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India's nuclear Arsenal is weaker than Pakistan's nuclear Arsenal

Chinese Military is aware about the Real Boundary Matter but Giving Up the Invaded Territory in return for Space Program Incentives is like too Much for Indian Side.

Killing Millions of Enemy Soldiers, Do you think this is about Humiliation or exhibiting Patience !!!

Sabrun Fatahin !!!

The Whole World is aware of the Chinese Protests against Chairman Mao because of the Chinese Soldiers - Coffins & Dead Chinese Soldiers Bodies !!! Indian Side have kept the word and returned backed the Bodies !!!
Still Chinese Soldiers Dead Bodies are there in Indian Morgues !!!

Indian Armed Forces follows the Religious War Code !!!

You really need to see a mental health specialist 😂
Chinese Military is aware about the Real Boundary Matter but Chinese Military Giving Up the Invaded Territory in return for Space Program Incentives is like too Much for Indian Side.

Killing Millions of Enemy Soldiers, Do you think this is about Humiliation or exhibiting Patience !!!

Sabrun Fatahin !!!

The Whole World is aware of the Chinese Protests against Chairman Mao because of the Chinese Soldiers - Coffins & Dead Chinese Soldiers Bodies !!! Indian Side have kept the word and returned backed the Bodies !!!
Still Chinese Soldiers Dead Bodies are there in Indian Morgues !!!

Indian Armed Forces follows the Religious War Code !!!
The only Evidence of dead and surrendered Are of Indian soldiers that died and surrendered so easily

a poor atomic nation who is unable to pay it's debt of few billion dollars is not a danger for us .
Keep begging the west
Did you know, since 1947, your country using East Pakistan , used to interfere in our North East regularly and constantly.

What happens eventually when you take panga with a Big Man...he breaks your legs eventually

But this lesson not learnt...still..

It will result in another broken leg...mind it.

Don't worry, soon enough, the North East you say you try to save, would be gone like East Pakistan.
What goes around comes around.
a poor atomic nation who is unable to pay it's debt of few billion dollars is not a danger for us .

Look who's talking?????............. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:...........india is the BIGGEST failed nation on earth that has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world. In FACT, nearly 40% of the ENTIRE earth's starving and malnourished live in india. At least 569 million indians defecate in the open each day. india is also the biggest beggar on the planet that is biggest recipient of american aid:

india is too backward, poor, inferior, scared and weak to take on the might of the Pakistan military despite being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia............:azn:

If you dig a bit more, you will realise that compared to 1970's...80's (after the chop chop in1971) was better and 90's became much better and 2000 was turning point for North East. Now there is no ULFA or Nagas rebel....infact BJP has govt in most of these states.....and Indian state is much more powerful too. Cops manage law&Order in our North East and we dont use airforce to carpet bomb own land like one if the neighboring country in the Indian Sub-Continent.
And what happened on 26/27 2019 troll

If you dig a bit more, you will realise that compared to 1970's...80's (after the chop chop in1971) was better and 90's became much better and 2000 was turning point for North East. Now there is no ULFA or Nagas rebel....infact BJP has govt in most of these states.....and Indian state is much more powerful too. Cops manage law&Order in our North East and we dont use airforce to carpet bomb own land like one if the neighboring country in the Indian Sub-Continent.

Wait and see, when the bell rings, all will be revealed.
And what happened on 26/27 2019 troll

Oh, you missed my post No. 79. Check it out. You will get the answer. Please also check below Pakistani official acceptance.

Issue with you Pakistani is the brainwashing you get since your birth about your religion being better,about your genes being better, about lots of stuff which have no scientific or historical basings.....and you ....while continue sinking down, believe in a make believe world. I will gir you examples:

1) Today more people do open defecation in Pakistan in South Asia than even Bangladesh and India has the lowest rate ( after Modi) but you will believe in old narratives.

2) Today J&K has real grass root democracy , but you will believe they are in a lockdown with no phone or internet and that daily genocide is going on ( Imran still blabbers every where )

3) india has and continue to occupy more of Chinese held claim land than China has Indian held claim land ( ones claim against other) , but you have a narrative which Chinese will get mad at you all.

4) Indian muslims like muslims everywhere are the cause of riots/ initiators of riots..be it in Gujarat earlier and Delhi now.....but you have different narratives

Etc etc
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Oh, you missed my post No. 79. Check it out. You will get the answer. Please also check below Pakistani official acceptance.

Issue with you Pakistani is the brainwashing you get since your birth about your religion being better,about your genes being better, about lots of stuff which have no scientific or historical basings.....and you ....while continue sinking down, believe in a make believe world. I will gir you examples:

1) Today more people do open defecation in Pakistan in South Asia than even Bangladesh and India has the lowest rate ( after Modi) but you will believe in old narratives.

2) Today J&K has real grass root democracy , but you will believe they are in a lockdown with no phone or internet and that daily genocide is going on ( Imran still blabbers every where )

3) india has and continue to occupy more of Chinese held claim land than China has Indian held claim land ( ones claim against other) , but you have a narrative which Chinese will get mad at you all.

4) Indian muslims like muslims everywhere are the cause of riots/ initiators of riots..be it in Gujarat earlier and Delhi now.....but you have different narratives

Etc etc

Don't humiliate yourself further troll world buys our narratives on 26/27

Within the hours from the claims of killing so called 300 terrorists world satellite imaging experts say you miss the targets by few hundred meters and post these satellite images on world news medias

So stop being retard and stop living in your fantasy world

Don't humiliate yourself further troll world buys our narratives on 26/27

Within the hours from the claims of killing so called 300 terrorists world satellite imaging experts say you miss the targets by few hundred meters and post these satellite images on world news medias

So stop being retard and stop living in your fantasy world

This has been bunked many times. Ask your Arny what they did in the two months period when they did not allowed anybody near that site which was blasted with precision attack.

Since Modi , the rape result in instant denial bit the fear lives on...right...every weak your PM and COAS twittts how Modi is going to attack....do you know why this fear....once you get mauled , the trauma remains...forever...Gabbar ka Darr...

Try to research rather than calling other retard. Now when the truth is out from your own men as well, you look into it and do the maths.

No other Pulwana after Balatkar in Feb 2019. You can continue shouting you are virgin but the people who have peneterated you, they just laugh....

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