work !!!

LCA is light weight compare to Jiang Federation -17 ; Jiang Federation -17 is a Heavy Weight and even the Size of LCA is Relatively Small as Compact compare to Jiang Federation - 17, Armament of LCA is compact with a bit Extra Advance Technology where as Jiang Federation -17 Armament is bigger which is visible by Open Eyes !!!
How come India doesn’t have any evidence of Chinese casualties?
:sarcastic: :fie:
BBC reporter went very next day in ground Zero and found nothing that on ground Zero that building was and still intact and tell me how any army build new building within 2 months of constructions, and with secrecy, its is impossible to clean and build any building to construct any structure within 2 month and with hiding from local people for any country, you're really retard and stupid

and you have no proofs to prove that so called terrorists came from across the border, may be pulama incident was did by local freedom fighters, its your 24/7 propaganda/blame agenda

And your MODI and its goons were not threatening Pakistan 24/7in 2018/2019, do you forget the election campaign of BJP where MODI and his goons always barking/ threatening agianst Pakistan in his every speech in 2018/2019???

In fact your all big event (terrorist ) was/are your beloved RAW dramas from 2001 to 2008 (from Air India hijack in Afghanistan to0 Mumbai attack) to do propaganda against Pakistan internationally

And first ask your MAHAN IAF that said on 26 they intrude Pakistan airspace than after few days later your MAHAN IAF changes its narratives and said WE DIDN'T INTRUDE PAKISTANI AIRSPACE BUT INSTEAD WE USE STAND OFF GLIDE BOMBS SPICE-2000

I just read first sentence and not beyond. BBC was not taken at ground zero, which was the seminary for next 2 months or more.

Dig deep....they were taken to forest areas far away from the seminary.
doesn't matter how much weaker it is, it will still cause a LOT of deaths and destruction
How come Indian army showed them swarming that one pla soldier but any casualties pics are classified?

Chinese Military Command Headquarters are aware about the Chinese Military Causalities !!! Hotline is working Fine !!! 73 Days Dokhlam Conflict !!!

You’re full of shit

Yes, Having Good Health !!! Allah Rabbul Alameen Shukran !!!
Chinese Military Command Headquarters are aware about the Chinese Military Causalities !!! Hotline is working Fine !!! 73 Days Dokhlam Conflict !!!

Yes, Having Good Health !!! Allah Rabbul Alameen Shukran !!!
Sure sure I bet your cow dung radars are world class too
Look who's talking?????............. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:...........india is the BIGGEST failed nation on earth that has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. In FACT, nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's starving and malnourished live in india. At least 569 million indians defecate in the open each day. india is also the biggest beggar on the planet that is biggest recipient of american aid:

india is too backward, poor, inferior, scared and weak to take on the might of the Pakistan military despite being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia............:azn:

it looks the truth hurt at the right place .
it looks the truth hurt at the right place .

Here is the TRUTH. Read each article carefully and thoroughly. Are you suggesting the following articles are not true?......... :azn::

Sure sure I bet your cow dung radars are world class too

Indian Radars are for National Security !!! World Class or Global Class, That Argument will be fruitless !!!

How many Enemy Military Drones have been knocked down by Indian Army ???

Enemy Drone 1.jpg


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